231: A Plague of Phantoms XV

"Okay, now that that's out of the way, my turn to give Chase my present!" Iris exclaimed and stepped in front of me. She had a medium sized box in her hands that was wrapped in black ribbons. Unconventional as far as presentation was concerned but fitting considering it's Iris.

"And here I was thinking you wouldn't get me anything Tri-clops." I teased as I took the box. She scoffed and shook her head.

"For all you know the box is full of spiders." She teased me. I froze and looked down at the box then back up at her.

"You didn't…did you?" I asked, only a little concerned that she would actually do this. Iris laughed obviously enjoying my discomfort.

"No! Of course not. I know how much you hate spiders. You'd probably burn down the whole apartment if I did that." Iris said.

"More than probably." Jane spoke up and smirked at me. I rolled my eyes and unwrapped the box, opening it slowly despite Iris assurances. I paused when I lifted the lid and blinked several times before looking up at Iris.

"Where did you get this?" I asked in utter disbelief.

"Found it, while we were rescuing KC from that Justice Technologies facility. It was in that Big shot's office. The one you had…history with." Iris replied. I nodded slowly.

"Captain Barker…makes sense that asshat would have this…" I said softly as I reached into the box and lifted Iris present out of it.

Iris' gift was a Roddling KS-49 special, one of the rarest shotguns in the world. What made the roddling so special was the fact it was almost the same size as your average handgun. It had four barrels instead of two and fired shells that were filled with barbs instead of buckshot. This had no strategic advantage, in fact using barbs instead of buckshot did less damage however it caused more pain. The roddling was designed to severely injure a target with a single shot and immobilize them with excruciating pain. The weapon was for the cruel and sadistic, which is why it was perfect for Barker.

"Gods alive…I never thought I'd see one of those." Grandpa Seamus gasped as he leaned closer to get a better look.

"A Roddling KS-49. That thing is nasty to use on somebody." Nate said with a shiver.

"Rare as hell too…though I refuse to use it as is. The history of this gun is darker than Midnight. I can probably modify it." I said then smiled at Iris. "Thanks Iris. Though I'm starting to wonder where the hell you hid this thing?"

"A lady never revels her secrets." Iris said with a smirk.

"But you're not a lady…" Bo said, earning him a smack on the top of his head from Iris.

"Say that again and I'll knock your teeth out!" Iris growled.

"Way to prove his point Tri-clops." I said with a smirk. She narrowed her eyes at me.

"You're lucky it's your birthday." Iris said. I smirked and rubbed Bo's head where Iris hit him.

"No threatening the birthday boy Iris." Jane said as she shooed Iris to the side and held a gift back in front of me as I moved most of my presents to the side. I took her gift bag then and opened it. Inside were vials of blood, I arched a eyebrow when I saw them then looked at Jane.

"Blood vials? We already have a pretty large library at Moldworks." I said. Jane only smiled wider and then reached into the gift back and pulled one of the vials out.

"True but these are from pretty rare and hard to find animals. I got lucky when I went to that boutique earlier." Jane said then turned the vial so I could see the label. "This one is from a Addax, it's a type of antelope found in Niger, it's rare and very hard to get. With Evo-cution around the corner you're going to need a couple of rare or endangered animal samples to make top notch evos."

"Wow…smart thinking!" I exclaimed with a smile. Jane smiled back and looked smug.

"I am your director of Operations. It's my job to think ahead and find the best way to keep things running." Jane replied.

"No talking about work! It's Chase's birthday!" Jade exclaimed and shook a finger at Jane. Grandpa Seamus laughed heartily and tjen reached over and patted me on the back.

"Well since it seems everyone else went, it's my turn to give you my present." Grandpa said then walked towards the front door. I arched a brow as all eyes turned to him. "I'll be right back!"

With that he disappeare into the hallway. I chuckled and looked to everyone else, thinking they had some idea who this mystery person was that grandpa had been trying to hide. However they all looked confused.

"Kinda strange he has to leave and get Chase's present. Why didn't he brings it down with him?" Jade asked.

"Well he did say that be brought somebody with him for a surprise for Chase earlier today in class." Bo said.

