187: A Company of Fools: Royal Trappings V

"Your majesty, are you okay? Do you need me to get the court doctor?" Rowad asked as Turak'Kahn sat down in his thrown.

"Did I ask for a doctor, captain? No, I didn't think so! I am not so fragile that a little tumble would be enough to injure me." Turak'Kahn said sternly to the guard captain. The icy glare that he shot the captain made me feel sorry for the man and reminded me of Jane's. She had her's honest...

"Of course, your Majesty, apologies…"Rowad said, bowing his head. Turak'Kahn paid him no mind and turned back to me.

"I have to say though that was truly the most fun I've had in ages. It's been decades since I've met anyone strong enough to break through Ra's vestige." Turak'Kahn said.

'Ra's vestige? Was that the name of that spell he used?' I thought.

"Iris also seems to have improved as well. I never thought I'd see the day when the mighty Jurirai Philari was knocked down by a mere girl." Turak'Kahn said teasingly to his guardian.

Philari showed no visible reaction to the teasingly other than a slight reddening around his collar.

"You can hardly call her a mere girl anymore, your majesty. She's been able to defeat the captain of the royal guard since she was eleven. It was only a matter of time before she caught up to me. After all, she is the guardian of the future queen." Jurirai said. Turak'Kahn's brows shot up at that comment, and he leaned closer to Jurirai.

"OH! What's this? The proud and indomitable Jurirai Philari, my guardian of the last forty odd years, being gracious in the face of defeat? Call the head priests of Set and Osiris. Hell has probably frozen over!" Turak'Kahn joked, making a grand sweeping motion towards the guards.

Jurirai's expression was still as blank as a chalkboard. Only his face got redder with each passing second. Jurirai smiled at the Pharaoh, though his eyes did anything but smile. They burned with the unbridled passion of a scorned best friend who promised swift and painful retribution.

"Careful, your majesty, your mask is slipping." He said in a low mocking tone. Turak'Kahn simple threw his head back and laughed.

"Quite right, but how could I resist teasing someone so serious all the time?" Turak'Kahn asked, then snapped his fingers.

The throne room started shaking, and I felt like the whole room was moving again, only this time upwards to where it was originally. When it came to a stop and the stone slab that blocked the doorway during movement opened, the Pharaoh pointed to the door.

"Leave us!" He ordered all the guards. They all headed towards the door without question or a word of protest, though I couldn't help but notice more than a couple glaring at me as they passed.

'Sore losers.' I thought as they exited the throne room, leaving just Jane, Iris, and I with Turak'Kahn and Jurirai. Turak'Kahn smiled broadly when all the guards left, then stood from his throne and walked over to Jane and gave her a hug.

"So good to see you again, my little bug." Turak'Kahn said as he embraced his daughter. Jane blushed at the use of her pet name but didn't shirk away from her father's embrace.

"It's good to see you too, father." Jane said. The embrace lasted several moments before Turak'Kahn let her go and turned to face me.

"Now to business…" He started only to have Jane interrupt him.

"One moment father…." Jane said, then turned on her heel and slapped me across the back of my head. "…You threw me at the guards, you asshole!"

"OW! THAT ONE HURT!" I yelled and rubbed the back of my head. Iris chuckled and shook her head.

"Serves you right." She said. I glared at Iris and then looked back to Jane apologetically.

"It's not like you got hurt! The guards weren't going to hurt you!" I defended. Jane started slapping me on my arm and shoulder.

"You still threw me at the guards! You used me as a human shield!" She yelled, accentuating every word with a slap. Iris joined in and slapped me on the back of the head. Though that seemed more her amusement as she smirked when I turned to glare at her.

"OKAY! SORRY! IM SORRY!" I bellowed and jumped away from the girls. Jane frowned and crossed her arms

"Apology not accepted. You have a lot more punishment in store Chase." She said, shooting me a cold glare.

"Oh fuck a duck…." I mumbled. Turak'Kahn laughed and looked back at Jurirai.

