174: A Company of Fools: Forbidden Zazzy I

"LET ME GOOOO RIGHT NOW YOU SMELLY, POOR EXCUSE OF A TITAN!" Madilyn bellowed as we carried her down the hallway. Jiggles was taking point with Madilyn dropped over his shoulder. Haws, Iris and I were following close behind. Though not as close as when we left the medical bay due to Madilyn's screaming.

"Will you shut up! Are you trying to get us mobbed by thrads right now?" Haws hissed

"No I will not! I would rather have my arms eaten by thrads than be a prisoner to filthy splicers and splicer sympathizers!" She screamed.

"Trust me, you don't." Haws and I said in unison. The haunting tones of our voice seemed to give her pause bur nor for long cause she was back to hopping and hollering again. I was about to shoot her when Iris stormed over to Madilyn and Jiggles and grabbed Madilyn by her cheeks and forced her to look Iris in the eye.

"If you do not shut the hell up, I will paralyze you from the neck down and dump you in a Rachid nest! You know those things love laying eggs in live prey and then letting their children eat their way out!" Iris growled. Madilyn closed her mouth instantly and squirmed in Jiggles' arms, looking terrified and uncomfortable.

"Chase, where are we going?" Iris turned and asked me.

"Back to the production floor we fought the thradiz on. I lost my left arm and leg their but also all my enchanted rings. I might be planning to end this peacefully but I'm not going into a den of evos without a weapon." I said.

"Well in that case we're almost there." Haws said pointing to a massive hanger doors that led to the production floor a few meters ahead.

Jiggles rushed ahead and stuck his head through the door to check the coast was clear. I already knew the floor was clear thanks to Bone-lasher and even saw where the remains of my arms was. I walked around Jiggles and patted him on the back.

"Don't worry Jig, the room is empty." I said then hurried down the stairs. I quickly made my way over to the shattered maturation tank that Iris and I had originally crashed through and where, under a heap of glass and metal, was my arm. As I picked it up off the ground I felt a slight feeling of revulsion worm its way through my stomach as I looked at the severed limb. I heard Iris and the others approach and turned to look at them, pulling off the rings on my fingers and then tossing the arm over my shoulder.

"Just when I thought you couldn't surprise me anymore Star Child…you do that…" Iris groaned then shivered.

"How do you think I feel having to pull rings off my own arm?!" I grumbled then slid each ring on my fingers.

"Sooooo….where is the thradiz?" Haws asked. I turned and pointed to the set of doors at the otjer end of the room that had been slashed open.

"Through there. He has the horde with him in the other production floor there." I said tjen channeled mana into the void pocket ring and pulled two more magazines of Thompson Mk.4S ammo and handed them to Haws.

"What the hell?!" Madilyn exclaimed as she saw me use magic. Haws and iognored her as he reloaded the Thompson. I turned to Iris and pulled out another mana-lock.

"If things go south are you actually going to use yours?" I asked Iris. She nodded and drew her mana-lock and held it at the low ready.

"I'm not going to let insecurity make me a liability." Iris said. I nodded hen moved behind Iris and corrected her grip on the gun.

"Yeah but hold it like this….nope keep the thumb away from that….okay now keep feet spread apart, shoulders locked. There perfect firing form." I said tjen stepped away from Iris. Haws looked over her form and nodded.

"Looks good. Just remember to aim down the sights. The top of the center sight is where the bullet is going to hit…of you aim the gun right." Haws said. Iris frowned and lowered the mana-lock.

"This does not seem like adequate instruction." Iris complained.

"Well someone dodn't want to learn until a few minutes ago…" I said narrowing my eyes at her. Iris looked away sheepishly.

"Nevermind." Iris said.

"Just in case Iris, bring out Jangles. I'll bring out Bone-lasher, Empress, and Alpa'nagia as well." I instructed. Iris nodded and summoned Jangles as I summoned all my evos, minus Grimm-Guard.

