222: A Plague of Phantoms VI

"Well, Starlight, that was an interesting class. Does stuff like that happen a lot?" Grandpa Seamus asked as we walked out of Baset's tower. Jane, Iris, Bo, and Nate were walking with us, and the group stopped once we stood outside.

"Yes. Usually, it is at least three times a week." Jane said plainly. I frowned at her.

"No, it doesn't!" I exclaimed. Iris nodded and crossed her arms.

"Yeah, Jane. Don't be dramatic. It's at most once a week." Iris said. I curled my lip at them.

"Well, they're not wrong. You do get into fights a lot." Bo said.

Grandpa Seamus laughed loudly for several moments and then wiped a tear from his eye and smiled at everyone. He then grabbed my shoulder and squeezed it reassuringly.

"You have no idea how happy it makes me to see ya with so many friends. Lulu'nala would be so happy." Grandpa Seamus said suddenly. I blinked a few times and then looked down at me feet, a faint smile tugging at my lips. Nate coughed respectfully to grab everyone's attention.

"So what's the plan now that everyone is officially on winter break?" Nate asked.

"OOOH! Can we show Chase's grandpa the shop and King's Glaive?" Bo asked, jumping up and down. Grandpa Seamus arched a brow and turned to look at me.

"Shop? King's Glaive? What exactly has been going on the last few months, Starlight?" Grandpa Seamus asked. I smiled sheepishly and rubbed the back of my head.

"A lot…honestly it feels like years have passed since I was last in the US instead of months." I said reflectivity. Grandpa Seamus laughed and then patted me on the back.

"That means you've been through a lot and have grown." Grandpa said.

"We do need to head to the shop, Chase. We still have a lot of work to catch up on, plus we might need to check up on what's going on at Moldworks and the Laboratory later." Jane said. I groaned and hung my head.

"I need to come up with a spell that makes clones of me." I groaned.

"The last thing this world needs is more of you." Iris jabbed. I frowned at her, then took a few steps forward.

"Whatever, Tri-clops. I don't want to get swarmed on the way to the shop, so we'll have to fly." I said. Bo smirked and stuck his tongue out, exposing his farm crystal.

"MIDNIGHT!" He exclaimed, then flung Midnight's crystalline structure out in front of everyone. Midnight emerged with a loud roar. The massive void drake looked around to see where she was, then saw Bo and me and lowered her head.

"Master, Star Shaper. You have a need of me?" Midnight asked. Bo nodded and then pointed to Grandpa Seamus.

"Chase's grandpa came to see him, and we want to show him the shop." Bo exclaimed. Midnight cocked her head to the side and looked at Grandpa Seamus.

"What's a Grandpa?" Midnight asked.

"A Grandpa is one of the parents of a person's parent. So, like Bo's Grandpa would be my father." Nate explained to the void drake. On hearing this, Midnight's eyes widened, and she bowed her head again at Grandpa Seamus.

"Apologies for not addressing you with the respect you deserve, Star Progenitor." Midnight said. Grandpa Seamus chuckled in disbelief and then looked to me.

"Well, ain't that a trip. I've seen not one but two evos that can talk." Grandpa Seamus said, then looked to Midnight and smiled. "You're alright, lassie. Ya don't need ta call me Star whatever either. Seamus is fine."

"That feels…wrong and disrespectful to my creator." Midnight said. Iris walked beside Grandpa Seamus and sighed.

"It's best to just let the evos call you by their made-up titles. They're intelligent but also very beholden to Chase. They will literally get depressed if you try to make them change." Iris said. Grandpa Seamus winced slightly.

"Either way! Can you take us to the shop please Midnight?" Bo asked. Midnight nodded, then crouched down low to make it easier to climb up on her back.

Bo ran over, then climbed up Midnight and took his spot behind her head. Nate walked over and climbed up on her back along with Jane and Iris. Grandpa Seamus looked a little weary at the idea of riding Midnight.

"Bellial!" I exclaimed, then summoned and tossed his crystalline structure out further out past Midnight. Bellial emerged, stretched, and then walked over to me, Grandpa Seamus, and me.

"You called Savior?" Bellial asked. I nodded, then reached up and petted his on the head.

"Yeah, can you take my grandpa and I to the shop?" I asked. Bo pouted, then crossed go's arms.

"Why'd you summon Bellial? I already summoned Midnight." Bo griped.

"Midnight might be a little too big for my Grandpa to climb up on." I said. Nate scooted forward and whispered something in Bo's ear. He sighed after that and then patted Midnight on her head.

"We're going ahead! Let's go, Midnight!" Bo announced.

Midnight moved without question and quickly took the skies and then flew off towards the silver city. Grandpa Seamus walked over to Bellial and petted his head.