"Yeah he did…" Jane said then frowned and looked to Iris. "Wasn't the dean showing whoever that was around?"

"He was…but wait a minute…I just realized that Sin isn't here." Iris said then looked to Chad, who'd made himself scarce and was standing in the corner.

"He's upstairs with Chase's present, along with the dean." Chad said. My eyes lit up a little.

"So you know who he brought with him?" I asked. Chad looked away, obviously conflicted with whether to spoil my Grandpa's surprise or tell me. He started to open his mouth when a set of hand reached around and covered my eyes. I instantly recognized my grandpa's cologne.

"Now don't ya go spoiling the surprise!" Grandpa chastised Chad.

"Grandpa is this really necessary?" I grumbled.

"Of course it is! Can't have ya peeking!" Grandpa Seamus replied.

I could have easily figured out who it was that grandpa was trying to hide with Bone-lasher's electromagnetic vision. But given the lengths that grandpa was willing to go to keep this person a secret it meant that he genuinely wanted to see a look of surprise on my face when I saw them.

"Fine…I'm not peeking, can you bring whoever this is out now?" I huffed.

I heard the sounds of multiple footsteps behind me, coming from the direction as the door. I could distinguish at least four people, one of them was a small child. Which meant that Sin and Indy had arrived, which also meant that the last two sets of footsteps belong to Dean Baxter and my Grandpa's mystery guest. As I head the footsteps cross into the apartment I also heard a collection of gasps coming from several people in the apartment. I recognized them coming from Jane, Iris, Damon, Astrid, and Baset.

Grandpa Seamus turned me around so that I was facing the apartment's doorway. I suddenly felt uneasy. Like the whole room had suddenly become tense, I could almost feel tension wrapping around me like a noose.

"Okay….open your eyes!" Grandpa Seamus exclaimed as he uncovered my face.

I blinked several times as light flooded my vision, my eyes quickly adjusted to the light again and I felt my breath catch in my throat as I gazed upon a feminine face I hadn't seen in two years. My mother: Maria Kingston, the woman who bore me, raised me to use my powers, and threw me away once she and my father were done with me.

"Chase…it's been a while…" Mother said softly. I froze, my mind suddenly racing as I gazed at the face of one of my greatest betrayers.

'What is she doing here? Did she come with Grandpa? Why? Why did he bring her? Does he not know what she did? He has to know…he knows…he was there. Why is she here? Why? Why? Why?'

My thought races so furiously through my mind that I hadn't even realized that I'd stopped breathing until I felt arms wrap around my waist, pulling me into a tight hug and another set of hands lightly rubbing my chest. I looked over my shoulder to see Iris hugging me from behind and Jane standing beside me and rubbing my chest.

"Breathe Star Child, breathe…" Iris said softly. Prompting me to let out the breath u hadn't realized I'd been holding in. I gasped loudly and took several deep and ragged breathes.

"Starlight…?" Grandpa Seamus voice was laced with concern as he took a step towards me. Damon, Astrid, and Baset all stepped in front of me, acting as a bulwark to keep anyone from getting too close, much to my surprise.

"What is she doing here?!" Astrid demanded, motioning to my mother.

"What do ya mean what is she doing here? She's here to celebrate Starlight's birthday!" Grandpa Seamus exclaimed and stepped in front of his daughter.

"Celebrate! She doesn't deserve to celebrate his birthday! She abandoned him!" Astrid exclaimed.

"Seriously! She was willing to let him die the moment she and her husband had a chance at a better life! She even sacrificed her own mother for it!" Iris snapped. Grandpa Seamus glared at Iris and took a step forward.

"Don't speak as if ya know anything about what happened that day! Don't speak as if ya knew my wife!" Grandpa Seamus barked.

I could only describe his expression as feral. It was a far cry from the gentle expression he usually wore. It was as if he was a totally different person.. Jane stepped in front of me and looked Grandpa Seamus in the eye.

"I know what happened that day. I do, Iris does, Damon, Astrid, Alberto, and Lady Baset all know…" Jane said motioning to everyone minus Alberto. "…We saw what happened through Chase's eyes, felt every ounce of pain and emotion that he did. We know all too well what happened that day."