"Well our daughters do seem very comfortable with the young man. That alone is good endorsement don't you think Jurirai?" Turak'Kahn asked.

"Considering how I raised Iris to trust no one but the princess…yet, given how she followed his orders without question earlier there is a high degree of trust between them. The type that is hard earned on the battlefield." Jurirai said. Turak'Kahn nodded at Jurirai's assessment then looked to Iris.

"Do you trust him?" Turak'Kahn asked. Iris paused to look at me then looked back to the Pharaoh and nodded.

"Yes your majesty, he's a pain in the ass, often annoying, and very likely to drag those around him life or death situations but he's earnest, hard working, and willing to lay down his life to protect those that mean something to him. I know he counts Lady Jane among those he'd Gove his life for." Iris said. I looked at her with a blank expression.

"You could have gone without all that stuff at the beginning." I said.

"She was being honest." Jane said then turned to her father.

"Your Majesty, as the chief of Logistics for Sho'lajah artifact company, I would like to know why you asked Chase, Iris and I here." Jane said. Turak'Kahn arched his brow at hos daughter.

"Chief of logistics, eh? I suppose it is about time I got down to business." Turak'Kahn said then turned and faced me.

"Chase Kingston, I, King Turak'Kahn Soloman IV would like to commission Sho'lajah artifact company to create a enchanted item for my wife for our upcoming anniversary."

"A anniversary present?" I muttered then scratched my chin. I looked over to Jane, her eyes were wife as saucers.

"I forgot about you and mother's anniversary?!" Jane exclaimed. "I've been so busy with my company duties and school it slipped my mind!"

"I figured it would Bug, no worries." Turak'Kahn said. Iris stepped closer and whispered into my ear.

"Now would be a good time to bring out all the presentation stuff."

"Which suitcase is it in?" I whispered back.

"Just open your pocket up. I'll grab it." She replied. I channeled mana into my void pocket enchanted ring and opened the void pocket. The Pharaoh arched a brow as Iris reaches inside and pulled out a few of her suitcases until she grabbed one that was heavier than it looked. "What the hell?"

She dragged it out of the void and it slammed down onto the floor. The second it did the latch holding it closed broke and the whole thing burst open. Only instead of clothes or whatever should have been inside the case flying into the air, a small familiar boy cam tumbling out and rolled to a stop in front of me.

"BO!" Jane, Iris, and I all yelled in unison.

"Hey guys…" He muttered sheepishly as he looked up at the three of Kahni grabbed hom by the scruff of his neck and yanked home into the air until he was eye height with me.

"What the hell were you doing in my luggage?" Iris demanded.

"He obviously was hiding so he could come with us, even after I said he couldn't!" I snapped then slapped him on the back of the head.

"Owwwww!" He cried and grabbed his head.

"Oh gods! There's no air in my void pocket! How did you breathe?!" I exclaimed.

"I used the tricky movement ring you made for me to fill the luggage with air everything I felt light headed." Bo replied. Iris and Jane both shook their heads while I just felt like I was going to pass out from my rage.

"You idiot! You could have suffocated!" I started to shake him only to have Jane and Iris rush over and pulled Bo away from me before I did any real damage.

"Okay Chase calm down!" Iris said stepping between Me and Bo while Jane set hom down on the ground. "Remember he's only ten."

I paced in front of Iris and took a couple of deep breaths while shooting Bo serious evil glares. He clung to Jane looking terrified and for once I didn't think it was an act. Part of me felt bad for scaring him but the logical part of me that was still terrified that he could have killed himself with that stunt was glad he was scared.

"He's here now so nothing we can do about that. When we get back though…I'm stripping all your privileges and restricting access to the shop, the lab, and Moldworks." I said. Bo's eyes got wide.

"But…!" Bo started only to get cut off by my glare. He lowered his head and kicked the ground.

[Empress.] I called to the evo through our mental link. She responded immediately with an eager chirp.

[Yes my lord?!"]

[When you see Jade or Nate can you tell them that Bo is here with us. He stowed away.] I told her.

