158: A Company of Fools: Demons of Sho’lajah II

"WHY DID I THINK THIS WAS A GOOD IDEAAAAAAAAAAA!" Sin bellowed and clung to Twilight's back as the void drake soared through the skys. He managed to get up to some impressive speeds but always slowed down before Sin lost it.

I was also impressed with the fact that Sin, Iris, and I were able to ride on Twilight's back with no problem or fight for space. Much like Niggles and Pogs, Twilight and Midnight were both bigger than my lysdale script planned them to be. I chalked this up to them being in the maturation tank longer than I originally planned.

"Sinner stop screamed and keep an eye out! You're the one that know where the building is." I said with a chuckle as I watched Sin freak out.

"I know!" Sin grumbled. Iris groaned and shook her head.

"Why would you suggest flying of you're afraid of heights?"

"Its faster and shut up!" Sin snapped. He managed to peek ahead and point at a building that was approaching. "That's it!"

The high fire dragons hideout was a medium sized two story office building. It looked inconspicuous until I took a closer look and saw small groups of two walking around the perimeter of the building.

"Guards…" I said softly.

"Twilight land on that building over there." Sin said pointing to a nearby apartment building. It was several stories taller than the fire dragons hideout and offered a good view of the building even a couple blocks away.

Twilight landed swiftly on the spacious roof of the building and walked over to the edge to give all of us a better look.

"What's the plan?" Iris asked and poked me in the ribs.

"Ow!" I grumbled and rubbed where she poked me. "That depends. Do you know anything about the layout of that building Sin?"

"No, never been inside in myself, often had one of my watchers go check it out when the girl in charge of it didn't meet her quota." Sin replied.

"Quota? What did they make there?" Iris asked. Sin frowned and crossed his arms.

"Nothing. The place was a brothel." Sin said.

"A BROTHEL!" Iris and I exclaimed. Sin sighed and nodded remorsefully.

"Yeah…while the red dragons did kidnap mostly splicer women they did take normies and put them in brothels like that one." Sin explained.

"Wait so there are a bunch of women in there being exploited?" Iris asked. Sin shook his head.

"Last I heard the women managed to escape the night We fought Draco thanks to all the commotion from the fight. The place was empty until the high fire dragons took over." Sin explained.

"So basically we have no idea what's inside….do you have any idea how mana people are inside?" I asked.

"Should be no more than a few dozen normies and a handful of splicers…what I'm worried about is how many evos there could be…this isn't where they are keeping all their evos but I saw at least nine thrads patrolling the building last night."

"That would suggest more than a handful of splicers. There's no way a run of the mill splicer could control more than one evo, it's not like they're Chase." Iris observed.

"Yeah that part confused me but those evos weren't patrolling with splicers, they were patrolling by themselves." Sin said. Iris and shared a look then looked back at Sin.

"Wait seriously?!" We both exclaimed.

"I can confirm that what the great Sinner says is true Star Shaper. Those evos patrolled the building by themselves." Twilight spoke up.

'That's not like a thrad…those things are barely intelligent enough to breath let alone patrol in their own.' I thought.

"How many entrances?" I asked.

"Two. One in the front and one in back…wait I guess three if you count the roof entrance." Sin reported

"Three entrances and three of us…" I said with a devious smirk.

"Oh gods…the smile…" Iris groaned and shook her head.

"What's the plan boss?" Sin asked. I stood on top of Twilight's back and channeled gravity and float attribute mana throughout my body. I felt a twinge in my chest again as I channeled both attributes but it went away quickly.

"Simple, I attack the front entrance and draw as much attention as possible. Sin you attack the roof and funnel as many of these fire dragons down to me. Iris, you sneak in through the back and find the leader, take him down but leave him alive, we'll need him for information." I said.

"Simple, efficient, and chaotic…classic Chase plan." Iris said.

"Hey they usually work…" I said then floated several feet above the others. "…Let's get this over with."

I turned and flew towards the fire dragons hideout. My plan was to basically use me as a distraction to sow chaos so I didn't need to be stealthy. Being quiet wasn't normally my style anyway.

