104: Star Child: A Keepers Ascension FIN I

"Chase why the fuck did you bring you enchanted item prototypes!" Iris growled as she yanked my ear. "The dean and everybody else noticed what they were almost instantly!"

"OW! OW! OOOOOWWWWW!" I screamed and jerked my head away from Iris. I rubbed my sore ear and scowled at Iris. "Because it's easier to use a enchanted item to cast a spell than it is to write a spell on paper!"

"Could you two not argue like this right now! The Dean's guest can still hear us!" Jane exclaimed.

Jane, Iris and I were still on stage just hiding in a invisibility field for a minute so we could collect our composure. That was not going over well as Iris was pissed at nearly being killed by yet another Paragon.

"Well thanks Tri-clops for shouting to the world that I had used a enchanted item prototype!! And why didn't you say this over the telepathic link?" I snapped back at her.

"Because I'm too angry to use that right now!" Iris snapped then punched me in my arm.

"Sorry! No honestly sorry!" I said as I took her punch. "I went way overboard. I should have stopped when I saw how angry she was getting…"

Jane said, causing both Iris and I to look at her sideways.

Iris exclaimed.

Jane said.

Iris rebutted.

I started but Jane held a hand up and shook her head.

Jane said then looked towards the bleachers and up at Loki.

Iris offered.

I sighed and looked down at my enchanted prototypes. <…Thanks to someone they know about my enchanted item prototypes…>

Jane interrupted.

I replied then smiled deviously.

"Oh no…he's smiling again…something bad is going to happen…." Iris groaned. I just kept smirking as I snapped my fingers and the invisibility field popped like a bubble and we were visible to everyone again.

The dean was back in his seat at the top of the bleachers only Baset was sitting in The Morgan's seat with Astrid, Damon, and Alberto standing behind her seat. I took a good look at the faces of the Dean's guests, all eyes were laser focused on me.

Iris asked.

Jane said.

I exclaimed then stepped in front of Jane and Iris.

"Well I guess we better get back to the presentation, let me start by explaining the spell I used to stop Morgan's spell. That spell was called Ice fortress, it's the personalized version of the Ice wall spell." I said and channeled some mana into the ice fortress enchanted block. A defensive spell sigil activated in front of my hand and a liquid flowed from the sigil to my body and solidified into a frosty mist that took the shape of a cape.

The guests and everyone gasped as they saw me activate the spell with the enchanted item. Jane and Iris cast the spell the old fashioned way then stood at my sides.

"The Ice fortress spell is designed to keep the caster safe by forming a wall of ice whenever the user is in danger…" as I said danger Iris did a spin kick aimed at my head. The ice fortress solidified into a small ice shield and blocked the attack, the ice shield then turned back into mist. I frowned and gave Iris a sideways glance. She just smirked at me. "…As you can see the spell will block any incoming attacks and looks amazing."

"Incredible." Dean Baxter said then smirked and pointed at the enchanted blocks in my hands. "What's more it seems that you didn't have to use a spell written on paper. What's that you have in your hand?"

"Oh come off it Baxter! You totally heard Iris yell about my enchanted item prototypes while we were in the invisibility field!" I exclaimed and pointed at the dean. He simply shrugged his shoulders.

"Couldn't think of a better way to segway into you explaining how you have a enchanted item for a personalized spell that you created." Dean Baxter said.

"Because I made the enchanted item. Thought they're just prototypes." I said. I held up the ice fortress enchanted block. "I don't really want to get into it because I want to get through the rest of this presentation real quick. Please safe any questions until the end."

That announcement seemed to make all the guests a little disappointed and excited at the same time. They whispered amounts themselves but kept one eye on me and the girls. Loki however looked unamused, he sat with his arms crossed over his chest and staring at me. It didn't escape my notice that he never once looked in Alberto's direction, even when Alberto tried to talk to him directly his father simply raised his hand to silence him and further humiliate Alberto.

Jane said.

I asked.

Iris snapped.

I said in a teasing tone.

Iris snapped and took a step towards me. I laughed and behind Jane.

"Stop you two!" Jane said in her motherly tone.

"Yes Mom!" Iris and I said.

