152: A Company of Fools: Chase Kingston, Reluctant Instructor II

"Actually, she was a normie. She has a twin sister who was a splicer but had no talent with enchanting, so she helped her test out her creations." I explained. The eyes of every student and Samura wided to the point that u thought their eyes would pop out.

"A normie?" Samura gasped.

"Yeah, there is usually one every few generations in her tribe. Grandma Lulu wanted to be helpful, so she learned how to read the runic language and how to enchant items." I said, then smiled softly. "Apparently, when she was younger, she was a terror, and people in the village were scared to try out her enchanted items because they were overpowered."

"I understand the villagers sentiment…" Jane, Iris, Astrid and Damon all said deadpan. I looked over at my classmates and frowned.

"My enchanted items aren't that bad." I defended, then looked down at the ring I was enchanting. It was almost ready.

I opened up my void pocket again and then placed all my tools back inside. I then closed my ring in my palm and channeled heat attribute mana into that hand. I heated the ring for a few seconds and then switched to the cool attribute mana. After another few seconds, I stopped channeling mana and opened my hand, then slipped the ring on my right ring finger.

"Hey you…" I said, pointing at the student that's been vocal since Baset introduced me. "…Front and center."

"Ummm…okay…" He said, then stood up and walked to the center of the lecture hall a few feet away from me.

I channeled mana into the ring and activated it. I cast an enchanted spell sigil and nine swords of light formed above the guy and slammed into the ground in a circle around him. Chains of light shot from the hilt and tied him up.

"Ah! What the!" He screamed and tried to break free from the spell.

Everyone gasped and jumped from their seats, seeing an enchanted item not only created in front of their eyes but also used. I deactivated the spell, then walked over and patted him on the back.

"Thank you for helping with that demonstration. You can return to your seat." I said, then walked over to the chalkboard and started writing a simple spell sigil.

The spell was fire Lance, a beginner offensive spell. Once I wrote fire Lance, I then wrote a custom spell of mine called fire step and another custom one called fire control. Once I was done, I looked to the class and Samura and pointed to them.

"This is the spell fire lance. Over here are two original spells I just created called fire step and fire control. They are offensive, axiom, and utility spells, respectively. Who can tell me what the two original spells have in common with Fire Lance?" I asked.

Everyone in class looked confused when I turned back to look at them. They were all sitting in their seats looking at one another in confusion. One girl raised her hand hesitantly, and I pointed at her.

"They're all fire element?" She said.

"Nope! And that was a cop out. What they all have in common are these three runes here…" I said, then wrote the runes on the chalkboard under all three spell sigils. "…Flame, condense, and fire. You will find condenses and fire runes in any spell that launches a projectile without these runes you'll have to fling it yourself, or the spell will just affect yourself."

Every student in class started writing down what he was saying furiously as well as writing down the runes that I had written on the board. Bo walked over to me and tapped his head a few times with his finger. I caught what he was suggesting instantly and channeled mana into the telepathic link enchanted ring and casted an axiom spell sigil. Green strings of light connected Bo, Jane, Iris, and I.

I asked through the link.

Bo asked.

Iris added.

I replied.

"Ummm…Master Kingston…?" Samura said apprehensively. I arched a brow at being called master but turned to look at Samura.

"Yes?" I replied.

"What was that spell you just casted?" Samura asked.

"Another original spell of mine. Don't worry about the effects." I said, then turned to class. "As much as I'm sure all of you would love to hear me talk some more about enchanting items, my company makes its money by me making and selling enchanted items so I can't tell you or show off a bunch of secrets. However, I can instruct everyone here on blood casting."

Everyone in the room, Baset and my classmates included, all looked confused as I took the chalk board eraser and erased the spell sigils I had wrote on the chalkboard and started writing a passage I had read from my grandmother's journal.

"…There is an intimate relation between splicers, blood, and spell casting. Blood gives life to splicers and all things, carrying mana through the body to empower a spell sigil. The lost and delicate art of blood casting, while potentially dangerous, can produce spells that are empowered with the spirit and ego of the splicer." Bo read aloud.

"Blood casting. Everyone in Baset's class has seen me do it at least once or rather a form of it. Blood casting is the art of using blood as a medium in order to cast spells. This is a lost art and for two good reasons. Blood casting requires a splicer to use their own blood in order to cast a spell so if used too often the splicer can become anemic, also casting a spell with blood also uses more mana than casting normally." I explained.

"What's the point of using blood casting then if it cost you more mana? You'll only be able to use fewer spells!" One of Samura's students asked.

"Stand in the center of the class, and I'll show you." I said, pointing to the spot where that mouthy student had stood earlier. She looked apprehensive as she stood but did as I asked.

I bit my index finger on my left hand to draw blood, then wrote a circle around my forearm and three circles around my ring finger just behind the enchanted ring. I then channeled mana into that ring and cast an enchantment spell sigil. The blood on my forearm and ring finger ignited in a violet light, and the flames were drawn into the spell sigil. Seventeen swords of light appeared above the "volunteer" student and embedded themselves in the ground around her. Chains shot from the hills of the blades and tied her up while chains also shot from the blades of each sword and anchored themselves in the floor, ceiling, or walls of the classroom.

