198: A Company of Fools: Anniversary Preparations I

"I'm surprised you offered to work on enchanting the Star of Ammuhnset after everything you went through today." Turak'Kahn said. I shrugged and sighed.

"I know I'm on a time crunch, so if I want to get the job done before your anniversary party at the end of the week, then I need to get to work." I said as I followed Turak'Kahn and Jurirai through the halls of the palace.

It was late at night, and practically everyone else had gone to bed. After my duel with Rowad and the other royal guards, I made it known to Turak'Kahn that I assigned ready to work on enchanting the necklace with the Crystal Genesis spell. I did this, of course, with a note that I slipped into Jurirai's hand. The secrecy wasn't needed, but it felt fun to have.

"I have to say I'm a little surprised that the spell you learned at that space station turned out to be the spell my wife was searching for." Turak'Kahn said.

"You're right. From what I can gather, that spell was really common in Ramus Azushal's day but, for some reason, faded into obscurity." I replied.

"Probably because anyone with the mana to cast it died during the plague?" Jurirai offered.

"That could very well be why…" Turak'Kahn said, then huffed. I glanced over at the Pharaoh. He looked worried, and I could already guess what it was about.

"Go ahead and ask." I said without warning. Turak'Kahn looked surprised for a moment, then smirked.

"Has Jane talked to you lately?" Turak'Kahn asked. I shook my head.

"No. Thought knowing her I'll probably run into her tomorrow. She was watching my duel with Rowad." I replied. Turak'Kahn nodded.

"Please don't be too hard in her. The way she is today is as much my fault as it was my mother's." Turak'Kahn said.

"She's grown and can make her own decisions as well as live with the consequences." I said, which earned a huff from Turak'Kahn.

"Yes, quite." He said. "We're near the vault."

On Turak'Kahn's announcement, we turned a corner and ended up having to halt as the hall led to a dead end. Turak'Kahn stepped forward and placed his hand on the wall, his fingers found little switches hidden in the stonework in the wall and pressed them. A sudden gust of wind blew from the bottom of the wall as it slid back a few feet and then lowered into the floor, reveling a spiral staircase.

Turak'Kahn wasted no time descending down them. I followed suit and started down the stairs after him with Jurirai taking up the rear, surprisingly.

The moment Jurirai started down the steps, the false wall raised up and went back into place, leaving no trace of the hidden staircase. Surprisingly, there were several light sources in the shape of light scones that glowed with an unnatural golden light.

"The vault is older than the palace and was created more than ten thousand years ago. Some of our nation's greatest treasures are housed inside." Turak'Kahn informed me.

"And you're just letting me inside? Are you sure that's a good move? I could just kill you two and escape with all your treasures." I asked. Turak'Kahn laughed loudly, the sound echoed down the winding staircase.

"You care too much about Jane and Iris to even attempt killing us. That much is clear to anyone who watches the three of you together. Jane acts more sisterly to you than she does her own brother." Turak'Kahn said.

"You are also the only person to call Iris Tri-clops beside her sister Iscara and not end up in the hospital." Jurirai added. There was a hint of amusement in both Jurirai and Turak'Kahn's voices.

"Plus, everything in the vault is worthless compared to the enchanted items you create. You are probably the one person in the world who I can leave inside the vault by themselves, and they wouldn't try and steal anything." Turak'Kahn said. I shrugged at the assessment.

'Well, he's not wrong, I'm not going to screw Jane and Iris over like that.' I thought.

We soon came to the bottom of the staircase which lead to a long corridor. There was nothing in the corridor except a large door made of Jade at the very end. The three of us walked down the corridor. As we got closer to the door, I saw that it was coated with thousands of runes, which made up several dozen spells that protected the door.

Turak'Kahn placed his hand on the door, and the entire Jade slab glowed as all the spell sigils etched into activated. After several moments, the door glowed with a bright violet light and released a low rumbling sound. Turak'Kahn took his hand off the Jade door and simply walked into it.

I was surprised, genuinely. Even the door to the lab didn't have a feature like that, which was surprising considering how much Dean Baxter emphasized the fact it was one of a kind when he was trying to sell me on it.

Without a prompt from Jurirai, I walked into the glowing door and found it felt like I was walking through a waterfall almost. When I stepped through to the other side, I found I was in a gargantuan room that stretched so far back that I couldn't see the end of it.

Turak'Kahn and I stood at the top of a short staircase that led to the main floor of the vault. On the main floor, hundreds of pedestals stood with various gemstones, jewelry, scrolls, and other items on them. Jurirai came through the door a moment later and shivered slightly like he'd gotten wet.

"Welcome to the great vault of Rakushutamet. For over twenty thousand years, the royal families of Egypt have stored our greatest treasures here. Safe from hands that would abuse them and our enemies that would use them to destroy us." Turak'Kahn said as he started down the staircase. I followed after him and gawked at the sheer size of the place. "Rejoice, you are the first person to enter this illustrious place not of royal blood in over ten thousand years."

"What about Jurirai and his family?" I asked.

"My ancestors stem from the bastard child of King Akutept III. While we might be servants of the crown, royal blood still flows through our veins." Jurirai explained.

"Yes, which often explains Jurirai's almost anal approach to all situations. While I was born with a silver spoon in my mouth his was shoved up the other end." Turak'Kahn joked. Jurirai rolled his eyes at Turak'Kahn.

