Being in a class full of nosey people and gossipers was exhausting for me. That's why during lunch, I tried to become invisible as I walked towards the library.
No, not to read.
No, not to write.
No, not to learn anything new.
My only purpose is so that I could take a nap and sleep in peace. I found a great spot for that and that would be at the back of the very last shelf. There was a kind of hidden chair and table.
When I got in my self-claimed spot in the library, I was surprised to see our very own "Library Boy". I wasn't surprised that Brent is at the library. I was just surprised that he's sitting while reading in my chosen area to sleep in peace. Brent and I have only interacted once which made me wonder if he could still remember me. I really don't care if he remembers me or not. What's important here is a place for me to sleep without our librarian bugging me with her non-stop nags about how libraries and books were "magic" for our brains. That's what she would always say everytime she catches me sleeping. If only there were sleeping quarters in our school, I would probably always go in that room. Unfortunately, we don't have that. I don't want to go to the clinic to sleep. I still prefer the library instead.
Anyway, as I approached this library dude, I cleared my throat to catch his attention. "Ehem" I made a sound which made him stop reading and turn his head at me.
"Is there anything I can do for you?" Brent asked casually and flashed a smile.
"That place is where I sleep," I started. "Would you mind looking for another place to read?" I asked.
He chuckled at my statement and answered, "You're a straightforward one, aren't you?" he said.
No, not really. I was just too sleepy and exhausted, that's why I'd like to sleep in a place where no one could find nor disturb me. I didn't tell that because the conversation might have taken longer.
"No," I answered. "I-I just need a place to sleep because I feel exhausted."
He moved sidewards a little and said, "You can sit next to me and sleep here as I read."
I refused.
"I don't want to sit next to you," I answered. "I wanted to be alone and have a great sleep. Would you mind?"
Seems like neither of us would want to adjust. Now, what should I do?
I yawned uncontrollably and made him laugh as he stared at me. I saw his eyes running into my eyes as if he's trying to look at something.
"W-what? Is there something in my face?" I asked.
"Aside from the dark circles under your pretty eyes, nothing else." he suddenly closed the book he's been reading and stood up. "I'm going to leave. It's almost time for my class, anyway. I hope you get a good and enough sleep, beautiful."
I know that I should be thankful for the compliment or lie but I said, "Your eyes must be having a problem. You better go to an ophthalmologist and have your sight checked, if I may suggest."
The last time I checked, playboys were the ones who can talk like that. Smooth. Not to judge but I'm curious to know if this guy is a playboy too. Not that it mattered, anyway so I let him go and thanked him for giving me that place. It was very nice of him to do that. I guess, it was only sympathy that made him go away.
"I'm just describing what I see right in front of me," he said. "If you may excuse me, beautiful lady. I'll be going now."
I don't believe him, not even a little.
"Thanks again and take care." I simply said then took over the place and drifted off into my dreamland.
I did my self-care routine last night, but I forgot that sleeping early must be done too as self-care. Couldn't help it. My two guy-friends called. I don't want to leave them hanging too. But I just wish they chatted with me before calling.
Oh well, the important thing here is that I really had fun speaking to my two guy friends, I guess.
To Be honest, I'm still adjusting to befriending the boys because first, I was used to being alone and second, whenever I feel like befriending someone, I would always go for a girl. Hey, don't get me wrong here, okay? I'm a total girl, not lesbian nor bisexual but I am not against the LGBTQ group.
Anyway, I was trying to sleep when I suddenly heard a ruckus inside the library. Of course, I tried to ignore the noise and drift off to sleep. In the end, I failed. I was so pissed off that I just decided to storm outside and began finding a new and quiet place to sleep.
Then I decided to sleep up to the rooftop wherein no one could bother me. As soon as I got to the rooftop, I walked towards the center and took a breath.
"Ah ~ finally. The serenity of this place is pretty great. I should have thought about this place earlier but at least I've thought about sleeping in here." I murmured.
I began walking around and saw a tent. I blinked as I wondered why a tent was set up on this rooftop.
A curious cat as I have always been, I slowly walked and peeked inside. I scanned my eyes around the area of the tent and was amazed as to how spacious the area inside was and in addition, the place was very neat and orderly.
It seems that nobody's using the tent. It was empty. So I've decided to barge in while nobody's around and using the area to sleep. Before anyone else sleeps inside the tent, I've decided to drift off to my dreamland inside the tent.
I laid down the softest part I found and made myself comfortable. That's when I found myself drifting off to my dreamland.
So, this is how it feels to barge in, huh? Reminds me of my two boy buddies.
