Chapter 25the testimony of saints 21-33

22. The magic of the taskmaster: it is not to admit all religions to Christianity, nor to abandon all religions to belong to god

God allows all religions to be created and operated separately. However, all religious leaders need to get together to "summit", that is, to be a member of the "eldest son association", and god is the god of all gods. Theologians are first chosen. Ge yimin was named, the establishment of the general association, to contact the million churches. Because it's 117.

Kris, you have served god and done these things, your heart and your wishes.

23. Supervisor's magic: god's teaching song: the first poem of qige

Thank god for kris gege, prepare amazing grace!

Amazing grace

The perfection comes, the limit is gone

Strange: strange point, wonder, strange elder brother, strange door

Different: dream, dream drop into prophecy, follow the dream

Grace: the grace of god, the power of god, the power of god allowed, all the benefits of god.

Canon: ordinances, statutes of love, in grace, in son, the code of divine favor revealed

A crown of grace

First of all, the people of every god must have this clean crown, the crown of grace

This crown is dripping into the dreams of the people of kris to open his mouth to sing the song of amazing grace

This is for him and his people to be crowned with this holy crown.

Let every day of the year be complete

That which is lost in the past may be redeemed in any day that is not in god.

The magic of the taskmaster: kris, who succeeded Paul, made a second trip to the nations.

Paul went into them to sow his seed, and kris went out to reap them.

Paul, a sower in tears, a singularity, a harvest in joy. This is a vision of kris, like Paul.

Paul, after Pentecost by the holy spirit, the ACTS of the apostles spread, starting from the fiftieth point, and risking death on the nations

(ge yimin also observed the Passover from 5775, January 17, sickle number 77 to Pentecost)

(confirm 1:47 years old, seven years old and seven years old, seven years old and five years old.)

(2014--15 years, 46 years old, 47 years old, "wordofgod" publishing, 33 years of work, holy calendar [5775 years])

After Pentecost, ACTS of the apostles spread out twice, setting out from the heart of fifty and risking death on the nations.

"St. Jeremiah: wonderful, I am Paul of the Internet revolution, in fact, do not have to be sent to the countries, online education can be.

The overseer was wonderful: I prophesied that kris had swallowed up death

First, the idea of devouring the godless. Now I see that god has been taught to replace the armies of the godless. And again, within twenty years. Also see, the time limit is set in 2019, is about to rise. It's what god wants, what god wants, what's on god's agenda. I see, must agree, and must begin to ramble. That's what happened.

26, universal concentric circle: brother ge, you posted bar supervisor is wonderful, she is a high spirit of god

I saw your conversation just now, and she was on to the point.

>>> kaoyimin: rudi, gao people understand gao people, my sister is divine, six years alone special service god.

God is the son of god

Theism is a religion founded by the son of god

Neither ge yimin nor divinity is a commodity

There is no need to carry out hype and publicity as merchants sell commodities

The son of god testifies to the power of god with true testimony

This witness was made law

It has high legal status and real legal effect

The angels, the enemies, the sons of god, who see true testimony, will admit, to a mouthful of amen

And be a god.

28. Supervisor's magic: the first witness to kris

In prayer, I saw something.

(it may be that god responds to your words today by saying, let me pray to god and ask who you are.)

I have seen your power in my prayer, and the detoxification power of Chen xiong huang.

I saw that I was bitten by a snake before I began to detoxify.

I see, you are not bitten by snakes.

You are far more resilient than I am.

You have the ability to speak a detoxifying language.

Thank god for seeing me.

The power of your words, the ability to detoxify.

This is not bad, not bite by the snake, the network out of practice.

This detoxification ability, naturally, is to defend in the network,

Because the net has the most venomous snakes,

Where there is much venom, you will be able to show your ability, and you will be able to use it.

Above all, people need to be bitten by a poisonous snake.

YouShi on March 27, 2015, message, at the moment is my the first witness for you,

It's recognizing your abilities,

See the power god has given you.

And thanks be to god, that I may see.

