171: A Company of Fools: Forbidden Research III

"Boss, we're almost to where that bastard is!" Bone-lasher exclaimed.

Iris and Haws were riding on Bone-lasher's back while I was running beside them. Both Bone-Lasher and I were channeling volt attribute mana to make us run faster. Thanks to Bone-lasher I could see where the Thradiz was, only problem was it was flying on the other side of the production floor and there was a sea of thrads between the entrance of the floor and the thradiz.

"Chase, what's the plan?" Haws asked.

"Go in, send in any flying evo. we got to try and hold off the thradiz while we take out the thrads on the production floor from range." I said.

"I'm not using thar techo-gun Chase!" Iris

said sternly. I rolled my eyes and sighed.

"Iris it's…" I started.

"I don't care what it's for Chase, I am not sacrificing my pride as a splicer and using that thing!" Iris snapped, interrupting me.

"Pride comes before you fall flat on your ass." Haws said with a chuckle. Iris glared at Haws, but all he did was chuckle louder, sensing her glare on the back of his neck.

Bone-lasher and I skidded to a stop as we reached the end of the hallway and the entrance to the production floor. The entrance was a massive hanger style door, the top of which was a good four feet above Bone-lasher's head. There was a thradiz sized hole torn into the bottom of the door.

Haws jumped off the Bone-lasher's back and held the Thompson Mk.4S that he slung over his back and aimed it at the hole. I drew the mana-lock and aimed it at the door as well.

"Empress, Alpa'nagia, come out you two." I said and flung their crystalline structures behind me. The both of them emerged and quickly took defensive stances. We could hear the hisses and screeches of the horde of thrads that were just behind the door. "Haws, we're taking point. Iris, stay behind us, Empress and Alpa'nagia as soon as you guys get inside attack the thradiz. You might not be able to kill it, but at least keep it from attacking us from the air while we take down the thrads. Bone-lasher keep any thrad from getting out."

"Yes, my lord!"

"As you command Star Shaper!"

"They're good as dead, Boss!"

I nodded at them and then looked back at Iris and Haws. Haws gave me a thumbs up and starter towards the hole in the door. I kept in pace with him. Once we made it through the hole, we stood at the top of a small staircase leading down to many rows of maturation tubs. The moment we entered the production floor, Haws and I saw a small group of thrads hissing and nipping at each other near the two closest rows to the staircase.

Haws aimed the Thompson Mk.4S at the closest thrad, and I was about to fire when I held my hand out and shook my head.

I said over the mental link and then pointed further into the floor.

There were more than a hundred thrads that we could see roaming around the production floor. I could see the thradiz at the far end of the room standing at the top of another set of stairs, trying to tear a hole in the doors there.

Haws said.

I said then channeled mana into my Draco Lance enchanted ring and cast an offensive spell sigil. The dragon shaped flames that spewed from the sigil and wrapped around my left arm drew the attention of every evo on the floor, including the thradiz.

The thradiz turned around and saw us, then roared at the top of its lungs. Every thrad in the room roared in response and started to charge at us. Haws opened fire on the thrads that were closest to the stairs and lit them up, cutting them down before they made it halfway up the stairs.

I popped my claws and fired a Draco Lance shot towards the center of my room where most of the thrads were converging. The shot landed in the center of the thrad cluster and exploded, sending flames and thrad body parts shooting into the air. Haws and I jumped to the side so Empress and Alpa'nagia could rush into the room. They immediately took flight and headed for the thradiz. Empress engulfed herself in flames and flapped her wings, sending flaming feathers at the thradiz. It quickly rolled out of the way and flew straight at Alpa'nagia.

Big mistake, Alpa'nagia dived at the last second dodging the attack, then twirled in mid-air and slapped the thradiz across the face with his tail. The thradiz was sent hurtling towards the ground and crashed through several maturation pods.

I ran and fired the last two shots of the Draco Lance aiming at the fringe of the main cluster of thrads heading right towards us. This took out about eighty percent of the remaining thrads. Haws mowed down the last of the stragglers as they approached the stairs.

"How exactly was this a better idea?" Haws griped as he killed the last of the thrads. "We still got swarmed."

"It's nothing like St. Louis, though." I said, then ran down the steps. Jumping over the thrads bodies, I raced towards where Empress and Alpa'nagia were attacking the thradiz.

Bone-lasher appeared at my flank and snarled loudly when he locked eyes on the thradiz. Alpa'nagia had it wrapped up in its snake-like lower body and was trying to squeeze it to death, but the weird evo was stronger than it looked. It managed to break free and slash Alpa'nagia across the face. tjen grabbed his tail and flung him towards Bone-lasher and I.

"Oh shit!" I shouted as I channeled blast attribute mana into my feet and jumped, crimson flames propelling me into the air and over Alpa'nagia, who crashed into Bone-lasher The two flew for several feet before crashing into a maturation tank.

"BONE! ALPA!" I called out and looked back to check in them.

"Chase, look out!" Haws yelled. I turned back, and all I saw was a black figure. I felt claws wrapping around my throat and pulling down and slamming me unto the ground.

"Fuck!" I screamed as every bone in my body screamed back at me in protest. I was suddenly yanked into the air and dangled several feet above the ground, my feet nowhere near touching the floor.

I was face to face with the thradiz, it glared at me with bright red reptilian eyes filled with anger.

