"…time to burn some angel rejects!" I bellowed then lowered my head and charged at the evos.
I channeled incinerate attribute mana into my tusks as I ran. Blue flames screwed from the tips and fanned backwards. This created a flame shield as I ran that blasted the Nephilguize into ash as they came into contact with the azure flames. The heat from the flames was hot enough that the floors and walls started to melt.
When I reached the end of the hallway I didn't stop, I kept charging forward and increased the amount of mana I was channeling to increase the flames. The heat from my flames melted and warped the wall ahead, allowing me to slam straight through it with the inertia of my charge. I went barreling into the another hallway. This one was a dead end but that wasn't going to stop me. I charged ahead and slammed through the wall at the back of the hallway.
A sudden flash of light blinded me as I burst through the wall and then found myself falling. My eyes quickly adjusted and I realized I was in a wide and tall octagonal room about four stories tall. I was currently falling three stories, at the bottom of which were more than a hundred snarling and growling Nephilguize glaring up at me.
"More of them!" I growled then channeled the incinerate attribute mana into my hands and pointed all four towards the ground. Spiraling columns of blue flames spewed from all four hands and blanketed the ground, reducing them to ash in mere seconds. I landed in the center of the room with a crash. The azure flames that coated the ground were blown away from the impact.
I took a deep breath then let out a sigh as I stopped channeling mana. The force of my breath blew out the remaining flames.
'How many of these things are here?' I thought to myself then looked around the room.
It looked off, like it had been shorter at one point but got stretched like silly putty. I walked over to the closest wall and placed a hand on it. It bent with little to no force and when I pulled my hand away it bent back into its original shape.
"My flames didn't do that…" I muttered softly to myself then looked up at the ceiling and shook my head. "…no something is wrong here…this room was chan…"
I was interrupted by something exploding behind me. The force of the explosion staggering me and making me fall against the wall. I growled and pushed myself off the wall and prepared to deal with whatever attacked me. However when I spun around I found myself standing in a field of flowers. I frowned at the scenery.
'An illusion? Impossible! I'm immune to illusions…no…' I thought then paused. '…no…chase has immunity to enchantment and utility spells. That doesn't mean I do. Chase is just a part of me.'
I suddenly felt a weakening feeling coming from my arms and my legs. Something was grabbing them. Nephilguize were grabbing them. I growled in my throat and felt my body temperature raise until the magma cracks in my skin glowed and radiated heat.
The smell of burning flesh and muted screeches breached the barrier of the illusion. Confirming my suspicious about the Nephilguize. I took a deep breath and trumpeted loudly. Sound and heat exploded away from me in shockwaves. The field of flowers shattered around me, like a glass box. The true scene around me now revealed, there were more than a hundred of the Nephilguize laying on the floor around me as charred corpses along with a hundred more of them stood at the edges of the room and glared at me with hungry glares.
"Fucking parasites! Trying to take what doesn't belong to you!" I snarled then channeled incinerate and ash attribute mana throughout my body then took a step forward.
Glowing ash flowed from the cracks and crags in my body and quickly filled the room. The moment the ash came into contact with the Nephilguize they burst into flames and joined the ash. In a matter of moments the entire room was filled with ash and all of the Nephilguize were dead. Oddly enough the ash didn't burn me or choke me and I could see or rather sense everything inside the ash cloud. I could feel the overflow from the cloud flowing through the hole I crashed through and burning every evo in the hallway.
I was about to relax when a sudden and loud explosion from that hallway snapped my attention. A wave of cold air came bursting into the room and mixing with the blazing ash and causing thermal reactions that triggered explosions throughout the room as the hot and cold mix.
I covered my face with my arms as the force of the explosion knocked me through the wall behind me. I winced as I was propelled into a large and unnaturally sized staircase.
'Staircases…Chase's Grandpa should be nearby.' I thought as I started to fall. Movement within the ash and smoke billowing out of the hole caught my attention. Dozens of Nephilguize started leaping out of the hole, opening their wings and flying at me.
