108: A Company of Fools III

"Chase move your ass!" Iris yelled as she and Jane raced through the laboratory.

"Yeah! Hurry up! So we can start!" Jane yelled as well. I frowned at both of them as I struggled to keep up.

As soon as Baset dismissed class today, Jane, Iris, Astrid, and Damon were out the door and running like mad men to get back to the dorms. By the time I caught up with Jane and Iris back at the dorms they'd already dropped their stuff off in their rooms and were racing out the door with a cooler in each hand. I didn't even bother taking off my backpack as I turned tail to follow them.

Now that they were in the lab they were making a beeline towards the splicing circle in the corner of the laboratory. Jane and Iris reached it first naturally and were waiting impatiently for me at the edge of the splicing circle.

"Could you two at least tell me what the hell you two are trying to do?" I asked as I stopped in front of them.

"We're going to splice obviously!" Iris exclaimed. She bounced in place excitedly and set down the cooler that she had been carrying then knelt as she opened it. A wave of mist flowed out of it. As the mist cleared I could see vials of blood stored in neat rows inside. Iris smiled fondly as she started looking over each vial.

"You're aware that splicing is just mashing the DNA of different animals together to create something new. To do this a splicer needs a catalyst from all the DNA sources." Jane explained. "Depending on the splicer that source could be skin, sweat, scales, fur, the entire head of the animal but the most common and arguably the easiest catalyst to use is blood."

"That's why Baset gave us three vials of blood?" I asked. Jane nodded and opened her cooler and walked over to show me.

"Those weren't just any vials of blood either. Komodo dragon, Tasmanian devil and Cuttlefish are some of the most expensive animals in the world in the world to buy catalyst for. Those three vials of blood alone probably cost upwards of two million a piece." Jane said.

"That sounds about right. Techno-splicing uses blood exclusively. And I know getting samples can be pretty expensive for a company." I said. Iris and Jane frowned at my comparison.

"Yes I'll bet but that's about where the similarities end. Splicing is a an art form while techno-splicing is…mechanical." Iris said.

"Like with all things splicer, mana is the most important factor when it comes to actually splicing. The more different catalyst you start adding the more mana it cost to stabilize and fuse them together. For the average splicer creating an evo from two different animals like the steed could cost almost all their mana. Only about ten percent of all splicers in the world have enough mana to splice an evo from three different animals. Only the top two percent have enough mana to make an evo from four different animals and I've never heard of an evo being made from more than four." Jane explained.

"If mana is the main reason that splicers can't splicer more than two or three different animals together then why don't a bunch of splicers get together to create an evo?" I asked.

"Two major reasons. Tandem splicing like that is very difficult. To do it one of the splicers would need to be able to share their mana with other members of the group and act as a sort of mana well to evenly distribute mana to all splicers that are trying to splice. The second reason is recognition, if the evo is created using a team effort then no one splicer can get the recognition for creating it." Jane said. I frowned at her then shook my head.

"So a legitimate reason and a petty ass one…gotcha." I muttered. "So do you two have enough mana to create an evo from three different animals?"

"I'm not sure…" Jane replied. "The last time I attempted to splice an evo from three different animals I didn't have a completed mana system."

"So mana systems play a part in this as well?" I asked.

"Oh definitely!" Iris exclaimed as she stood up. "Mana systems help direct mana flow and consumption, if your mana system is geared towards splicing then it can cut how much mana is wasted during splicing by thirty to forty percent. My system is geared towards spell casting but it helps cut waste still."

"Given how much mana you have Chase you probably wouldn't have any difficulty splicing evos from three different animals." Jane observed.

"Then there's whatever happened to you after that Waloiki ritual!" Iris exclaimed. "I never got around to asking before but did it help with your mana at all?"

"It did actually…" I said then held my hand up and started channeling burn attribute mana into my hand. As I was engulfed in flames I waved it at the girls. "I'm using a lot less mana when I channel mana now, even using spells doesn't cost much. All those spells I casted three days ago and resupplying your mana Iris didn't even use ten percent of my total."

"Ra's breath!" Iris exclaimed. "How inefficient is using that mana conversion spell?"

"Very apparently." Jane said then tapped her lip thoughtfully. "It's entirely possible that Chase has enough mana to create a evo from four different animals. Maybe even more if he has a fully refined mana system…"

"That's a terrifying thought…" Iris groaned. "Tier four evos are already considered world class treasures because of their rarity. Chase would probably make something that could destroy a continent."

"Tier four?" I asked.

"Yes, evos are broken into tiers based on the number of animals it's made out of. Evos like Lyons and Steeds are tier two. Liger sharks and that Lowell Titan that Loki created are tier threes. Currently the only tier four evos I know of are bone lords and Walgermitzers." Jane explained.

"The fun thing about tier fours because of their rarity usually only one can be created so once a tier four dies that evo loses its status as a tier four." Jane said.

"That's sad…" I said.

"Yeah…all that hard work just pushed down the drain once an evo dies." Jane said.

