Chapter 12 Quotations

Only when everyone is allowed to speak their mind can we find the best, such as "wordofgod"s.

  2. We have electricity and Internet, but Jesus, muhammad, sakyamuni, Confucius and lao-tzu can no longer be produced.

  About women: my other half.

  About money: money is good.

  About friendship: fate.

  6. About death: destination.

  About the world: accident.

  About life: taking time.

  9. Dreams: second life.

  About life: you can only have one life.

  Life: never fails.

  About others: don't care what others say.

  About the world: freedom, equality and fraternity.

  When Lin daiyu falls in love with jia baoyu, it is not true love.

  Everyone is dreaming of a good lover. How can you be good to yourself, but can you be a good lover to others? What about him? So there is no love in the world, no good men (women).

  There's always an eighteen-year-old girl, and you're getting older.

  17. Nietzsche dreamed of the superman, who he said would despise all human beings. This is a kind of "great contempt, love of contempt, love of the most contemptible." God kris has this feeling now.

  The President of the world and the sanitation workers should be paid the same, except that the division of work is different and voluntary.

  The President of the world is but a small accountant who distributes wealth and is no more noble than anyone else.

  "Some people in this world have nothing, and some people have too much." we can say no!!!

  From the state foreign exchange reserves :)

  I will not attack unless I am attacked. I'm not a criminal if I'm attacked.

  Life can be simply satisfied, the soul of the satisfaction of the pursuit.

  The human body is not sin, but an evil thought in the human heart.

  25, the mood of a person speaking on the Internet, the reader will understand the contrary, misunderstanding will arise.

  Anyone can say anything anyone says on the Internet. A pig butcher, it can be said that Einstein did not understand science; A little bastard can call Jesus an idiot, and stand up straight.

  A basic guess: no one believes in god 100 percent.

  All sin is allowed to be ordered by god.

  God's good student satan bears his burden and works with god.

  The only fair thing in this world is time and death.

  The law of great man's wife: almost all great men have multiple wives (girlfriends), the emperor need not say, ha ha:)

  As a godsman, I think beautiful women are the most lovely. As a member of the god party, I think ugly and swarthy peasant brothers and sisters are the most lovely :)

  I learned to value every minute of my time under any circumstances, even waiting for a bus. I learned to wait patiently at any time, in any situation, and to cherish every minute of waiting, because life in general is aimless.

  Hold infinity in the palm of your right hand and experience eternity in an hour.

  I have surpassed Jesus, past and present, and beyond all, and beyond all, and I am truly the first man under heaven.

  I grasp both action and thought with one hand, and both hands must be hard :)

  You may have any thought, and you are not guilty until you turn it into action that hurts another.

  We all know freedom of speech well, but we don't know it when our own interests infringe on the freedom of speech of others.

  God ge is a play for the world and angels.

  This is one of the most shameful of peoples, whose 1.4 billion masters have been manipulated by 140, 000 servants and are helpless.

  Jesus is a fable, and kris is a reality.

  Let me put it this way: with the Internet, we can make rapid progress without revolution.

  What kind of people care about what kind of content.

  The video series during the 28 years of trial of kris, people will understand what is love and seek truth.

  Politics is for ordinary people. The elite of society play economy, philosophy, religion, science, technology, culture, entertainment and sports to improve people's quality of life.

  The three principles of the communist society are voluntary, voluntary and voluntary. Otherwise everything will be empty. Such communist life is voluntary, based on faith and love, and does not have institutional compulsion.

  It is self-evident that as long as there is a class of rich and poor in any society, there will be a revolution of theft, robbery, deception and murder, and there will never be harmony.

  To transform society is mainly to transform people. Faith is for heaven forever and for happiness in this world.

  Why there is a conflict between the present and the future? You can't have both.

  It's human nature to be envious, to look on others' kindness and to gloat over others' misfortune. When others succeed, they will reflect back their own shortcomings, while when others are unlucky, they will comfort their shortcomings.

  Freedom of speech is a matter of contention, and if everyone gives way to the great power, China will always be the great qing, the great qin. Do not die without liberty. The Chinese could never do it. They would rather live a humble life. Chinese people like this, one side to shout that there is no freedom of speech, one face is not allowed to others free speech. While cursing the darkness of the medieval inquisition, he served as a judge on the Internet, casually labeling others as heretics, cults, fifty cents, idiots, traitors, gods and sticks, and eliminating them with a little power.

