154: A Company of Fools: Dueling Philosophies I

"Chase for the last time, no! I am not accepting this evo!" Jade snapped as she looked up at the void drake that stood behind me.

I was outside the shop with Jade, Bo, and Baset, trying to get Jade to take the second void drake as one of her evos. As far as I or Bo knew she didn't have any evos which was dangerous considering she was alone in the shop most days now that Nate was often gone meeting with builders and contractors trying to fine someone to redo the shop.

"Oh, come on, Jade, you need to have an evo, and what's better than a new one that your boss created using a brand new splicing technique?" I asked with an innocent smile.

"Chase that one is too big! It doesn't even fit inside the building! How is that going to hell me?" Jade exclaimed.

"She has a point…" Baset said.

"If I'm going to have an evo, I'd rather have something smaller and more compact. Like Bo's Gargesh." Jade said, then peered inside the shop through the busted out window.

Bo's Orkand was inside carrying boxes from the back section of the building, which was their living quarters, into the main section of the shop and stacking them in oddly organized and neat piles.

I arched by brow at Bo's evo, but not because it was working so diligently and precisely. I was staring at the clothes it was wearing. While it wasn't uncommon for an evo to wear clothes, in fact, it was encouraged or even made illegal in some countries for humanoid evos to walk around naked, the clothes that Gargesh wore were odd.

Gargesh was wearing a pair of red overalls that had Sho'lajah artifact company stitched into the front pocket of the overall. He also had a red bandana tied around his head covering the meager hair he had on his head up.

"Speaking of Gargesh, where did he get those clothes?" I asked. Jade sighed and shrugged.

"They're an old pair of Nate's that I just stitched up and added the embroidery." Jade replied. "Gargesh is a good worker and very meticulous on how things are. Honestly, I would like to have a bunch of other Orkands around the shop acting as workers. It would cut down on cost for workers eventually, and if they are trained enough, they might be able to help me with crafting jewelry."

I scratched my chin, then looked down at Bo and then over at Gargesh.

"Now that I think about it, you're right. A compact evo would probably be better for a silver Smith. Okay Bo, your first real job for the company: I need you to make a couple more orkands to help your parents around the shop."

"Wait? What?" Bo gasped, then pointed to himself. "You want me to make more?"

"Yeah, your mother is right. They could be great work horses for the company, and honestly, everyone would feel better about having a few more evos around the shop when your mom is here alone." I said. Bo thought about it for a second, then nodded.

"I'll need to use the sllicing circle in your lab for that." Bo said after a second, then looked up at the void drake. "So what are we going to do about Twilight?"

"Twilight?" I queried then looked up at the void drake. "Got it. So your void drake is midnight, and this one is Twilight…Hmm. Maybe we should give him to Sin then…"

"Yeah! Plus, having a flying evo would make getting around a lot easier. With Sin having to patrol the area alone a lot lately, I'd feel safer knowing he could get back to the shop in an instant." Jade said.

Twilight suddenly looked off into the distance and hissed viciously. Bo, Baset, Jade, and I all looked off in the direction Twilight was staring in, and a second later, there's a was a loud explosion in that direction.

"Oh what the fuck now?!" I snapped.

"Wait Sin said he was going to patrol that way because some members from a new gang were terrorizing people who were starting to come back to the neighborhood." Jade said.

"What?!" I barked then channeled float and gravity attribute mana throughout my body and jumped into the air flying off towards the direction of the explosion.

I traveled three blocks before I saw the source of the explosion, there was a massive battle going on in the center of the street between Sin and a gang of fifteen gangsters. He was laying on the ground, propped up against a wall with light burns all over his body and bleeding from a gash on his forehead. It looked like Sin had been winning for a minute but judging by the huge scorch marks on the ground he'd been hit with a fireball.

"SINNER!" I bellowed as I flew down and landed in front of him.

"Boss…" Sin groaned and tried to stand.

"Boss, huh! So this guy is your boss!" One of the gangsters yelled.

I ignored him for the time being and bit my finger to draw blood and started writing a spell sigil on my arm and channeled mana into that arm. I started casting a enchantment spell sigil and a beam of energy shot from my hand and struck Sin, he was enveloped in a green light and his wounds started to heal.

"You okay Sin?" I asked.

"Yeah I'm alright…they killed Meghido and Kylodon though. The fuckers!" Sin snapped.

I looked over my shoulder at the gangsters and saw the remains of Sin's fluff-viper and Razorback thrown all over the street. I narrowed my eyes at the fifteen gangsters and frowned. None of them looked strong enough to be able to kill off Sin's evos.