Madilyn's eyes bulged as she saw our evos emerge from their crystalline structures. I saw panic and fear cloud her eyes as she looked at Iris and I.

"You can…carry evos in those crystals?!" Madilyn exclaimed.

"I keep forgetting that American's know next to nothing about splicers…" Iris groaned then reached down and petted Jangles. The little croyan stood proudly and faced the doors that lead to the thradiz, as did all my evos.

"Yeah…the American education system is great a forgetting things…." I said with a shrug.

"You're telling me!" Haws grunted then started walking towards the door.

Jiggles and Bone-lasher quickly took the lead and stalked towards the door much to Madilyn's dismay. I smirked as I watched her try to throw a silent fit so iris wouldn't make good on her threat. Iris, Haws, and I followed close behind Jiggles hiking him and Bone-lasher as a bulwark between us and any evo that could attack. Alpa'nagia and Empress watched over us from the air while Jangles stayed close to Iris side.

When we reached the hole in the door that the thradiz made I could already make out a scene on the other side that worried me. There were thrads everywhere trashing the place and killing non-thrad evos that were inside maturation tanks. High above all of the hindres of thrads was the thradiz, looking down at its horde.

"Let me go in first." I said pushing past Bone-lasher and Jiggles.

"But Boss…." Bone-lasher said, his voice trembled with worry. I placed a hand on Bone-lasher's head and smiled.

"I'll be fine Bone. He's not going to attack me this time." I said softly. I looked to the rest of my evos and offered them the same smile. "Trust me you guys."

"I trust you Kid. Trust that you're fucking insane, so I'll be back here with the big guns." Haws said raising the Thompson slightly above his head. Iris sighed and looked at mer seriously

"You better know what you're doing Chase." Iris said.

"Don't I always?" I asked with a smirk.

"No!" Iris barked. "But we follow you anyway."

I rolled my eyes and turned to head into the other production floor. I stopped at the top of the stairs that lead out onto the floor and looked up at the thradiz. It hadn't noticed me yet and neither had the thrads.. As I stood at the top of the stairs I took a deep breath then screamed at the top of my lungs.

"ZAZZY!" I bellowed.

All of the thrads became silent and turned to look towards me. The thradiz, which had been flying high above all the thrads looked down at me with a seething look that could have melted steel. The thradiz roared then rushed me, nose diving towards the top of the stairs where I was.

"I know where your master is." I said calmly. The thradiz snapped its wings open and stopped at the top of the last step. It's claws were only mere inches from my neck, the look in its eyes told me I had seconds to speak before it decided I wasn't worth keeping alive. "You want to know your master is safe? Well I want to make sure that he stays safe and I'm not sire he is safe with you."

The thradiz eyes widened in anger and he grabbed me by my throat and lifted me off the ground and eye level with it. I felt a surge of anger come from all my evos and heard Bone-lasher, Empress, Jiggles, and Alpa'nagia, hiss, roar, and screech.

[Don't!] I ordered all my evos, stopping them in their tracks as they started to rush into the room. I could hear Bone-lasher snarling at the thradiz and given how the thradiz eyes darted to the door behind me it was obvious that he was behind me and ready to strike.

[Protective beasts…]

I heard the thradiz voice boom in my head. Since the thradiz was touching me I could now sense its thoughts which felt weird compared to hearing the thoughts of my evos. It was sounded slightly muffled and off key.

"They're worried for their splicer. Like you're worried for yours." I said aloud. The thradiz narrowed his reptilian eyes at me and hissed.

[You hear me? Well hear this! Bring my master here!] The thradiz demanded.

"No. Not until I know you are not a threat." I said sternly and in a tone of authority that didn't match my current situation. It's claws around my throat, my feet dangling in the air, one would assume that I would be more humble or feeble.

[HE'S MASTER! I'M NEVER A DANGER!] The thradiz roared in my head, hissing in my face out loud.

"Then show me." I said. The thradiz narrowed its eyes at me and tightened its claws around my throat, the tips drawing blood.

