"WHAT THE FUCK!!!" Jane and Iris yelled. They both rushed over to me and grabbed me by my collar and started shaking me.
"Why the hell did that voice say your true name and then said you were a descendant of all three legendary villages?!" Jane demanded.
"Yeah! What the hell! It one thing to be a descendant of the Tolapo but you're also a desendant of the Sullivardic and P'olokopa too!" Iris snapped.
"Your guess is as good as mine! I didn't even know about the last two until a few days ago!" I replied. The girls shook me like a ragdoll for several seconds before the entire mana train suddenly went dark. All of us froze and looked around.
The lights suddenly kicked back on and a low whirling sound echoed throughout the entire train. The liquid in the basin swirled and then solidified into a message in Torapos.
"System reset complete in three…two…one…" I read aloud. A chiming noise arrangement from the basin and all the lights turned to a light blue color before returning to normal.
"System reset complete. Will new user Sho'lajah please designate a name for Mana train QTX557." The voice said.
'Designate a name huh…?' I thought then scratched my chin.
"Chase, don't name it something weird." Iris warned me. I rolled my eyes at her then the perfect name popped into my head.
"I designate it: King's glaive." I said.
"Registered. Mana train QTX557 is now King's Glaive. Please refer to me as such." King's Glaive said. The basin thrilled and showed King's Glaives current position. "Please select your next destination."
I placed my hand on the glass of the basin and found that I was able move the perspective of the basin based on which way I swiped my finger. I swiped my finger towards the direction I assumed the palace was and quickly found it on the map. I tapped the a spot in front of the palace gates and a spinning diamond appeared where he tapped.
"Destination selected. All occupants please hold on. Setting off." King's Glaive said. The mana train suddenly started moving again. I looked to Jane and Iris who looked impressed that I was able to figure things out so quickly. "Estimated travel time…two hours."
"Two hours? It only took us fifty minutes to catch up to the train." I said. Iris shrugged and looked towards our captives.
"I guess that's the price you pay to travel in luxury. More importantly what are we going to do about them?" Iris asked.
"We're taking them back to the palace. We'll hand the two mercenaries over to my father and urge him to offer them up to the other counties as the perpetrators. We'll deal with Aziza later." Jane said.
"I understand." Iris said though the look on her face showed she wad unsatisfied with that answer.
"Is anything going to happen to Aziza even of we hand her over to your father?" I asked Jane. Jane gritted her teeth and looked away.
"I'm not sure…but I won't let her get away scott-free." Jane said.
"We have arrived at the specified destination" King's Glaive announced as it came to a stop.
In the two hours that had passed Iris and I had moved the two omni-souled splicers to the third compartment of the mana train and had Bone-lasher sit in the compartment to watch them, Iris decided to stay in the compartment with Bone-lasher. Jane kept watch of Aziza in the second compartment for the duration of the trip, she stayed unconscious the entire time, one good shock enough to keep her down. We'd also found the Eye of Ammuhnset, Aziza had stuffed it down her dress. Iris found her when she patted her down. I kept it in my void pocket for safe keeping.
In that span of the time I went about familiarizing myself with what a lot of the consoles and pedestals actually did. It seemed that most of them were just diagnostic consoles that had no uses since the train wasn't equipped with the equipment they were meant to monitor. The others however were screens that showed the outside of the train at various positions. That feature was hidden under a button that was written in the runic language and not Torapos.
I walked over to one of the screens that showed the outside of the train and saw droves of guards scrambling along the palace walls and in front of the gates to get into a defensive position. I pressed a rune on the pedestal that read 'all compartments' and a blue ring appeared on the screen.
"Guys we're here. We might want to hurry up and get out there before the palace guards start to sling spells at us." I said to everyone.
"Got it, I'm going to need some help with my sister then." Jane said, her voice coming from the pedestal.
"I'll be there in a second." I replied.
"I'll get these two here ready to move as well." Iris said, her voice also coming through the pedestal.
"Gotcha, bring them to the second compartment, we'll exit out the cargo doors in there." I told everyone.
I stepped away from the pedestal and walked into the next compartment. I found Jane standing over her sister who was still unconscious with a annoyed look on her face.
"I'll carry her." I said as I walked over to the two of them. Jane stepped away from her sister then sighed.
"I'd hate to ask this especially after what Aziza's plan did to Iris' family but can you deactivate the spell on Aziza. Father probably wouldn't like it if she was seen to be taken prisoner and we'll deal with some backlash from that." Jane said. I shook my head.
"Sorry, I'm not giving her a chance to get away. Those cuffs disrupt her mama and present her from casting spells." I said firmly.
The sound of the third compartment's doors opening grabbed Jane and mines attention.
Aigal and Rigal were marched into the compartment by Iris and Bone-lasher. I healed Aigal's gunshot wounds bit kept Rigal in the mutated state he was in. Iris took one look at Aziza and frowned.
"You're keeping her restrained?" Iris asked.
"She orchestrated a coup and tried to kill us so…yeah." I replied. Iris shook her head and sighed.
