33: Star Child: Establishment III

"This is the final section of the lab!" Dean Baxter said motioning toward the large structure in front of us.

It resembled a giant bank vault and was covered in the same silver coating as outside walls of the laboratory except on the door. It was copper colored like the lab door.

"It's a bank vault." I said. Dean Baxter nodded walked up to the vault door then spun on his heels to face the group.

"It's for storing more sensitive materials and samples. It has all the same defensive spells woven into it as the outside walls with a little added security. The only ones that can access this vault are you Chase and myself." Dean Baxter said.

Iris frowned and crossed her arms.

"Why only you and Chase?! We'll be using this lab as well?" Iris demanded.

"Because the other works of Deilopho Salagor are housed there." Krylessi spoke up. He walked over to the other side of the door and turned to face the girls and I. "These works are still the collages property and they are worth hundreds of millions. Because of this the two of you are not allowed to access this room by yourselves and as a precaution Dean Baxter is added to the list of people allowed to access the room. The collage insisted this rule be added."

"That's ridiculous!" Iris snapped. "What do they expect us to try and steal them?"

"While I don't personally believe that Iris, the board feels otherwise. They have not been advised about yours and Lady Jane's true identity like I have so this was a gentle compromise." Dean Baxter explained.

"I see." Jane said then turned to Iris. "This is a reasonable request considering the worth of those books."

Iris frowned and deflated and looked away from everyone.

"It's not like I'm going to steal those books…" She muttered.

'Is she seriously pouting?' I thought.

"Now Chase if you would do the honors?" Dean Baxter asked.

I walked up to the vault door and placed my hand against it. The whole door stared to glow and a spell sigil appeared around my hand and stated to scan my arm. The sigil shattered around my elbow like one outside did and the door stopped glowing then slid into the ground.

The inside of the vault was vast and rather empty. The walls were lined with safety deposit box like doors about a hundred if them on each wall. The doors were copper colored like the vault door so I could assume they function the same. The middle of the vault had a long metal table and a few chairs. At the back of room stood a pedestal; four leather bound books in varying colors levitated over the pedestal circling each other.

"I feel like I'm in a bank." I said as I walked inside. The dean smirked and followed me inside.

"It's defiantly just as secure." He chuckled.

"The books!" Jane said pointing to them at the back of the vault.

I walked up to the pedestal and grabbed one of the books. This one was bound in black leather and looked as worn as mine. I cycled some mana into the book and it came to life. I opened book to the first page and read the title.

"The Axiom perspective. Guide to the understanding of axiom spells by Deilopho Salagor." I read aloud. Iris and Jane beamed.

"I've been looking for that book for years!" Iris exclaimed and ran over to me Jane was right behind her. She peeked over my shoulder and practically vibrated with excitement.

"Here Tri-clops." I said closing and handing her the book. Her eyes got wide and a broad smile spread across her face. She took the book and squealed.

"Thank you!" Iris exclaimed then ran over to the vaults metal table and sat down to read it.

I grabbed the next book; it was bound in yellow leather; I cycled more mana into it then opened this book.

"Defensive fighting for offensive splicers. A guide to better understand the art of Defensive sigils by Deilopho Salagor." I read aloud.

"Chase!" Jane gasped as she peeked over my shoulder. Without a word I closed the book and handed it to Jane. "Thank you! Thank you!"

"You're welcome!" I shouted to both her and Iris over my shoulder.

I grabbed the next book, it was bound in white leather. I repeated the same process as the first two then opened it to the first page.

"Mind over beast, a compete understanding of the psychically gifted evo by Deilopho Salagor." I said then arched a brow. "While I'm sure it's a good read not really helpful for me."

I closed that book and placed it back on the pedestal. It started levitating and circling the last book. I grabbed the last book which had a grey leather cover and cycled some mana into it and opened it just like the other three.

"The language of runes, the full guide to the alphabet of the ancients by Deilopho Salagor…?" I muttered. I owed the book and placed it under my arm.

'I'll need to check this one out a little more.' I thought then I turned to face the dean and Krylessi. They were both standing at the entrance to the vault watching Iris and Jane as they read their respective tomes. I walked over to the both of them to talk when dean Baxter saw me and quickly threw his hand up.

"Hold on Chase." He exclaimed. I stopped in my tracks. "There is a extra protective measure on the vault of anyone tries to take those books out the vault will close and send a message to my office. It won't let open again unless I come and open it."

"Wait you can't get in the lab unless I let you in." I said. "What if I accidently trip this defense system?"

"In the case that the vault's defenses are tripped the lab will allow me and only me inside." Dean Baxter explained.

"I would say that's excessive but these books are worth hundreds of millions." I said.

"All of them are Deilopho Salagor's works."

"Then I can confirm that Andromeda Collage has kept up their end of the bargain." Krylessi said. "My office will be in contact about setting up a account for Chase's stipend."