I overslept. If it weren't for the noises of the students playing soccer and the cheers, I would probably still be sleeping right now. Not that I care about my attendance. Being honest, I wasn't sure whether I must be thankful that I am not like NJ, the perfect attendance freak or to be me, someone who doesn't really care about my attendance nor being perfect that made me feel... how do I put this?
Anxious and worried everytime.
But other times, I am kind of wishing that I've got NJ's traits. Well, at the end of the day, I'm choosing to be me.
As I opened my eyes, I scratched it gently to adjust my eyesight and wore my round eyeglass. I placed my palm down on the ground, acting as a support in order for me to be able to stand up.
As I got outside, I couldn't help it but to yawn as I stretched my arms upwards. I began walking down the stairs to check if our class was still on-going or not.
When I got into our hallway, I felt a hand grabbed on my wrist, pulling me inside the classroom. To my surprise, I let out a yelp and turned my gaze to the one who pulled me in.
"What are you doing roaming around, Quila? It's time for you to change into your cheerleading outfit. We're gonna be late!" The girl with hair that falls down until her shoulder says. She seemed to be in a hurry.
"W-what?" I answered, confused about the situation I am currently in. "Wait! I think you got the wrong person! I am not Quila, can you please let go of my wrist? It hurts!"
She chose to ignore that statement of mine and faced me. As she did, she crossed her arms under her chest and raised a brow. "Why are you wearing that eyeglass? I thought we came to an agreement that you will no longer wear an eyeglass. Didn't we talk about wearing contact lense? Okay, remove that eyeglass and wear your lenses," She ranted and followed by a "NOW!" As if she's authorized with bossing other people around. Heck, I don't even know who this person is and more importantly, how I became involved in this situation.
"Whoa, hold it right there!" I started. "I am not Quila. I don't even know her or you. I'm sorry, but you got the wrong girl."
"Stop saying nonsense," she stated. "Time's running. We wouldn't want our competitor to win, is that right?"
I've heard about the news that there will be a cheerleading competition. Well, that's the only competition our school held as an event so my assumption here is that she mistook me for Quila, who is a member of their cheerleading group.
In addition to my reasoning about assuming that I was pulled inside the classroom where the cheerleaders decided to prepare, I noticed that this girl in front of me is wearing a cheerleader's outfit. I also scanned my gaze around the area and spotted some girls who were wearing cheerleader attire. Some of them are practicing spinning their batons and some are practicing their cheerleading dance steps. Everyone seems to be busy with their preparation for this contest.
And that's when I've confirmed that I am in a room of cheerleaders contestants.
"I am telling you, I am not Quila!" I said, trying to convince her. "Can you please let me go? I-I have a class."
Again, she ignored my remark and removed my eyeglass. "Stop lying and avoiding. The Quila I know is always enthusiastic when it comes to cheerleading dance. Where's the spirit, sweetie?"
"That's because I am not Quila. My name's Beauty." I said.
"You are not Beauty. You just resemble that geek's face who is now in the spotlight for having two guys at the same time. I know her, she's got a really terrible reputation in this school," she said. "And I also know that you are not Beauty. Now, shut up and get dressed. Prepare!"
Am I even going to win against this girl? Why does she keep on insisting that I am Quila? Do I really resemble that girl?
I knew that she would never listen to me and couldn't convince her either. I have really no idea about their steps. To make her shut up with her rants, I've decided to go along.
One fact about me: I love to dance.
Don't get me wrong, I am not a dancer or good at dancing. I just love to dance. Who would have thought that I'm gonna get forced to dance out there?
It's better than attending class anyway. Maybe I could pretend that I am Quila. Where's that girl, anyway? Now, I am dragged into a situation that I don't know of and forcefully.
"Fine, fine! I'm gonna cooperate," I said. Well, this is not the usual me. I doubt that she'll let me go so I'm gonna play along. Besides, I'm only going to do this once. I am not gonna dance again out of the spotlight. "Where's my outfit?"
And with that, she gave me the cheerleader's outfit.
"Now, move your butt off and go change your attire. We're running out of time!" She said,
I can pretend to be Quila for a while, but I totally have no idea what their dance steps are. If I've got no idea what they have been practicing, then I'll just go along with them and create my own dance steps.
There's not much time remaining.
I hope that this Quila will be more responsible with her role next time. She could have sent her team a message that she won't be able to come or maybe, she's gonna be late.
And now, I have to dance on her behalf. What am I? A substitute cheerleader? Their rebound cheerleader?
I'll just do my best, anyway. I don't want to mess up their efforts and practice just for me to just show a terrible cheerleading dance.
Ugh, just my luck.