"Cancel out the spell Chase. We can't parade her into the palace restrained, the Pharaoh would have a fit. Even after we explained everything he won't want her implicated." Iris said. I frowned and pointed at Aziza.
"The bitch nearly killed you and Jane, she's directly responsible for your brother's death. You're seriously okay with her getting away with that!" I snapped.
"OF COURSE I'M NOT!" Iris bellowed. Tears started to stream down her face as she shook with rage and helplessness. "I want to skin the bitch alive, tear her nails off one by one, cover her honey and dump her on a fire ant hill! But I'm…I'm a Philari… even if the Pharaoh relieved me of my guardian duties I still have duty to protect the royal family…that…that bitch…is still part of the royal family!"
"That's bullshit!" I growled.
"It's how things are…" Iris breathed helplessly.
Not really having an option I undid the spell I cast on Aziza the hoisted her onto my shoulder in a fireman's carry I walked over to the cargo doors for the compartment and placed my hand on the panel to open them. A flash of light outlined the doors and tjen they slid open.
Outside King's Glaive there were at least fifty royal guards with guns, blades, and spell sigils at the ready. They stood in a fan formation behind some stone barricades that surrounded the mana train.
"Whoa! Whole your fire! It's me Chase Kingston! I have Princess Aziza with me, as well as Iris Philari and the two leaders of the men that attacked the palace in custody!" I exclaimed.
"The princess!" a couple of the guards exclaimed.
Iris and Jane urged the two omni-souled splicers forward and made them jump down from the train. Seeing their outfits a few of the guards quickly turned to anger and started shouting at them. Bone-lasher jumped down from the train and corralled the men keeping them from running.
"Someone go get Captain Rowad and alert the Pharaoh!" A guard exclaimed.
"And a medic! The princess is injured!" Another yelled.
I jumped down from the King's Glaive along with Iris and Jane. Hearing the guards call for a medic I thought fast and discretely bot my thumb and started writing a runes on the palm of my hand. I quickly and quietly cast a axiom spell sigil while Iris and Jane stepped in front of e to block the guards from seeing me cast. I touched Aziza's arm and a small black circle formed where I touched her.
A medic with a stretcher soon ran over to us along with several men to take custody of Aigal and Rigal. I placed Aziza on the stretcher and let them carry her off. As they ran off I looked down at my palm and saw a small arrow appear on my skin that pointed towards Aziza. As long as the mark was on her I could find Aziza.
As the guards toted the mercenary leaders off I looked to Iris and Jane. The two of them looked exhausted but everything wasn't over yet. Now we had to figure out a way to convince the Pharaoh to punish Aziza.
"The Pharaoh will see you three now." Rowad said as he escorted us to the throne room.
Three more hours had past and it was now seven in the morning. After we returned fo the palace and turned over Aziza and the mercenary leaders the guards quickly escorted Iris, Jane and I to a room random room and the palace and locked us in.
Both Jane and Iris hypothesized that it was so they could interrogate the attackers and get a sense of what happened while also keeping us from speaking of what took place to any of the guests that were still in the castle. Of course none of them suspected that Jane was Jane since she still looked like Bo.
[Something feels off.] Bone-lasher commented from inside my farm crystal.
[Yeah…I know.] I told him.
I looked to Jane and Iris and saw they both had a worried look on her face. As the doors to the throne room opened. Inside I saw Turak'Kahn and Viola sitting on their thrones. Jurirai and Ultia stood at their sides while a large company of guards stood at the bottom of the stairs to the throne.
"Father!" Iris exclaimed when she saw him. He was covered in bandages and looked ragged and tired but despite that stood tall and looked down at Iris with an observant gaze.
"Enter!" The Pharaoh yelled. The girls and I did as the Pharaoh told us and looked into the throne room. Iris looked like she wanted to run up and tackle her dad into a hug bur was restraining her self because of decorum.
"Chase, Iris…Jane. I'm glad to see all of you are safe."
"Yeah well…." I stopped mid-sentence as what the Pharaoh said sunk in. I looked to Iris and then the both of us looked to Jane who looked stunned. She quickly over came that and stepped ahead of Iris and I then looked up at her father.
"I'm surprised you realized it was me." Jane said. Turak'Kahn frowned and snapped his fingers.
"You didn't exactly leave a perfect double in your place." Turak'Kahn said. Two guards walked around from Turak'Kahn's throne, escorting Bo between them. Bo crossed his arms when he saw us and pouted.
"Don't blame me! I didn't know women couldn't pee standing up!" Bo proclaimed loudly. I snickered and covered my hand while Jane looked like she was about to blow.
"What do you mean you didn't know? What did you do Bo!" Jane snapped.
"Lets just say you will never want to wear that dress again and leave it at that." Turak'Kahn said.
"Oh gods! Please no!" Jane exclaimed then grabbed her head. I choked down a chuckle along with Iris.
"You should be lucky that is all that happened considering you and Chase both defied me." Turak'Kahn said menacingly. He rose from his throne then pointed at me. "I told you I wanted Jane to stay out of whatever you had planned and you deliberately went out lf your way to defy me!"
"I made Chase take me with him father! I couldn't just leave Iris in the hands of those bastards after all she did for me!" Jane defended me.
