76: Star Child: A Keepers Past II

"Chase, take that thing off right now." Jane said in monotone voice. I scowled and turned to look at Jane.

"Oh come on!" I exclaimed.

"Chase you are already turning into a freak of nature, the last thing you need a enchanted item that turns your mana to a gun that shoots black holes!" Iris snapped.

"That only happens when I use shadow attribute mana!" I snapped "Oooh! What happens when I use volt attribute?"

I switched mana attributes and the glock 12 disappeared and was replaced a Skazzas wreathed in lightning. My eyes twinkled with glee as I looked down the sights of the rifle and pulled the trigger just right of the hole in the wall. A large bolt of lightning shot from the muzzle of the gun and slammed into the wall with a deafening crackle, leaving a hole twice as large in the wall.

"Oh shit…!" I exclaimed.

"Noooooope!" Iris, Jane, and Astrid all exclaimed as they rushed me. Iris jumped on my back while Jane and Iris both wrestled with my hand to get the Luluby off my wrist.

"Hey stop!" I snapped and tried to shake then off but Jane and Astrid had already yanked the Luluby off my wrist and retreated behind Elder Luna.

"You are the last person in the world that needs this item!" Astrid snapped. I growled and shook Iris off and glared at Astrid and Jane.

"Oh come on! Name one reason why!" I groaned. Iris s scoffed and stood up

"I'll give you three! You're crazy, borderline suicidal with your plans and you have no concept of safety!" Astrid replied. I crossed my arms and frowned at her.

"Name one time I had no concept of safety." I said.


"You charged a angry Liger shark and took control of it." Jane added.

"You literally just shot two holes in the wall over there." Iris piped up.

"You preformed body modification on yourself and ended up in the hospital when the claws you created tore through your skin." Baset said.

"You had me carry a corpse while getting Chase by Niger soldiers!" Alberto snapped.

"I mean but nobody died…" I argued. Everyone groaned at me then Jane placed the Luluby back in Elder Luna's hand.

"As someone who's life is probably going to be put in danger because of my proximity to Chase at any given day I humbly ask…that you lock this bracelet in a vault, throw that vault in the ocean, ensuring that it is guarded by no less than two full companies of aquatic evos at all times and then never, ever, ever telling Chase where it is." Jane said.

"Okay now you're just being dramatic!" I exclaimed.

"No she's not." Baset said. Elder Luna laughed and shook her head.

"In light of your friends and teacher's comments, I'm going to hold this for you until a later time when your first instinct isn't to shoot a hole into the wall…" Elder Luna said then glanced over to the hole I made earlier. She slid the bracelet back on her wrist then held out the tome she had tucked under her arm to me. "This should make up for the lost of the Tolapo Luluby."

Elder Luna handed me the tome like it was a sacred artifact. I took the tome and opened it to the first page. The tome was a journal written in Torapos, the pages looked worn and browned with age but gave off a familiar scent. I read the first few lines and scowled as I re-read those lines.

"After many hours of testing I've concluded that there are two categories of materials for item enchanting: Conductors and non-conductors. Conductors are material that mana can easily pass through, such as wood and similar organic materials. Whereas non-conductors are materials that mana cannot pass through without the help of the conducting material Rhank such as metals and other precious gemstones…" I read aloud. It took me several more seconds before a devious smile tugged at my lips.

"It's that damn smile again…" Astrid groaned.

"It's a research journal about creating enchanted items!" I exclaimed. Everyone's eyes grew wide with panic, while Elder Luna just smiled.

"It was your grandmother's journal. She wrote in it every time she made a major discovery about magic or enchanted items. That book is the result of years of her hard work and dedication, if you wish to follow in her foot steps I'm sure this will help you." Elder Luna said.

"That books worse than the bracelet!" Iris snapped. "He'll be able to make his own enchanted items!"

"Yes he will, if he wants. And that decision is his and his alone." Elder Luna said with a little steel in her voice.

"I feel like it would be better to just let Chase keep the journal." Baset said to the rest of the group. Everyone looked at each other then sighed in defeat. "However I would like to talk about this waloiki, our class has already been here longer than I expected. Our transport back to the college is probably already at the meet up."

"If you would like I could have a messenger sent to the meeting point to inform your transport what has happened and to give you a few days." Elder Imani said. Baset looked a little conflicted about Elder Imani's proposition.

"Of course time is a factor and preparations must be made for the waloiki. If you were able to stay I'm sure the rest of the council would not mind granting you and your class access to the village's library and talk to some of our spell casting masters…" Elder Ndila said enticingly.

Baset stilled and the expression on her face showed that her interest was piqued. She looked away from everyone and I could literally see the gears in her head turning. I smirked and looked over to the elders, Elder Ndila looked particularly please with herself.

"I suppose that could work…" Baset said thoughtfully.

"Wait what?!" Alberto exclaimed. He and Damon looked like they were about to launch into a full blown rant until Astris grabbed them by the collars and dragged them back over to the doors. I couldn't hear what she said to them but judging from the terrified looks on their faces it was a threat that would give even I a moment of pause. They all quickly returned and both of the annoying idiots kept their heads down.

"Disregard my teammate's prior comment." Astrid said sweetly.

"So there is no objections?" Elder Luna asked.

"It seems not." Baset said quickly.

"Then we'll begin preparations!" Elder Imani exclaimed, happily clapping her hands together. "Baset Paragon if you could prepare a note explaining everything we'll have someone sneak it to your transport."

"I'll have it done immediately." Baset said.

"Then if there is no other business I'd like to bring this meeting of the council to a close." Elder Luna said. She turned and looked to the elders that were seated then nodded and turned back. "We'll have some lodging prepared for you shortly, until then then Geryo could you house our guests in the barracks?"

"Of course Elder Luna'lana ." Geryo replied then turned to the rest of the group and started to show them out.

"Um…Auntie can I speak with you a minute after everyone has left?" I asked. Elder Luna looked surprised but nodded and turned to give the other elders a look. They all nodded in understanding and got up and left with Geryo and the others. When the two of us were alone Elder Luna turned back to me and smile.

"Is something wrong Chase?" Elder Luna asked. I shook my head.

"I just wanted a moment to talk with you alone…to prepare you." I said softly. A look of concern spread across Elder Luna's face as she took my hands into hers.

"Prepare me for what?" Elder Luna asked in the same sweet voice that Grandma Lulu used whenever I had a bad ay at school.

"The waloiki. The most trying moment of my life that's going to be shown to the entire village is the day that…that Grandma Lulu'nala died." I said fighting back a wave of emotion. Elder Luna's eyes widened as my words sunk in. Her grip on my hands tightened slightly as she closed her eyes. When she opened them again she looked me directly in the eyes.

"You were there when she died?" She asked. I nodded slowly and blinked away tears that were forming at the memory.

"She died in my arms…" I said then trailed off.

"Was she strong? Did Lulu'nala meet her end with courage?" Elder Luna asked. I nodded and wiped away the tears that I could no longer hold back.

"She's always been the strongest person I knew." I replied.

"Then I will not dishonor her memory by turning away from her strongest moment." Elder Luna leaned forward and placed a kiss on my forehead then flashed me a sad smile. "Or her greatest gift."