  Whether we call it religion, faith, politics, civilization, or culture, what is needed is the ability to change society and the heart of the people. In the age of Internet technology, material has been or will soon be abundant. The problem is the human heart, the political system, the distribution, the culture, the freedom, the satisfaction of the soul, and that is the mission of the divine religion.

  A pile of wheat, containing good wheat and pebbles,

  When you sieve the pebbles down,

  In the sieve: all good wheat,

  Under the sieve: it's full of pebbles.

  Some looked through a sieve and thought that the heap was full of good wheat.

  Some people just looked under the sieve and thought the heap of wheat was full of pebbles.

  It's true for everyone, it's true for everything.

  No violent revolution is needed in the age of the Internet, for everyone gets the same information, changes his mind and makes his own choices as well.

  Love one more than oneself.

  Love is better than self.

  Love makes you happy.

  Science is only useful for material things. Man needs faith, and the soul needs faith.

  Everyone thinks that they are better than others, and they wish everyone could be worse than themselves. Is there any better way to find a psychological balance than to scold him for being a stronger person online?

  Despite the fact that over 2 billion so-called christians around the world claim to believe in Jesus as their Lord and hope Jesus will come soon.

  The six great leaders of the international communist movement: marnlestrade.

  Jesus + Marx + Michael Jackson + guo jing + tang bohu = ge yimin god.

  Ge is the first world President and global spiritual leader.

  To tell you the truth, you are also ge hua's friend, ge yi people god is still trying time, everything is intentional, is to play a big play, the next big game.

  Knowing and doing are one, and loving heart makes loving behavior.

  Happiness is because of love.

  Your happiness will be as great as your love.

  Sexual freedom and distribution according to needs are now only conceived, or proposed, for concrete implementation. Of course, good planning, practice and revision are necessary. Once realized, the morality of the vast majority of people will be improved, and everyone will have the restriction of the law of conscience, because of the inequality, people's morality is hidden.

  All gods are brothers and sisters, unite together.

  God kris is the spiritual teacher and incarnation of god in this age.

  It is true that theism is exploring man's final form.

  What use do you say the Gospel? Not sure about going to heaven after death? What good does the Gospel have to do with the disabled beggars on the streets, the people who commit suicide by debt, the people who survive in pain every day? And say to them, what is the use of believing in Jesus for salvation?

  The old testament refers to the Lord god, the new testament to Jesus, the "wordofgod" to god himself (creator, creator), the higher Lord is god, and not god's son Jesus. We seek god himself, not the biblical Jesus, which forms the higher Gospel.

  Is salvation certain? Who dares say? What is a certificate? Believe in Jesus? A scripture? Do a good deed, give all your property to the poor, starve and freeze to death, and immediately go to heaven, benefit others and yourself.

  My Lord is GOD, the creator, not Jesus, Jesus is my teacher. Yes, because Nietzsche did not believe in god, his superman road was blocked, and finally went to art. My superman refers to the better belief in god, the better spiritual acquisition of the spiritual body, instead of the dusty body, to eternal life with god.

  The theory of cause and effect? You have no compassion, a baby who was born sick, who survived for a few days, what did he do wrong? You're not talking about past lives, are you?

  My god is called god by his name, which means, "I am god, listen to him." The one over there.

  The Internet is locked. This is impossible. Just like the great invention of electricity before, can you imagine that human beings stop using electricity? The Internet technology revolution will go deeper and deeper into life and change life.

  I inherited Moses and Jesus, and this was my dream. So which Christian is immortal? Name one and ask him to post a pledge that seven billion people around the world believe in Jesus.

  Real people should look to the future and create it. The godless is now studying social mass production and the Internet revolution, not the death bible 2,000 years ago.

  Why is there war and struggle, material imbalance and struggle for material. In communist society, distribution according to need, material equality, everyone is brothers. In today's two major (social production and the Internet revolution), the realization of the concept of democracy and the realization of the communist society, the material conditions have been met, just as the spiritual conditions have been met, namely, the renewal of the human mind, and the Gospel of the concept of democracy has been spread around the world and accepted by mankind.

  Someone greater than Jesus, the Buddha, or the Buddha... I was born.

  Reading the bible is a skill that all men can read, and writing the bible is a skill. To believe in Christianity is what one has to believe. To create "Christianity" is what one has to do. To believe in one doctrine is nothing, to believe in all, to create one.

