239: Plague of Phantoms XXIII

"What…is that?" Bo groaned as he looked at the evo that laid in a heap at the bottom of the now drained gestation tank.

"This is the Argonewt. Another evo that I made for Iris." I said. Bo scrunched his face up and frowned at me.

"Yeah but what us it? It looks…wrong?" Bo said. I frowned at him.

"The Argonewt is my first tier four evo created via shaping. It possess Komodo dragon, platypus, chameleon, and cuttlefish DNA." I said proudly.

The argonewt had the body and head of a Komodo dragon, the eyes of a chameleon, and a platypus tail. Admittedly the one in front of me did look a little weird. It's skin which was smooth like a cuttlefish was bulging and shifting like a wave at the beach.

It's eye's moved in separate directions, taking in the surroundings before settling on Iris. His skin suddenly all settled on a texture similar to scales…and then their color changed. It's skin originally had been white and nearly translucent, showing off all its blood vessels and muscles. Now it was rapidly shifting down the color spectrum, one moment red, next green, and pink. The next color appearing almost in the same instant that the last disappeared. Then suddenly it turned into a vibrant myriad of colors, almost blinding and hypnotic in the display and arrangement.

I was about to order it to stop that because the display was giving me a headache when it all of a sudden vanished from view entirely. Everyone gasped and took a step back, unable to believe it vanished before our eyes.

[Boss! On top of that tank!] Bone-lasher warned me and then shared his vision.

My consciousness was yanked over to the top of the next tank. I saw the outline of the argonewt perched predatorily on top of the tanks metal casing, eyeing Iris.

"FOURS!" I bellowed and as I summoned his crystalline structure and tossed it into the air. The Argonewt's eyes dart towards Fours crystal as he emerges. It's demeanor telegraphic that it still felt safe and concealed. "You know what to do!"

[Of course Pretender!] Fours replied and dove straight for the argonewt, claws extended and ready to slash. To say the Argonewt was surprised that Fours was heading straight for it was an understatement.

It tried to jump back and evade Fours as he swung his claws but in its haste lost its footing and ended up slipping and falling to the ground in front of the tank. The impact made whatever camouflage effect dissipate as it's skin returned to it scaly grey color.

"Gargesh!" Bo yelled as he stuck his tongue out and summoned his Orkand's crystalline structure.

"Old man get back!" Colossus yelled as he jumped in front of grandpa. He let out ferocious battle squeal as the small flame Mohawk burned a bright blue color and the flames shot a couple feet into the air.

The Argonewt jumped to his feet and hissed loudly his eyes darting between Fours, Colossus, and Gargesh as he emerged from his structure. It's eyes suddenly both looked up at once and it jumped to the side, dodging Rubis and his overhead blood axe strike by just a hair's breath. Rubis landed with a thunderous thud that was exasperated by the explosion of his blood axe when it made contact with the ground.

Normal and Exotic both jumped down from their positions in the support beams of the roof and surrounded the argonewt quickly. Fours landed atop the casing the argonewt had just perched on and hissed a warning. Gargesh stood between the argonewt and Bo, baring his fangs menacingly.

"Waitsss! Waitsss!" The Argonewt exclaimed. Lowering his head in submission.

The Ogarai all glance at me, wanting instructions. I could feel Fours presence in my mind, dancing about and awaiting my next order as well. I held a hand up to tell the Ogarai to hold on then took a step towards the argonewt.

"Why did you suddenly vanish like that?!" I barked, my voice boomed and echoed through the warehouse causing everyone to flinch.

"Nervesesss. Greats one…nervesesss. All eyes stares at me'ses." The Argonewt replied, a slight shiver ran down his spine as it spoke.

"Then why did you look at Iris like you wanted to attack her when you were on top of the tank?" I asked then pointed to the tank in question. It's eyes bugged and it cowered even more.

"Youse could seess me Greats one?" The Argonewt asked.

"Yes! Easily." I replied then stepped in front of it and looked it straight in the eyes. "Now answer me and chose your words carefully, I've already had one evo attack me and mine before and now it's sludge beneath my feet. Your answer will determine if you'll join it."

"Hold on Chase!" Iris called to me. I paused and looked over my shoulder at her.