"I can take you anywhere you need to go Savior." Bellial said. I smiled and climbed on his back. Grandpa climbed on behind me and then snapped open his wings.

Bellial took to the skies and quickly flew after Midnight. With his speed, it didn't take him long to catch up. I had been a little worried about Grabdpa not being able to hold on with Bellial, but given how he whooped and hollered while the evo flew at high speed, I was mistaken.

"I can't believe the local police just allow splicers to fly evos wherever they want." Grandpa Seamus said.

"I'm pretty sure they wouldn't if we weren't students from Andromeda College. The police are pretty tightly controlled by the college and rich people in the city. They only patrol the rich part of the city that the people call the gold city. My shop is in the silver city, which is kinda…lawless except for my security." I explained.

"Security? Exactly how swanky is this little shop of yours, Starlight?" Grandpa Seamus asked.

"Not too swanky…I think." I replied.

By this point, Bellial managed to catch up to Midnight. We were currently flying over the edge of the gold city near to where Moldworks was. While I did plan to show Grandpa Moldworks, I wanted him to see the shop since it was my big money maker.

"Hey Chase, what are we going to do about the crowds that will be out the door?" Nate yelled over from Midnight. I groaned and then slapped my forehead.

"I forgot about them! Forget it! If they're not there to pick up an item, then they can wait till another day." I said.

"Okay, as you wish." Nate said.

In the distance, a large column of flames shot up into the sky, nearly blinding everyone for several seconds. I inwardly groaned as I realized where the column of flames was coming from.

"Chase that…!" Jane started.

"I know!" I interrupted then reached through my mental link to Empress. [Empress, was that giant fire attack you?]

[My Lord! You saw that?] Empress asked.

[Yes, I'm pretty sure the entire city saw it. What's going on?] I replied. There was a slight pause before Empress replied.

[There are men here claiming to be royals from Scotland demanding an audience with you, my lord. They tried to push past Lady Angie, and so I reminded them to show respect in my lord's domain.] Empress explained. I sighed deeply and then looked over to the others on Midnight.

"We got big trouble. Apparently, there are Scottish royals at the shop making demands." I said.

"OH FOR THE LOVE OF THE GODS! CAN WE GET A BREAK, PLEASE!" Iris bellowed. I groaned and then looked down at my hands.

"How do you want to handle this Chase?" Nate asked.

"Loudly and with a lot of cursing…" I replied.

"Wait, if they're royals, then shouldn't we handle this delicately?" Nate asked, looking extremely concerned. Grandpa Seamus patted me on my shoulder.

"Don't do things that will cause problems for those that work for you, Chase." Grandpa said, chastising me. I groaned then and deflated instantly at Grandpa's words.

"Or we can try diplomacy…" I said softly. Iris, Jane, Bo, and Nate all looked at me in surprise. "…don't say anything!"

King's Glaive came into view before the shop did, mostly because of how big the cars were. As soon as I saw King's Glaive, however, I saw Empress standing on front of the shop doors with her wings splayed open and flames dancing over the golden feathers. A regiment of guards stood in front of her with guns and swords pointed at her as they seemed to be protecting a very familiar royal standing at the back.

As Bellial and Midnight flew over the shop to turn around and land behind the royals, I jumped off Bellial and channeled float attribute mana throughout my body and glided down, and landed in front of Empress.

"My lord!" Empress exclaimed and did a respectful bow while keeping an eye turned to the guards at my back.

"Empress. Is everyone okay inside?" I asked, not bothering to acknowledge the group behind me. Empress nodded and stepped to the side to let me see the door. I could see Angie holding KC standing in front of the glass window. Both Day and night shift perched on her shoulders. They both looked on edge, and the fact that night shift was awake at all told me the gravity of the situation.

"Master Kingston!" A familiar voice barked in annoyance. I sighed and looked over my shoulder. I saw Prince Lachlan standing behind his regiment of guards.

"Prince Lachlan, I severely hope that you weren't the reason my evo here created a giant column of flames a few moments ago. That would be very…unfortunate for you." I said in a chastising tone. The prince visibility took offense to that but swallowed whatever response he was about to say.

"I have come on behalf of the King of Scotland in order to retrieve reparations for damages done to the crown during during Pharaoh Turak'Kahn and Queen Viola's anniversary party." Prince Lachlan explained. I turned around to face the prince and narrowed my eyes at him in confusion.

"Damages? Reparations? What the hell?" I repeated. At that moment, Midnight and Bellial both glided in and landed a few yards further down the street. Everyone quickly got off the two evos, and the girls made their way over while Nate and Grandpa Seamus held Bo back.

"Prince Lachlan? To what do we owe this unexpected visit?" Jane asked as she and Iris walked over to my side.

"I'm sorry…do I know you?" He asked, looking Jane up and down.