"My lord!" Empress screeched and flew at the thradiz, talons extended. The thradiz simply turned and used me as a human shield, Empress not wanting to hurt me broke off her attack and quickly flew up and circled around the thradiz from the air.

"Using me as a shield? Big mistake!" I exclaimed and slammed my palm down on the thradiz head, sending mana directly into it.

My vision blurred as I felt my consciousness getting pulled into the thradiz's mind. Just as everything was about to go black I felt a string surge of emotion. Anger, hatred, desperation, loss. It was right then I felt a strong presence, the thradiz. As I was trying to get into its mind it was peering into mine.

[YOU ARE NOT THE MASTER!] I roared before I was forcibly expelled from its mind.

"fuuuuuuck…" I mumbled as I tried to regained myself. The thradiz roared then spun around and threw me across the production floor towards the door we came in.


"BOSS!" Bone-lasher yelled. I was suddenly plucked out of the air and rose towards the ceiling by a streak of lightning.

"Star Shaper are you okay?" Alpa'nagia asked as he held me in his arms.

"Yeah but the thradiz?!" I exclaimed. I looked down in time to see Bone-lasher and Empress both attacking it furiously but the none of their attacks were landing. Even when Bone-lasher wrapped his body in lightning, the evo was still able to dodge.

When Bone-lasher and Empress moved to attack at the same time the thradiz simply jumped out of the way and let them crash into each other. Haws took the opportunity to fire the Thompson, sending a literal spray of bullets flying at the evo.

The first few shots missed and gave the thradiz enough time to jump into the air and fly erratically, making it hard for Haws to hit it. Haws gun suddenly stopped shooting and clicked several times. He looked down and realized his gun was jammed. Thradiz nosedive towards Haws, it's fangs and claws extended.

"HAWS!" I yelled and drew my mana-lock. The thradiz was nearly on him when twin fireballs suddenly slammed into it and exploded. The explosion sent it flying across the floor and through several maturation pods. I looked over and saw Iris was stading several feet behind Haws and already casting another offensive spell sigil.

The thradiz stood up quickly and zeroed in on Iris and let out a ferocious roar. Iris fired another spiraling fireball and the thradiz quickly dodged it. The fireball continued on and slammed into the closed door that the thradiz had been trying to open earlier.

"Iris use the mana-lock!" I yelled and channeled volt attribute mana thought my body.

"I don't need it!" Iris yelled back and fired another fireball at the thradiz. The thradiz dodged this one and charged Iris. She tried to start casting another spell sigil but the evo was approaching too fast, she wouldn't make it in time.

"IRIS!" I screamed.

Alpa'nagia wrapped his body in lightning and threw me at Iris. A sonic boom reverberated behind me as I sailed through the air towards Iris. But even as fast as I was moving it didn't seem enough. Time seemed to slow to a crawl as I approached her, the thradiz rapidly approaching with its razor sharp fangs poised to tear into her throat.

'Please reach! Please reach! FUCKING REACH!' I thought as I extended my hand. I grabbed her shirt and yanked her towards me, twisting my body in mid-air to bring me between her and the thradiz. It worked but not without sacrifice.

The thradiz slammed into Iris and I and sent us flying across the floor. I shielded her as best I could until we skidded across the floor before crashing through two maturation tubes and finally stopping when we crashed into a third, cracking the glass.

My whole body radiated pain, specifically my left arm, side and leg. I looked down at Iris, I had managed to shield her from most of the damage. Her eyes snapped open and she looked up at me. She looked indignant for a fraction of a second then her eyes widened in horror.

"CHAAAAAAAAASE!" She bellowed clamped her hands over my arm or at least where my arm should have been.

I looked down and saw that my left arm was missing as well as my leg and I had at least seven large shards of glass sticking out of my side, I was bleeding heavily from each injury. I looked up and saw the thradiz spit out my arm and growl at me. I looked down towards the direction we traveled and saw my leg behind the second maturation tank, most likely severed by the sharp glass when we crashed through it.

I heard a cacophony of screams and roars inside my head from all my evos. I looked up and saw Bone-lasher, Alpa'nagia, and Empress all trying to kill the thradiz in a murderous frenzy, however their attacks were uncoordinated and sloppy and they kept injuring each other instead of the thradiz when it dodged.

"HAWS! HAAAAAAWS!" Iris bellowed. Haws came running over the panic in his eyes told me the wounds were serious, not that I couldn't see that for myself.

"FUCK! SHIT! OH FUCKING SHIT!" Haws bellowed and ran his hands through his hair.

"He can heal! He can heal! We need to stop the bleeding before he bleeds out!" Iris said frantically.

Haws immediately tore off his shirt and ripped it into strips. He tied one around my shoulder and tied it tight until the bleeding stopped then did the same for my leg.

"H-h-hey guys…imma nap for a sec…okay?" I said drowsily.

"NO! NO SLEEPING CHASE!" Iris bellowed and slapped me but I didn't feel a thing. I felt my eyes closing against my will and a black fog coming over my mind.

'Shit…am I going into shock…?' I thought.





My eyes fell shut despite the others efforts to keep me awake. My head filled with muted screams and cries. Roars and hisses. All are becoming increasingly muted with each passing second. Soon, there was nothing but silence and then nothingness.