"Yes Iris?"

"Let me deal with it." She said. I arched a brow at her request. Seeing this she continued. "I'm your Chief of security. So determining the security risk of new evos should fall under my umbrella of duties."

"Well okay. If you want to." I said taking a step back so she could take my position in front of the argonewt.

[Pretender. This evos heartbeat grew faster when that woman grew near.] Fours told me as I stepped back. I glanced over at him then back at Iris and the argonewt.

[Like it wanted to attack?] I asked.

[No…it's like how that savage, Bone-lasher is around you. Or the loudmouth Jiggles.] Fours replied. I looked at the Argonewt again and narrowed my eyes at it, taking on it's posture and body language. Both its eyes were fixated on Iris, no fear or aggression visible in them. It's long flat tail slapping softly on the ground.

"Okay…you'll have other forgive Chase and these guys. That little boy back there was nearly hurt when a evo Chase created attacked. Now I'm asking you and please be honest…why where you staring at me while you were camouflaged?" Iris asked. The argonewt laid head on the ground and let out a low gurgle sound.

"Youses was looking ats meses with your three eyeses. Eyeses so pretty…" The Argonewt replied, taking a moment to chose its words before adding. "…likes pale crystalsise."

'Is he trying to say that he was mesmerized by Iris eyes? Wait she only has two…oh…he thinks her farm crystal is an eye…' I thought to myself. Iris nodded and then shook her finger at the evo.

"While I thank you for the compliment, I don't like being stared at and its typically not polite. I can give you a pass since you were just released from you gestation tank and are basically a newborn. So…let's start again. I'm Iris Philari, I'm more than certain that Chase back there made you for me. I hope we can work together." Iris said flashing the argonewt a kind smile.

The argonewt looked up at her with what I can only describe as a look of reverence on its face. It let out a gurgling sound and opened its mouth. A long fleshy tongue shot out from its mouth similar to a chameleon tongue, only with more control and much more flexible, and locked Iris across her cheek before retreating back into its mouth in a flash.

"Always my Ladyses." The argonewt replied with bow of its head. Iris smiled then knelt down and hugged the evo let out a happy squeal.

"Awww! It's so cute!" Iris exclaimed.

I shared a look with Bo and Grandpa Seamus. The argonewt could be called a couple things but cute wasn't really one of them. It had features from a lot of different animals that clashed in a lot of ways, the only thing that gave it a bit of cohesiveness is the cuttlefish skin that allowed it to change the color of its body.

"I'm going to call you Rainbow Sparkles!" Iris exclaimed with a smile.

On hearing the name Rainbow Sparkles, the argonewt started slapping its tail on the ground and its skin took a metallic shimmer and started shifting through the various colors of the rainbow. It cocked it's head to the side to look up at Iris as a crystalline structure started to form around it.

"My Ladyses!" Rainbow Sparkles said before it was recalled into Iris farm crystal. Iris smiled and touched her crystal before turning to face Grandpa, Bo and I with a broad smile and then ran and tackled me into a tight hug.

"Oh my gods! Thank you Chase! Thank you!" Iris cried out as she hugged me so tight I felt my ribs creak and she even lifted me up a little.

"You're welcome Iris! Ow!" I wheezed. Iris put me down and then hugged me around the neck.

"Seriously…thank you for everything you've done for me…" She whispered. I hugged her back and whispered back.

"Anything for you Tri-clops…you'd do the same for me."

"Awww! Look at you two lovebirds." Grandpa Seamus teased. Iris and I frowned and looked to Grandpa.

"We're not lovebirds!" Iris and I snapped. Earning a laugh from him and Bo.

"I'm just funning ya two. Anyone can see ya two are more like siblings than lovers. Almost like family…" Grandpa Seamus said. I smirked at that and looked to Iris, her expression had changed to something darker which gave me pause.

"Speaking of family…" Iris said as she let go of me and took a step back.

"Let me guess…Yurkid's funeral?" I supplied. Iris nodded and looked down at the floor.

"It's scheduled for the end of the week, we've finally got everything ready for his burial I just need to head to the family's burial ground." Iris replied.

