"Well, now that's over with…" I said as I put Sho'uragu back into my void pocket. I turned to Oda and leveled him with a serious glare. "…Oda Nobu, I'm officially putting you and the entire Nobu family on my ban list. Effective immediately, anyone claiming to be part of the Nobu family will be restricted from purchasing or requesting any enchanted items from Sho'lajah artifact company. Anyone caught ordering enchanted items on the Nobu family's behalf will be added to the ban list. The ban on you is permanent, but the ban on your family can be lifted if reparations are paid to my satisfaction."
"Banning the entire family?! Isn't that a little extreme Chase?!" Jane asked. I looked to her and then pointed at Oda.
"The cocky shit came into my shop and assaulted not only me but one of my most valued customers. Then he had the fucking nerve of get mad when security takes him down. An attitude like his doesn't sprout up on its own. It's obvious that his family is to blame and until they make it right I don't want them anywhere near my store." I said then turned to Hideyoshi and Caspian. "I however apologize for you two having to witness this. While it is not my place Hideyoshi, I would recommend you call off this engagement to fuckwit over there. You can do so much better and a marriage to this idiot will only bring your family's standing down, regardless of how rich those Nobu's are."
Hideyoshi looked between his brother and Oda. Unsure of how to respond, while the man seemed stoic and rigid during our first meeting it's obvious now he's like that because he's not great at handling shifting situations; like conflict. Lucky for him he has a smart brother.
"We will keep that in mind Chase, Oda's behavior today has definitely been…telling." Caspian said speaking up for his brother.
"You think anyone in my family is going to give a fuck about being banned from your shop?!" Hideyoshi yelled.
"Probably not right now, but once other noble families start acquiring more and more enchanted items giving them more prestige and status while your family is locked out…I bet they'll change their tune real quick." I said with a devious smirk then turned to Hideyoshi and walked over to him. "How about as a apology for the inconvenience today I make both you Hideyoshi and Caspian custom enchanted items, free of charge and also give you a more in-depth tour of my operations."
Hideyoshi's and Caspian's eyes both widened and they both looked at each other dumbfounded before turning to answer.
"Why, thank you Chase Kingston! That is way too generous!" Caspian said. I shook my-head and placed a hand on both their shoulders.
"Not at all. It's the least I can do since you were assaulted in my shop Hideyoshi. Plus a enchanted item would make a great give to say…a emperor or king…" I said giving them both a wink before patting them on the back and walked over to Iris, Jane and Angie.
"That was so smooth it was terrifying." Iris said under her breath.
"Why Iris, whatever do you mean?" I replied innocently. Angie flashed me a knowing smile then opened the door to the shop to let everyone inside. "Well Caspian, I think you've waited long enough for your son's enchanted necklaces. Why don't we all head inside so I can show them to you. I hope it also goes without saying though that Oda has to stay outside."
"Naturally." Dean Baxter said as he followed me, the girls and the Ascred Brothers inside.
Everyone headed inside, leaving Oda in the middle of the street covered in his own blood and kneeling on the ground stewing in his humiliating loss.
I lead everyone over to The nearest display case and walked around to the other side to face everyone. Caspian and Hideyoshi stood at the front of the group with the dean close behind them. Jane, Iris, and Angie stood at the back with Angie holding the now sleeping KC in her arms.
I channeled mana into my void pocket enchanted ring and pulled out a small wooden box that I had made from some wood that I bought a few weeks ago at from a hobby shop in gold city. While not the fanciest container I tried to spruce it up by carving the Ascred family crest into the lid of the box and had Jade add some silver and gold inlays into the wood.
I placed the box on the desk and turned it around to face Caspian then opened the lid to reveal the two necklaces I enchanted for Caspian. They were made to his specifications, I even had them customized with the symbol of the quarter moon on the pendant of one necklace and the waxing gibbons on the other.
Caspian gasped and reached down to pick up one of the necklaces. He handled it as of it was a fragile artifact that the slightest misstep could result in it breaking. He held it up to the light and a small smile tugged at his lips as he observed the soft glow and sheen of the polished silver in the light.
"The enchantments?" He asked pacing necklace back in the box.
"Two custom spells, like you asked for. One that is a variant of a spell that I use called Lunar satellite. It created multiple Crescent moon shaped satellites made of light that orbits the casters. They will move to defend the caster or whoever the caster wants and also spin at high speeds to attack. That spell is enchanted on the quarter moon necklace." I said pointing to that necklace. "The other one is enchanted with a spell called Lunar Arsenal. The spell makes a weapon out of shadows that changes depending on what the caster needs."
Caspian nodded as I explained each spell. A look of confusion appeared on his face and he pointed at both of the necklaces.
"Wait didn't we agree on different spells? Shadra scythe and Umbra Bow I believe we're the names." Caspian said. I nodded.
"Yes we did but when testing both spells I found that casting them together or near each other resulted in a feedback look of sorts. The spells feed off each others energy and then become unstable and then explode…" I said sheepishly.
"Ah…I see…" Caspian said looking more than a little concerned.
"Don't worry though I checked both spells thoroughly and made sure that nothing of the sort can happen with these two." I assured him. Caspian nodded and closed the lid on the box.
"These are perfect and just in time for their first birthdays too!" Caspian said. He reached out and cast a axiom spell sigil and his shadow creeped up the glass of the counter and enveloped the box. As the shadow withdrew the box disappeared.
"Once again I'm sorry for the wait. A lot has happened since I saw you last." I apologized. Caspian held a hand up to stop me and shook his head.
