162: A Company of Fools: Demons of Sho’lajah VI

[Show time Alpa.] I said.

[Yes Star Shaper…] Alpa'nagia replied with glee.

His eyes and horns glowed a bright purple as thick storm clouds covered the sky blotting out the sun as lightning streaked across the sky. Everyone down below jumped and looked up at the sky in confusion and terror at the sudden change in weather.

On cue Twilight, Empress, and Alpa'nagia all descended slowly down to were we could be seen. Their eyes widened as they watched three massive evos they hadn't seen before descend slowly from the storm with me standing atop Twilight's head looking down at them angrily.

Twilight landed about fifteen feet away from Karen, Balthas and the transports and snarled viciously at everyone. Empress circled the area from above while Alpa'nagia hovered a few feet above Twilight and I.

"I'm looking for the leader of the so-called High Fire Dragons!" I called out. Balthas recovered from his earlier shock and glared up at me.

"I'm Balthas Addijeh! Leader of the High Fire Dragons! Who the fuck are you?!" He bellowed.

"Chase Kingston. Owner and operator of Sho'lajah artifact company." I said calmly then looked him up and down. "So you're the dumb fuck who put a hit out on me and my employees? I figured you'd look intimidating."

"Dumb fuck?!" Balthas snapped. "Well thank you for making my job easier kid! The vast majority of my gang is here at this warehouse along with all the evos that Justice technologies gave us! You were a fucking idiot to come here with only three evos!"

"You're right…I should have only brought one of my evos, three is overkill for trash like you." I said with a huff.

"You cocky shit!" one of the fire dragon splicers snapped behind Balthas and started casting an offensive spell sigil.

I drew my mana-lock and channeled frost attribute mana into it then fired at the splicer. The ice bullet struck the splicer dead center in the chest and ice quickly spread across his body and froze him solid in a matter of seconds.

"No, the cocky shit is you." I said calmly.

"Adrian!" Balthas yelled and reached out for him. The second he touched his underling however his body shattered into a thousand pieces. Balthas turned to me and pointed. "Kill him!"

The splicers of the group started casting offensive spell sigils. I sighed and snapped my fingers. Empress nosedived and snapped her wings open when she was just a few feet above Balthas and his group then flapped her wings hard and send a hail of razor sharp feathers towards the group.

All of them let out screams of agony as the feathers tore through them like a hot knife through butter. Only Balthas was spared from being impaled as the rest of his men fell to the ground either dead or quickly bleeding out.

Empress flew low to the ground towards Twilight and I before ascending to her original height and circling again.


I told the others.

Sin and Iris replied.

"I AM GOING TO SLAUGHTER EVERYONE YOU EVER LOVED FOR THIS!" Balthas bellowed. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath then let out a long exaggerated sigh.

"Well it's obvious you aren't the sharpest tool in this bunch…" I said then jumped off Twilight's head and quickly channeled float attribute mana to slowly float to the ground then stopped channeling and started towards Balthas. "…Because if you were smart, then you wouldn't have made such a threat after seeing all of your men killed with next to no effort on my part."

"OH FUCK YOU!" He bellowed and started casting an offensive spell sigil. I held my hand up and channeled void attribute mana into my hand as he fired a large fire ball at me. The darkness that covered my hand swallowed up the fireball and quickly broke it down into mana.

His eyes widened as he saw his attack disappear into nothing. He tried casting the spell again and was met with the same result. I narrowed my eyes at him as I approached.

"You see Balthas I don't have many people in my life that I can say care about me. So the ones I know do…I will do anything to protect them." I said and aimed the mana-lock at him and pulled the trigger. A electric bullet fired and stuck him in the chest and lightning arched throughout his body. He dropped like a sack of rocks and convulsed on the ground. "But I'll deal with you later…"

I looked back over my shoulder and turned my attention to Karen. She stood cowering behind her driver, who looked just as terrified as she did.

"You! You work for Justice industries don't you?" I asked pointing my mana-lock at her and her driver. Hearing the name of her company must have made her feel safe or untouchable because she suddenly puffed her chest out and stood in front of her driver.

"I do. I am…" She started.

"I don't really give a fuck who you are. Why are you supplying gangs here in Andromeda with evos? It can't just be to get rid of me." I said.

"You presume to think I would tell you anything?" She spat. I fired the mana-lock again this time firing a ice bullet that struck the side of the transport and froze most of it over.

"I presume to think you value your life." I retorted. Karen scoffed and held her arms out wide.

"I work for Justice technologies! I'm not like one of these low life thugs! People will care of I go missing!" She exclaimed.

"That would be true…if this was America and you weren't a normie. But here your life means about as much as a splicer's life means in the states. Unless you come from a noble or royal family, the cops aren't even going to take your missing person's report. You can die in thos country at any moment an nobody would even care." I said using a few of the phrases that I had heard hundreds of times growing up.

"Chase don't kill her!" Haws exclaimed and jumped in front of Karen.