"That makes it worse! You openly defied me!"
"To save my friend!" Jane snapped.
"She is your guardian! Its her duty to risk her life for yours!" Turak'Kahn countered.
"You fired her! You were the one that decided that since I didn't deserve a guardian then went back on that the day before the ball!" Jane retorted.
"And if I hadn't you would have been kidnapped!" Turak'Kahn snapped.
"I would have been fine! Chase and Iris would have saved me!' Jane snapped.
"That's unacceptable!"
"THIS WHOLE CONVERSATION IS UNACCEPTABLE!" I bellowed at the top of my lungs interrupting Turak'Kahn and Jane. "People died last night! And instead of addressing who is involved in this Turak'Kahn, you are dancing around the subject by trying to admonish Jane and I for going to rescue Iris!"
"SILENCE!" Turak'Kahn bellowed.
"DON'T YOU FUCKING TELL ME TO BE SILENT!" I bellowed back, pointing a finger at him. "I was shot who knows how many gods dammed times protecting your daughter! The only fucking reason the fucking coup didn't succeed was because of my evos. And we took care of the rest of the fucking mercenaries that attacked the palace when you couldn't be bothered to lift a fucking finger to try and rescue Iris and all so you could protect your ungrateful bitch of a daughter, WHO TRIED TO MURDER YOU!"
"Guards…!" Turak'Kahn started through gritted teeth.
"I fucking dare you!" I growled as my farm crystal glowed a deep red. "I don't need a company of mercenaries!"
Turak'Kahn and I locked eyes, both of us breathing heavy and harshly. I felt a deep and pulsating anger rushing through my veins.
"Turak'Kahn!" Viola barked, jumping to her feet.
"Chase!" Jane and Iris both yelled and stepped in front of me.
Neither of us looked away from each other for several seconds, not wanting to be the first to look away. However that decision was made for us when Viola grabbed Turak'Kahn's chin and made him look at her while the girls grabbed my face and tried to calm me down.
"Chase calm down…" Iris mumbled softly trying to calm me down.
"It's fine Chase, it's alright…" Jane said.
"No its not!" I snapped which only made the girls try and shush me some more. I felt someone grab me from behind and realized it was Bo hugging me from behind. With him still wearing Jane's face it took me a minute to realize it.
"We haven't been just sitting on our hands Chase." Viola said suddenly. I looked up at her and saw her standing next to Turak'Kahn who was seated on his throne and looking away from me.
"I've been investigating how the assailants managed to get into the palace as well as…the circumstances behind Yurkid's death…" Ultia said.
"Yurkid was killed during the ball. There's not much to look into mother." Iris said. Ultia shook her head.
"When we did the autopsy on Yurkid's…corpse. We realized that he was showing signs of already being in a advanced stage of decomposition. We estimate that he's been dead for a week at least." Ultia reported.
"But…we talked to him all week…how…how…?" Iris muttered.
"A forbidden spell was used to animate his corpse…it seems some spell sigil cards from the restricted section of the royal library were missing." Viola said.
"She killed him…she killed him then animated his corpse!" Iris barked, clenching her fists so tightly her nails were digging into her palms making them bleed. Jane grabbed Iris shoulder comfortingly then looked up at her father.
"So father you know as well as everyone in this room that Aziza is the culprit behind the attack. What are you going to do about it?" Jane asked. Turak'Kahn looked at Jane and scowled.
"A Pharaoh does not answer to a girl Jane!" Turak'Kahn snapped.
"So nothing!" I snapped. Turak'Kahn said nothing.
The doors to the throne room opened once again and Aziza strolled into the room as if nothing had happened. She was accompanied by a small group of five soldiers who all looked conflicted on their assignments. Aziza stood a few feet in front of the girls, Bo and I and looked cockily up at her father.
"Good, you're here. Aziza, for your part in the attempted murder of The royal family, the murder of Yurkid Philari, and the assassinations of members of foreign countries, u sentence you to twenty years of confinement here in the palace." Turak'Kahn said.
"WHAT!" I barked then looked at Turak'Kahn and then at Aziza.
"The blame for the attack last night will be blamed on the mercenaries that were brought to us and a dead member of the royal family that is further away from the ground." Turak'Kahn explained further.
"So she's getting away with murder! Literally!" Bo bellowed. "THAT'S UTTER FUCKING BULLSHIT!"
I agreed with Bo for once so didn't correct him on his cursing.
"What else can I do. I cannot sentence my daughter to death…I refuse to do that." Turak'Kahn said softly. Aziza smirked cockily then looked over at the girls and I.
"All that work to bring me back and nothing to show for it. Don't be mad at him. My father can't help but be a hypocrite. He talks all the time about love and happiness but reneged on that the moment the eyes of the country are on him." Aziza said.
"Aziza!" Turak'Kahn snapped.
"Oh quiet father! You couldn't see me executed or even halfway punished when I tried to have you murdered. Why would I fear talking back about you?" Aziza asked.
"Father is not the one you should fear!" Jane said stomping over to Aziza. She yanked off the locator bangle and threw it at Aziza's feet. "I challenge you to a duel!"