Red tomato.

"Do you want me to stop?" Daphne asked as she gave Arwen a skeptical look making the woman shudder from the intense gaze she had on her.

"No do no stop if you don't want to." Arwen replied as she hung her head low to prevent Daphne from seeing her blush but it was too late for her and she could not be saved because Daphne was already a few steps away from her.

"I will like to inform you now that if you are not comfortable with anything you can tell me if you want to and also if you want to be naughty I have no problem with that but we cannot go too far now because we are still in the get to know stage.

Yes we can kiss and all but bonding is not right now and we won't mate till you and I are comfortable enough for that okay?"

Daphne put her thoughts out to Arwen while the latter was a blushing mess hearing the talk about mating. That was something she definitely had to look forward to now that she found her mate.

"I have no problem with that but for now can you just not stare at me like that? Its doing things to me and I am not sure I will be able to contain myself much longer because you smell good, too good and Raedel wants to mate."

Arwen stated making Daphne's eyes widen in shock at the information that was just released to her.

"You're in heat, the beginning of heat seeing as you can still contain yourself so it is unwise for me to be here with you."

Daphne muttered as she turned around removing her attention from Arwen making the woman feel a little bit relieved but that didn't change the fact that she still wanted to mate at all and it seemed like her situation just worsened the more he inhaled Daphne's scent and she knew she had to do something about it.

"Dap- Daphne please would you mind leaving the bathroom? You being here for now is definitely not working seeing as I'm trying to hold Raedel down before she snaps and let me tell you it's not an easy job."

Arwen stuttered but managed to force out hoping her mate would understand.

Luckily for her Daphne understood and left walked out of the bathroom closing the door behind her. The woman left in silence because she knew that if she said anything at the moment then what Arwen had been avoiding will all be a waste and that Arwen's wolf would waste no time in pouncing on her the moment she breathes her first words out and that's just breathing it talk less of actually saying it out.

She didn't want to imagine her fate if that happened.

Daphne walked to Arwen's room and stood in front of the wall before sliding her heels off her legs and then making her way to the king sized bed situated at the middle of the luxurious room.

Meanwhile Kaithleen was making her way to Arwen's room to check in on her friend, she still felt bad for what happened earlier and wanted to make sure her friend's alright but unknown to her she was in for a surprise by an unexpected guest and in her case probably unwanted.

"Arwen, are you in there? I need to talk to you and check in on you after you know what earlier today."

Kaithleen knocked on the door continuously while waiting for her friend to answer her and when she got no response at all she felt a chill run down her spine.

"Wen! You in there?" She asked as she kept knocking frantically nearly pushing the door off it's hoots but all that mattered at the moment was if her friend was okay or not.

Left with no choice Kaithleen banged the door open and was met with an amused Daphne sitting gracefully on Zelda's bed with a smug grin on her lips.

"Surprise surprise." Daphne said lowly as she stared right back at Kaithleen.

"What are you doing here and where the hell is my friend you b*tch?!"