200: A Company of Fools: Anniversary Preparations III

"BEACH TIME!" Bo bellowed as he ran into the lake.

"BO! Don't go jumping in the water now! You just ate!" I snapped as I ran after him.

"Chase, you just ate as well! Follow your own advice!" Iris yelled at me from her beach towel.

Two days had passed since I had enchanted the Star of Ammuhnset with the Crystal Genesis spell. It turned into a whopping success that exceeded my wildest imagination. The cost of the spell was cut by a massive eighty percent, making it usable by everyone I knew. There was still a period where the cost of mana double, but it was shorter than it was for spontaneously casting the spell.

The last two days have been very relaxed. With Iris no longer Jane's guardian, she really doesn't have much to do and just hanged around Bo and I for the last four days. She checked in on Jane every couple of hours still to make sure she was safe at first, but Jane quickly made it clear she wanted to be left alone. Jane avoided Bo, Iris, and I like the plague. Even going so far as to turn around and walk the other way when she saw any one of us coming. I expected her to come talk to me at least yesterday, but I saw no trace of her.

With Turak'Kahn's and Viola's anniversary party set for tomorrow night, things have been getting busy around the castle. There were a lot more staff around the palace now setting up for the party. Since it was getting crowded inside the palace with all the new staff running around so Iris suggested a beach trip. We were still inside the palace grounds just on the eastern most part of the grounds. The beach we were currently lounging on was man-made and the one that the queen often came to in order to relax when her research wasn't going anywhere. I got special permission from the Pharaoh before coming here.

"OWWWW! CRAMP! CRAMP!" Bo exclaimed as he jumped up and down in waist deep water.

"See! I told you!" I snapped as I trudged over to him and grabbed him by the waist and threw him over my shoulder and stomped back up to the beach towel that Iris was laying on and threw him in the sand next to her. Bo rolled around on his back and rubbed his leg, kicking sand all over Iris.

"Bo, don't go kicking sand everywhere!" Iris grumbled and brushed sand off her body.

Bo, Iris, and I were all dressed for the beach, with Bo and I wearing swim trunks that the Palace staff provided us. Iris was wearing a two piece swim suit that was very reveling, at least compared to the style of clothing that she usually wore.

"My, my, aren't you three having fun?" A voice called out from the entrance of the beach.

All three of us turned around and saw Leon and his guardian walking towards us. Iris instantly tensed when she saw her sister, Bo, and I both noticed it and became guarded. As Leon approached, I blinked at home a few times, then turned to Iris and pointed at Leon.

"Who was he again?" I asked. Iris snorted and quickly covered her mouth to hide her laughter, and her sister did the same. Leon gritted his teeth and placed a hand on his chest.

"I am Prince Leonard Solomon! How could you possibly forget a prince!" He snapped. I shrugged and strolled over to the edge of the lake.

"I usually forget the names of random extras." I said nonchalantly.

"EXTRAS!" Leon bellowed and stomped his foot on the ground.

[Hey guys, any of you want to take a swim?] I asked all my evos over our mental link.

[Me boss!] Bone-lasher exclaimed.

[Yes, please, Star Shaper.] Alpa'nagia replied respectfully.

[No thank you, Pretender.] Fours replied.

[Yes Savior!] Bellial exclaimed.

I summoned Bone-lasher, Alpa'nagia, and Bellial and flung their Farm crystals behind me. The three of them emerged from their structures, and Bone-lasher let out a happy roar.

"Swimming!" Bone-lasher growled as he rushed to the water and jumped in. Alpa'nagia rolled his eyes and slithered over to the spot beside Iris and coiled up in the sun.

"Stupid Fish." Alpa'nagia said as he started sun bathing. Bellial stood beside me and rubbed his head against my arm.

"Are you going into water Savior?" Bellial asked. I shook my head and patted him on his.

"I just ate so I better avoid swimming for a little bit. Go on and enjoy." I said.

"Okay!" Bellial replied, then jumped into the water with Bone-lasher. I turned back to Iris and the others and saw Leon and Iris sister looking terrified at Alpa'nagia and the others.

"You'd let your evos out without having direct control?!" Leon exclaimed. I frowned at him, then walked over to Alpa'nagia and laid down using his tail as a backrest.

"Of course! They're not going to cause problems, and even evos need a little play time every now and again." I said. Bo smirked and jumped to his feet.

"Then it's time for my guys to come out too!" Bo exclaimed. He stuck his tongue out and flung three crystalline structures out onto the sand behind him. Gargesh, Gadget, and Midnight all emerged from the structures and looked around curiously. "Okay, guys! Have fun! Enjoy the water or whatever!"

Gadget climbed up Bo's leg and perched up on his shoulder. Midnight looked around, then decided to take Alpa'nagia's route and walked over to a section of the beach that nobody was in and laid down to sunbathe. Gargesh looked over to Bo and crossed his arms.

"Chief, got a job for me?" Gargesh asked. Bo shook his head.

"Nope! I'm just letting everyone out to relax." Bo replied. Gargesh looked confused and cocked his head to the side.