"Well hello Haws. What a surprise to see you here." I said then lowered the mana-lock. "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't."

"She's the daughter of a regional director. Kill her and you'll have all of Justice technologies after you." Haws said.

"They're already coming after me! They organized a hit and paid the fire dragons with thrads!" I exclaimed then pointed at the transport. "Thrads you just delivered to the fire dragons."

"You attacked Simon Caldifax! A very important partner to the company! Justice technologies will not stop sending people after you until you are dead!" Karen exclaimed. I pointed the mana-lock at her again and scowled.

"All the more reason to kill you now since you know my name." I said. Karen's eyes widened as she realized her mistake.

"Chase wait!" Louie exclaimed and jumped out from behind the second transport.

"Louie…been a while…how's KC?" I asked. Louie smiled softly.

"He's great, he just turned two after you left." Louie said then his expression turned grim. "Killing her isn't going to stop the hit on you but you need to kill every thrad we've delivered so far!"

"Why?" Haws asked now confused.

"Yeah why?" I asked as well.

"Because if you don't they'll rampage and attack the city. It's part of a plan to drum up business. Operation False Flag." Louie explained. Karen's eyes widened and her head snapped in Louie's direction.

"HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT NAME!" She bellowed.

"Cashed in a lot of favors to get a peek at the classified documents back at base. I had to do a lot of stuff I'm not proud of too. Originally I just wanted some leverage so you would give me and my wife KC back…but I'm not going to let what happened in St. Louis happen here!" Louie exclaimed.

"Give back KC?" Haws breathed then turned and looked to Karen. "What did you do to his son!"

"She kidnapped him shortly before Chase left the base to go to college and then spirited him away somewhere! The only reason I transferred to the lab here in Egypt was because she ordered me too!" Louie exclaimed.

"You bitch!" Haws growled and grabbed her by the throat and slammed her into the sife of the transport. I rushed over and grabbed his arm with one hand while aiming the mana-lock at Karen's driver.

"Don't! We need her alive of we want to find KC!" I exclaimed. Haws froze and glared at the woman then let her go. She dropped to the sand, holding her throat and coughing.

"You mean you'll help me get my son back?" Louis asked. I looked to him and scowled.

"Of course! After everything we've been through I'm not letting anything happen to that kid." I said. "First we'll need to deal with the thrads…luckily I have people on that already."

No sooner had I said that did a large explosion blow several windows out of the warehouse behind us. I looked over my shoulder and saw lighting dance and blow out plenty of other windows. The sounds of screaming and thrads roaring and crying out echoed through the dunes.

Sin reported.

I ordered.

Sin said.

"What the hell's going on! My hideout!" Balthas exclaimed from his spot on the ground. He was trying to stand buy was still electrified enough to be sluggishly. I pointed the mana-lock at him and fired, hitting him with another electric bullet. He fell to the ground and shook again.

"Shut up, we'll deal with you in a moment." I said then looked back to the transports. "We'll need to take care of these two as well. Alpa'nagia fry all the transports and make sire none of the evos inside can survive."

"As you wish Star Shaper." Alpa'nagia replied. Haws, Louie, and Karen all froze and looked up at Alpa'nagia with a shocked expression.

"IT CAN TALK!" They all bellowed.

Alpa'nagia held all his arms out and lightning stretched down from the clouds above and struck each of the convoys in turn. Completely enveloping them in electricity before moving onto the next one. The heat from each lightning strike turned the sand underneath the transports into molten glass. I pulled Haws, Louie, Karen and her driver from the transport we were near before Alpa'nagia lit it up.

"It's the one controlling the lightning…how?" Louis gasped.

"The thrads!" Karen yelled. Alpa'nagia descended and coiled himself protectively around me before speaking.

"I've eliminated all the targets Star Shaper. Nothing should be able to survive that." Alpa'nagia said.

"Good job Alpa. You get head pats later." I said. Alpa'nagia hissed happily.

Another loud explosion rocked the warehouse behind us. Everyone turned in time to see Sin, Iris, Pogs, Jiggles, and Bone-lasher racing out of a massive hole in the side of the building.

"RUN! ITS GONNA BLOW!" Sin bellowed as he ran as he could.

The rest of us didn't even have a chance to react before a massive explosion blew the room off the warehouse and sent flames shooting over fifty feet into the air. The force of the explosion knocked everyone off their feet and sent Iris and Sin flying into a sand dune with Bone-lasher and Jiggles landing on top of them.

Alpa'nagia coiled around me protectively and the two of us flew into Twilight. Empress was lucky, she was high up enough that she was only lightly battered by the winds from the explosion. Haws and Louie flew into a sand dune as well but Karen landed on top of Balthas.

"SINNER! WHAT THE FUCK! CAUSING RANDOM EXPLOSIONS IS MY JOB!" I bellowed as Alpa'nagia uncoiled around me.

"Sorry Boss…" Sin replied wearily in the distance.