[Boss in the alley!] Bone-lasher warned and shared his vision with me and highlighted the whole alley. There was a titan hiding in the alley, eating part of Meghido silently.

"Okay, I'll give you all one more chance to get out of here before I lose what little restraint I have left." I said to the lot. All of the gangsters started laughing loudly.

"You're going to give us one chance? We just fucked over your guy there and you think you can beat us?" The one I assumed was the leader, taunted.

"Boss I can take them." Sin said as he stood.

"I got them. Now I'm pissed…" I said to him over my shoulder.

"Nobody cares that you're pissed you little shit! Argus! Come teach these two a lesson!" The leader snapped. The titan in the alley lumbered out of the alley and stood to its full height. The titan looked down at Sin and I and snarled.

"Jiggles. Time to test put your power." I said summoning the ogrest from my farm crystal. His structure shot out and landed in front of me and Jiggles emerged with a thunderous roar.

"Wait is that one of the ogrest you created?!" Sin exclaimed.

"Yeah, Sin meet Jiggles. Jiggles, Sin." I said quickly then pointed at the Titan.

"Enough introductions, Jiggles kill that titan then beat up those idiots over there."

"Yes Star Shaper." Jiggles said then cracked his knuckles as he looked up at the titan.

There was at least a four feet difference between the titan and Jiggles, however Jiggles seemed unfazed by this. As he looked up at the titan I felt the air around him start to heat up and a familiar energy start to radiate from him.

'Mana?' I thought then smirked.

"That fat chump? You think that can kill my titan?" The gang leader chuckled. Jiggles frowned then looked over at the gang leader.

[My Star shaper what does fat chump mean?] Jiggles asked via our mental link.

[It's an insult. He's talking about the fact your belly is…more of a gut. I wouldn't call you fat…more thick or chunky…] I replied.

[I…see…] Jiggles said softly. The heat that Jiggles was giving off suddenly increased and bright flames erupted from his shoulders. "I'm not fat! I'M CHUNKY! STAR SHAPER SAYS SO!"

Flames suddenly burst from Jiggles feet, propelling him into the air several feet above the titans head. Everyone looked up as Jiggles used the flames spewing from his feet to maneuver in the air then propelled himself down towards the titain. He ignited his fist in powerful flames then punched the titan square in the jaw before it had the chance to react. The moment Jiggles fist made contact with the titan a powerful explosion erupted and blew chunks of the titan's face all over the street.

Jiggles landed on one knee as the titan corpse flew over the gangsters heads and landed in the street behind them.

"Argus!" The gangster leader screamed.

"That dead evo is the least of your troubles…" I said then pointed at Jiggles. He let out a ferocious roar then charged at the gangsters grabbing the leader by the head and threw him into the others and knocked them down. "…Oh and Jiggles remember don't kill them but make 'em hurt."

"They'll pay for calling me Fat! I! AM! CHUNKY!" Jiggles roared then quickly went to work kicking ass. The sounds of screaming, pleading, and slight bone cracking filled the air as Jiggles punished the gangsters.

"Did your evo just kill a titan with one punch that was enveloped in fire?" Sin asked as he stood beside me.

"Yeah. He has a mana crystal inside his body so it makes sense that he can use mana." I said.

"Wait, that was mana? So it can actually use mana like you do?" Sin asked. His question was highlighted by the screams of a gangster who Jiggles was flailing around like a club by his leg and hitting the other gangsters with him.

"Yeah, that was definitely mana channeling. Alpa'nagia, Empress, and Bone-lasher can all do the same thing since their mana crystals are awakened." I said. Sin groaned and rubbed gos temples.

"Well at least they can't use enchanted items. That would make them too powerful." Sin said. I frowned and scratched my chin.

'…hmmm…maybe he can…' I thought.

"We surrender! We surrender! Call off your evo!" A gangster pleaded as he clung to a lamppost. Jiggles grabbed his leg and effortlessly yanked him off the lamppost then threw him into the air and punched him in the gut as he fell. The gangster went flying onto a wall.

"Jiggles are you satisfied they learned their lesson?" I asked. Jiggles looked back to me as he stepped on another gangster and pinned him in place.

"Not yet my Star Shaper. They need to experience true pain to learn to no mess with your or your subordinates." Jiggles said with a slightly concerning smile on his face.

'Yeah he just wants to punish them for calling him fat…' I thought. '…oh well they killed Sin's evos and hurt Sin. They deserve it.'

"Have fun then…" I said waving slowly.