"Considering what I caught our noble queen doing to you the other night…my lord…I think you might want to reassess which one of us had the spoon shoved where." Jurirai said. Turak'Kahn blushed instantly and coughed to hide his embarrassment.

"Next time knock before entering the royal bed chambers…." Turak'Kahn grumbled.

'Geez, how much of a freak are Jane's parents!' I thought.

We reached the bottom of the staircase, and Turak'Kah took the lead and led us through the vault.

"That is the eye of Kol, a jewel with an enchantment that allows the user to turn invisible. That's the staff of Non, I have no idea what it does. The amount of mana it takes to activate it is more than humanely possible." Turak'Kahn said, pointing out two enchanted items as we passed them. I noticed an item on a pedestal a few feet away.

"Is that an amber?" I asked, pointing to the item in question.

"Yes, one of three that are housed in the vault." Turak'Kahn replied after a glance in that direction.

"May i?" I asked, then gestured to pick it up.

"Go ahead. While it's in the vault, the amber isn't dangerous. The only reason they are in here is that they were excavated from here on the palace grounds a few thousand years ago. I believe they are some of the first amber discovered." Turak'Kahn said.

I quickly walked over and picked up the amber and immediately started channeling mana into it. My mana sought out the mosquito inside the amber and scanned the blood that was onside its stomach. I quickly started creating a lysdale script from the new blood sample and frowned when it was completed.

Judging from the DNA, the animal was a massive snake more than doubled the size of any snake alive today. It was definitely a boa constrictor of some sort, and like the sabertoothed tiger sample I found months ago, I had no telltale signs of being an evo. It was an honest to Gods massive snake.

"Something wrong?" Turak'Kahn asked. I shook my head and put the amber back down on the pedestal.

"No, I just didn't expect to see a snake that big." I said. Turak'Kahn and Jurirai both frowned at my comment.

"What do you mean?" Turak'Kahn asked.

"I scanned the blood inside that mosquito in the amber and the DNA seems to belong to a massive boa constrictor….a Titanoboa of you would." I said tjen motioned to the amber.

"Looks like the one that mosquito snacked on was forty-five feet long."

Turak'Kahn and Jurira both looked extremely surprised to hear that. They both shared a look before Turak'Kahn turned to address me.

"You can extract DNA samples from Amber's?" Turak'Kahn asked. I nodded.

"Some of the DNA I used to fix Jin…I mean Bellial was from an animal I scanned from an amber. Once I scan an amber, I can use the flesh attribute mana to recreate the DNA." I replied. Turak'Kahn arched a brow, then turned and headed in a different direction.

"Follow me for a moment…" Turak'Kahn said. I did as he asked and followed him through the vault until we reached another pedestal with yet another amber in it. "…Scanned this one."

"Okay…" I said, then picked up the amber and scanned it like I was told. As I fojoshed making the lysdale script, I was once again surprised. This amber had the DNA of an elephant of sorts inside it. It was larger than an African or Asian elephant and covered in a thick pelt of fur. "…it's a elephant…no not the right term for something that big…maybe….a mammoth. Yeah, a big, wooly mammoth. Its whole body is covered in fur."

"Marvelous!" Turak'Kahn exclaimed, then grabbed my wrist and pulled me through the vault. I barely had time to put the amber down before he yanked me away. When we reached the last pedestal, Turak'Kahn excitedly pointed to that amber. "Scan this one as well!"

I did as I was asked…told and scanned the amber. The lysdale script off this animal confused me more than astounded me. It was a gigantic crocodile, it's head was six feet tall by itself, and the rest of this body was thirty-one feet long. It had a large mouth that was attached to a snout that got narrower the closer it got to the base.

"Enormous crocodile. Looks big enough to eat an elephant with no problem…I'm calling it a… sarcosuchus." I said.

"Extraordinary…could you make an evo using the DNA of the animals you just scanned?" Turak'Kahn asked. I looked nervously at Turak'Kahn.

"Yes, I could, but the last evo I created with extinct animal DNA ended up trying to kill me, and Bo, nearly succeeded too." I said.

"That sounds like too much of a risk, your majesty." Jurirai said, popping up from seemingly nowhere. Turak'Kahn dismissed Jurirai's concerns with a wave of his hand.

"Worry not! I'm sure Chase has learned a lot since then. After all, he just said he used extinct animal DNA to fix Bellial."

"Oh yeah…I did…" I groaned, realizing I backed myself into a corner. "…however I can't make any evos here. In order to shape an evo, I need my lab back in Andromeda."

"Then I will come to Andromeda! It'll probably do your business good to have a world leader show up to your shop for a consultation." Turak'Kahn said with an amused chuckle. The thought of Jane and Iris faces of their dad's just suddenly appeared at the shop without warning and did bring a smile to my face.

"Okay, but you can't tell Jane or Iris when you come. I want to see the looks on their faces!" I said giddily. Turak'Kahn smiled deviously and nodded.

"Glad we are of the same mind." He said.

"Your majesty….the star of Ammuhnset?" Jurirai prompted. Turak'Kahn's eyes widened as he remembered, and he quickly turned on his heel.

"Right! This way." Turak'Kahn said.