206: A Company of Fools: Red Wedding Anniversary V

"FUCK!" I exclaimed as I ran across the garden, I was channeling volt attribute mana as I ran. Bellial and Fours flew above me heading towards the ballroom. It only took a few moments before I was skidding to a stop in front of the ballroom doors.

The guards stationed at the door looked shocked when they saw me, thankfully they didn't see Bellial and Fours who'd flown higher when we neared the ballroom. I stopped channeling mana and rushed inside the ballroom.

The moment I stepped foot inside noblemen started to swarm me again but I pushed them away when they got close and looked up to the thrones.

"TURAK'KAHN!" I yelled at the top of my lung and rushed over to the grand staircase. Everything came to halt and all eye turned to me.

Turak'Kahn was standing beside Viola at the top if the staircase. A servant stood beside them with a large jewelry box in his arms.

"Chase?" Turak'Kahn replied with concern as he turned and saw me rushing towards.

"The palace…!" I started when I suddenly heard a loud boom behind me and films myself getting launched across the room and crashing to the ground.

Everything went black for several seconds. Almost as if I was blinking. I awoke to pure chaos. People were screaming and running everywhere, fireballs zipped back and forth across the room. The sounds of gunfire echoing and ringing throughout everything.

I rolled onto my stomach and tried to stand up when two men dressed in that all black tactical gear rushed over to me with swords raised.

"BONE!" I bellowed as I summoned the liger shark. Bone-lasher emerged from his crystalline structure and pounced on the attackers before they had a moment to react. There screams were immediately followed by the sounds of flesh tearing and bones snapping.

Pushing myself to a crouching position I drew my mana-lock and surveyed the scene. Whatever guards had been stationed in the ballroom were either lying dead on the ground or running to secure the Pharaoh and royal family. Some of the guests had died as well, their bodies littering the marble floor and mingling with the dead guards. I searched among the fleeing crowd for Bo but dodn't see him.

"Bone-lasher if he's wearing black he dies!" I ordered him. Bone-lasher growled happily and rushed the nearest attacker.

[Savior there are more attackers outside!] Bellial warned me.

[Kill them! If it's not a guest or a guard they die!] I replied.

[Of course Savior.] Bellial said.

"NO JANE!" Viola screamed.

I turned to the sound of her voice and saw Viola kneeling on the ground gripping her side. One of the all black goons was holding Jane or Iris hostage with a pistol pointed to her head and using her as a shield to keep the royal guard at bay. Turak'Kahn was fighting seven of the attackers by himself, using Ra's vestige spell to keep them back while Jurirai and Ultia lead the rest of the royal family to safety.

I bit my finger and drew two bands of blood on my shooting hand then channeled volt attribute mana through my body. Purple lightning sparked off me as the blood bands were burned away to increase the power of my mana channeling. I popped my claws and ran towards the Pharaoh, moving so fast that the world looked like it was standing still.

I dashed up the staircase and stabbed the closest attacker through the chest, moving to the next and slashing his throat then the next until all of the attackers were dealt with I then rushed behind the goon hold in Jane hostage and slashed both his arms off. The boost to my mana channeling ended and I slowed down to normal. The seven attackers that the Pharaoh fought all fell to the ground dead and the one holding Jane hostage realized hos arms were severed.

"AAAAAHHHHHHH!" He screamed and dropped to knees. I pointed my mana lock at hos head and fired without looking at him. The fire bullet incinerating him before he even had a chance to scream further.

"You okay?" I asked Jane. She nodded absentmindedly and stared at her mother.

"You protected me…" She breathed. I looked at the queen and my eyes grew wide.

"OH FUCK!" I exclaimed then rushed to her side. Viola was bleeding badly, I could see that now that I was closer.

"Of course I protected you! You're my daughter!" Viola hissed through gritted teeth. I bot my teeth and wrote a simple healing spell on my arm.

"Let me see." I told her as I channeled mana and started casting a utility spell sigil. Viola moved her and which he clamped over the wound and I pressed my hand over it. My hand glowed with a green light for several moments. In that time Turak'Kahn rushed over and felt to his knees beside his wife.

"My love!" Turak'Kahn exclaimed, the terror on his face evident.

"I'm fine! Just a scratch!" Viola assured him. Turak'Kahn looked to me expectantly and I nodded. The healing spells effect resolved and I took my hand off where her wound had been. Viola would live but she'd lost a lot of blood.

"Turry what about the other kids?!" Viola demanded.

"With Ultia and Jurirai…" Turak'Kahn started. A loud explosion down below cut him off and all of us turned to see the guards that had been escorting Aziza, Leon, Iris, Yurkid, and Iscara, seeing gunned down while Jurirai and Ultia were casting defensive spell sigils to protect them.

"Bone!" I called out then turned to see him getting pinned down by a group of goons that had managed to shoot him in the parts of his body that wasn't armored.

"Leon!" Jane screamed then snatched my mana-lock out of my hand and ran down the stairs.

"JANE!" Turak'Kahn and I both yelled. I rushed after her and channeled void attribute mana as into my right hand as I grabbed the back of her dress and yanked her back to me. I held my hand in front of me, creating a small mass of shadows in front of me as a fireball flew at us. It was instantly broken down by the void attribute mana and absorbed by me.

"Don't rush in!" I snapped at her as I stopped channeling mana then snatched my mana-lock back from her and fired at the goons that had Bone-lasher pinned down. I hit one and incinerated him, this scared the other one enough to turn and pop a shot at me which gave Bone-lasher enough time to heal enough to pounce on the stragglers and kill him.

"But my brother! And Iris!" Jane exclaimed.

"They're here to kill you and your family! Don't make it easy for them!"