"Of course." The dean replied. Krylessi walked past me over to Jane and Iris.

"I'll be taking my leave Lady Jane." He said with a slight bow. Jane looked up from the book and smiled sweetly.

"Thank you Krylessi, and if we could keep all this from my father I would greatly appreciate it."

"Of course. As far as anyone knows I've taken a few personal days." Krylessi responded. He then turned and walked out of the vault.

"I'll escort you out." Dean Baxter said and turned to leave with Krylessi.

"Dean, wait!" I exclaimed. He stopped and tuned back to face me.

"Yes Chase?"

"Somethings been bugging me since I got to the lab. I have all of these assurances that for all the things that you've promised me but what assurance do you have that I'll deliver my system?" I asked. Dean Baxter chucked softly.

"Just a feeling I have. You're not the type to turn your back on a deal." He said then turned and lead Krylessi through the lab. He left me there with a dumbfounded look on my face. Finally I just shook my head and walked over to the table with Jane and Iris.

"Well now I'm feeling the pressure." I said as I sat down next to Jane.

"Well don't buckle Star Child. If I lose access to this book I'll kill you!" Iris griped pointing a finger at me. I rolled my eyes and opened the book to the second page.

"What's that book?" Jane asked.

"The language of runes, the full guide to the alphabet of the ancients." I said. Jane and Iris both gasped then rushed over to my seat and look over my shoulder.

"Oh my gods! Deilopho's book on runes!" Jane gasped. I scowled and looked up at them.

"What are runes?"

"Like the book says it's the language of the ancients. Runes are the funny shapes and letters you see in spell sigils." Jane explained.

"Funny shapes and letters…?" I parroted.

"Well they only seem funny to us since we can't read them." Iris defended. I furrowed my brows at the both of them.

"Wait? What do you mean you can't read them?" I asked dumbfounded. "You just said that they make up the spell sigils you use."

"Yes but the knowledge of what each and rune means has been lost over the millennia." Jane said. "All you really need to learn a spell is a spell sigil card. With enough dedication and talent you can memorize the spell sigil and then mold your mana into the shape of the spell sigil to copy it."

I looked blankly at both Jane and Iris trying to judge if she was actually serious. Unfortunately they both were. K threw my head back and started laughing hysterically.

"What's so funny!?" Iris demanded.

"This!" I cackled motioning to the two of then and the book. "You're telling me that runes are the basis of all spell sigils which you need to cast spells and that no one in the entire world can read them anymore!"

I doubled over and nearly fell out of my chair. Iris slapped me on my shoulder and frowned.

"There are some people that can read them…i think about five." Iris defended.

"Five! Out of millions!" I cackled.

"Sure laugh it up!" Iris said. And I did. I laughed for a good two minutes. When I finished I wiped away a few tears then smiled deviously.

"He's doing that smile again Lady Jane…." Iris said. Jane sat down on the table and looked at me.

"What are you thinking Chase?" Jane asked.

"That this book is a gold mine…if it can actually teach us to understand runes then Baset's assignment is no problem." I replied.

"You still can't cast spells!" Iris groaned.

"And we can find a workaround for that. I mean how does someone even personalize a spell?" I asked.

"Well normally you change a part of the spell sigil gradually. Which part is a toss up." Jane replied.

"So basically you change parts of a well known spells but since you can't read the runes you don't know which part you're changing. But if you did know…." I said motioning to Jane and Iris.

"You'd know exactly what parts to change and could better guess what the effect could be!" Jane exclaimed then looked down at the book.

"Well that's fine and all but that still doesn't change the fact that Chase can't cast spells or learn new ones!" Iris reiterated. I groaned and turned to Iris.

"I know Tri-clops! But it's something on magic! Something that none of us knows! Look the way I see it there are three obstacles in front of us that'll keep us from passing this assignment. One: I can't cast spells. Two: we don't know what spell we can personalize or how to. And finally three: none of us can read runes." I said. I held a finger up as I counted off each problem. "There are three problems and three of us. We can each try and solve one problem and possible pass Baset's assignment or just give up like Iris is suggesting."

"I'm not saying we give up! I'm just saying that everything is stacked against our group." Iris defended. She sat down on the table on the other side of me and frowned.

"Well I came this far. I'm not just going to throw in the towel." I said as I looked down at the book. "I'll study the book and try to learn about runes. Jane you figure out what spell we're going to personalize and how. Jane you see if you can't come up with some idea on how to work around my mana manipulation spell."

"Why are you giving orders now?" Iris asked, narrowing her eyes at me.

"Cause I'm the only one coming up with a plan. Unless you got one?"

"No…fine." Iris muttered. "Don't expect much." Iris jumped off the table and walked around to the book she left on the other end.

"I never do when it comes to you Tri-clops." I said with a chuckle. "Ow!"