  Everyone should remember that the world itself is the most important, no matter parents or children, no matter what god thinks, no matter what leader.

  Winners always call losers evil, evil, and evil.

  It is far more meaningful to do one's own thing than to stop others, because to do one's own thing is one's own achievement, while to stop others is only to let others not achieve, and oneself still have no achievement. We don't stop a religion, we start a new one.

  The best ideas do not spread to zero, and the Internet provides the best tools.

  It is also true that kris was a maoism, that all ideas were inherited, but that the concept of communism was first proposed by Christian theologians. Marx inherited it.

  The biggest difference between kua democracy and marxism is the exclusion of violent revolutions, which cannot achieve the purpose of changing the social form of the economy.

  The world participates in the formation of new values, constantly revising them, and the Internet provides an opportunity.

  Kris "wordofgod" is god's word, god's contemporary word.

  No amount of people, no amount of years, no amount of hard work will ever achieve communism. And I can do it alone, 2019.

  The modern people are too tired to live, they work hard for money all their lives, and they only want to earn money to support their families all their lives. Everyone is a slave to money and does not care about the true meaning of life or the true beauty of life.

  The core doctrine of theism is not to oppose anyone. My life experiences, see the "wordofgod".

  Go along with the trend and create better conditions while making progress according to your own conditions.

  God is alone, which is why he was created, so that he may have a love object.

  God still has the right to speak today, and I am Jesus again, this time to build an eternal new world.

  "wordofgod" is god's word, is the new faith - Christian communism, is popular and easy to understand, faces all mankind.

  93. Since ancient times, thinkers, philosophers, and writers have been poor, such as Jesus, Marx, and Nietzsche.

  We must explore the ultimate human form without prejudice to the absolute freedom of the third party.

  I am more a communist than a Christian.

  96, total feudalism, has an ideal; Two is capitalism, have reality; We three communists are communism because two great realizations have been achieved.

  As long as there are people hurting people in this world, we will reform it.

  Since ancient times, literary people have been relatively light to each other. Now on the Internet, everyone is a scholar.

  There is no truth beyond the "wordofgod", no salvation beyond the god ge.

  Ge shen da.

  God ge is so great that he wants to change the minds of mankind.

  Christianity has no monopoly, but I believe in the creator and that this is the only meaning of life.

  God is human.

  It is ridiculous to believe in Jesus to be saved.

  There is no salvation outside the Christian church, which is the doctrine of the curse.

  It is the happiest thing to serve the people, because others have help for you.

  108. You have your own mind, and it just so happens that you have a little reputation.

  No matter who writes the recollection article,

  Lin biao's gang of four persecuted themselves,

  Zhou enlai protected himself.

  Don't you serve the people Isn't the higher the position, the higher the thought of serving the people? How become oneself pay is higher? How the world's first joy and joy?

  On behalf of the yellow people, I, ge yimin, join hands with the black people to thank the white people for bringing modern politics, economy, culture, democracy and science to us and bringing convenience to modern life, such as electricity, various living appliances, modern transportation tools, communication tools, computers, mobile phones and the Internet. Without you white people, we yellow people black people, still living in a dark feudal slave society today, 100 million years will not change.

  The day has come when men and women are equal

  Now, a mother holding a little boy, open the file, an old woman can touch the little boy's little finch, while saying that the little finch fly, the little finch fly.

  If one day, a father holding a little girl, open the file, an old man can touch little girl's little BB, while saying little BB flew, little BB flew, this day is the first year of equality between men and women.

  Today we have reached two requirements of our own

  Rice (steamed bread) and water.

  A word of god, kris, refuted the evil report of the wheel

  -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - him.

  Eternal life is the only value of life.

  Now it seems: no matter how poor or bitter it is, no disease is a blessing.

  Life is most precious, this can not come again, everything else can come again.

  116, curse should be useful, what should the army do?

  If the meat is reduced, the emperor becomes a skeleton.

  117. Thoughts are inherited. Marx writes books not at home behind closed doors, but at the British Museum. Why?

  118. The family of Jesus is also sick and dying.

  119, a section of "wordofgod"s and blood, 100,000 flowers and 100,000 soldiers.

  120, everything belongs to the "wordofgod"s.

  121. Solving the problems arising from science in scientific development, rather than stagnation, is not pulling backwards.

