"BIO GENESIS ACTIVATE!" I bellowed as I shattered the crystal in my hand.
A wave of mana rushed from the crystal knocking Gadget and I away. We floated in mid-air as Gadget was enveloped by a bright purple light, the same light shined in my chest, making my heart visible inside my chest. Gadget then flew at me, like he was being pulled and slammed into my chest. Instead of feeling pain or any sort of impact I felt my body starting to go numb as the light from Gadget's body and light in my heart mixed and enveloped both of us.
"BO!" I exclaimed.
"GADGET!" He exclaimed right after me.
"BIO MERGE TOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" We exclaimed in unison.
Our combined lights shined so brightly they were blinding. I felt our bodies melding together, becoming taller, and more lean. Unifying into one being. Our hands and feet were now more similar to that of a raccoon's, striped black and grey fur sprouted all over our new body. A thick fluffy tail formed just above our tailbone. I felt our face changing, becoming a combination of both human and raccoon. Finally our minds began to merge making it impossible to distinguish between Bo and Gadget, becoming….
Sylvester Arsine
"SYLVESTER ARSINE! WE ARE UNITED!" I bellowed as I finished my fusion. Mana and light pouring off me in a pulse. The light stopped in mid-air then flew back towards me, covering my body and forming a pair of crystal woven pants and a vest.
I floated softly down to a railing below. Thanks to Bo crushing Gadget's fusion crystal it knocked him back over towards the staircases so I could land safely. I gracefully touched down on the railing then hopped onto the stairs.
"Well, well, well, isn't this fortunate?" I asked no one in particular then looked over my new body. "Who knew Gadget had a fusion ability in his true transcended form…well Gadget did but he didn't tell Bo. Naughty boy. Bo better discipline him once I unfuse back into those two..."
I was suddenly interrupted by a rabid screech coming from above. I arched a brow and looked up, seeing the evo that attack our little group diving towards me. I smirked as it got close then jumped backwards, kicking off the wall towards the ceiling and flipping over the evo. It crashes into the wall, shattering the hexagon tiles in impact while I landed gracefully back onto the railing.
"Naughty, naughty! Interrupting another being's introspection like that!" I chastised the evo.
It pushed itself off the wall and turned to growl at me. It's face was smashed and it's limbs shattered but it was quickly healing. I could see hunger, desperation, and most of all rage in its eyes.
'It wants…no needs mana. It feeds off it, that's why it is attacking us, why it grabbed Bo. Who knows how long it's been since it last had mana…it's desperate.' I realized then sighed.
"Poor creature, you must be starving. Locked away in this endless maze. While I feel for you, I can't let you or any of your little buddies drain my mana. It's too important to me…" I said as I channeled crystal attribute mana into both my hands. Two sickle shaped weapons formed out of crystal from my hands. The handles fitting snuggly in my palms, I crossed the blades of both weapons in front of my chest. "…so you'll have to die I'm afraid."
The evo now fully healed lunged at me. I dodged easily jumping to the side and further up the railing. The evo fell over said railing and started to fall. It didn't fall far thanks to its wings and quickly flew back up to my level, trying to tackle me again. I jumped into the air, doing a backwards flip and bringing my blades to my chest. As the evo moved under me I quickly slashed at its neck with a cross slash. Decapitation it in one swift movement.
The evo crashed into the wall with a wet crunch and I landed gracefully once again. However something was different. I felt a surge of mana during into my body from the sickle in my right hand. I looked down at the sickle realized it was glowing.
"Curious…" I said as I observed the weapon. It looked rather plain where weapons were concerned but there was something odd about it. Other mana at play beside the crystal attribute mana I used to create it. "…best not to get distracted though."
I looked down at the evo I decapitated. It's head was mostly regenerated as it tried to stand back up. I jumped down from the railing and slashed the evo's head off again, using the sickle from before exclusively then revered my grip and stabbed the creature through the heart. The moment I did it went limp and died. I felt a surge of mana coming from the sickle a moment later, all the Mana that it had stolen from Bo and whatever splicer came before flowed into me. I felt invigorated.
"Well now, you'll come in handy…" I said with a gasp then looked over at the sickle. "…a weapon as unique as this deserves a name…hmmm….Pilfer…yes! Pilfer!"
I held the sickle up to the ceiling and smirked. Cracks suddenly formed in the sickle and immediately after Pilfer and my other sickle shattered into crystal dust. I didn't panic though. I knew that I could create the special sickle again by channeling mana. How I knew that I didn't know.
"BOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Reagan bellowed from a ledge several floors up. I peered over the railing and looked up.
"I'm sorry the person you are currently trying to reach is not available. Do not fret for a chosen representative will be with you shortly!" I yelled back to in a teasing tone. There was silence for several seconds until I felt a mind trying to reach out for mine. Well not mine exactly but Bo's, since Bo was a part of me I could still sense all hos mental connections.