"You want us to come with you?" I asked. Iris shook her head.

"No, with my brother getting his own statue in the capital and the ceremony surrounding that my parents wants to keep his funeral private." Iris replied. I nodded and smiled softly at her.

"Understandable…do you need anything? Need to borrow one of my evos to get there in time?" I asked. Iris shook her head again and looked down at her feet.

"No…I'll be getting picked up. However…I will be leaving tonight." Iris said meekly. My eyes widened and I looked to Bo and Grandpa Seamus to see if they knew about it but they both looked as stunned as I did.

"Tonight? Geez, way to give a guy some warning." I teased then hugged her tight. "It's fine. Go be with your family. We'll all be here when you get back."

"Thank you…I'll be back before we leave for Japan. And I'm definitely not leaving until after the uniform fitting later today." Iris said hugging me back. I froze as my brain tried to remember anything about a uniform fitting. Iris frowned and looked up at me, cocking an eyebrow.

"You forgot about the uniform fitting, didn't you?" Iris asked accusatorily.

"What? Nooooo…" I said looking away from her.

[Of course the Pretender forgot…] Fours said snidely. I jerked my head towards the evo and frowned.

"Oh hush you!" I griped. Fours made a huffing noise, that I assumed was the gravegyle version of a chuckle.

"So even your evos know you're forgetful." Iris chuckled. "Eitherway…we're all supposed to be meeting at that boutique that Jane found in the gold city later toady."

"Right…I'll head there with Haws later today after we're done rotating the evos and mana cores." I said with a groan.

"Oh please! You're asking like it's going to be torture…" Iris said.


"Whhhhhhy!" I groaned as I was handed yet another suit from Iris and Jane.

Iris took the one that was already in my hands and walked over to the front of the shop where everyone else at Sho'lajah was looking at styles and mark ups for potential designs for the company uniform.

"Because you are the CEO and Owner of the company, Chase. You are the face, the visible representation of the company. If you look like a bum then we all look like a bum, regardless of how good our uniforms look." Jane chastised me. I narrowed my eyes at her and crossed my arms.

"You and Iris aren't wearing uniforms. You're both wearing dresses!" I griped.

"We're your Chief executives. Our appearance matters too. Now put on the suit!" Jane ordered as she spun me around and pushed me towards the dressing rooms.

I groaned and shook my head as I headed back to the dressing room I had been using. This was the fifteenth or so suit that the girls had me try on. Each suit had been in a different style or color from the rest. Not that that it made much of a difference, considering how much I didn't like any of them. I wasn't really a suit kind of guy but Jane and Iris wasn't hearing any of that.

The boutique that everyone was currently in was called Amadomass. It was owned by a splicer from a supposed affluent Egyptian splicing family. Haws and I were of course late as it took longer than we planned to finish rotating the evos in the gestation tanks. The moment we walked in the employee behind the cash register looked at the two of us and curled her nose at us, asking if we had the wrong store. It was very satisfying seeing her get chewed out by her boss, when he saw me and my farm crystal and knew instantly who I was.

Now standing in the dressing room and changing into yet another suit for the umpteenth time u was beginning to dislike the place. Not because of anything the owner did or even because of their selection of clothes, all of which were designer or specially made, it was just thar I was tired of trying on suits.

I stood in front of the mirror in nothing but my boxers and socks, holding the offending suit, and stared at my reflection. After a minute of that the silent rage that had been building up in my head finally blew.

"THAT'S IT!" I bellowed and stomped out of the dressing room. Hearing me scream, Iris and Jane both broke away from the groups and walked over to see what the commotion was about.

"Chase, what's with all the…OH MY GODS WHERE ARE YOUR PANTS!" Jane exclaimed and covered her eyed. Iris slapped her forehead and groaned.

"Fuck my pants, fuck the company, and FUCK THESE SUITS!" I snapped as I balled up the suit and flung it suit at Jane, smacking her in the face with it since she had her eyes closed.

"HEY!" Jane yelled as she threw the balled up suit to the floor , she then noticed that she threw the suit to the floor and glared at me. "That's a fifteen thousand dollar suit!"

"I don't care if it's fifteen million. I'm over fucking suits!" I snapped.