"This is the same spell I cast earlier on your classmate. As you can see, it is much more powerful." I said.

"As I can see…." She strained and tried to wiggle out of the spell. I heard a loud exaggerated groan come from behind me and turned to Astrid looking like she was about to tear out her own hair.

"Of course, you find a way to make my family's spell stronger! It's not like it's been passed down for generations and most of my family members spend literally decades of their life trying to learn it while you just can casually look at it an copy the runes and cast the spell like it's nothing…" Astrid grumbled.

"Someone's salty…" Bo teased. Astrid shot Bo a glare that sent chills down my spine. However, Bo seemed unaffected, however, by her icy gaze.

"Either way…Blood casting can be broken down into two branches: Hraktas and Sraktas branch or create and empower branch in universal standard…" I said. A woman in the back of the classroom raised her hand, interrupting me. "…umm yes?"

"What language is that?" She asked.

"Ummm…not sure really…I asked my grandmother all the time, but her answer was if I had to ask. I wasn't meant to know…" I replied.

Iris asked.

I replied.

"Now, because none of you can read the runic language, you can't use Hraktas, so we'll focus on Sraktas." I said, then turned back to the blackboard. I started writing out three simple rules for the entire class to follow. They were rules that Grandma Lulu had outlined in her journal about blood casting. "There are three rules you need to follow. One: Don't cast a spell unless you can splice a tier three evo. Two: Only use Sraktas on spells you understand intimately as the empowered version could backfire and injure the caster. Three: Overuse of blood casting can lead to death. It's not a toy and should be used in life or death situations."

As I spoke, everyone in the classroom started writing down the rules. Even members of my class except for Bo, who looked like he could care less about what I was saying. The same guy that had been vocal about his distrust of my knowledge of the runic language and enchanting raised his hand to ask a question. I pointed at him, and he cleared his throat.

"Why is rule number one necessary?" He asked.

"Blood casting requires an abundance of mana as does splicing a tier three evo. If you can splice a tier three evo, you can blood cast safely. The rule is mostly for reference." I replied.

"So you can splice a tier three evo?" another student suddenly asked. Jane and Iris laughed loudly, I turned and frowned at them. Everyone in the class looked confused by their laughter.

"I can't splice traditionally. However, my mana capacity is more than twice their mana capacity combined." I said, narrowing my eyes at Jane and Iris. Everyone looked impressed by that declaration.

"You're mana capacity means little if you can't splice Chase. Don't forget our duel." Jane said cockily.

[Bone-lasher.] I called to him as my farm crystal glowed, and I summoned him. His crystalline structure shot out from my crystal and landed behind me, and the transcended liger shark emerged behind me growling ferociously.

"Don't forget the evos I already have could one-shot the evos of everyone in the class in an instant." I said with a cocky smile. Everyone in the class exclaimed and ducked under their desk.

"WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?" Jane, Iris, Astrid, and Damon all exclaimed. Baset took one look at Bone-lasher's new armored form and sighed.

"Well, Bone-lasher have gone through a very drastically change. This is what you were talking about the other day?" Baset asked.

"Yeah. Pretty cool, huh?" I said with a chuckle.

"THAT'S BONE-LASHER!" Jane and Iris screamed.

"Oh my gods, what's did you do to it?!" Astrid groaned.

"Boss granted me more power!" Bone-lasher exclaimed proudly as he sat down behind me.

"IT CAN TALK!" Every student in the lecture hall roared in astonishment.

"Of course I can talk! I'm the boss's strongest guardian!" Bone-lasher proclaimed proudly.

"I highly doubt he's stronger than that sonic viper abomination…." Damon said with a shutter.

[I AM NO ABOMINATION!] Alpa'nagia roared through my connection to him.

"OW!" I exclaimed and rubbed my ears, then glared at Damon. "Please remember that my evos can hear everything I hear."

"Oh shit…" Damon muttered, he paled slightly at that.

"Wait, you have more evos that can talk Master Kingston?" Samura asked.

"Yeah, I have a few, actually." I replied. Baset stepped forward and placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Apart from knowing enchanting, Chase also has pioneered a new type of body modification magic that increases a evos power several times over. What's more, any evo that undergoes this has powers similar to that of an ascended evo. I believe you call such evos transcended evos, right Chase?" Baset said to the class.

"Yeah….though if I'm remember correctly, you told me not to tell anyone about it since it would put a massive target on my back." I said through gritted teeth.

"You own the only company in the entire world that manufactures enchanted items. You already have a target on your back the size of planets." Baset replied.

"As impressive as Bone-lasher is Chase, he's not an evo that was created using a new splicing technique that you created." Jane said confidently.

"Is she talking about those evos you've had us guard in the tank for the last few days, Boss?" Bone-lasher asked. Bo and I both stiffened as Bone-lasher spoke. I quickly spun around and grabbed Bone-lasher by his nose.

"Hush up! Nobody needs to know about them!" I hissed. Bone-lasher let out a low whine and dropped his head.