"Re-e-e-laxxx?" Gargesh repeated. Bo groaned and slapped his forehead, then looked to me.

"I forgot. Orkands don't know the meaning of relaxing." Bo grumbled. I channeled mana into my void pocket and pulled out a couple of the muskets that I got back a few months ago and tossed them on the ground at Gargesh's feet along with a set of tools.

"Gargesh, can you take those apart for me and clean them up?" I asked. Gargesh quickly snatched up the muskets and tools and waddled over to a nearby rock and started getting to work.

"Working is relaxing to them. Let me know when he's done with those." I told Bo. Bo nodded, then walked over and sat down next to Iris.

"How can you two just let your evos run free?!" Leon bellowed. Bo and I looked at each other, then at our evos scattered around the beach.

"They're just minding their own business and relaxing." I said.

"But they're evos. They can be unpredictable unless you control them constantly." Leon's guardian said.

"That's only true for some evos, Iscara. Chase and Bo's evos are unique and rather intelligent." Iris explained. Iscara turned and frowned to her sister.

"No evo can be intelligent enough to let them run amok all over the place." Iscara said.

"Chase has a evo that is in charge of watching a shop and managing the evos that act as security, he also has one in charge of security at the Shaping Laboratory, in charge of a small squad of evos. They're both back in Andromeda city." Iris said.

"THAT'S INCREDIBLY NEGLIGENT!" Leon snapped and pointed a finger at me. "If even one citizen of Egypt gets hurt, I'm holding you responsible!"

A bolt of lightning suddenly struck the sand behind Leon and Iscara and made the two of them jump.

"Am I to understand that you are threatening the Star Shaper?" Alpa'nagia hissed. I looked up and saw that Alpa'nagia was standing up, slightly uncoiled and glaring at Leon and Iscara. His eyes glowed menacingly, and lightning sparked from his three horns as he curled his upper lip at them.

"Kingston, control your evo!" Leon snapped and jumped behind Iscara, who took a defensive stance.

"Alpa…no…don't kill them." I said unenthusiastically. Alpa'nagia looked down at me and cocked his head.

"So I can shock them as long as they aren't killed?" He asked.

"I guess that's what that means." I said with a shrug.

"KINGSTON!" Leon bellowed. Alpa'nagia hissed at the prince and his guardian as more lightning sparked from his horns.

"Chase…" Iris giggled and poked me with her foot. "…call Alpa off already. I can't have him frying my sister."

"Okay. Calm down, Alpa." I said, reaching back and petting the scales on his lower body. Alpa huffed and glared at the duo for a few seconds longer before he calmed down and looked away.

"As you wish Star Shaper." Alpa'nagia said, then laid back down but kept an eye on Leon and Iscara.

"See, that is why you need to keep a constant and firm control on evos!" Leon snapped.

"Or princely extras need to learn how to keep their mouths shuts." I said dismissively.

"Princely extra!" Leon snapped and pointed a finger at me.

"Oh dear, is my baby brother causing you three problems?"

Everyone stopped and turned towards the direction the voice came from. Aziza was walking down the beach towards all of us. Her guardian, Yurkid, was right behind her. I caught Iris rolling her eyes when she saw her approaching. Leon frowned and crossed his arms.

"Aziza? What are you doing here?" Leon asked. Aziza stopped a few feet in front of Leon and smirked, crossing her arms and looking at Leon.

"I could ask you the same thing, little brother. You're here at a beach and not dressed for swimming. What possible reason could you want at a pool?" Aziza teased.

"I'm…I'm….uh?" Leon mumbled and looked to Iscara for help. She just shrugged her shoulders. "None of your business!"

Leon turned and stomped towards the exit to the beach. Iscara sighed and followed after her charge. The look on her face everyone told me she was used to the prince's antics and attitude.

"Well, now that he's gone, there's something. I just would like to talk to you about Chase Kingston." Aziza said. I arched a brow at her.

"With me?" I replied. Aziza walked over to Alpa'nagia and sat down on the ground next to me and leaned against Alpa'nagia's tail, then shifted to look solely at me.

'Why is she sitting so close to me?' I thought to myself.

"Yes! I wanted to know exactly how involved you are with my little sister?" Aziza asked. I arched a brow at her and suddenly felt the need to scoot away from Aziza.

"She's my classmate and employee." I said plainly. Aziza looked unimpressed with that answer and scooted even closer to me.

"Oh, come now. A handsome young man like you, living with my sister…." Aziza teased.

"What are you insinuating?!" Iris snapped, jumping to her feet. Aziza smirked deviously at Iris.

"Now why are you reacting so strongly, Iris? I'm just asking Chase here some innocent questions." Aziza asked.

"I'm only ten, and I can tell that question was anything but innocent." Bo said, narrowing his eyes at her. "Why are you getting so close to Chase anyway?"

"Yeah….?" I added and scooted away from Aziza. She smiled and scooted closer and laced her arm with mine.

"Why, I'm just being friendly with him. As a daughter of the Pharaoh, it's my job to be hospitable." She said, dropping her voice to a low tone that I guessed was her attempt at seduction.