[Of course my Lord! I will tell them the moment I see them!] Empress confirmed.

"I have one of my evos telling your parents you're here with us so they don't freak out when you don't come home." I informed Bo.

Turak'Kahn and Jurirai both arched a brow at the young boy then looked at the girls and me.

"I'm assuming you're acquainted." Turak'Kahn said with a amused smile. Jurirai looked less amused.

"Yes, he's a classmate of ours and the son of two of the company's employees." Jane replied. Turak'Kahn's brows shot up again as he looked down at Bo.

"A student in a Paragon class at such a young age?" He exclaimed. Jurirai looked surprised as well and looked at Bo with a discerning eye.

"And more of a problem than I am!" I said shooting Bo a glare.

"Welllllllll..." Iris and Jane muttered, glancing off to the side.

"HEY!" I grumbled.

"What? Bo doesn't start arguments with Paragons!" Jane defended.

"Whatever…" I muttered then bit my finger and started writing runes in blood on my forearm then channeled mana into my hand. I cast a utility spell sigil, a beam of brown energy shot from my hand and struck Bo. A harness made from that energy wrapped around Bo's chest then the original energy beam turned into a leash that wrapped around my wrist. "…in the mean time I'm going to make sure you don't wonder off."

"What? CHASE!" Bo yelled and tried to rip off the magical harness but his hands just passed through it like air. He looked up at me and glared.

"That's a bit much don't you think?" Jane asked, trying to hide her laughter.

"He just snuck into the royal palace by stowing away in Iris luggage which was chucked into an airless vacuum." I said in a matter of fact.

"You put him on a leash!" Iris cackled then covered her mouth as she laughed.

"Just suck it up! He brought this on himself!" I growled then turned back to Turak'Kahn and took a deep breath. "So you wanted a enchanted item?"

The Pharaoh looked amused by the whole incident and was smirking at the four of us, not even bathing to pretend that we were the source of his amusement. He cleared his throat then walked back to his throne and sat down.

"Yes! As I was saying I wanted a enchanted item for my wife for our anniversary next week. I already have the item I want enchanted I just need you to create a custom spell and enchanted it onto the item." Turak'Kahn said.

"Oh…well that makes things easier." I said looking at Iris and Jane. They both nodded in agreement. "What item?"

"The Star of Ammuhnset!" Turak'Kahn exclaimed happily.

"WHAT?!" Iris and Jane bellowed.

"Are you serious?!" Jane demanded.

"Sadly he is." Jurirai sighed. Bo and I looked at each other in confusion.

"What's the Star of Ammuhnset?" I asked. Jane sighed and rubbed her forehead.

"It's one of the six royal treasures that can only be worn by the queen of Egypt by law. It is only taken out of the vault for a new queens coronation or for special events and anniversaries." Jane explained.

"It's a special necklace with one of the world's largest diamonds at two thousand and fifteen carats as its center piece." Jurirai added.

"WAIT WHAT?!" Bo and I bellowed.

"Yes, it's been worn by every queen of Egypt for the last two thousand years and will one day be worn by Jane." Turak'Kahn said looking at her with a living smile.

"Why would Jane wear that?" Bo asked.

"Because she's the first princess." Turak'Kahn said without thinking. Jane, Iris and I groaned and waited for Bo's predictable freak out.

"SHE'S A WHAT?!" Bo exclaimed. Turak'Kahn grimaced then looked at Jurirai who shook his head and groaned.

I yanked the arm with the magic leash and pulled Bo closed to me then knelt down and look him dead in the eye.

"Bo, under no circumstance are you to ever, and I mean ever mention anything that you hear here! Jane's real identity is a national secret, if you go blabbing it you will end up in jail…" I said sternly.

"No he won't, he'll just go missing." Jurirai said in a matter of fact tone. Bo's eyes widened and he covered his mouth with his hands.

"I heard nothing." Bo whispered.

"Good…you're already in enough trouble let's not add to it." I said.