"I'VE HAD IT WITH YOU DAMN ANTS! BURN IN HELL FOR ALL ETERNITY!" I bellowed and channeled incinerate and gust attribute mana throughout my body and willed it to whirl around me. Creating a blazing tornado, a sea of flames that stretched into the air several floors above Before splitting into several more columns of flames.
I rode through one of the columns and surged upward. Watching the Nephilguize burn to a crisp as they were blown around and yanked in the wind. I stopped about ten stories from where I started. I looked down and clapped my hands together, vanquishing the flames around me. Looking down, I frowned when I saw even more Nephilguize pouring out of the hole.
I trumpeted and held all four of my arms up above my head and started casting three axiom spell sigils at the same time. The sigils merged together and a golden spell sigil formed from their merging. Hundreds of fireballs formed in the air around me before lengthening into star tipped flame spears that aligned themselves with the rapidly approaching Nephilguize.
The moment I spoke those words the spears that had been floating around me locked onto a target and shot towards the Nephilguize. Flying in erratic patterns to keep with their targets, they impaled them. Incinerating them on contact, then exploding. The force of the first explosion rocked the staircase and lit up the space in hues of crimson, yellow, blues, with smattering of black. Spear after spear exploded until a plume of fire surged upwards and covered the skies above me several floors above me.
The heat of the flames was unlike anything I had felt before but it didn't hurt or burn. Through the haze of the flames I could see parts of the staircase starting to melt from the heat.
'That wouldn't do…' I thought as the last of the spears explodes and the heat of the staircase rose several hundred degrees more.
The last of the flames died down and I realized that I had been channeling burn attribute mana subconsciously to keep myself floating. Something Chase didn't know could happen. I started to slowly descend down to a lower staircase when I heard a voice call out to me.
"HEEEEEEEY! BIG GUY!" A voice called out.
I looked down and saw a human standing on a stairwell a few floors down. It was Reagan, and he wasn't alone. Anders, Turak'Kahn, Gargesh, and Chase's Grandpa, and some unknown bi-pedal evo was standing behind him. I stopped descending then frowned.
"YOU ONE OF CHASE'S CRYSTAL MERGES?" Turak'Kahn called up.
"I am! Ifrit! Crystal mergence of Chase and Jiggles." I replied.
"Told ya!" Chase's Grandpa said then punched Reagan's shoulder.
"Ifrit, how much of Chase's consciousness is a part of you right now?" Turak'Kahn asked.
"All of it. I am a mix…though I feel like there is more Jiggles than Chase." I replied then descended until I was level with their stairwell.
"That doesn't matter, all we need ta know is that Starlight is in 'ere." Seamus said.
"Actually, better question… who us that?" I asked then pointed at the bi-pedal evo between Turak'Kahn and Gargesh. The evo did an elegant bow then smirked up at me.
"Sylvester Arsaine, the crystal phantom. Bio merged form of Bo Kestral and Gadget." The evo said. I frowned then something inside me screamed loudly; I'm guessing the part of me that was Chase.
"Bio merged form? Don't you mean crystal merged?" I asked. Sylvester Arsaine shook his head.
"Actually no, my glorious bases merged through a new process unique to the true transcended form of Gadget." Sylvester Arsaine said.
"Of course it is..." I said with a groan that I could feel coming from the exasperation of Chase's consciousness.
"Ifrit, need ta cut ya off. There's a lot ya need to know." Seamus said.
"…so the space we are in is expanding while also keeping us in a temporal lock so there is a very real possibility that we could be stuck inside this separate moment of space-time for all eternity. Is that what the gist of our situation?" I summarized. Seamus nodded which made me frown deeply.
I looked down at the floors below us, a vast majority badly damaged by my use of Jiggle's Star's chosen spell. The stairs were completely unusable until you were about twelve floors down.
"So we're fucked!" Anders said with an exasperated sigh. "Like I said before if the space is expanding how are we supposed to find the way out if it is constantly getting farther from us?"
"Shorten the space between us and the control center." I said sternly.
"And how do we do that?" Turak'Kahn asked. I smirked and cracked my knuckles.
"Destroy the excess."