"Saw through his eyes…? You saw his memories?" Grandpa Seamus asked. Baset nodded and glared at mother.

"Which is why I am wondering why you brought this woman. By Chase's own admission I know that he hasn't seen her or his father in over two years. All this time he has been staying with you with no contact with them." Baset said.

"It's no business of yours…splicer." Mother spoke up. She all but spat the word splicer, like it was bile on her tongue. I wasn't the only one that noticed this as everyone suddenly became tense.

"Mind your words…normie…you aren't in America anymore." Baset warned, her own tone dropping to artic levels.

"Everybody calm down!" I barked gaining everyone's attention.

I took a deep breath and then looked at all my friends, while not everyone had a full grasp of the situation they all knew that my mother was not someone to be welcomed. I turned back to my mother and Grandpa Seamus and locked eyes with my mother.

"Grandpa…why did you bring her with you? You know how I feel about her and you know what she and dad did." I asked Grandpa Seamus without taking my eyes off my mother.

"Because a lot has changed in the last two years both with your parents and with America..." Grandpa said then looked back at my mother and sighed before looking back at me. "…but I'll let Maria tell ya about that."

Mother smiled softly at Grandpa, her eyes softening to go along with her smile and then those eyes landed on me and it was as if a wall had been erected in the split second before our eyes met again. There was no warmth, no happy recognition, it was as if she was looking at a stranger. Mother smiled at me but the smile never reached her eyes, thinking back I don't ever remember her genuinely smiling at me.

"Chase…you've grown so much…." Mother started.

"Stop trying to blow smoke up my ass and tell me what's going on!" I snapped, feeling a unnatural coldness coming over me.

"Chase! Regardless of what you are feeling that is still your mother! You will show her respect!" Grandpa Seamus snapped.

"I'll show her respect when she shows me some human decently…" I drawled and crossed my arms, taking a step forward away from the girls. "…She made herself very clear two years ago when she told me she regretted not drowning me when I was a infant, on the day we buried Grandma Lulu."

"The bitch said what?!" Iris and Jane snapped. Mother suddenly looked around at everyone in the room glaring daggers and venom at her and I saw her starting to sweat.

"Chase…why don't we talk somewhere private?" Mother asked.

"It's a private residence and the best you're going to get." I retorted. Mother frowned, a bit of her mask starting to chip away but she quickly corrected herself.

"Fine…I came to apologize. I'm sorry that I said that at your Grandma Lulu'nala's funeral. I was stressed…" Mother apologized, if you could call it an apology.

I immediately noticed her choice of words. She didn't say that she was sorry for saying all that only that she was sorry she said it at Grandma Lulu's funeral. Judging by the soft grunt I heard coming from Iris behind me she noticed it as well. And if she noticed it then others noticed it as well.

"…But as your grandfather said a lot has changed. For one…your father and I are no longer together." Mother finished.

I narrowed my eyes at her, not sure I was believing and then looked at Grandpa. He nodded slightly, conforming her words.

"Did he leave you for a younger woman like he did with his first wife?" I asked. Mother frowned and looked away.

"He…went back to his first wife. She divorced her second husband to get back with him." She said bitterly. I couldn't help but chuckle at that as I shook my head.

"That's…that's fucking hilarious! He went back to Alison!" I cackled and wiped a tear that had formed in my eye. "Thor's breath! He couldn't stand the woman when I was growing up, he cursed her name practically every morning at breakfast and every night at dinner. How bad had your relationship gotten that he'd go back to that?"

"He didn't go back to her because he loves her…it was a political move." Mother said.

"How does Chase's father remarrying his first wife count as a political move?" Jane asked. Mother looked to Jane with a look of barely contained distain and answered.

"Because of their son Logan. Because of the deal that Thomas made with Beaufort that named Logan as the hero that killed the ascended that started the rampage in St. Louis, suddenly it looked better if the two of them were together again. Nearly losing each other made them realize how much they missed each other. All that combined with their hero son and your father's position as CEO of Justice Technologies made the two of them the most influential couple in America." Mother explained then clenched her fists. "I never imagined he'd throw me away…he left me with nothing, no job, no home, no way to survive…I now understand how you felt."