I pocketed the ice fortress enchanted block and held the flame grenade enchanted block and started channeling mana into it. A offensive spell sigil formed in that hand. I held that hand up and a fireball formed in my hand then three more fireballs formed around that one and condensed together until they became a solid ball of pure fire. The flame grenade fired into the air with a loud boom. It flew in a long arc then landed on the other end of the coliseum arena.

For a split second there was a small flash then a loud thundering boom followed by a shockwave that knocked Jane, Iris, and I off our feet. Even the guests in the bleachers and the dean felt the shockwave.

I groaned and pushed myself up then helped Iris and Jane to their feet. All three of us looked to where the flame grenade landed. There was a huge crater the size of the foyer back at the dorms at the other end of the arena. I blinked a few times then looked down at the enchanted block then back at the crater.

"Did this spell do that with you guys?" I asked and pointed to my crater.

"Yes only to the library range wall." Iris said.

"Fuuuuuuuuck!" I groaned. "How the hell did that spell get so strong! I'll have to tweak it."

"Well that's a powerful spell!" The dean exclaimed. I looked back to the bleachers and saw the dean smiling broadly and clapping, Baset was shaking her head and rubbing her temples.

"Sadly not his most powerful one if my students are to be believed." Baset said. That phrase caused the guests in the rest of the bleachers to erupt into chatter.

"Okay! To conclude our presentation that was the flame grenade spell a personalized version of the flame spiral spell. As you can see it is a spell that combines multiple flame spiral spells together into a solid mass that is then fired and detonates on impact with…excessive force" I explained. "And that is our presentation of our personalized spells."

Almost instantly the bleachers erupted into cacophonous yelling and screaming to talk over each other and trying to get my attention. Iris sighed and stepped in front of me then took a deep breath.

"ONE AT A TIME!" She roared. Her voice booming over the collective voices of the guests. They all got quiet, whether out of obedience or indignation but it gave Jane the opportunity to speak up as well.

"Chase has already agreed to answer questions but no one can understand you all if you speak at once. Please raise your hand and Chase will call on you." Jane said with a angelic smile.

Following her instructions almost all the hands of the Dean's guests went up. The image kind of reminded me of a classroom of inpatient kids all excited and wanting thr teacher to call on them since they knew the answer.

"You." I said pointing to a splicer in the bottom row of the bleachers. He was Japanese man was dressed in a fine suit that had a pin with the crest of the countries military on it. The suit looked expensive to me but compared to some of the extravagant outfits that was ware in the higher bleachers it was rather plain.

The man looked surprised that I called on him but that was a calculated decision. While the Morgan was a Paragon it was obvious that she had next to no combat experience, she go her title because of her research. The man I called on did not look like a researcher but ex military, the very fact that Dean Baxter invited him here meant that he was experienced or at least well known in spell craft or at least using spells in combat.

"Well, I first wanted to ask you of you had that spell flame grenade recorded on a spell sigil card? And second if you did how much would you be willing to sell it for?" The man asked.

'That didn't take long…' I thought as I glanced over at Iris and Jane.

Jane asked, there was a cold steel in her tone that made the phrase seem more like a order than a question.

I replied.

Iris snapped.

Jane said.

"To answer both questions, I did but thanks to a small accident at one of the libraries that spell sigil card was destroyed...along with the library spell range back wall…" I said then sheepishly look up at Dean Baxter. He shook his head and smirked.

"Yes and thank you for agreeing to pay for the damages." The dean said.

"Next question!" Iris said spurring the guests to shoot their hands up. I scanned the faces of the ones who's hands were up. I zeroed in on a woman in full military dress. Her uniform had more medals pinned to her chest than I had near death experiences in the last two weeks.

"You." I said pointing to her.

"Yes, Major Tannis Sutherland with the Australian Republic Army. Can anyone use the spell sheets that you draw?" Tannis asked.

"Yes and no…" I said then reached into my backpack and pulled out my notepad and a special pen. The ink in the pen was replaced with Rhank so mana could be conducted easily. I quickly scribed a Shadra blade spell while I talked. "While anyone with the mana manipulation and conversion spell can cast a spell from my spell sheets with little to no mana cost, that same spell can't be cast by someone without that spell unless it is scribed in Rhank and even then that spell costs significantly more to cast if cast this way."