"But enough about that let's get to work!" Iris said excitedly and held up three vials, unlike the ones in her cooler these were filled with a clear, murky fluid. Jane took the vials from Iris's hands and walked to the center of the splicing circle.

"What were those?" I asked.

"Blood vials, just like all the others. Only they have insect blood." Iris replied. "Particularly the giant centipede, bullet ant, and the Golden-ringed Dragonfly. Not really great animals to use in splicing but they're great for Jane to use to see if she's capable of splicing a tier three evo."

I stood with Iris and watched as Jane prepared the three insect catalysts. She knelt down and poured the contents of each individual vial into a separate circle at the center of the splicing circle. She then stood up and walked back to the edge of the splicing circle with us.

"So what type of evo are you planning to make, combat, transport, utility?" I asked. Jane shrugged.

"Not sure, it's just a test so it doesn't really matter." Jane said. I scowled and took a step back.

"You at least have a general idea on how you want this evo to look or what it's genetic structure is going go be? Make sure there isn't any RNA rejection or protein breakdown?" I asked. Jane chuckled and looked back at me.

"Why would I worry about things like that? It's not something I can actually check for before I create a evo, only after it's created." Jane said waving me off.

"We have a lysdale gene delivered simulator, I could whip up a quick lysdale script and we could see using that." I offered. Jane and Iris both rolled their eyes and groaned.

"Chase this is real splicing, not some cheap copycat shortcut that normies cooked up to try and emulate splicers. An art form that has been refined over millions of years, to use those…machines and techniques would only taint it and cheapen the evo created." Iris said patting me on the shoulder then smiled broadly and crossed her arms over her chest. "Just watch Lady Jane and you'll see!"

Jane turned her attention to the splicing circle and got down on her knees at the edge. She placed her hands on the dark red line that outlined the edge of the splicing circle and closed her eyes. She remained still for several seconds, reminding me of priests of the ancient Norse gods that I often saw going through town on a pilgrimage when I was younger.

The outer ring of the splicing circle started to glow a bright violet glow as the farm crystal on the back of Jane's neck glowed the same color. The circles that the three catalyst were in glowed as well and the clear liquids started to float off the ground. They levitate about a foot off the ground then flew together, twisting and mixing into one orb about the size of a marble. The entire splicing circle glowed violet now and the catalyst marble levitated about three more feet.

Jane stood up and took a step back, both the circle and her farm crystal stall glow. She held her right hand out and started casting an axiom spell sigil. I tried to read the spell but the runes were more complex than any I had seen to date, I couldn't understand them to save my life.

Jane cast her spell and a beam of red energy shot from her outstretched hand and struck the catalyst marble, it glowed red; twisting and spewing for several moments then settling. Jane immediately started casting another axiom spell sigil, just like the first I couldn't read any of the runes.

Five yellow beams of light shot from Jane's hands this time. They flew high above the circle before landing at five specific spots in the splicing circle. The circle changed from a violet glow to a yellow one and a bright veil came over the entire area, blocking my view of what was going on inside.

Jane clapped her hands together and held them close to her chest, taking a pose similar to someone saying prayer. A loud wet squelched sound came from inside the circle, followed by the sounds of flesh ripping and tearing, a hard shell cracking and splintering. I felt my stomach lurch at the sounds and had to cover my mouth.

I looked to both Jane and Iris and neither seemed bother or even focused on the sounds coming from inside the circle. Judging from the focused look in Jane's face she didn't even notice them. These noises went on for several hours or at least if felt that long, it honestly could have just been a few minutes that dragged on for an eternity. Just when I thought I couldn't stand it anymore the noises stopped and sweet silence filled the air but not for long.

A loud, wet, reverberating screech filled the empty silence, it droned on for several seconds then sputtered becoming more wet and shrill with each sputter. I grabbed my ears and gritted my teeth. Again Iris and Jane both seemed unbothered by the screeching, the only sign of acknowledgement that they even heard it was Iris flinching slightly at its onset.

[MAKE IT STOOOOOP!] Bone-lasher roared as I felt waves of anger and nausea flow from both him and Alpa'nagia.

[PAIN! SSSSSSO MUCH PAIN!] Alpa'nagia cried out.

"Iris…." I started only to be shushed by her.

"Lady Jane's almost done." Iris said curtly.

Jane started casting a third axiom spell sigil. A white beam shot from her hand this time and struck the field obscuring the splicing circle directly. The field and the circle turned white. The sputtering screeching turned into one long deafening tone that made my vision blurred and my knees buckle.

"Girls…that…" I started only to be interrupted by Iris. "Hold on she's almost done."

Jane's third spell ended and the splicing circle gave off a blinding flash of light as the field surrounding it shattered. I blinked my eyes a few times to try and clear the white floaties that clouded my vision. When it did return I saw Jane on the floor gasping with Iris by her side rubbing her back. I saw a skitter of movement in the direction of the circle cent and turned to look and wish I hadn't.