For some reason hearing her say that only pissed me off. Maybe it was because of her half-assed attempt at an apology, or maybe because she still had that look of disgust in her eyes while she looked at me, or maybe it was the fact that her husband leaving her for a politcal marriage was equal to spending your entire life as an outcast with the constant threat of death hanging over you and suddenly realizing that the parents that raised you only kept you alive in the off chance that you'd be useful and then throw you away the moment you stop being useful. It was probably that one.

"We've both suffered a great deal because of each other, Chase. We're societal outcasts with no home, no country to call our own, and no prospects in this world. I realize now how wrong I was to cast you out so as your mother, it is only right that I stay by your side and atone for my mistakes." Mother said.

For a moment I thought I had a touch of insanity take over me because I couldn't believe my ears but judging from the look that Grandpa gave her I wasn't hearing things.

"Maria what are ya…?" Grandpa Seamus started, only to get interrupted by Jane.

"SUFFERED BECAUSE OF EACH OTHER! WHAT A LOAD OF HORSE SHIT!" Jane bellowed and stepped in front of me. Iris stepped beside her and glared at my mother.

"How the hell did you suffer while Chase was being attacked and beaten by his classmates, people in town and his own brother?!" Iris snapped. Mother glared back at them and curled her upper lip.

"I GAVE BIRTH TO HIM!" She bellowed back. "You have no idea what having him did to me! To my reputation! I was respected for my mind and my talent as a techno-splicing scientist but all that went out the window the moment I gave birth to that abomination! People began looking at me as if something was the matter with me. The only reason anyone tolerated me was because of Thomas! As long as I had Thomas I had everything…but because of you…I lost everything…"

Hearing my mother's words should have hurt. It should have felt like a thousand daggers were being plunged into my heart and twisted simultaneously however it didn't. I felt…free. Hearing those words was like a chains being thrown off my back, it all finally confirmed what I knew deep down: everything was an act all my life, I was just a tool for her to use. What she said at Grandma Lulu's funeral weren't harsh words said in the heat of the moment, they were her true feelings about me.

"YOU HEARTLESS HARPY!" Jade bellowed from the back of the apartment. I turned towards the sound of her voice and saw Jade being picked up and held by Nate who was barely able to keep a grip on the kicking and screaming woman. "NATE LET ME GO! I'M KICKING THE BITCHES ASS!"

"You're first after me!" Angie growled and stepped towards my mother only to be stopped by Louie and Haws.

Grandpa stepped in front of mother to protect her shoulders anyone got close to her while I simply looked back at everyone. Literally everyone looked like they wanted to strangle my mother, Bo included. I could have easily just allowed them to follow that instinct and ran her out of the apartment, I mean I did own the building, but the look on Grandpa Seamus face told me he was hoping to accomplish something here.

"Calm down everyone." I said softly but sternly, making everyone freeze.

I felt more calm at the moment than I have in a long time and everyone noticed. It gave them pause and made everyone share confused and terrified looks. Unfortunately mother didn't notice it and was just happy that there was a semblance of order again. Grandpa definitely noticed.

"Starlight?" He said softly, cocking his head as he looked at me.

"Perhaps mother was right about having a private conversation. Can I have everyone leave for a minute." I said turning to my friends, classmates, the dean and Baset.

"Chase…" Iris and Jane started to protest but I silenced them with a shake of my head.

"It's alright LPP, Tri-clops. I'm calm." I said in what I hoped was a reassuring tone. They both looked even more concerned by this but didn't argue any further.

"Let's do as he says everyone." Jane said as she turned and started ushering everyone out of the apartment, even the Kestrel's which I felt a little guilty about since it was their apartment.

Everyone passed me on their way out giving me looks of concern and reassurance. There eyes silently telling me that of I needed them they'd be there. Honestly I was grateful for the silent reassurances, it freed my mind up to think of what I wanted to say.

Jane and Iris were the last two to leave the apartment. Stopping briefly at the door and flashing me a smile and then my mother a look akin to solidified acid before closing the door. Leaving me alone with my mother and Grandpa. I took a deep breath and looked at my mother.

"Okay mother…no, Maria…let's talk about loss…"