  127. It is not the organization of our party that is a cult , don't try.

  128. The government will not win you through debate, but will directly seal your mouth.

  129, no one cares about the idea, the star put a P, fragrant.

  130. Only the JB of the Communist Party can be the Japanese Tiger B. Only the JB of the Zhao family can develop into the day, referred to as Zhao Ritian.

  131. Our JB Deng Comrade's JB can't be a woman.

  But every day

  Because he is the JB of Zhao, referred to as Zhao Ritian

  Japanese women have refractory period, no day

  It's been 40 years

  Sunrise 1 trillion

  Do you say that women in the day are comfortable, or are they comfortable everyday?

  Therefore, Ge Yimin, a god, is a small day and a woman.

  123. I Ge Yimin sat down by the river in Zhenjiang. When I think of the death of so many old cadres, I will cry. It is a precious asset of the party and the government.

  124. Lu Xun today, instead of taking the manuscript fee to live the upper class, he was banned and forced to work.

  125. Regardless of urban and rural areas, a few old men around the world are meeting of the Politburo. All they talk about are national events and world events.

  126. You see Marx, Lenin, Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping, and Xi Jinping are looking up. I am a follower of Ge Yimin. I am three stories higher than them.

  127. Christians look at Jesus as looking up. I am a god of the gods. I am two stories higher than him.

  128. The ultimate in democracy is that Ge Yimin is the master.

  129, the "wordofgod" has said that the Qing Dynasty is Daqin, now Qing, called the post-Qin, the same.

  130, we are talking about me, not you, that is, I win.

  131. Any old man is a young girl decades ago.

  132, Gehua Wen Yi is happy, Gehua as long as popular.

  133. It is good for oneself, and the standard of truth is a big discussion; it is not good for itself, not for argument.

  134, 2019 Ge Yimin gave himself a small goal to achieve communism globally.

  135. Throughout the post, everyone's replies are all about things, but Ge Hua re-reads the "wordofgod"s.

  136. The essence of socialism is the feudal society. If you don't know this, you can't find a way out.

  137, Minghui news, the first few are disciples were arrested and killed by the disease, the latter few are other disciples to read Dafa to death and rehabilitation.

  138, the people do not fight with the official, summoned to detain the four sets of guns.

  139, Gehua: China and the world, need the wisdom of Ge God?

  140. Why does the party and the government reject the wisdom of Ge God?

  141. I, Ge Yimin, prayed to the Buddha and returned to the Lord Jesus.

  142. Peng's mother's waste paper box, will Peng's mother take it out and sell it?

  143, Gehua does not know what is a classic, but Gehua knows that the "wordofgod" canon is a classic.

  144. In China, the second and third generations of the Red and the third generations are rich and rich, and without their ancestors, they will have a happy life today (with ancient scrolls as them). To blame, you can only blame your ancestors for not participating in the Old Red Army and the Old Eighth Route.

  145. Jesus is resurrected, where is it now, the United States? Peter, Paul, John, where is eternal life? United States? Can four people post a tweet?

  Someone with a slight mind understands: Jesus died, the apostles died, and Christians since 2000 have died.

  Speaking of the resurrection of eternal life, where is man now? If Jesus lived, even in heaven, why did he not reveal the New and New Testament?

  It has been proved in 2000 that faith in Jesus cannot live forever. How can modern people expect Jesus to teach?

  So Ge Shen's ""wordofgod"" came out.

  146, we also believe in the Bible and Jesus, but we now believe that the Bible alone is not enough, so write "wordofgod"s.

  Not only will we go to heaven after we die, we will build the earth into heaven now.

  147. Let everyone live a basic good life that society can provide.

  Many, we believe in Jesus. I have read the Old Testament nine times and the New Testament eighteen times.

  Sister Pigeon, we are Christians. We now value Jesus over God Ge.

  Sister Pigeon, agree, the so-called Ge Shen, half dreams, half hype. Mu Sheng is a political and religious leader, so the Islamic religion develops. When our Lord Jesus suffered, it was not that there were very few followers. The development of Christianity can only be that Jesus is God.

  Our Lord Jesus lived for 33 years and had no right, no power, no wealth. Now that Christianity is the first religion, why do people believe him? It can only be God.

  We see that so many suffering people in this world really want an early date and a new earth.

  148, Ge Shen has ""wordofgod"", there is the official website of the god, he is God, he lacks nothing, but he lacks money.

