169: A Company of Fools: Forbidden Research I

"That should keep that flying thrad from getting to level two." I said to myself as I looked back at my work. I froze over the elevator shaft with ice at least three feet thick. Unless it had a drill or could use fire attacks, it wasn't getting to one of the upper levels.

"So, what's the plan?" Iris asked.

I frowned and turned to look at her. As soon as Jiggles went up to deliver KC to his parents, Iris jumped down, and I ended up having to catch her. I honestly wanted her with Louie and Angie to make sure they got out safe, but she quickly waved that concern off, saying that they were with Sin and he had Twilight and Pogs, so they were say.

"The plan is to meet up with Haws. Hopefully, we don't run into any more thrads." I said.

"Warning! Containment breech on level three! Warning! Containment breech on level three!" A voice announced on the loudspeaker. Iris and both groaned and looked at each other.

"What are the chances that isn't a unit containing thrads?" Iris asked.

"About zero percent." I sighed. I rushed over to Bone-lasher and hopped on his back. Iris followed suit, and I looked to Jiggles.

"Follow closely, Jiggles. Bone-lasher take us to where Haws is."

"Yes, Boss!" Bone-lasher exclaimed then rushed off down the third level hallway. We ran in the opposite direction, and the flying thrad did. Jiggles did a good job keeping up with Bone-lasher.

As we raced down the hallways towards Haws location, I noticed that they were completely vacant. I wasn't the only one who noticed that either, Iris noticed it was well. I caught her looking around and frowned when she didn't see anyone.

"Where are all the employees?" Iris asked.

"Probably hiding, there was a containment breech announced." I said.

"Can you see anyone with Bone-lasher's vision?" Iris asked. I nodded and pointed towards the north, the opposite direction we were headed and the one that the flying tjrad went.

"That way. That flying thrad I fought earlier is headed that way, but there are no evos where they are, so they should be safe…for now." I said. Bone-lasher growled at the mention of the evo but otherwise remained silent.

"Star Shaper, what exactly is your goal?" Jiggles asked.

"To stop a senseless massacre. The kids upstairs are innocent. They deserve to have a parent come home to them." I replied. Jiggles nodded and looked like he was contemplative for a moment.

Bone-lasher suddenly skidded to a stop just before he reached a bend in the hallway. Jiggles stopped just behind Bone-lasher and crouched low. Thanks to Bone-lasher sharing his vision, I knew what was around the bend.

"What's wrong?" Iris whispered.

"There's an ambush ahead. Justice Technologies security set up a barricade to stop thrads from getting any further." I said.

"Can we take them?" Iris asked.

"Easily. They have guns, but with a defensive spell, that's pretty much moot." I replied. Jiggles stepped around Bone-lasher and smiled, well, the Ogrest version of a smile. His large tusks and canines made the smile look a little hinky.

"I got this Star Shaper." He said confidently before he rushed around the corner before I could stop him.

I jumped off Bone-lasher and rushed after him. The hallway suddenly erupted into screams and gunfire as Jiggles rushed the small group of guards. I jumped off Bone-lasher and rushed to the corner in time to see the end of the fight. Jiggles used his blast mana channeling to destroy the makeshift barricades with one punch, sending all the guards flying, then quickly attacked them as they fell, knocking them all out with one punch.

"That was quick…" Iris said as Bone-lasher walked up behind me and peered around the corner.

"I could do it faster." Bone-lasher said with a huff.

"I took care of them, Star Shaper! Make sure to keep them alive, so no useless slaughter." Niggles said proudly sticking out his chest as he walked back to the group.

"At least he did that…" I muttered to myself. Iris walked around me and looked over the security staff that Jiggles took out. She frowned and turned back to me.

"There are only six guys here? Where are the rest of the security staff for this floor?" Iris asked.

"Probably heading to deal with the containment breech on the other end of the floor." I replied then pointed down the hall to a doorway that lead to a techno-splicing lab on the lower section of the floor. "But they definitely didn't want any evos getting past them and it probably had something to do with what's in there."

"I see Haws inside there Boss. He's not alone though." Bone-Lasher reported.

"Thanks Bone. You and Jiggles head back into my crystal and recharge. You two probably used a lot of mana so far, haven't you?" I asked.

"I think I have half still Star shaper." Jiggles replied. Bone-lasher lowered his head and looked away.

"A lot less than half boss…" Bone-Lasher said, sounding slightly embarrassed.

"That's what I figured. Especially with you Bone. You had to regrow a whole limb. Return both of you." I ordered. Bone-Lasher and Jiggles returned to my farm crystal without a fuss.

"Aren't they just going to leech off your mana to replenish?" Iris asked. I shook. I head and pointed to my farm crystal.

"Because they have mana crystals of their own being inside my farm crystal creates a sort of resonance that speeds up mana regeneration." I explained.

"How did you figure that out?" Iris asked.

"Alpa'nagia and Empress. They're both very observant." I replied then headed down the hallway, stopping at the door that Bone-Lasher mentioned.

Without thinking I opened the door and headed inside, I was immediately met with a chair flying directly at my head. I ducked just in time to miss and pulled out my mana-lock and trained it at the direction the chair came from. I found myself pointing the gun at a huddled up and terrified looking group of scientists with Haws standing in front of them already reaching for another chair.

"HAWS!" I snapped and lowered my mana-lock. Haws froze at the sound of my voice and glanced over at me.

