17: Orientation Final Four: Battle One IV

"…BONE-LASHER!" I roared.

Bone-lasher's crystal structure shot out of my crystal and landed behind me. It let out a vicious roar and glared at Damon and the rest of his team.

"No! NO! NO! That's my evo!" Damon screamed.

"If you liked it you should have put a crystal on it!" I replied with a devious smile. "Bone-lasher knock him out!"

Bone-lasher dashed from behind me and immediately closed the gap between it and Damon. With one swipe of its paws it slapped Damon into the air then swung its body around to slap Damon its tailfin as he fell back to the ground, sending him flying into one of the shorter walls.

Astrid and Alberto were stunned by the sudden shift in the fight. Too stunned to even move. I took that moment of weakness and charged some mana into my hand, it instantly turned into lightning mana. I fired the lightning bolt at Astrid just as she snapped out of her daze and turned to look at me. The bolt hit her, shocking her then arching to strike Alberto who was standing next to her.

"Shit!" He screamed as he was knocked to the ground. The bolt wasn't enough to knock Astrid out but it hurt her.

I charged another attack, hoping to strike them before they had the chance to regroup but Alberto's crystal was already shining.

"Greekon!" He yelled and a crystalline structure shot out of his crystal and landed in front of him just as I fired my bolt. A titan emerged and took the bolt for him.

'Shit!' I thought. I hoped to take them both out before one of them summoned their evo.

"Damon DeCharles: knock out!" Dean Baxter suddenly announced.

I looked over to see Bone-lasher standing on top of a unconscious Damon, pushing his head into the sand. I could easily sense the pride emanating from Bone-lasher.

The spectators in the coliseum stands had been stunned to silence seeing the evo that Damon claimed that he'd use to 'put me in my place' suddenly on my side and kicking his ass. Hearing the dean announce that Damon was knocked out seemed to knock everyone out of their trance of disbelief. Some cheered, some booed but everyone was on their feet.

I turned my attention back to the titan and frowned. My lightning bolt wasn't strong enough to knock it out or even damage it really.

"Bone!" I yelled keeping my eyes locked on the titan. "Cage match!"

With a smirk I rushed the titan charging another lightning bolt.

"You think I'm stupid!" Alberto yelled. Safely behind his titan he cast a enchantment spell sigil. A yellow beam shot from his hands and struck me. Ethereal chains started to circle around me then suddenly stopped and shattered. I felt a surge of energy when the chains shattered.

"That shit don't work on me!" I shouted.

"Greekon stop him!" Alberto yelled. I skidded to a stop as his titan slammed its fist down blocking me from getting closer. I smirked as Bone-lasher ran around behind the titan and jumped on its back. The titan roared in pain as Bone's claws dug into it's skin and climbed up to his nape. The titan tried to reach back and pull Bone-lasher off it but it couldn't reach.

I ran between the Titans legs and threw the lightning bolt at Alberto. He held his hand up a defensive sigil starting to form but it wouldn't form in time. The bolt nearly hit Alberto when it suddenly changed direction and flew towards Astrid on the ground. She had a fully formed defensive sigil.

The bolt was absorbed into the sigil and then fired back at me. I screamed as I was knocked backwards several feet, the electricity coursing through my body making me spasm on the ground.

I looked up and saw Bone-lasher flying towards me with electricity coursing through it. Bone landed a few feet away from my twitching like I had been a second ago.

"Greekon!" Alberto screamed. His titan had fallen to its side, blood gushed from a deep wound on the back of its neck. Even from where I was laying I could see a part of of its spinal column sticking out, there was no recovering from that wound.

"This is over!" Astrid yelled as she stood up. She held out both her hands and a offensive sigil formed. Two lightning bolts far larger and more dangerous looking to anything I had made shot put both aimed at me.

'Shit!' I thought as the deadly looking bolts quickly approached.

"Chase!" Jane screamed. The sand around me and Bone-lasher suddenly started to whirl around us in a typhoon. The lightning stuck the makeshift sandstorm and was split into a hundred of smaller bolts the stuck the ground around us in a circle.

I turned to see Jane standing in front of the half wall that she and Iris were hiding behind earlier with her hands outstretched and casting a defensive sigil.

"Chase get up!" I heard Iris yell behind me then felt someone grabbed and pull me to my feet.

"Tri-clops?!" I gasped. Iris looked visibly annoyed but quickly turned her attention to Astrid and Alberto.

"What the hell?" Astrid yelled then looked over at Alberto, who was now weeping at the sight of his dead titan. "This was supposed to be a easy win."

The typhoon of sand disappeared and Jane ran over to Iris and I. Bone-lasher stood up and did a quick shake.

"Lets hurry up and finish them." Jane said.

"On it!" I said then rushed forward, charging mana into my legs and right hand. "Bone, go for the knock out!"

As the mana turned into lightning my speed greatly increased and I rushed Alberto. He turned to look at me just as I grabbed him by the shirt with my right hand and shocked him; spinning on my heel I used my momentum to throw him into Astrid, while I continued on and crashed into the wall.

The plan was to turn Alberto into a flying shock grenade that took them both out but Astrid had already cast a defensive sigil. A wall if ice formed in front of her and Alberto crashed into it.

"Alberto Silva: knock out!" Dean Baxter announced. The wall of ice shattered and Alberto fell to the ground.

"I'm not losing to some peasant trash!" Astrid yelled and started casting a offensive sigil. Two fireballs suddenly crashed unto the ground in front of her knocking her back. I glanced over and saw both Jane and Iris had cast a offensive sigil and Jane was casting another.

"Bone-Lasher now!" I yelled. Bone jumped out of the shadow of the wall and tackled Astrid into the air. A gust wind slammed into Astrid mid-air and sending her crash into the wall.

"Astrid Folders: knock out! Winners; Jane Yearwod, Iris Stone, and Chase Kingston!"