  149. Ge Yimin and Jesus were born in the winter evening.

  150. Everyone has the impulse to "can't wait to kill you", but they all know that there are consciences and legal restrictions.

  151. In China, promotion and wealth are justified. Gao Gan's children are rich and wealthy, righteous and righteous. Without their father to serve the people, how could we (the original text be them) have a happy life. To blame, you can only blame your father for not willing to serve the people.

  152. If my Ge Yimin is infected with new crown pneumonia, I would rather be transmitted to me by a beauty.

  153. People all over the world can tweet on Facebook, but only the Chinese people and brothers North Koreans can't, because of reactionary information. Governments around the world are not afraid of their own people viewing reactionary information. Only the Chinese government and the fraternal North Korean government are afraid. It is nothing more than reactionary information. They are afraid that the people will wake up and discover this secret hidden in Weiguang Zheng's robe.

  154. Comrade Xi Jinping learnt that Comrade Mao Zedong personally worshiped and deified, saying that the baby no longer has to worry about the rebellion of new Liu Shaoqi and Lin Biao.

  155. Thieves and Huahuazi are not outstanding communists.

  156. I am a communist by nature and have always had a good impression of Christianity. I bought the Bible on New Year's Day in 2000. Just looking at the beginning, it fits my thoughts, so I believe in God. After going online, I have been on the Christian website. Later, my disciple's son of light told me that the origin of communism was Christianity. I found "Christian communism", and I became a contemporary Christian communism.

  157. I, God Ge Minmin, claim to be a communist. I hope that your first impression is that God Ge seeks human equality, not that God Ge wants to share your property.

  158. I think I am depicting the future, and today is the two major (socialized production and Internet revolution), a better future has been realized.

  Today's global productivity and technology can enable all people (poor people?) To lead a better life. It is really unnecessary to consume political infighting. I really seem to pass through the future communist society.

  159. Where people think that the Chinese are of low quality and are not suitable for democracy. The implication is that he is not among the low quality. In 1986, I GeYimin.

  160. To love parents and people's parents makes sense; to love children and people's children also makes sense; to love wives and people's wives does not make sense.

  161 Ancient and modern, both at home and abroad, criminal offenders are shameful and criminal offenders are honorable.

  162. People all over the world should be grateful to the United States because they all enjoy the high-quality modern life that the United States brings. All animals know how to be grateful, and they all know how to wag their tails when they give a piece of food to the dog. Those who don't know how to thank the United States, even those who are anti-American, are ungrateful and inferior to beasts.

  163. Chongta does not have a strategy for God's religion. Ge Shen repeatedly rushes to the tower, resulting in the cancellation of all domain names registered by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. Domestic hosts cannot continue to use them. Two domain names ( and have been blocked successively and cannot be accessed in China. The teaching career suffered heavy losses.

  164. If I were within the system, there would be no god net and "wordofgod" god religion, and human beings would be in the dark forever, like a long night.

  165. No one is qualified to tell me what I can and cannot see. This is basic freedom and human rights. You can take care of what I do. What I look at is completely my freedom. You can't control it.

  166. I don't care what other people think of me. I think they are not worse than anyone, ancient and modern, Chinese and foreign. And I look at everyone else, they're just animals.

  167. The network comments on me. No matter whether the information is true or false, I still include it into the "wordofgod". Just as some netizens pointed out that I can log on as others say. If it is a real-time comment, I will reply. I will not reply to overdue comments. I am familiar with "wordofgod"s and can distinguish between true and false.

  168. Girls are similar, and women have their own merits.

  169. Because omnipotence can revive mankind; Because of the resurrection of mankind, it is omnipotent. Resurrection is the greatest miracle and the only meaning of mankind.

  Since the birth of the world, there has been no fairness. We look forward to a new heaven and earth, fairness and equality.

  170. Only parents love you sincerely and selflessly. No matter how old you are, you are always small in the eyes of your parents.

  171. The dead exist in different ways, because they are with us. Believe that people do not only have this life.

  172. The most beautiful thing in the world is the beautiful human body:)

  173. It is difficult for one person to read another person's book, and it is also difficult for one person to visit another person's website.

  174. There were British Puritans who came to the United States without religious freedom.

  Today, there are Chinese god Ge without internet freedom. God net, nerve and God GE's strange news came to the United States.