"Oops…sorry boss…." Bone-lasher stage whispered. I sighed and shook my head, then looked back over for Jane and Iris. Jane had a concerned look on her face. Neither of us said anything, though it was obvious that she wanted to sit alone. Instead, I changed the subject back to my evos.

"Either way, Bone-lasher is probably just as powerful as Alpa'nagia. If you pay attention, you'll sense why." I said, looking to Damon. Then, before the weight of my words could hit anyone, I changed the subject back to blood casting. "And the is also the perfect Segway into blood casting basics as there are a lot of simulations between my body modification and blood casting…."


"…remember the more blood used in Sraktas casting the more powerful the spell. As a direct result it is best used with offensive, axiom and enchantment spells as the effects of those spells will be greater however Sraktas cannot increase the effectiveness of utility and defensive spells by too much or there is a chance of the spell backfiring on the caster since defensive and utility spells usually are aimed at or close to the caster." I said as I drew my instruction to a close.

A little over an hour had passed since Baset forced me to teach the class so she wouldn't have to. Bone-lasher got bored very quickly and returned to my crystal. The entire time, I managed to keep the class interested and focused on my lesson even though at times I went off on a tangent about why they shouldn't do this or that. A lot of people had questions, and surprisingly, most of them were from Iris, Astrid, and that student who was mouth at the beginning of class. Samura stood by her desk diligently, taking notes like everyone else in class.

"I think that's all I can teach you right now on blood casting. I can not stress enough how important it is that if any of you try thar you at least be able to splice a tier three evo. I'm not going to be held responsible if you decide to be a dumbest and end up bleeding out because you didn't have enough mana." I said.

"I'm sure everyone in my class will follow your advice and rules to the letter Master Kingston." Samura said, slinking to my side from her position behind her desk. "But before you leave, could I ask you a question about your company? Specifically, how would one request an item from you?"

"Oh, that?" I said, then looked over to Jane. She took her cue and spoke up.

"I can answer that. I am Sho'lajah artifact company's chief logistics officer. Currently, all requests for enchanted items are being submitted to the company through the dean. Simply contact the deans office and submit a request. As long as your eequest is reasonable and you haven't done something to make Chase angry, we should be able to fulfill your request." Jane said.

"And please remember that I have the right to cancel a request at any time. Your money will be returned if I do think that if I canceled your order, you did something to piss me off." I added.

"I see. Well, everyone, thank Lady Baset for coming to our class and Master Kingston for teaching today." Samura said.

"Thank you, Lady Baset, for gracing our class, and thank you Master Kingston, for imparting this knowledge!" Samura's students all exclaimed in unison.

Baset nodded curtly, then turned and walked towards the door. It was obvious to everyone in her class that we were supposed to follow her and quickly. Bo, Iris, Jane, Astrid, Damon, and I quickly followed her out of the lecture hall and out of the building into the courtyard. Once outside, Baset turned to me and slapped me on the back of the head.

"OW!" I exclaimed and grabbed my head, then glared up at my teacher. "What the fuck was that for!"

"You made enchanted items and then hid them across campus!" She snapped and then slapped me again.

"I knew that was a bad idea Chase…" Iris groaned and shrugged her shoulders. Baset reared back and slapped Iris and Jane as well, to say they looked astonished was a understatement.

"Don't act like you two are blameless! As his teammates it's your job to keep home from doing something stupid like that! What if a group of students that hated Chase got ahold of a large cache them and tried to attack Chase?" Baset barked.

"Isn't that what happened earlier with Kyle and Ranjesh?" Astrid asked. Baset looked like she was about to blow a gasket again when she suddenly groaned and pinched the bridge of her nose.

"Horus give me wisdom…" She groaned. "Class is dismissed. Class your homework for this week is to make sure Chase doesn't do anything stupid before next class."

"That's impossible! He's an idiot and a danger magnet!" Iris objected.

"Honestly it'd be easier to invade a small country with only one evo than keep Chase out of trouble." Astrid sighed.

"That snake evo of his might actually be strong enough to do that…." Damon said absentmindedly. The girls and Baset all turned their heads and glared at Damon before slapping him across the back of his head.

"OWWWWWW! MY HEAD!" Damon bellowed and cradled his cranium.

"Do not give him any ideas!" Baset hissed. I frowned at them and crossed my arms.

"I'm not dumb enough to try and invade a country!" I snapped. The looks of disbelief I got from the girls and Baset kinda hurt.

"Wharever! I'm going to the lab!"

I turned around and started to walk towards the direction of the laboratory when Baset grabbed my by the collar of my shirt and yanked me back.

"Considering what I just said I'm going to have to veto that." Baset said.

"Oh come on! I'm just going to try and get those evos I made out of the tank!" I exclaimed.

"Oh this is related to your duel…very well I'll allow this…" Baset said and let go of my shirt I was about to feel relieved then Baset finished speaking. "…However I will come and supervise. I haven't forgotten our conversation a few days ago."

I should have felt annoyed that she felt the need to tag along but after what happened with the primordial I was relieved.

"Fine! Let's get going then!"