99: Star Child: A Keepers Ascension III

"CHASE GAELBOR KINGSTON!" Iris roared as she marched into the laboratory vault. I looked up from the piece of wood that I was in the process of sanding smooth and frowned at her for using my full name.

"What are you screaming about Tri-clops?" I groaned. Jane walked into the vault just after Iris with the same pissed off look on her face.

"We just finish learning that personalized flame spiral spell you made. We can't use that for our assignment, it's overkill!" Jane exclaimed. I rolled my eyes at then as they stood in front of the table I was using for a work station and put their hands on their hips.

"It is not over kill! I just added three attributes to the spell." I defended.

"Was one of them detonate with extreme prejudice!" Iris snapped. I started to snap back at them when I noticed that their clothes were singed and covered in soot. I frowned and leaned back in my chair.

"What the hell happened to you two?" I asked.

"We used your spell…" Iris said through gritted teeth.

"Inside the library's spell range." Jane added. I made a silent "oh" shape with my mouth then looked sheepishly at the girls.

"I probably should have warned you that is not a inside spell huh…?" I said softly.

"YA THINK!" Iris snapped. I flinched and slid down into my seat a little.

"Chase, when we go back to Andromeda three days ago and you told me that you already had a spell customized for Iris and I to learn, I was terrified because of your track record for overly destructive spells. Then you told us it was a customized version of the flame spiral spell and I thought you were just being lazy. Then I used the spell and BLASTED a MASSIVE hole in the side of a three hundred year old reinforced magic range wall!"

"Whoops…" I said softly.

"Whoops is right! The poor librarian thought World War five had kicked off!" Iris snapped.

"What exactly did you add to the spell Chase?" Jane asked.

"Well let's see…condense, solidify, and shock. So the spell reads condense burn and shock, spiral and solidify then shoot." I replied.

"Wait! So you turned flames and lightning into a solid mass and fired it…no winder it blew up the wall! You turned flame spiral into flame grenade!" Iris snapped.

"I didn't think it would be that strong!" I defended. "I mean how bad is the damage?"

"About forty thousand dollars worth." Jane said then let out a huge sigh. "Though that's being optimistic…"

"And you're paying for it!" Iris growled.

"Wait why me? You two are the ones that blew the hole in the wall!" I exclaimed as I jumped put of my seat.

"By using your personalized spell!" Iris quipped pointing a finger at my chest.

"Oh screw that fucking noise! Aren't you two from rich noble families?" I gripped.

"Yes but it's not like you can't afford it right now." Iris said.

"I only get a hundred thousand a semester from the college! I can't blow almost half of that on damages you two caused!" I grumbled.

"Well it's a little late for that… we told the librarian to charge you…" Jane said. I groaned and rubbed my temples.

"Whatever…it's not going to matter much anyway. It's not like I would blow through a hundred thousand dollars quickly by myself." I said then plopped back in my chair. "I'm guessing you want me to personalize another spell. One less destructive."

"That would be nice…" Iris said. I couldn't help but notice how snarky her tone was.

"Something defensive…or maybe a utility spell…or both…" I said then smiled deviously.

"Nope! Not happening! We can fail!" Iris said then quickly turned to leave the vault.

"Wait hold on before you go and assume my plan is going to be deadly and dangerous." I said stopping her. "Both of you have different specialties, defensive and utility, where I'm more all rounded but point more towards offensive and axiom. Why make one personalized spell when we can make three. To highlight all three of our specialties."

"One small problem with that Chase. We only have a little over a week left to learn these spells. And I'll be honest, it was hard learning that flame grenade spell. I don't think any other spell you make will be any easier." Jane said.

"We'll see about that…" I said then jumped up and walked over to the table next to mine and picked up a few blank spell sigil cards that I bought from the college's library two days ago. I walked back over to the girls and placed them on the table. "Okay Jane if I had to guess I'd say that ice wall spell you use is your specialty. And Iris invisibility… can you two cast those spells so I can see the sigils?"

Jane and Iris shared a look but did as I asked, each casting a sigil just long enough for me to copy it down onto a piece of paper. I then looked at each spell sigil and added a few runes to each spell then rewrote the new spells on a piece of paper.

I took a blank spell sigil card and wrapped it in one of the new spell sheets then did the same for the other. I closed my eyes as I held both cards into both hands and channeled mana into them and it flowed effortlessly into the paper. The bundles erupted into flames as the paper was burned away and the spell written on them was started to be cast. Instead of the spell sigils floating off the paper however they were drawn into the sigil cards. The cards glowed a bright vibrant red as they levitate above my hands. As they cooled they floated slowly back into my hands.

I looked them over then nodded and handed each of them their corresponding spell sigil card. The girls both looked at the cards worriedly.

"Don't worry they aren't offensive spells. Once you two learn the spells swap them." I said.

"And what are you going to be doing while we learn these new spells?" Iris asked. I held up Granma Lulu's journal as well as my great-great grandfather's journal.

"Study. I now have tomes on creating enchanted items, splicing, the Runic Language, as well as making a mana system to look at. Honestly as long as I have paper I can pass this assignment." I said.

"That's true…"Jane said with a weary sigh.

"I think I learned about as much as I can from Grandma's journal though, I'm going to try and create my own enchanted item." I said placing the books down and holding up the wooden piece I was sanding before the girls barged in. "Going to make a wooden bangle then scribe a spell into it and see what happens."

The girls both looked intrigued and terrified at the same time. I smiled then went back to sanding the bangle.

"Just be safe Chase." Jane said in her motherly voice.

"Yes Mom…" I said mockingly then blew the dust off the bangle and gave it a once over before I checked Grandma's journal one last time.

"See you later Star child." Jane and Iris both said as they walked out of the vault.