This just knew for the first time, is a good man, is a good elder brother, is a good Lord, is a good net friend.

I sincerely compliment you!

This is the first time (to you) that I have ever given such a forthright compliment.

Thanks be to god! Let me know so said net friend!

These words can be used as propaganda.

One is the confirmation of gog's ability,

One is a comment on gog's character.

This has made me feel safe.

Li min: kris, you only have yourself and your thoughts in your heart

Do not add! You forgot me.

Some things, missed, never go back, I paid, efforts, but you do not see, I blame love, men and women, always just two can not intersect parallel lines.

We really can't go back, I have been abandoned by you, you really hurt me deep, I do not want to be hurt again.

We can't keep up with each other.

We live in different ways. We don't understand what you do.

30. Manjusri: Nietzsche says that god is dead;

So, kris, come;

Man is the age of god.

Limited, company;

Unlimited money money;

That's the business.

Wang shanshan e: as long as I keep thinking of ge yi-min, ideology can also take the stage.

33.Divinity and kris talk about faith

The 2016-12-10 14:15:21 wonderful

Wonderful, the name of Jesus! I am moved today to harvest from the top and know how much I suffer! He who prays and begs to go out, does he know that he is the father of god?

The 2016-12-10 14:19:54 wonderful

Everything is new here! Old things have passed, I according to your new person to know you, I call you "nose start" : the singularity point founder!

The 2016-12-10 16:56:06 wonderful

Start over! Christ's temple consists of 12,000 Kings! Temple is the body, the head starts from the nose! Nose: nose is the head of the head! Nose for short!

The 2016-12-10 17:00:22 wonderful

Ge is here to receive water, will not grow, will only die! Only the will of god (singularity), come to me, be watered, grow, and be graciously grown!

Ge yimin December 10, 2016 17:03:05

Well, it's called the singularity, the new me

The 2016-12-10 17:05:23 wonderful

You don't believe me! Or listen! You can't look back and say you were wrong! Death is the only end, god's salvation. I say these, not work toward you, just surface stand! My job is to ask for grace for all Christ, but it has nothing to do with you!

The 2016-12-10 17:10:11 wonderful

What your presence tells me is: look, as soon as you obey god's command to "start from the beginning," offer your prayer, as soon as you ask the holy spirit to work, and get out of your nose!

The 2016-12-10 17:21:46 wonderful

You want god to accomplish kris!

Ge yimin December 10, 2016 17:22:18

No conflict. I'm a believer

50 ge yimin on December 10, 2016

(9) religious teachings

We believe in god: creator, creator and ruler of the universe, first cause.

The 2016-12-10 17:22:57 wonderful

I have god at my core! You are centered on kris! So we don't know each other. Irrelevant!

Ge yimin December 10, 2016 17:23:24

With god at my core, I recognize the son of god

The 2016-12-10 17:23:31 wonderful

You're lying to the voters!

Ge yimin December 10, 2016 17:23:49

No, really believe in one god

The 2016-12-10 17:23:58 wonderful

No one will believe you, son of god!

The 2016-12-10 17:27:13 wonderful

Want too heavy, see a person to be about to sell you, see a day to spread yourself, do not divide the world, do not divide the situation, do not divide the atmosphere, raise one's hand to throw sufficient action to invite a person to be disagreeable!

Ge yimin December 10, 2016

I consider myself a revelation

Ge yimin December 10, 2016

Avowed mission

Ge yimin December 10, 2016 17:34:12

Jesus wants to preach the Gospel to the ends of the earth, a great mission

The 2016-12-10 17:35:02 wonderful

You preach "the people of kris are god," a Gospel you made yourself!

The 2016-12-10 17:40:55 wonderful

The Gospel, is god, is not a person to listen to oneself can obtain, like you, the word all knows, but does not understand exactly! That's because god, when he gave you the Gospel, you were grafted on to ge "wordofgod"! Therefore the mystery of the Gospel is hidden from you! You did not humbly regret to inherit the Gospel! Invented his own set of ge Gospel!