"Oh, that's right, we haven't been formally introduced. I'm Princess Jane Solomon. Chief of Operations here at Sho'lajah Artifact Company." Jane said. I looked at her and shook my head.

"Introductions can come later, Jane. This guy's here demanding reparations." I said, motioning to the Prince. Iris and Jane both looked confused for a second and then looked at the prince who was looking at Jane in disbelief.

"Look…princess…if you really are who you say you are. Kingston and his company now owe the country of Scotland for damages." Prince Lachlan said. I looked at the girls and cocked my head to the side. They both sighed and motioned towards the Prince, letting me deal with it as I please.

"Okay, first off, how do you figure that I owe you anything?" I asked. Prince Lachlan huffed and crossed his arms.

"Because you're of your public defeat of The Morgan Paragon, my country is without a Paragon. Not only that, but three noblemen from my country died in the attack on the ball!" Prince Lachlan said.

"You were planning on revoking her title anyway! Plus, you did so after that whole thing." I exclaimed.

"That doesn't matter! Because of your actions, Scotland has been deprived of a great talent! We demanded recompense!" Prince Lachlan demanded. I scratched my chin and then looked at Jane.

"Okay, so correct me if I'm wrong, but Prince Lachlan just announced that he is here on foreign soil as a direct representative of his country, with a small attack force." I said. Jane's eyes widened as she figured out what I was getting at.

"That's what I gathered." Jane said.

Prince Lachlan looked instantly regretful when he heard Jane confirm what I had said and even started to open his mouth to refute that, but I spoke quicker.

"So are you , a foreign dignitary, threatening to attack a small business owner based in another country if I don't follow your demands?" I asked loudly.

"Not only a small business owner but the student of a Paragon as well." Iris piped up.

"And someone who has the favor of the Pharaoh too!" Jane added. Prince Lachlan gritted his teeth and looked around.

There weren't any people nearby, probably scared off by him and his guards, but I guessed he was worried about Midnight and Bellial further down the street.

"Master Kingston, I ask that you please understand my position. Our country is in a weakened state because of the attack last week. Without a Paragon to act as a shield, our country could be facing war within the next few months. We need something to prove that we are still strong." Prince Lachlan said.

"So you thought you could prove that strength by bullying me into accepting downright stupid demands? Why the hell would I understand that?" I snorted. Grandpa Seamus walked over from Midnight and placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Starlight, have a little pity lad, remember Scotland's my homeland." Grandpa Seamus said, giving me a smile. I pouted and crossed my arms. Not wanting to give the prince anything, but I couldn't not listen to Grandpa.

I channeled mana into my void pocket ring and then reached inside the spacial pocket and rummaged around until I found the enchanted items I was looking for. I pulled out a ring, pair of earrings, bracelet, and necklace and then tossed them to the prince. He caught them in mid-air.

"There. Those items are all enchanted with a custom spell called white lightning. It'll create a storm cloud that shoots lightning at anything under it, basically trapping it in a cage. It's powerful and deadly. That is all you'll get from me…ever. I'm placing the entire country of Scotland on my ban list." I said in a cold and confident tone.

"Ban list?!" Prince Lachlan exclaimed. I nodded.

"No one connected to the Scottish government will be allowed to purchase anything from my country from this moment on. Anyone caught ordering for the Scottish government will be placed on the ban list as well. Your country can be taken off the ban list provided they pay the proper reparations." I explained.

"Master Kingston…" Prince Lachlan started, but I simply held a hand up to stop him.

"I would leave with dignity if I were you, Prince Lachlan. As it stands, your country can earn the right to do business with me again at a later date, I can always make that ban permanent. The smart thing to do right now is to take your trinkets and leave before I forget you are a prince and I set my evos on you." I said sternly.

Prince Lachlan looked at his guards and then looked at Empress, Bellial, and Midnight. He sighed and snapped his fingers.

"We're leaving!" Prince Lachlan announced. A second later, a carriage pulled up from behind the King's Glaive. The prince turned around and boarded the carriage drove off. The guards all fell into formation and jogged after the carriage. I watched them leave until they were out of sight and then let out a sigh of relief.

"Seriously! The nerve of some people." I groaned.

"Yeah, if anything, the prince should have gone after my father for reparations." Jane muttered.

"Should I watch and make sure they leave the city, my lord?" Empress asked. I shook my head.

"Return to your nest. Thank you for stepping in before things got too out of hand." I said, reaching up and petting Empress on the head. She crooned and then flew back up to her perch on top of the store.

Through the window, I saw Angie rush over to the front door of the shop and poke her head our with KC on her hip. She looked relieved to see me and the girls. However, the second her eyes landed on Grandpa Seamus, they grew wide.