Jane and I turned in time to see one of the Aziza's getting shot at from a goon that managed to sneak up behind Jurira and Ultia. That goon was killed by Iscara a second later.

"SON NO!" Ultia screamed and rushed to her son's side. In that instant three fireballs slammed into Jurirai's stone wall and exploded. Smoke and flames obscured my view and I couldn't tell what happened to everyone.

"LEON! IRIS! AZIZA!" Jane bellowed and snatched away from me. I started after her when I suddenly my body jerk to the right and excruciating pain coursing through my left side.

Before I had the chance to fall I felt that pain explode through my body four more times. My body began to crumble and fall, time seemed to move at a snails pace. I looked to my left as I fall and saw three goons aiming rifles at me, the muzzles still smoking from having been fired.

'Shot…shit…' I thought before I collapsed completely and tumbled down the stairs. I tripped Jane on the way down, our bodies tangling together as we rolled down the stairs until we came to a stop at the bottom.

"Chase you...!" Jane snapped as she tried to push me off her until she noticed where she pushed me was bleeding. "…CHASE!"

I saw movement out the corner of my eye and turned. The three goons that shot me were running around the side of the staircase. My gunshot wounds hadn't healed yet and now I had a couple of broken bones from falling down the stairs. Regardless I grabbed Jane by her shoulder and yanked her to the other side of me and shielded her with my body.

As the first bullets tore into my body I felt a ocean of unbridled rage and fury wash over me. It distracted me from the pain of being riddled with bullets, if only for a second. It took a moment to realize the anger wasn't my own but my evos. I felt a surge as my farm crystal glowed a bright violet color and Alpa'nagia's crystalline structure shot from my farm crystal and into the air above me.

When it shattered shut below the ceiling bolts of lighting rained down in the three goons that were shooting me, frying them.


"I'LL SLAUGHTER YOU TO HELL!" Bone-lasher bellowed.

The horns on Alpa'nagia's head glowed with the same purple light that my farm crystal did and Bone-lasher's armor glowed that color as well. I saw multiple flashed of lightning bounce around the room and heard the terrified screams of both the attacking mercenaries and ball guests.

Jane pushed my off her and quickly checked me over. A look of panic came over her fa r as she looked down at Mr.

"Chase your wounds aren't healing!" Jane exclaimed. I started feeling cold and lightheaded.

"Mana feels…siphoned…" I said slowly. I could feel my mana being fed into Bone-lasher, Alpa'nagia, and Bellial.

"CHASE WHAT DO I DO?!" Jane cried.

"Arm…" I muttered as I stretched out my hand. Jane quickly held out her arm and I started writing runes on her arms in my own blood. My vision started to blur and it became hard to focus as I wrote the last rune. "…fuck…I'm going to stop…saving you…"

Jane channeled mana into her arm and started casting a utility spell sigil. Her hand glowing bright green was the last thing I saw before the things went black.


[Boss…?] Bone-lasher's voice echoed in the black void I found myself in once again.

All at once I became aware of the fact that I wasn't alone in the void. Bone-lasher, Alpa'nagia, Grimm-Guard, Empress, Fours, Jiggles and Bellial were floating in the void with me. I wasn't exactly sure how I was aware of them. I couldn't see anything, everything was pitch black and I could barely feel myself but I was more than certain that they were there.

[Everyone?] I called out. I was immediately bombarded with a cacophony of all my evls calling out to me asking if I was okay. [Guys, I can't understand you all if you start talking at the same time.]

[Sorry Star Shaper.] Alpa'nagia apologized for everyone.

[Where…no…am I dead?] I asked.

[NOO!] Everyone yelled.

[Bellial and I are watching over your body now! Your heart still beats!] Fours reported.

[The idiot and I are inside our biomes supplying you with mana to help you heal.] Alpa'nagia added. Bone-lasher growled at Alpa'nagia.

[Who you calling an idiot lizard lips?!] Bone-lasher growled. Alpa'nagia hissed at the liger shark.

[I have a human face! How can I have lizard lips?] Alpa'nagia griped. I mentally rolled my eyes.

[Just shows how ugly you are.] Bone-lasher quipped.

[You are the last one of us that can call someone ugly, snaggletooth.] Fours said snidely.

[Fuck off bat breath!] Bone-lasher snapped.

'When did my evos get smart enough to insult each other like this?' I thought to myself.

I suddenly felt a odd sensation on my right hand. Like someone was grabbing it and holding it.

"Please Chase…please wake up!" Bo's voice echoed throughout the void. I felt the grip on my hand tighten and droplets fall on my hand. A loud sob echoed moments later "Everything is fucked! You always make everything better and save everyone so I need you to wake up! I can't lose you! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I won't sneak around anymore or mess up or do anything stupid! I'll be good, I'll be good…!"

I suddenly felt my consciousness being yanked back from the void. Feeling returned to me as a bright light shined in front of my eyes.


As I opened my eyes I found I was staring up at the ceiling in my room of the palace. I could hear Bo sobbing and feeling his cling to my left hand, holding it tightly. I blinked a few times then turned my head to look at Bo.

His hair was a mess and covered in dirt and ash. His clothes were a mess and looked singed in a few places. Hos fa e was burying in the covers of my bed while he held my hand tightly.

I squeezed his hand back and Bo looked up instantly. Seeing me awake he cried even harder and jumped onto the bed tackling me.


"It's fine, I'm fine…" I said hugging him back. I let Bo cry until he cried himself out then sat up. "…now tell me, what happened while I was out? What's fucked?"

Bo wiped his eyes and climbed off the bed. He had a unsure look on his face before he looked at me and frowned.

"It's Iris…"