[BIG BOSS! YOU THERE! BOSS!] Gargesh yelled through the connection.
[Will you please lower your volume! You'll give your boss a headache.] I replied.
[Who are you?!] Gargesh demanded.
[Sylvester Arsine, the crystal Phantom and BIO merged form of Bo and Gadget at your service.] I replied. I felt Gargesh's astonishment through the mental connection but also his acceptance.
[So boss fused…okay! Stay there! Coming down!] Gargesh told me. I shrugged and turned around, leaning back on the railing.
[Not much else to do, might as well wait…]
Ten minutes ago
"Boss this place is huge! We've been walking forever and I can't find the end of it!" Bone-lasher grumbled as we came to yet another intersection. It was damn near identical to the last seven we came to, if it wasn't for Bone-lasher's wide range of vision I would have thought we were going in circles.
"I'm more concerned about the fact we haven't found Grandpa or anyone else yet." I grumbled. Bone-lasher whined softly and I quickly reached out and patted him on the arm. "I'm not blaming you Bone…I'm just pissed…and worried."
Bone-lasher didn't say anything but I could feel his relief through our connection. I looked back towards the intersection and frowned. The four way hallway branches off into a web of hallways and corridors. Most of which were completely empty and led nowhere useful, at least in Bone-lasher's field of vision. The one that did lead somewhere was a pathway I preferred to avoid.
Straight ahead, about a half mile away was what looked like an large lab of some sorts. Which was what I was looking for, problem was there were at least twenty of those evos that had been roaming the hallways in the corridors between that lab and us. Then there was the matter of the evos that were roaming the halls behind us. We managed to mostly avoid conflict thanks to Bone-lasher but it seemed that we were being followed somehow.
"We're taking the path ahead." I said, pointing to the pathway straight ahead.
"There are a lot of enemies ahead Boss." Bone-lasher informed me. I nodded and drew Dia Caos, holding it in one hand while popping the claws in my other hands.
"I know, but that room past all of them might be a lab and I need to get to it." I replied. Bone-lasher growled low in his throat while looking down the targeted hallway.
"Then I will clear a path…" Bone-lasher growled. Lightning started to spark off his body as he prepared to dash ahead but I quickly held my arm out to stop him as I noticed something strange with his electromagnetic vision.
"Hold on…" I ordered my trusted evo then focused on the shared vision. All the evos that were in the hallway ahead were now running directly to us. The same for the evos that we'd managed to sneak around through the maze of pathways. I gritted my teeth and looked back up at Bone-lasher. "…the evos are coming for us!"
Bone-lasher growled and the lightning sparked even fiercer as he turned his head back towards the hallway behind us. The closest of the evos would be rounding the corner in a matter of seconds. I could always hear the growls and screeches of the evos.
I pointed Dia Caos down the hall, using Bone-lasher's vision to time when the evo would round the corner. The second it's head poked around I fired a void bullet, aiming for its chest. The bullet made contact and a miniature black hole formed where the bullet struck, instantly destroying it's upper torso and most of its waist. The corpse of the evo dropped instantly and a few seconds later the next evo came barreling around the bend.
Bone-lasher took care of this new foe and blitzed it. Closing the distance in a flash, Bone-lasher tore the heart of the evo out of its chest with his armored claws. Hearing loud screeches behind me I spun around and pulled both triggers of Dia Caos, firing the remaining void bullets. The two bullets flew down the hall, one striking a evo in the neck and the second striking another evo in the chest. The resulting black holes were large enough to destroy the hearts and kill them.
The shots weren't random. I had still been tracking all the evos rushing from the other hallway. This was only possible thanks to Bone-lasher sharing not only his electromagnetic vision but also his mental processing abilities, allowing me to track all thirty-six evos at once.
I pulled the hammer for Dia Caos to reload it then pulled both triggers again and fired three shots, each hitting a different target either near the chest or, neck. Dropping three more evos.
[Chase! We have a problem!] Bo suddenly exclaimed through the manacite communication ring, breaking my concentration.
[Join the club Bo! A little busy here!] I replied as I saw two five more evos vault over the corpses of their fallen comrades.
[We'll get unbusy! Reagan and I found a staircase.] Bo demanded. I gritted my teeth then channeled volt attribute mana throughout my body.
Lightning sparked off me as I ran towards the approaching evos, they appeared to be moving in slow motion as I rushed them. Stabbing the evos in the heart, the electricity in my claws jolted through them. When the last of the evos I faced died Bo's last words finally made sense in my mind.
[Fuck! This place as multiple floors?!] I replied.
[Yeaaaah…a lot of floors, I can't see the bottom or top of the staircase.] Bo said. A cacophony of screams echoed down the hallway ahead of me and I saw more evos than I saw earlier with Bone-lasher's vision rushing down the hall towards me.
[WHAAAAAT?!] I screamed through the connection though I mentioned to scream out loud.