"Old man, Sea-sea!" She exclaimed.

"Angela! You right beauty! Oh! And Lil Chaser as well! What are you two doing here?!" Grandpa Seamus exclaimed.

Angie rushed out and quickly gave Grandpa Seamus a huge hug. KC squeal and tried to reach for Grandpa, but because of how Angie was holding him, he couldn't quite reach. KC started crying, which prompted Angie to hand KC over to Grandpa Seamus. Grandpa beamed brightly at the toddler and made little faces and cooed at him, making KC laugh and squeal. I smiled at the scene as Bo and Nate walked over.

"So your Grandpa is already acquainted with Louie, Angie, and KC." Nate said.

"Course I am! They all worked with my daughter, son-in-law, and Chase here at the factory." Grandpa answered for me. He propped KC on his hip, and the little terror seemed perfectly content to be there. Angie laughed and then smiled at Grandpa.

"I'm glad you're here, Seamus. I could tell Chase was really missing you." Angie said with a wink at me. I made a face at her, which only made her laugh. "Well, come in everyone, let's get inside before people realize that royal pain in the butt is gone and try to bear down the doors again."


"I don't know what I was expecting Starlight, but it wasn't this." Grandpa Seamus said with a light chuckle as he leaned against a wall while still holding a very clingy KC.

"Yeah, it's a lot." I agreed. Grandpa chuckled and shook his head as he looked at one of the display cases.

"Never would have thought ta little trinkets your Grandmother made at the kitchen table 'afore supper would be worth so much." He said.

A little over an hour had passed, and in that time, I showered Grandpa the whole shop. Including the basement where Jade and her Orkands were currently working to fulfill a couple of orders that we'd let slide. Mt Grandpa was impressed by her setup in the basement and even more impressed that her evos were doing so much work.

My grandpa had a background in steelwork and made a lot of the steel beams for the warehouses at Spirit Technologies. As well as the odd orders for carriages. He knew his way around a hammer and respected those who did too. Between Grandpa and his career in steelwork and grandma and her handy hobbies, it's not wonder I was as good as I was with my hands.

"Well, Mr. MacClery, it's nice to have you here. Especially considering how much Chase talks about you and your late wife." Jade said. Grandpa smiled and looked to me.

"Well, that's good to hear…though I'm guessing you also don't know that today is my grandson's birthday either?" Grandpa Seamus asked. Jade's eyes widened, and she looked at me.

"No, I didn't!" She exclaimed. Angie groaned and covered her face.

"My gods! I can't believe I forgot!"

"It's fine! I normally don't celebrate it anyway." I said, holding my hands up at her.

"But you have too!" Bo exclaimed. I flashed Bo a sad smile, then shook my head.

"It's little more than a reminder of the day I lost Grandma Lulu." I said softly. Grandpa Seamus reached over and grabbed my shoulder and gave it a tight squeeze.

"She died a week before your birthday, Chase." Grandpa said. I shrugged.

"We weren't able to bury her until my birthday…" I said. Grandpa looked saddened, then handed KC back to Angie, and then walked over and hugged me.

"I'm so sorry about that, Chase. I shouldn't have…" Grandpa Seamus started, but I shook my head to stop him.

"It's fine, Grandpa. I'm just glad we were able to bury her. Regardless of the day." I said.

Grandpa Seamus looked a little guilty but smiled to hide that. There was a moment of uncomfortable silence that was broken by Bo, thankfully.

"If it's Chase's birthday, then we need a party!" Bo exclaimed. He jumped up and down in front of his parents, then looked to me.

"Yes! A party!" Angie exclaimed.

"Pahtay! Pahtay!" KC exclaimed.

"We can host a party for you at the apartment." Angie said. Jade, Nate, and Bo all smile at that idea while I inwardly groaned.

"Nothing too insane you guys." I said.

"Like your standards of insane or a normal person's standards?" Bo asked. I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Valid question." Iris said. I narrowed my eyes at her, which only made her laugh at my expense.

"Fine of you all want to throw me a party, then I'm showing grandpa around the other properties." I grumbled.

"Others? As in more than this?" Grandpa Seamus asked. I nodded.

"I have an apartment building that everyone lives at, a warehouse near the gold city called Moldworks, and a defunct building that I have plans for." I said.

"Those plans involve that mana train outside?" Grandpa Seamus asked, pointing over his shoulder at King's Glaive. I glanced out the window and shook my head.

"No that's…." I paused and blinked a few times, then looked back Grandpa. "…how do you know that's called a mana train? Better yet, why didn't you freak out when you saw it?"

"Oh, that? I grew up around 'em, back in Sullivardic village we made ta things." Grandpa replied. I blinked several more times and then looked to Jane and Iris to make sure I had heard him right. They were both looking at me with the same look.