[At once…] Alpa'nagia replied.

Alpa'nagia flexed his tail and flicked Aziza and I a few feet into the air. I immediately channeled float attribute mana throughout my body and effortlessly landed on my feet while she landed on her face and skidded across the ground.

"Ooooooooh?" Bo groaned and flinched.

"Whoops, sorry, Star Shaper. Needed to stretch." Alpa'nagia apologized, giving Aziza a sideways look.

"That's fine, Alpa." I said. Aziza stood angrily and glared at Alpa'nagia.

"YOU DISGUSTING SERPENT! HOW DARE YOU!" Aziza snapped, the seductive persona she adopted crumbling. I narrowed my eyes at her and stepped in front of Alpa'nagia.

"I would kindly ask that you never speak to one of my evos that way." I said sternly. She glared at me and pointed a finger at Alpa'nagia.

"Kindly? He threw me into the sand! I demand you discipline him!" Aziza snapped. I arched a brow, then shrugged and turned to Alpa'nagia and slapped him playfully on the tail.

"Bad Alpa, bad, bad, bad, bad." I said in a faux chastising tone. Aziza gritted her teeth and pointed her finger at me.

"What was that?!" She snapped.

"Careful, your bitchiness is showing." Bo teased. Aziza turned to glare at him only to see Midnight and Gargesh both glaring at her and baring their fangs.

"Aziza, instead of pretending to be nice and that pathetic attempt at flirting with me how about you just come out and say what you want." I said. Aziza stood up straight and tapped her chin.

"So you figured me out?" Aziza asked.

"You weren't exactly being subtle…that blind dolt in the lake could have seen that…" Alpa'nagia said looking towards the lake where Bone-lasher was floating lazily. Bo laughed loudly and rolled around in the sand.

"It's sad when an evo can notice!" Bo cackled. Aziza gritted her teeth and pointed her hand at Alpa'nagia.

"If you won't teach your evo manners then I will!" Aziza snapped and started casting a offensive spell sigil. Before I could react she hurled a bolt of lightning at Alpa'nagia, striking it in the chest. Alpa'nagia didn't even flinch against the attack, instead he blinked a few times then looked at me and pointed at her.

"Should I consider her a threat or just ignore her Star Shaper?" Alpa'nagia asked. I glared in Aziza's direction.

"No. Don't consider her at all…" I said trying my best to project a tone of calm and restraint. "…in fact everyone calm down and disregard her."

Aziza looked behind her and froze. Bone-lasher and Bellial stood at the edge of the water, crouched low and growling at Aziza. The only thing keeping them from tearing her apart was the glare I shot their way just before they pounced her.

Bone-lasher and Bellial stood up straight but kept growling at Aziza, they made no movement to attack her however. I stepped closer to Aziza scowled at her.

"The only reason you are still alive right now is the fact you're the Pharaoh's daughter. I lost interest in anything you had to say to me the moment you attacked someone close to me." I said. Aziza scoffed at me and pointed at Alpa'nagia.

"That is a evo! Not a person! Just because it can talk doesn't mean it gets to talk shit about its betters." Aziza said.

"Bo's right, your bitchiness is showing and I don't have to look at it." I said then turned around and walked back over to Alpa'nagia while saying. "If you ever attack one off my evos again I will forget who your dad is and let them tear you to shreds."

"Sentimental fool! You and my father are just alike! Just because you care about your evos doesn't make them anything more than living weapons!" Aziza snapped. I turned and looked at her silently for a few seconds and shook my head.

"You and Jane are more alike than I realized." I said after a moment. Aziza glared daggers at me and stomped her foot in the sand.

"I AM NOTHING LIKE THAT SPOILED PRINCESS" Aziza bellowed. I glanced over at Iris and Bo, arching a brow at them. "That entitled brat thinks she's better than me simply for the fact that her mother was married to our father before she fucked him! For that reason alone she's named first in line for the crown! Doesn't matter whether or not she's actually worthy of the crown!""

"And you think you're worthy? You're acting like a nine year old, and this is coming from a ten year old." Bo said.

Aziza opened her mouth to say something but promptly shut it then turned and walked back towards the entrance to the beach, passing Yurkid as she made her way that way. Yurkid promptly turned and followed Aziza. I watched them leave and only relaxed when Bone-lasher finally relaxed and went back into the water..

"That was weird…." Iris said after a moment. I nodded and sat down in the sand in front of Alpa'nagia.

"Yeah, a visit from two of the royal kids in one day but not the royal brat that I wanted to see. Weird." I said. Iris shook her head.

"That's not what I meant…Yurkid, he didn't move from his spot when Aziza was in trouble. We've all been trained since birth to protect our charges with our lives. The moment Aziza cast that offensive spell he should have already been moving to protect her. But he just stood there like a statue watching everything…" Iris said then scratched her chin.

"Let's not worry about that! SWIMMING TIME!" Bo exclaimed then jumped up and ran towards the water. I groaned and shook my head.

"Bone-lasher, Bellial, make sure he doesn't drown!"