As I came to a stop over the entrance to the building I found I was a few stories over the roof of the building. I looked over to where I left Sin and Iris and saw that Twilight was already in the air and flying higher than before to avoid detection. I waited until a patrol of fire dragons were near the entrance then descended until I was level with the buildings second story.

"Hey! Fuckwits!" I yelled, gaining the attention of the gangsters below. They were insulted for a split second before a look of astonishment took over.

"What the fuck? He's flying!" One of the fire dragons exclaimed.

"Who the fuck is that? I didn't know there were any splicers that could do that in the silver or bronze city?!" The other exclaimed.

"The name's Chase Kingson. I believe you asswipes have the gall to place a hit on me and my people." I said crossing my arms and slowly descending until I landed in the street a few yards away from the fire dragons and their hideout.

"Wait! That's one of the guys the boss said to keep an eye out for!" The first fire dragons said. The other one turned and ran towards the building.

"Shit keep him busy! I'll get the boys!" He yelled. The first Fire dragon chuckled and rushed me.

"Keep him busy? I'm taking his ass out!" He barked.

I arched a brow at him and changed my mana attributes from float and gravity to Gust and shock. I snapped my fingers and a tempest flew from my fingers and slammed into the approaching fire dragon. Lightning danced all over the gangster's body as he was sent flying through a window beside their hideout door.

'Oh shit! Note to self: combined attributes are stronger than solo ones…' I told myself.

The other fire dragon made it inside and all I heard after that was screaming yelling and a loud siren going off on the roof. I waited as fire dragons started rushing out of the building and surrounded me, keeping about two arms length away from me but boxing me in.

After a few moments a tall woman walked out of the building, the crystal on her forehead told me she was a splicer, her clothing was different than the others in her gang though. While they were dressed in ratty jeans and tee-shirts she wore a long sleeveless overcoat in bright red with black leather pants and heels. The fire dragons all parted when they saw her approach. She stopped about an arms length away from me.

"Are you the boss?" I asked.

"The boss is busy! He sent me to deal with you." She said cockily as she sized me up.

"Looks like you'll be a waste of my time."

"Oh fuck off bitch…" I grumbled then stomped my foot on the ground. A powerful twister formed with me at its center and pulled all of the fire dragons into it, even the cocky splicer. They were instantly electrocuted like buzz in an electric bug zapper and then flung all over the street as the winds died down. "…that was a fucking waste of MY time!"

"Well that was an impressive display of power!" A voice called out from inside the building. I narrowed my eyes and looked through the open door as the last of the fire dragons landed on the ground behind me.

"Hey coward! How about you step out into the light where I can see you?" I called out.

"Unlike my subordinate I'm not stupid. You can attack with magic without casting a spell sigil, you could take me out before I had a chance to defend myself." The voice called out. "I will however send you a few playmates…"

With those words I suddenly heard several thundering footsteps heading towards me from inside the building.

[Pretender, evos! Lots of them!] Fours warned me. At the same time multiple thrads came bursting out of the building, destroying the front entrance all together. They dodn't look like your run of the mill thrads either. They were larger, almost as large as the ascended thrad I fought two years ago but not as bulky. They also had more scales less of a primate look to them.

"Let's see if these Thrads can entertain you?!" The voice bellowed.

"Empress!" I called out as her crystalline structure formed around my crystal and shot int the air. It burst mid-air and Empress let out a deafening screech then flapped her wings and sent a wave of hardened feathers flying towards the thrads.

The thrads at the front surprisingly jumped out of the way and let the thrads behind them get skewered with Empress' bladed feathers. The thrads that were skewered suddenly burst into flames and were incerated from the inside out. I sensed Empress using mana channeling to send mana into her discarded feathers.

The thrads leading the pack quickly zeroed in on me and charged me. The one in the front even lunging at me with jaws open, ready to strike. Empress stopped down and spun in mid-air bringing her tail feathers down on the thrads head, cutting it right down the middle. She then elegantly landed on one foot and twirled, snapping her tail around like a whip that sliced the next thrad in half by the waist. Opening her wings she threw more feathers at the approaching thrads, hitting some and incenernating them but missing a few others.