"NO PLEASE HELP!" Another gangster yelled as Jiggles charged at him.

"I don't know whether to be concerned about your lack of guilt for sicking your evo on defenseless normies and a splicer who lost the will to fight or be in awe of it…" Sin said with a sigh.

I started to say something in remarks to that only to be distracted by two large shadows passing overhead. I looked up and saw Midnight and Twilight flying overhead. Sin's eyes widened as he looked up at the two Void drakes.

"Damn those are bigger than I thought they'd be." He said.

"Yeah I think I left them in the tank too long." I said then waved my arms to get their attention. The void drakes came around and landed in the street behind Sin and I. Bo and Baset were riding Midnight while Twilight remained riderless.

"Bo, Baset, you two didn't have to come after me, I have everything under control." I said as the two jumped down from Midnight's back.

Baset looked at the scene in front of her which was Jiggles throwing a couple of gangsters into the air and juggling them, and failing miserably. He dropped them a couple times and manage to grab them before they could scamper away and tired again.

"Don't you think this is a little much?" Baset asked. As she walked over to me and Sin.

"They hurt Sin and killed his evos." I said in a matter of fact voice. Beset looked our onto the street and noticed the remains of the fluff-viper and Razorback.

"I see…how long are you going to let your evo run rampant?" She asked.

"I think they've had enough now…" I said then turned to look at Jiggles. "…Let them go now they've had enough Jiggles."

"Yes Star Shaper!" Jiggles said and immediately stopped and walked back to my position. He stood slightly in front of me and to the side offering me a clear visual of the carnage he left.

Of the fifteen that had been there originally only five were conscious. The rest were either knocked out with broken bones or a bad concussion. Not that the ones that were still conscious had it any better. They were just as injured.

"Wow, I think your evo over did it." Bo said.

"Nah its cool." I said dismissively then looked at the conscious gangsters. "Now look here, thud neighborhood is just starting to get some life back into it and I don't like hearing that people are being harassed in their own homes. If I or any of my people hear that whoever you fuck waffles are, are here harassing people again I'll find you and lock you in a small cramped room with my Jiggles here."

As if to nail the point home Jiggles punched his fist into his other palm while channeling mana through it and the second his fist made contact with his palm a small explosion rang out that terrified those still conscious.

"Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes sir! We're so sorry Sir!" All of them cried.


"Well I would say that was all a little excessive Chase but Sin was hurt and he lost his evos so its fine." Jade said with a shake of her head. Everyone was now back at the shop and I had just finished telling Jade what happened.

"See! Three votes not excessive! You lose Baset!" I exclaimed happily as I leaned against the wall near the shops front door. Baset rolled her eyes.

"Regardless of public opinion we can say that your new ogrest evo type is strong…possibly stronger than any evo created so far. And you want to give the only other one away to him…" Baset said pointing to Sin.

On the way back to the shop I summoned the second ogrest which had been resting inside my crystal and gave it to Sin along with Twilight to make up for his lost evos.

"Yeah I'm with Lady Baset on this one. Your ogrests are brand new evos you created with your shaping technique as well as your void drake." Sin said.

"I'm not doing it out of the kindness of my heart. Sin you are a security officer in my company, you having the strongest evos while you patrol the area and our future properties mean that my assets are being protected. Plus Bo is like our errand boy so a fast flying evo makes sense for him as well." I said.

"Errand boy!" Bo snapped.

"Yeah that kinda describes what he does." Jade said with a snicker.

"MOM!" Bo bellowed which only made Jade laugh harder.

"I am an important member of the company's messaging system and delivery team!" Bo exclaimed and kicked about like a toddler having a tantrum.

"Oh! Speaking of deliveries…" Jade said suddenly then rushed out of the oomph. She came back a minute later with a jewelry box in her hands. "…I finished those necklaces you wanted."

"Thank you! Jade you're a lifesaver!" I exclaimed as I took the box and looked at the necklaces. They were the one's for Caspian Ascred's request or part of it at least. I already had the perfect axiom spells for each of the necklaces and all I needed to do was enchanted them.

"Are you going to give those to that client you said you had a few days ago?" Bo asked.

"Yeah, he paid for these in advance. I feel bad for not having competed them before. They were supposed to be easy work but with everything that's happened its kinda taken a back seat to all that crazy stuff." I replied. A thought suddenly popped into my head and I smiled. "Speaking of crazy stuff, Jade can I have you make one more thing for me?"

"Sure what is it?" Jade asked. I smiled deviously then walked over to her.

"A couple of Bangles…with a twist…"