265: A Plague of Phantoms: Covert Machinations III


I could hear my heart beating in my ears as we approached then entrance to the Sadamas Center where all the evos were going to be presented. This was entirely because of the imposter walking beside me pretending to be Ned Anders. My cohort and only ally in trying to flee the Zeonic States.

"Calm down, you're breathing heavy. If you're too stressed people will realize something is wrong." The fake Ned said softly. Which honestly freaked me out even more. Whoever that was had his voice down perfectly, his body was exactly the same build as Ned's and he even had the same scar under his chin as Ned. The disguise was uncanny, unnervingly so.

"A bit hard to remain calm considering." I replied quietly as well. "I'm about to say that one of my comrades is a traitor. If I was perfectly calm it would be suspicious."

"True, but you're sweating like a hog." Fake Ned said. I reached up and wiped the beads of sweat that had collected on my forehead then groaned.

"I'll get under control." I said softly. Fake Ned eyed me and then nodded curtly.

"Just follow my lead, defer all questions to me. I already have the full story planned out." Fake Ned said just before we reached the front door to the center.

"Understood but I want to see Ned after this." I insisted. Fake Ned stated at me for a brief moment or rather through me then suddenly blinked and nodded.

"Okay, just don't get us caught." Fake Andy said. I nodded then opened the door.

As we walked into the center it suddenly hit me that I just immediately agreed to follow this faker's lead. I felt like I should have been a little more insistent on proof of life for Ned but it was too late to continue talking about it now.

Directly in front of the center doors was the presentation area for Sardonix Industries, a older techno-splicing company and one of the founders of the Evo-cution expo. It was a staple for them to be the first company that the rulers and military officials of the splicer controlled countries saw. If it wasn't for that longstanding tradition then it would have been Justice Technologies for sure. That being said it was practically empty, save for the company employees and military staff assigned to the company.

"This way." I said and led fake Ned towards the Justice Technologies area. It was the next one over. Their area in comparison was bustling with activity, though not as much as it should have been. There were at least twenty rulers and military officials hovering around the information booth.

I scanned the crowd and easily found President Justice and Thomas Kingston standing near the information booth. They both were talking to rulers and wholly involved in their individual conversations. I then quickly found Logan with a pissed off look on his face and private Oliver next to him, basically up his ass as normal. I didn't see Tym or Alex nearby or even that idiot Cross, which meant that the highest ranking person I could report to currently was Logan.

I sighed as I made my way over to Logan with Fake Ned in tow. I honestly hated reporting to Logan Kingston. It wasn't just the fact that he was almost ten years my junior and already a second lieutenant and not through merit. But through the shady back alley deal that his daddy made with Justice. He cowered and cried while the rest of my men, good men, family men, died and were eaten alive. And he gets all the credit for their sacrifice.

"Lieutenant Kingston!" I called out as I neared getting his attention. The frown on his face deepened into a scowl when he saw me. Private Oliver noticed where Logan was looking and looked that way too. When his eyes fell on me he frowned and had an expression that reminded me of puppy growling at something they noticed their master didn't like.

Instead of the usual scowl that I had when I looked at Logan I made sure I had my serious face on. Seeing that his scowl changed to a frown again and he cocked his head to the side. I picked up my stride and weaved around the small crowd to reach him.

"Lieutenant Kingston, I have a report!" I exclaimed, following with a salute. Logan's expression turned serious.

"A report? You're supposed to be at the Hotel, Reagan." Private Oliver grumbled. I shot the snot-nosed brat a glare and got in his face.

"That's SARGENT Reagan to you, Private!" I snapped in a brutal tone. All the arrogance and bravado left Oliver in an instant and he reflexively took a step back. I curled my upper lip at him in a sharp and got in his face. "Do not think that just because there are big wigs around that I won't hesitate to slap you so hard your pathetic ass will fly back up your mother's clap catcher! Disrespect me or a superior officer again and you can kiss this cushy position in this squad and your military career goodbye! Do you understand me Private Oliver?!"

"Y-yes sir…" Oliver stuttered.

"I'm sorry I can't hear you over the sound of your dick trap flapping in the breeze! Reply with your chest soldier!" I barked.

"YES Sir! I understand Sir!" Oliver barked back and saluted me. I huffed and then turned to look at Logan. He looked modestly satisfied with my discipline of Oliver, obviously the star struck kid was crawling up his hero's ass again to the point of being annoying.

"What is your report, Sargent?" Logan asked. I shot Oliver one last glare then stepped over to Logan and leaned in close so only he could hear.

"Sir I believe our surveillance operation is compromised." I whispered. Logan gasped and looked at me with a lethal seriousness.

"Are you sure?" He asked.

"Very. I believe Ian Dreeble has betrayed us to your brother's company." I said.

"Half-brother." Logan quickly corrected. Then the rest of my words sunk in and his eyes widened.