Ge yimin December 10, 2016 17:43:08

I think Jesus died for us, rose again, and redeemed us.

Ge yimin December 10, 2016 17:44:38

I think I'm Jesus again

The 2016-12-10 17:45:25 wonderful

You use the Gospel, seduce the believer, and then sell you

The 2016-12-10 17:47:06 wonderful

You think it's true, the son of god who believes in the Gospel as a joke!

Ge yimin December 10, 2016 17:52:09

I'm telling the truth

Ge yimin December 10, 2016 17:54:11

Wonderful, now Internet age, everybody from gao, who can convince a person

The 2016-12-10 17:55:05 wonderful

People of god submit themselves to one another

The 2016-12-10 17:55:30 wonderful

You do not belong to god. You are a free man

Ge yimin on December 10, 2016 17:55:30

Who will obey you?

The 2016-12-10 17:57:05 wonderful

We only obey Christ! Not acknowledging obedience to one's own needs!

The 2016-12-10 17:57:34 wonderful

Your logic, your words, are all about yourself!

The 2016-12-10 17:59:28 wonderful

You know god, you know the Gospel, disobedience, stand on your own feet, let god do you, let believers follow you!

The 2016-12-10 18:00:31 wonderful

The sons of god, who know the Gospel and have become believers, will not recognize you, nor will they recognize your revelation

Ge yimin on December 10, 2016 18:01:28

I base everything on this big vision:

In the autumn of 2001, in a dream, god said, "I am god. Listen to him." I woke up immediately and felt amazing to "refer to ge yimin" when my wife and children were at home. "(kris was anointed as god).

The 2016-12-10 18:03:26 wonderful

True divine inspiration dares to accept the confirmation of any voter in the holy spirit

The 2016-12-10 18:04:14 wonderful

It is only a matter of time before the test is made public

The 2016-12-10 18:05:03 wonderful

You have developed the power of speech to suppress your voice

Ge yimin on December 10, 2016 18:05:55

I am mainly a vision and communist thought

Ge yimin on December 10, 2016 18:07:16

I'm willing to accept the test

The 2016-12-10 18:08:46 wonderful

God's revelation, from god's revelation, must be tested! The first should ask god oneself, beg god to give clear confirm! The bible gives examples! Second, ask believers to identify together, let the holy spirit give certification! Thirdly, those who truly accept the revelation should be responsible for the revelation, and check the revelation again and again.

Ge yimin on December 10, 2016 18:10:04

First, in a dream, god says, "I am god. Listen to him."

Ge yimin on December 10, 2016 18:10:30

Second, believers will not identify the son of a new god, including you

Ge yimin on December 10, 2016 18:10:56

Third, god says, "I am god. Listen to him."

It's multiple dreams

The 2016-12-10 18:12:28 wonderful

Second, believers will not recognize the new son of god, including you! The divine revelation that all believers can recognize!

Ge yimin on December 10, 2016 18:12:57

Who is the son of god now?

The 2016-12-10 18:13:34 wonderful

You don't believe?

Ge yimin on December 10, 2016 18:13:45

What's your name?

Ge yimin on December 10, 2016 18:18:11

Not only did the jews not believe in Jesus, they crucified him

The 2016-12-10 18:18:51 wonderful

So you took Jesus, who was crucified by the jews

Ge yimin on December 10, 2016 18:19:40

"Listen to him." the five words only appear when god speaks to Moses, Jesus, and kris.

The 2016-12-10 18:20:45 wonderful

God's son can only say, god, the father of Jesus Christ, is my father! Don't say who I am, who my last name is who!

Ge yimin December 10, 2016 19:58:06

The ambition of my senior year

Ge yimin December 10, 2016

Five steps to reunify the world:

Peking University, abroad, Nobel Prize for literature, society, united world.

He was 16 years old.

The 2016-12-10 19:58:47 wonderful

Do you not know what truth is, that your ambition is truth

Ge yimin on December 10, 2016 19:59:10

Happiness for all mankind.