She then charged the last of the thrads meeting them head on and killing them in what I can only describe as a beautiful dance of death. She was untouchable as she danced around them, staying just out of thier reach but keeping all of them well within hers as she cut them down one by one. When the last thrad was slain she paused, looked at her handy work then walked gracefully over to me and bowed with her wings spread.

"I have eliminated the threat my lord. Is there anything else you require of me?" She asked in her typical polite tone. With her new form even with her bowing she was still taller than me. Surprisingly she was still a lot lighter than she looked.

"No…that was all. Thank you Empress. I didn't realize you were so good at close range combat." I replied.

"I didn't used to be. After my defeat under the control of that…other splicer I realized if I am to be of use to my new lord I need to better myself and cover my weaknesses. I still have a ways to go." Empress said.

"Well I look forward to seeing how far you can go. Return for now and rest. I might need your help later today." I said then recalled her back to my crystal. "Jiggles, Fours, I need your help."

I summoned the both of them and flung their structures towards the entrance of the building. They both emerged from them and fixed their eyes towards the inside while taking defensive stances.

[Pretender, I can hear a couple heartbeats inside, two belonging to that girl and man that were with you. The others are enemies I'm assuming.] Fours said through the mental link.

[Star Shaper, are we heading in?] Jiggles asked.

[No. Sin is going to corral the remaining bad guys down to us while Iris takes out the leader.] I said.

[I see…flush our opponents out to us so we can rake them out easily.] Fours said. He froze suddenly and turned a ear towards the building. [Your subordinate and his evo are inside…]

A loud explosion blew out the windows facing the street Fours, Jiggles, and I were on. Glass and metal rained down on us but I quickly channeled gust mana into my hand and snapped my fingers and a torrent of wind blew the glass and debris from the three of us.

[That explosion could have been larger…] I commented as I stopped channeling mana. Several more smaller explosions rang out followed by screams and growls.

"What's going on?! Who's attacking?!" The voice bellowed from inside the building.

"Oh! Just my security guard, Audin Akkesin, I call him Sin though!" I yelled back.

"Audin Akkesin!" The voice yelled. "Get the thrads to the top…"

The leaders voice was suddenly cut off. I smirked and as a couple more explosions rang out. A couple moments later another group of fire dragons ran out of the building with Pogs on their tails blazing fists raised in the air. They skidded to a stop when they saw Fours and Jiggles glaring and growling at them. They turned around to run back into the building only to be blocked by Pogs. The three evos quickly knocked out the gangsters and threw them to the side. Sin came strolling out of the building a moment later.

"I think that's the last of them boss." Sin said walking up to me.

"I'm guessing you didn't see Iris while you were in there?" I asked. Sin shook his head.

"Twilight dropped her off at the back of the building. She literally vanished the second her feet touched the ground." Sin said.

"Because I was doing what I was supposed to do." Iris said. Sin and I looked around but saw no one near us. I saw Fours' ears twitch and his head look off towards the front door of the building but look off to the left slightly.

"I keep forgetting you know the invisibility spell." I said glancing off in the same direction of Fours. I heard Iris chuckle and shimmer back to visibility as she canceled her spell.

"Leave it to you and your evos to notice me." She said then walked the side of the building out of view for a moment. When she came back she was dragging the unconscious body of a gangster.

The gangster in question was wearing a suit that at one time would have looked expensive but now was a faded and slightly tattered at the cuffs. Still it was in better shape than the jeans and shirts that the other members of the gang were wearing. The only thing on him or the rest of the gangsters was the red and gold bandanas that signified if they were members of the gang.

"Your plan worked and without problems popping up for once." Iris said coming to a stop in front of me and dropping the leaders unconscious body at my feet. "Once you and Sin started making a mess this guy was left alone to deal with you two."

"You could have left out the for once part…" I grumbled and narrowed my eyes at her. She just chuckled and pointed at the leader.

"Well how do you plan to get the information Oh peerless leader." Iris said mockingly. I smirked and pointed to Sin.

"You're up Sinner." I said. Sin smirked and cracked his knuckles then knelt down and grabbed the leaders collar.

"Leave it to me boss…."