"One of ours? Betrayed us? Do you have proof?" Logan asked. I shook my head admittedly.

"Nothing concrete but Sargent Anders here was supposed to take over for Dreeble. He reports that he saw him talking with a member of that company in the forest and was attacked by a evo but managed to get away." I said motioning to fake Ned who stood at attention a few steps back. Logan looked to fake Ned and eyed him for a moment before addressing him.

"Sargent Anders." Logan said, gaining fake Ned's attention then wiggled a finger, urging him closer. Fake Ned walked over and saluted, Logan waved him off and then leaned close. "Tell me what you saw."

"Sir! Dreeble was standing in front of that weird crystal evo that they arrived on and talking with one of the targets. Dreeble shook his hand and then handed him something. I don't know what but Dreeble was given money in return. I was attacked by a evo and barely managed to escape." Fake Ned recounted the fake incident, even showing the convincing bruise on his forehead.

"Any idea what Dreeble handed him?" Logan asked. Fake Ned shook his head.

"No sir, but I recognized the man he handed it to. American…had a filthy splicer for a son…." Fake Ned paused and looked over his shoulder then frowned. "…wait…that's him!"

Fake Ned pointed to a space behind Logan and along the pathway that lead further into Sadamas Center. A familiar man walked down the path and past the Justice Technologies area and headed towards the entrance to the center. He was followed by a beautiful woman who had young boy in her arms and two really big and really intimidating looking evos.

"Louie Gents…" Logan muttered softly then whirled around to Fake Ned. "…You sure that was the guy that Dreeble took stuff from?"

"Positive Sir!" Fake Ned replied with a nod then frowned and scratched his chin. "But how is he here…wasn't he transferred somewhere?"

"Fuck…" Logan groaned then quickly rushed over to Thomas and President Justice. Oliver started to follow after him but I grabbed the hero worshiping parasite by the collar and yanked him back then shot him a glare. The little boy shrunk into himself then looked down at the floor.

I watched Logan approach his father and the president and whispered into the ear of his father. The alarm on his face told me everything. Thomas then quickly turned and whispered into Beaufort's ear, his expression didn't change but he started nodding repeatedly. His eyes darted over to the family and two evos that passed. He then whispered something back to Thomas and excused himself then motioned for Logan to follow him and headed towards us. When Logan and Beaufort reached us Beaufort pointed to Fake Ned.

"Are you sure that man that just left the center was the one that Dreeble was talking too?" President Justice asked.

"Yes sir!" Fake Ned replied. Beaufort looked concerned now and started scratching hos chins.

"Private Oliver, go find Lieutenant Cross and tell him to report back to the hotel and tell him I will be there in a bit. Sargent Reagan, I want you and Sargent Anders to head back to the white forest and watch the road for transports. They have to get those miraculous evos that cocky brat was bragging about earlier here somehow and I want them. Eliminate anyone that gets in your way. I will send a team to back you up later." Beaufort said.

"By themselves? They're only two men." Logan commented.

"They're American soldiers, never in the history of our country has an American never been more than a match for a splicer!" Beaufort rebutted Logan harshly then turned to Fake Ned and I. "You have your orders, get going!"

"Yes sir!" Fake Ned and I both replied then rushed out the exit.

"What now?" I asked once we were outside and walking down the road away from thr center. There was nobody outside save the family and evos that we saw leaving earlier further down the road.

"Now…you show me your resolve." Fake Ned said softly then motioned his head towards the family and their evo escorts ahead. "That man is called Louie Gents, his wife Angie and son KC. They were both in St. Louis when the ascended attacked with his horde, in fact KC was born that day. Beaufort kidnapped KC and then held him over his parents heads in order to keep Louie working under Thomas. He kept him in that facility in Egypt, I was with Chase when we broke him out."

"Why are you telling me this?" I asked. Fake Ned looked over his shoulder and smirked.

"Because given your position and connection to Beaufort it's highly likely you've heard about what happened there." Fake Ned said. I nodded.

"I've read reports, unimaginable carnage and destruction on a unnatural scale." I said. Fake Ned chuckled and shook his head.

"You were with Chase at St. Louis, you know the truth of that day. How fiercely he fought along with his grandmother. Compared to how strong he is now to then is like comparing a candle to the sun, and only a little of it is from his evos." Fake Ned said. "He is willing to kill in gruesome and terrible ways to get what he wants and protect who he cares about. Now you will have to show the same resolve if you want to defect from America."

"Wait…you mean…?" I stopped mid-sentence and gulped loudly. Fake Ned nodded.

"Both you and Anders are going to kill some of your fellow soldiers during ambush we are going to set up. We're going to give Beaufort exactly what he wants and have it blow up in his face." Fake Ned said then stopped walking suddenly forcing me to stop as well. "Can you handle that?"

"Yes." I said immediately. Fake Ned frowned and narrowed his eyes at me.

"No hesitation. You'd think you'd need a moment to reconsider before agreeing to betray your comrades in arms?" Fake Ned said.