"It's quite alright, I can see that you've been busy expanding." Caspian said motioning to the shop.
"Yep, though I can't take all the credit myself. My Chiefs here and all my employees worked hard to make this work." I said gesturing to Jane, Iris, Angie, and KC. Caspian and Hideyoshi both turned to look the girls. When they did I gave a subtle nod to Iris. The only indication I got that she saw it was a slight twitch in her lip.
"Chase, since you're giving both Lords Ascred an enchanted item and to show them the full extent of our operation why don't we take them on a tour right now and you can inquire what sort of item they want on the way." Iris offered.
'Nice one Iris!' I thought as I nodded in agreement.
"Great idea. It gets us through everything a little quicker." I said. Both Hideyoshi and Caspian though about it for a moment before nodded in agreement.
"If there is more to see I'd be glad to see it." Caspian said.
"Great! But first let us give you a quick tour of the shop…" Jane said coming up behind everyone. She quickly corralled them and started showing them around the shop. As the dean passed by me I saw a knowing look of mirth and amusement in his eyes.
I followed the group while Angie went back to her desk. Jane pointed out each aspect of the display cases and made a point to say that none of the items inside were enchanted and that I enchanted items after a sale was made. I interjected here and there about certain items, whether they were made by Jade or purchased somewhere else.
"I'm impressed you managed to get all this done in such a short time. The craftsmen you used must be exceptionally skilled." Dean Baxter commented.
"They were but we're probably not going to use them again." I said. Dean Baxter frowned and looked to me.
"Why not?" He asked. At that very moment one of Jade's Orkands walked out of the back room carrying a toolbox and some lumber. He froze when he saw everyone.
"That's why." I said pointing to the orkand.
"The orkands that Bo created are very strong and smart. They learn new things very quickly and love to work…sometimes a little too much. We had all the orkands shadow the workers during the beginning of the renovation and they picked up their skills in a matter of days."
"Wait all this work was done by evos?!" Hideyoshi exclaimed.
"Yep!" I replied. The Ascred Brothers looked even more impressed than they had before while the dean simple nodded and looked off into the distance absentmindedly. I already knew he was cooking up some type of idea in in his head.
"Carry on with what you were doing, just forget about us." Iris told the orkand. It smiled or at least the orkand equivalent with its tusks in the way then gave Iris a thumbs up.
"Alright big chief lady!" He exclaimed then headed outside.
"It can talk?!" Hideyoshi exclaimed.
"Is that evo an ascended of some sort?" Caspian asked. The Dean chuckled and shook his head.
"No, just very well made by a talented young splicer." He said.
"I'd very much like to meet this splicer." Caspian said.
"You'll get your wish in a little bit then, our next stop is where I sent him this morning." I said with a smirk. "We'll need to ride in your carriage in order to get there quickly though."
I led everyone outside to take the carriage only to find that it was gone, along with Oda. The driver was sitting on the sidewalk with a knot on his head. Hideyoshi's face turned beet red when he realized what happened while Caspian gritted his teeth.
"Are you okay?" Iris asked, rushing over to check on his injuries.
"I'm fine madam, Lord Nobu hit me with the butt of his sword and stole the carriage. I'm sorry I couldn't stop him Sir." The driver said looking up to Dean Baxter.
"It's quite alright. He was armed and a splicer, nothing a normal man like yourself could have done." The Dean replied. His expression turned serious as he looked to The Ascred Brothers. "We'll have to have a conversation later about this. I'll have the college report the carriage stolen when we get back."
"The question is how are we going to get back…?" Caspian asked.
"I can have one of my evos fly you back if reporting the carriage stolen is important." I said. The Dean shook his head.
"No, just an inconvenience. Can we ride that evo to see the rest of your operation?" Dean Baxter asked. I looked back at Jane and Iris with a slightly concerned look. Jane gave me a nod and I nodded to the dean in response.
"Grimm-Guard!" I called out as I summoned the Millitanto. Grimm-Guard's crystalline structure shattered in the middle of the empty street and he emerged. Grimm-Guard's body stretched down the street. The Dean, Hideyoshi and Caspian all had to strain their necks just to get a good look at his head.
"Need something Star Boss?" Grimm-Guard asked. He lifted his head and coiled his body a little in order for get a better look at everyone.
"That thing is massive!" Caspian exclaimed. He took a step back that looked purely reflexive.
"He's harmless…mostly…" I said to Caspian then looked up to Grimm-Guard. "We need a ride over to the Moldworks, can you get us there quick?"
"Of course! Anything for your Star Boss!" Grimm-Guard chittered excitedly.
"Another talking evo…" Hideyoshi breathed. I walked over and grabbed Hideyoshi and Caspian by their arms and channeled float attribute mana throughout my body and jumped into the air. Both of them gasped as the three of us floated up onto Grimm-Guard's head.
"Sorry about that, should have warned you I was going to do that." I said as I let go of them.
"It's alright, I was just surprised." Caspian replied. I looked down at the others and saw Iris holing onto the dean's arm. She then held her hand up and started casting an axiom spell. Flames shot from her feet propelling her and the dean into the air. Iris expertly flew over Grimm-Guard's back and landed with the dean. Jane cast the same axiom spell sigil and flew up after Iris and the dean. The spells they were using of course was the tricky movement spell I made for Bo over a month ago. I enchanted it on a ring that they were both wearing, since mobility was a common issue I kept seeing with them.
"We'll be back in a bit Angie!" I yelled down to her.
"I'll be here, with their driver!" She yelled back up then motioned helped the driver head inside.
"Let's go Grimm!"