The evo that Jane created; if you could even call it that; laid in the center of the circle. About as wide as my forearm and as long as my body it was very long for a insect evo. It leaned very heavily into the centipede DNA with a long segmented body, hundreds of legs and pairs of dragonfly wings sticking out of every other body segment. I took a couple of tentative steps toward the Evo and noticed that it was incomplete.

There were huge of flesh and carapace missing from each body segment, its legs were bent in unnatural directions and some were in the wrong place on its body. The wing was papery and thin, brittle to the point that the slightest movement was causing them to break. It had two large compound eyes that were murky and filled with puss that leaked out of every adjoining comb in the eye.

I stopped only a few steps in front of Jane and Iris and stared mournfully at the broken and injured evo as it let out pained shriek after pained shriek.

'That…was splicing…that was fucking art…?' I thought.

"Lady Jane you did it! You spliced a tier three evo!" Iris exclaimed happily as she rubbed Jane's back. She looked up and made a face like she'd smelled bad fish when she saw the Evo. "Though it doesn't look like you can call the evo itself a success…but hey you still completed all three spells, that counts!"

"Yeah…I used up almost all my mana to do it though." Jane sat up and looked at the evo she created and shook her head. "Poor thing…Iris put it out of its misery…"

"Of course Lady Jane…"

[NOOOOOOOOOOOO!] Bone-lasher and Alpa'nagia roared as they forcibly jumped out of my crystal and landed in front of the Evo, assuming defensive positions. I spun around and faced Jane and Iris, blocking Iris from getting any closer.

"JANE! IRIS! WHAT THE FUCK!" I roared. Iris stood defensively in front of Jane and started casting an offensive spell.

"NO! Chase what the fuck! Call back your evos!" Iris ordered, her eyes darting from the very pissed-off Bone-lasher and the terrifyingly angry Alpa'nagia.

"Chase what's wrong? Why did you summon Alpa'nagia and Bone-lasher?" Jane asked.

"What's wrong? THAT!" I roared pointing to the evo. "That was splicing! That was an art form!"

"That wassssss butchery!" Alpa'nagia hissed.

"Butchery?!" Iris exclaimed defensively. "That's being a little dramatic! Yeah, it was a little rough but it was Jane's first time attempting to splice a tier three evo!"

"Rough? It sounded like pure hell! That evo was screaming in agony the entire time and neither of you could even bother to care!" I snapped.

"All splicing is like that, there can be no birth without pain." Jane said.

"My creation wasssss nothing like that. It wassssss painlesssssss, only my rebirth wasssss painful. Worssssssse than my death." Alpa'nagia said. Jane and Iris both looked confused at each other.

"Well, what do you want us to do then! That evo is created! It's a failure and it's suffering! The humane thing to do would be to put it out of its misery!" Iris snapped.

"The humane thing to do would have been to not attempt splicing it until you had worked out all the variables and made sure you could do without injury!" I snapped back. "If that was your precious art form then I'm glad I'll never be able to splice the traditional way! I'll take techno-splicing over it any day if it keeps any evo I create from suffering needlessly!"

I turned on my heels and walked over to the Evo. It couldn't see me but heard me approach. It let out an aggressive-sounding screech that then turned into sputtering sounds as blood flowed from its mandibles and out of the various wounds throughout its body.

"Chase what are you going to do? You can't save it like that, even if you cast a healing spell all they do is rest the body to their default setting. For that evo that's its default, it's genetics are messed up." Jane said.

"WHO'S FAULT IS THAT?" I barked back at her as I knelt down. The evo cowered as I neared, thrashing its head left and right, trying to get its body to move and only making the wounds on its body bleed worse.

I gently placed a hand on its head. The evo stilled as if waiting to see if I would harm it. Instead I started channeling mana into its body and gritted my teeth as the most excruciating pain I've ever felt racked my body.

"If its genes are the problem then I'll just change them!" I exclaimed as a crystalline structure formed around the Evo and it flew into my crystal. Crystalline structures firmed around Bone-lasher and Alpa'nagia and they flew into my crystal as well. I could feel my mana being redirected to the space inside my crystal that the evo resided in to try and heal it and keep it alive.

I stood and turned to look at Jane and Iris. My body shook with rage as I looked at them. I had to take a second to calm myself down and distinguish my rage from Bone-lasher's and Alpa'nagia's.

"Chase…" Jane started but I cut her off with a look then turned and headed for the vault.

"Just leave me alone for a bit…and let me focus on this evo…" I said softly as I passed them.

When I reached the vault I took a position at the center of the room and knelt down and sat crossed-legged. I closed my eyes and focused on the space inside my farm crystal the evo was dwelling. It was sucking in mana at a slow rate, my crystal turning it into flesh attribute mana to try and heal its wounds but the mana was merely repairing the same damaged gene sequences without trying to fix them. I let my consciousness fade and flow into the evo's space.

'Hold on, I'll fix this…' I thought.