"I was already planning to betray them. Anders and I planned to kill Dreeble to get the chance to make contact with your people. Whatever it takes to get away…we'll do it." I replied. Fake Ned looked at me closely then nodded curtly and turned and walked briskly.

"Let's go, Chase's plan is elaborate and flashy so it'll take us a while to get everything ready." Fake Ned said. I frowned and walked briskly to keep pace with him.

"Wait, how would you know what Chase Kingston is planning? We never saw him." I asked. Fake Ned smirked and flashed me a black crystal ring on his finger that I hadn't noticed before. It had strange writings on the band the glowed slightly.

"You Americans know nothing about splicers. Weaklings are stronger than all your guns and cannons put together. Strong ones can move mountains…monsters like Chase…well, there is are no other monsters like Chase." Fake Ned said mysteriously then added. "You'll see what I mean soon enough."



"Master Kingston!"

"Master Kingston!"

"Master Kingston! Master Kingston!"

"Exhaled Revolutionary Paragon! A moment please!"

I suppressed a groan as I was surrounded by Royals asking about enchantments they wanted done despite my constantly telling them to Jane who would make sure they are taken down. None of them wanted to hear or accept that they had to talk to someone else.

Originally I had Angie tasked to field requests since it was what she did at the shop but with the information I was getting from a disguised Iris I decided that it would be better to have her, Louie, and KC head back to the King's glaive, with an escort of Rubis and Cobalti. According to Iris, Thomas nearly went white when he saw Louie.

I was only sucking up and dealing with all the requests and yelling because it was necessary for my plan. Albeit a plan that I was making up on the fly but I more or less had an endgame planned for my current iteration.

[Chase…you good? Your eye is starting to twitch.] Sin asked me through the manacite communication rings.

[I'm fiiiine! Can't you tell?] I replied and glanced over to look at the ex-gangster who was standing next to Jade's booth with Pogs beside him. As I was standing beside Jade and speedily enchanting already purchased items he was to my right.

[No! You look like you want to blast everyone into ashes!] Sin exclaimed.

[Fine…I'll cut down on the murderous thoughts then.] I replied then had a necklace that the major of the French army shoved in my face.

"Master Kingston, my necklace next!" He exclaimed. Out of reflex I channeled shock attribute mana and lashed it out violently at the necklace. Lightning sparked from my eyes and shocked the necklace out of his hand.

"One at a time!" I snapped and shot the major a glare. "Wait your turn or I'll give you your money back!"

"Sorry, Master Kingston…" The major apologized then reached down and grabbed his necklace from the ground.

[Ummm…Chase…not to tell you how to boss but…nobody is asking about the evos!] Haws exclaimed through the manacite communication rings.

[I know! I have eyes!] I snapped back then looked over at the cage gateways, Bone-lasher was standing beside the cage for the Mer-as-folk with Empress guarding the one for the Lunar Liger Sharks. Their presence there might be the reason why everyone was being so distant.

"Um Chase?" A familiar voice called out to me. I looked back from the cage gateways to see Turak'Kahn and Viola waving at me.

"One moment, your majesties." I replied already a little overwhelmed.

"No problem, I was just wondering if you could have someone bring out those evos you were talking about during your speech earlier." Turak'Kahn said. That peaked the interest of several people in the crowd in front of me.

"I could! If the freaking item wasn't keyed to you now!" Jane exclaimed suddenly from her position manning the information booth. My eyes widened as realization hit, she was giving me a reason to get away from enchanting items.

"Well I'm a little busy here." I said then finished enchanting the ring I working on then handed it to the noble that requested it.

"Then we'll have to stop enchanting items and by we I mean you." Jane said then pointed at me.

"Yes Bossy." I said in a monotone.

"That's mistress Bossy to you!" Jane said. I rolled my eyes and started packing away my enchanting equipment much to the protest of the customers around me.

"Enough!" I exclaimed, silencing everyone. "Hold onto your receipt and give your name to Jane there and I will get to them before the end of Evo-cution. Don't forget we're here to sell evos."

I put my equipment back into my void pocket really quick then walked over to Turak'Kahn and Viola then motioned to the cage gateway. They followed me over to it and it didn't escape my notice that several people from the stall followed as well.

[Chase, I'm in position with that Sargent Reagan.] Iris suddenly reported through the manacite communication rings.

[Good, have whoever is watching the prisoner to bring them there then explain the plan.] I replied.

[Okay… but just remember it's Bo, Indy, and your Grandpa watching him with their evos.] Iris said. I inwardly groaned as I remembered Jade telling me that.

[I know. Is Louie and Angie up to speed?] I asked.

[Yes, I promised them they will be far out of the way for the fighting. But how exactly are you going to get a patrol of Japanese soldiers to come past the forest?] Iris replied. I smirked involuntarily.

[Don't worry about that. It's been taken care of…]