301: A Plague of Phantoms: Incomplete Angels VII


My consciousness was a mixture of Jiggles and Chase, more heavy on Jiggles DNA though. It was thanks to this odd mix of personalities that attributed to my initial solution to our current solution.

"Can we destroy the labs to keep that from happening?" I asked. Seamus shot me a disappointed look then shook his head.

"Course we can't destroy ta other labs! We're stuck inside this one!" Seamus huffed then crossed his arms. "Not ta mention what could happen to us if we happen to destabilize this space any'ore than we already have."

"What do you mean?" Turak'Kahn asked. Seamus sighed then looked down at the console he was standing in front of.

"Iffi's little space destroying stunt might of made this space pocket unstable. Too much of that shite and this space'll shatter and we're sent spiraling into regular space-time!" Seamus exclaimed.

"Isn't that our goal? Getting out of this space-time thingy?" Anders asked.

"We wouldn't be getting out, this lab would get pushed into regular space-time in the exact space that the phagialy is! We'd be crushed in an instant!" Seamus snapped.

"So what do we do?" I asked.

Seamus took a deep breath then looked down at the console and started pressing runes that floated just above the crystal covered table. After a few seconds Seamus smirked then pointed up at the large screen. The screens flashed for a second then a map of the laboratory was displayed. It was constantly getting larger and larger with each second, however it was centered around one red highlighted room.

"We're here, the main control center of the laboratory. We need ta head here, to the personal research lab of Lulu'Zurkai. That lab has a system separate from this one that should control everything in the lab, including the space expanding sequences. We need to get there and shut them off." Seamus said.

"We can't access them here?" Turak'Kahn asked. Seamus quickly shook his head.

"They're separate from this system. Needs biometrics ta access it." Seamus replied.

"Bio…what?" Reagan asked.

"Genetics." Sylvester Arsaine said aloud from the other side of the room. Reagan nodded in understanding.

"How is getting to that going to help us? If the biometrics are keyed to anything it would be to the long dead previous star farm crystal bearer?" I asked.

"Cause they'd be keyed to the farm crystal, Starlight's farm crystal." Seamus said. Turak'Kahn and I both frowned.

"How is that possible? This Lulu'Zurkai would have been alive more than a thousand years ago. Even if she is an ancestor of his it is impossible that they would have the same farm crystal." Turak'Kahn exclaimed.

"Actually they do…all star farm crystal bearers have the same crystal. The first farm crystal, unchanged since the dawn of the gods." Seamus said softly then looked down at his hands. "Don't ask me how Iffi, I kno' Starlight inside that noggin of yers is bursting with questions but…I can't answer that just yet."

Seamus words were nearly prophetic, as I could in fact feel Chase's consciousness starting to separate from my own. After hearing and ingesting Seamus words the Star Shaper's consciousness receded.

"So we need to get to the mistress of the laboratory's personal lab." Sylvester Arsaine summarized the mission. Seamus nodded while the fusion pointed at the map on the screens. "I'm guessing that means we'll have to deal with that?"

There were hundreds or possibly thousands of red circles in the various hallways of laboratory between our room and our target lab. They were probably Nephilguize, actually more than probably. Dealing with them would be a pain even for me at the moment. Casting Star's Chosen: Jiggles had cost a lot of mana. More than six times Chase's maximum mana capacity. I still had mana but nowhere near enough to cast that spell again. Not to mention my form had a time limit, almost two hours, I had eaten through about thirty minutes of it.

While that sounded like a lot of time we'd be slowed down while moving towards the lab. I could kill them effortlessly but it would be difficult while protecting everyone, my powers weren't for precision but wide range destruction.

"Chase is the only one that needs to get there…we're not needed." Seamus said softly.

"I see…" Reagan said in an equally soft tone.

"You want us out of the way so Ifrit here isn't held back by us." Turak'Kahn said. Seamus didn't say anything, but the look in his eye confirmed it, however there was something else inside his eyes. Unspoken words and half truths. Their existence still unknown to the part of Chase inside my mind.

"Fine, I'll be quick and tear through those Nephil-freaks." I said confidently.

"When ya reach the door of the main lab, you'll need ta split into Starlight and Jiggles so Starlight can open the door." Seamus said.

I walked over to a door at the far end of the control room then paused and looked over my shoulder at Seamus.

"Starlight needs ta place his farm crystal against the control panel of the door. It'll hurt but he needs ta hold it against the panel til it opens." Seamus explained. I nodded then opened the door and started running down the new hallways.

I memorized the route on the large screen when I looked at it last. Two rights, one left, straight through three crossroads, a right, and two lefts and a straight again. That route led me to the halfway point to Lulu'Zurkai's lab where I would come into contact with the first wave of Nephilguize.

I ran without channeling any mana to boost my speed to keep the Nephilguize from sensing me. However when I turned into the last straight away, any stealth that I had from that decision vanished as a loud screech from a Nephilguize watcher alerted the others.

More than two hundred hungry eyes, all turned towards me at once. Without any ceremony or thought I channeled disintegrate attribute mana into my tusks and white flames spewed from the tips and flowed backwards to form a cone shaped shield. The first of the Nephilguize that tried to tackle me were burned away, utterly and completely, leaving not even ash. Only a slight puff of air where the Nephilguize had been was the only indication that it had ever been there.

I charged on then channeled burst attribute mana into my feet, rocketing forward in an explosive burst of speed that. Hundreds of Nephilguize died in a matter of seconds as I raced towards the end of the hall.

Three lefts, one right, straight through seven crossroads, a right and two lefts. That was the route to the door to Lulu'Zurkai's lab and every millimeter of it was filled to the brim with Nephilguize. Snarling, hungry, and feral Nephilguize that charged me without thought or plan.

They were starving beasts, with no trace of the humans they had once been in their eyes. I should have felt sorry for them, sympathized with them, Chase had felt both. I however only saw them as annoying obstacles that were in my way and did as the fire in my blood demanded and broke through them.

It wasn't as slaughter, or even an extermination, I was simply trudging through the muck. I had turned the second to last left when a dozen shards of ice flew at me, aimed squarely at my head. The shards impacted my disintegration flame shield and were melted instantly, but not before lowering the temperature around me sharply. This triggered several explosions that startled me and made me trip and stumbled into the wall.

I had to stop channeling mana to keep from melting the walls and the floor. I skidded across the ground and slammed into the wall with a massive thundering slam. It wasn't even a second before I had numerous evos piling on top of me. My mana being forcibly drained from me.

"GET OFF!" I bellowed then raised my body temperature sharply and releasing a burst of super-heated air from the cracks in my skin. The Nephilguize that were on me were all boiled alive and reduced to charred remains from the blast.

"Tricky meal…" A voice said as I jumped to my feet.

I snapped my head towards the direction of the voice and saw only a wall of Nephilguize blocking my route to the lab. I glared at all of them, preparing to rush through all of them.

'Was I hearing things?' I thought.

"…Stand down…!" That voice called out again, louder and definitely not a hallucination.

The wall of Nephilguize immediately parted down the middle, making a long walkway which one figure was walking down it towards the front of the wall. I frowned and narrowed my eyes at the figure. It was a Nephilguize at least I thought it was, it had more human facial features than any of the ones I or Chase had fought. It's figure more human, having human legs with goat hooves where it's feet should have been instead of the whole leg being that of a goat's. It's arms and hands were human as well but much too muscular to be normal. Four large bat wings were tucked flat against its back, the joints of each had thin, sharp claws. It's overall figure and appearance was female, when it had been human she would have been attractive by human standards.

"Well now, tasty morsel…surrender to the Hive!" The new mysterious evo exclaimed.