"Oh, its you….you could have warned me you were coming in!" Haws grumbled as he stood up straight and walked over to me then slapped me on the shoulder.

"I didn't expect you to throw a chair at me!" I griped.

"Hawthorne, you know him?" One of the scientists asked from their huddle.

"Yeah he's with me." Haws said. The scientists all breathed a sigh of relief and started over to Haws and I until they saw my farm crystal.

"A SPLICER?!" One of the scientists bellowed and pointed at me.1 sighed and pointed the mana-lock at them.

"One that has little time for your bigotry." I said. The scientist that called me put as a splicer huffed then pointed at my magi-tech gun.

"You can't scare us with that little toy you splicer piece of shit. We know all you splicers are just weakling that make your evos do all your fighting for you!" He snapped cockily. I aimed the mana-lock a little off target and pulled the trigger. The fire element bullet soared right past his head and slammed into the wall, exploding on impact and knocking him and the other scientists forwards. They all scrambled to their knees and looked back at the wall that now had a huge hole in it into the other room.

"W-what do you want?" The scientist whimpered. I lowered the mana-lock and sighed.

"Honestly we only came here for Haws. There is a flying thrad on the loose that needs killing." I said.

"We?" One of the scientists muttered. Iris walked into the room and frowned at me.

"I can't believe you had to suffer insults like that on a daily basis." Iris said.

"Ms. Ashley!" A scientist yelled. I looked to Iris then slapped my forehead. She still had Karen's appearance, which was no longer necessary since this mission moved from an a infiltration and rescue mission to an extermination mission.

I snapped my fingers and dispelled the spell that had swapped her appearance with Karen's. In a bright flash of light Iris was back to looking normal, though now the clothes whe was wearing looked a little big in her. Iris frowned and me and slapped the back of my head.

"A little warning next time!" She snapped.

"Sorry Tri-clops." I said with a wolfish grin as I rubbed the back of my head. Iris scowled and looked like she was about to slap me again.

"Umm I don't want to interrupt you two love birds but there is the Thradiz flying around to take care of." Haws teased. Iris and I glared at him which instantly put him on guard.

"LOVE BIRDS!" We both bellowed and stomped over to him.

"Never ever let those words leave your lips again in regards to Tri-clops and me!" I snapped.

"Yeah! Star Child is the last person that I could ever be involved in romantically! He's like that annoying little know it all brother that you wish you could drown in a lake and beat over the head with a boulder!" Iris added. I frowned and glared at her.

"It sounds like you gave my death a lot of thought Iris." I said in a low tone.

"You forget how annoying you were when we first met." Iris said with a smirk. I rolled my eyes then froze as I remember what Haws said.

"Wait…thradiz…is that the name of that flying thrad?" I asked. Haws nodded motioned for Iris and I to follow him.

We walked out of the smaller room and through the hole that I had made into the next room. While the one we were in before was more of a office space this one was a full on personal laboratory. There were multiple machines tailored to techno-splicing, an entire wall cooler filled with blood samples and a massive filing cabinet.

"Who's lab is this?" I asked.

"Quinten Silvane, he's the head of research and development at this floor. That office back there is for his lab techs" Haws explained.

Haws walked over to the filing cabinet and pulled on the handle to the handle to the top drawer. It Of course was locked, with a combination lock. Haws quickly dialed in a series of number into the lock and a loud clicking sound echoed through the room. Haws smirked and yanked the drawer open then started picking through the files.

"Wait a second how do you have the combination to this Silvane's filing cabinet?!" I asked. Haws chuckled and shook his head.

"He wrote it on the back of a report to my department. Turns out it's the code to practically everything of his." Haws replied. He pulled a tab up on of the files and gave a quo k look at it before exclaiming. "Ah-ha, here it is."

He pulled the file out completely then handed it to me. The file was as large as a novel and heavy as a thesaurus. I took the file and walked over to the nearest flat surface and started looking through it.

"…Project Lazarus…artificial…no…no!" I exclaimed.

"What is it?" Iris asked. I pulled a piece of paper from the file and handed it to her. She quietly read it over, her eyes widened and her mouth opened. "It's made using from the ascended thrad and a skuzard!"

"I don't know a skuzard is but I know that using the DNA of one evo in the creation of another causes cellular degeneration, using two….bad news!" I exclaimed.

"A skuzard is a evo that tribes in the southern part of Africa use very frequently. They were the evos that were pulling the transports through the desert before your flying snake evo fried them." Haws explained. I nodded in understanding then flipped through the rest of the file.

"Wait a second…according to this file they created this evo over a year ago and recently transferred it here to this base." I said. Iris rushed to my side and looked at the file over my shoulder.

"That should be impossible! It's cells would have degraded to the point of insanity by now." Iris replied

"Could that be why it's after KC?" Haws speculated. I shook my head.

"That thing was focused when it attacked us. Not frenzied. The thrads under its control could be counted as frenzied but it was thinking and planning." I said.

"Well we can probably assume that whatever it's planning is not good for KC. We need to hunt it down." Haws said.

I closed the file then channeled mana into my void pocket enchanted ring and tossed the file inside once the spell was cast.

"Agreed. But first we need to take care of something…" I said as I closed the pocket. Haws and Iris both arched their brows and shared a confused look.

"What?" They both asked.