I tore off the spell sheet and handed it to Iris. She held it in two fingers and looked at me like I'd handed her a live grenade.

"It's Shadra blade, not flame grenade or black hole." I said.

"Humph!" Iris said then channeled mana into the spell sheet. The page caught on fire as she started casting the spell sigil and her eyes grew wide. Shadows condensed into a solid blade in her hand and Iris looked considerably weaker. "Ra's breath Star Child! That spell took almost two thirds of my mana!"

I walked over and placed my hand on her shoulder and started channeling my mana into her body. Our farm crystals glowed blue for a few moments as I topped up Iris on mana.

"Thanks Star Child." Iris said.

"Any time Tri-clops."

"Chase Kingston what was that?!" A man in the second highest row asked.

"I just shared some mana with Iris since she used so much." I said casually. The bleachers erupted into chaos. Jane and Iris gave me a look like I said something stupid then it clicked as I realized I had.

I told the girls.

Jane sad.

I turned back to the bleachers and the people now screaming for my attention and confirmation when Baset spoke up.

"Yes he can transfer mana to others, I have witnessed this ability myself. It's something that is common in his family!" Baset exclaimed over the shouting of the others, this seemed to shut them all up.

Major Tannis quickly raised her hand against before anyone else remembered to. I pointed to her and nodded slightly.

"What about the enchanted items you used? Are they for sell?" She asked hopefully. It took all the self restraint I had to not smile like a deviant when she asked that question.

"Unfortunately no…" I held the enchanted blocks I had used up fir everyone to see. "…I call them prototypes because I wanted to make sure I could use the spell properly and consistently that are inscribed on then so I used very cheap materials. As a side effect they get damaged with each use."

I wasn't lying either, both of the enchanted blocks had small cracks and a slight burn look to them. The ice fortress enchanted block more so than the flame grenade enchanted block since it had been used twice. Both blocks were the fourth revisions of my prototypes, the ones that came before only worked about four times before they just crumbled. While slight better made those two blocks had about five casts before they were toast.

"What if you were provided the materials you needed to make better quality enchanted items as well as a sizable bonus for exclusively creating said items for The Australian Republic?" Tannis asked. The Japanese man who asked a question earlier stood up and stomped his foot.

"Hold on now! The Royal Japanese Defense Force would be willing to pay double whatever the Australian Republic Army would for your enchanted items Young Master Kingston!" He shouted.

"The Aztecan Empire would be willing to pay any price!" Another man shouted from the tier below The Dean's and Baset's.

The whole bleachers devolved into a chaotic shouting match as one guest tried to shout over each other. I stood quietly, letting the people's emotions rise as they continued to argue. I looked up at Baset and saw her shaking her head while smirking. The dean also had a smirk on his face as he stood from his seat.

"SILENCE!" He bellowed, eclipsing everyone else's screaming with the deep commanding tone of his voice. Everyone fell silent and looked up to the dean. "One at a time! How can young Kingston understand you if you all talk at once?!"

"Thank you Dean Baxter…" I said then took step back and grabbed Iris and Jane and wrapped my arms around their shoulders in a friendly way. To their credit they didn't try to pull away from me or punch me in the face like I was sure Iris was going to do. "…to answer everyone's question right away, I will not enter into any exclusive contracts with any one person or country but we will be starting a business, selling custom enchanted items and spell sheets."

Iris and Jane both froze and looked to me narrowing their eyes at me while I continued to smile as if I wasn't going to be strangled later for deciding this without consulting them.

"How would someone place a order for a enchanted item and how much would they cost?" Tannis asked.

"I'm going to let my head of logistics department, Jane Yearwood, answer that question." I replied and patted Jane on the shoulder. She smiled sweetly at me while pinching my side.

Jane said telepathically.

I replied as I winced.

"Well I would first like to say that what Chase is offering is handmade enchanted items, a service that no one else in the world is able to provide. As such; for the foreseeable future at least; we will only be accepting a small number of orders and the price will be determined on the spell and the complexity of the spell. So naturally simple offensive, utility, defensive, and enchantment spells will be cheaper than a axiom spell." Jane explained then tapped my shoulder.

"Basically more power, more money." I added with a smirk. "That's the motto of the Sho'lajah artifact company. Accepting orders soon!"