A New Home

You have been chosen by the celestials to prepare against a threat out of this world and from another dimension they predict in 10 years and 2 months this will be able to make a portal and cross into this world its name is Devak it is a Crimson blood demon and will be stronger than anything in this world that is why we chose you a being with infinite possibilities due to your reincarnation and lack of memories of your past life.


Name: Yumeno (Given by Celestain Burek)

Species: Celestial Humanoid Disaster Mimic

Level: 0


Humanoid Shell Hp:1000/1080

Shell recovery: 20 hp a hour

Wisdom: 108

Intelligence: 180

Charisma: 70




Humanoid Shell Lv.1

Star Mana Control Lv.1

Ambush Lv.9

Camouflage Lv.20

Serration Lv.2

Spatial storage Lv.5





Adaptation Mutation


Celestial Blessed

The gods didn't support this plan, but we shall provide resources for you to grow because of how much devastation and the fact that we will die if this thing comes to this world. I watched as a celestial dungeon formed in front of me and they said, "This is a place we have made for you to grow and train in please help us young one."

I walked into the dungeon and saw stars on my body lighting the area around me and I could alter how much they light up. The dungeon was covered in stars and looked like a night sky before pollution and the air felt good on my nonexistent lungs. I walked forward and saw small smiles attacking me I easily dodged them and altered my arm into a sword and detached quickly regrowing my arm slightly weaking my shell, but I needed a weapon.

Celestial Shell Sword

+50 attack

Can alter structure for speed or attack.

I swung it and slowly smiling as I wandered massacring the small rats and smiles attacking me it was kind of boring till, I got to the boss room where there was a giant skeleton of a rat covered in smile which managed to actually scratch my shell. I killed it in one blow which angered me I thought I was supposed to be growing here.

~1 level Gained~


Name: Yumeno (Given by Celestain Burek)

Species: Celestial Humanoid Disaster Mimic

Level: 0


Humanoid Shell Hp:1000/2160

Shell recovery: 40 hp an hour

Wisdom: 216

Intelligence: 360

Charisma: 140




Humanoid Shell Lv.1

Star Mana Control Lv.1

Ambush Lv.9

Camouflage Lv.20

Serration Lv.2

Spatial storage Lv.5





Adaptation Mutation


Celestial Blessed

I saw a set of stairs appear and hauled myself up to the next level but soon quickly went back down relising that each level gives me double the stats which is overpowered it even doubled what my sword did. I decided to walk to the nearest village forming elegant looking clothes on myself and dimming the light the stars on my body made making them seem like tattoos that were white on my dark skin that looking tan. I also made a dark grey sheath and made my sword look like an actual one. When I walked in the guards bowed and said, "Lord how may we help you."

I responded with " I am no lord, but an adventurer may you guide me to the nearest guild."

The guard on the right nodded and walked towards a clean noble area and lead me to a place called The Wandering Teacher. I walked in and saw what looked to be a regular guild that was made with fancy white oak boards and the clerks each were impressive in themselves even the women looked strong. I walked up to a clerk and said, "I would like to register as an adventurer I am quite experienced in the art of killing monsters and making items."

The clerk looked me up and down and said, "I am sorry, but you still have to approve your abilities noble sir."

I responded with " I am no noble, but I will allow you to test my abilities but make sure it doesn't take too much of my time."

The lady bowed her head and lead me to the back in front of a wall full of holes and said, "dodge these projectiles they shall splatter upon contact marking you we shall start at the fastest speed since you do not want to waste time."

I nodded and said, "Thank your young lady if you need help in the future, I shall grant it."

She cranked up a knob which activated the machine and it started to fire at an incredible rate, but I was almost easily able to dodge until it got 20 seconds in, and one grazed me but didn't splatter.

~An hour later~

I saw the lady behind the glass sweating as she realized she insulted someone who could easily beat a speeding ball that was B rank she then said over an intercom "You have passed the endurance speed test. Next is the strength test and the final test is mana capability."

I walked over to a room and saw a giant platform with a huge weight above it. She said " You have to lift that for 1 minute to pass the strength test I shall put it at max."

Once I started to lift it, I started to sweat because I knew my shell could barely stand it, so I reinforced my shell with my actual body and started to sweat and I let out a bit of mana to reinforce my arms but immediately it was cancelled out and I realized this was an anti-magic room. I quickly reinforced all my strength into my arms and legs causing it to be easy but a barely lasted a minute and slowly the weight came off, but I was still sweating. I saw the clerk come over and she said, "Are you alright sorry if that was too much."

I said calmly "It's fine I asked you to do this it isn't your fault that I strained myself sorry for that."

She then led me to the magic testing room which had a wizard and an orb inside. The wizard immediately said, "You have not awakened your core, but you have this much mana that is rare now put your hand on the orb to test your Affinities."

I placed my hand on the orb and it flashed black with white points inside. The mage looked at me stunned and looked me over, cast something and suddenly my suppressed mana rushed throughout my body lighting up the stars on my skin I grabbed him by the neck lifted him up and said "What are you trying to do" while glowing with stars.