[You at my mercy!] The thradiz hissed maliciously. I looked the thradiz in the eyes and rolled mine.

"You honestly think I'm not willing to die to protect KC?" I asked. I reached up and grabbed the thradiz head and showed it my memories of KC. Starting back from my last memories of him back in the United States and going all the way back to the night he was born. When I showed him all the memories I narrowed my eyes at him. "If you ever want to see KC again then show me right now that you are not a danger to him. Cause you can kill me but after that all of my evos will kill you and I have more than the three you fought earlier."

The thradiz looked conflicted, which wasn't surprising. Even though it was more intelligent than a thrad it was still about as intelligent as a seven year old. I could see the gears turning in its head while trying to figure out a way to spin the situation in its favor. Ultimately it lowered me to the ground and let go of my throat then took a step back and opened his mouth.

"T-t-take T-t-t-to m-m-mas-s-ster!" The thradiz stuttered. I was surprised it could speak, I knew it was smarter than a thrad or ascended thrad but I figured it's tongue made speaking impossible, turns out I was mostly wrong.

"Get rid of the thrads. All of them." I said looking at the thrads at the bottom of the stairs below. They had been creeping up the stairs throughout the thradiz and mine's conversation. "You might be able to control them now but the scientists that designed them made it so that they will become unstable the longer they live until they go insane and attack anything and anyone nearby. If you really want to keep KC safe then get rid of them."

I expected the thradiz to look surprised by that bit of news but it looked as if it already knew that. It nodded in agreement then turned to look down around the thrads below. It took a deep breath then screeched loudly. The sound boomed and echoed through the production floor. The thrads closest to us hissed and cluched their chests before collapsing to the ground. One by one in a tidal wave of death the thrads collapsed to the ground until not a single one remained alive.

"D-do-one" The thradiz said once the last of the thrads had fallen.

[Bone, Jiggles, check the bodies.] I said through our mental connection and motioned my head down towards the bottom of the stairs.

Bone-lasher walked around the thradiz and I made his way down the stairs snarling at the thradiz as he passed it. Jiggles did the same only his snarled sounded more like a trumpet. Bone-lasher approached the nearest thrad and sniffed it then poked it with one of its armored claws. After he had no reaction he opened his mouth and tore into the chest of the thrad and ripped out its heart then ate it.

"Dead as a dumb-dumb boss." Bone-lasher said. I looked over to Jiggles and saw it channeling blast attribute mana into its foot and kicking another thrad causing a explosion and knocking it's corpse and the corpse of those near it away.

"Same Star Shaper." Jiggles added. I nodded then looked back over to Alpa'nagia who was peeking his head through the hole in the door with Iris, Haws, Madilyn, and Empress.

"Alpa, fry the rest of them." I said. Alpa'nagia slithered from the door and over to the edge of the stairs. Like Bone-lasher and Jiggles, Alpa'nagia gave the thradiz a dirty look and hissed at it.

Jiggles and Bone-lasher quickly raced back up the stairs and stood behind me as Alpa'nagia's horns glowed and lightning shot from the tips and struck the nearest corpse. The lightning jumped from one body to the next as a whirlwind formed in the center of the room sucking the bodies into the center of the whirlwind where the lightning danced between them and incinerating the bodies in seconds. Once it was done Alpa'nagia coiled around me protectively and glared down at the thradiz.

"It is done Star Shaper. Let me know if you require anything else destryed…" Alpa'nagia said not breaking eye contact with the thradiz.

"Thank you Alpa, Bone, and Jigs." I said rubbing Alpa'nagia on his belly and smirked at the thradiz.

The thradiz looked flabbergasted at Alpa'nagia's display of power which was understandable. Out of all my evos Alpa'nagia was the only one that was suited for long range warfare. Even though both Alpa'nagia and Bone-lasher both had shock attributes Bone-lasher can only be sent through the armor on his body, while Alpa'nagia could launch attacks at a distance and with pinpoint accuracy.

"Now, lets go see getting you to see your master." I said looking to the Thradiz.