318: A Plague of Phantoms: A League of Their Own II


Grimm-Guard chittered angrily inside my head.

To anyone looking at me from the outside it looked like I was sitting in the middle of the floor, cross-legged and meditating. On the inside however I was standing in the crossroads of my farm crystal; which had taken on a new appearance. Before it looked more like a station of sorts with portals leading to each of my evo's biomes but now the crossroads looked more like a giant tree with thick arching branches that encompassed the portals of each of my evo's biomes.

All of my evos stood in front of their portals looking down towards me who stood in the center of the tree trunk. I eyed each of my evos who all looked a little agitated.

Alpa'nagia chimed in.

Empress added.

With Empress words came a cacophony of objections from the rest of my evos. Each giving clear and honestly valid reasons to why I shouldn't attempt to heal the subject. The only ones that didn't were Bone-lasher and Mzazzi. Just when I thought their objections were getting too loud Bone-lasher silenced everyone with a thundering roar.

Bone-lasher growled.

I looked to Bone-lasher who had lightning sparking off his bracers, turning his head to the look at each individual evo. He then huffed and pointed to Alpa'nagia.

Bone-lasher asked. Alpa'nagia hissed at Bone-lasher's insult however his eyes looked contemplative.

Grimm-Guard chittered excitedly at Bone-lasher. Bone-lasher snarled at Grimm-Guard and stomped his foot down.

Bone-lasher growled. All my evos went silent for several moments, hanging their heads. Whether in shame or contemplation I couldn't tell.

Fours spoke up. Bone-lasher growled at the sparkle-fang insult, which Fours ignored.

Bellial spoke up, grabbing everyone's attention.

Fours asked. Bellial looked at Fours with a sad look.

Bellial asked, then cocked his head to the side and shook it slowly.

Fours let out a billowing hiss that echoed throughout the endless bounds of my mental mindscape and slammed a fist down on the root below him cracking it.

Four roared.

Bellial jeered. Fours barred his teeth at the Bellial, saliva dripping from the curves of his fangs. Bellial returned Fours snarl with one of his own.

Fours bellowed.

Bellial asked.

I snapped, stopping the argument between the two evos. Bellial's ears flattened back against his head and he crouched down low.

Bellial apologized. I shook my head then looked at each of my evos.

I announced, allowing mana and authority to creep into my words.

Bone-lasher replied immediately.

Empress spoke up.

Alpa'nagia asked.

I replied.

Silence fell over all my evos as they thought about my words. One by one I saw a look of determination burn in the eyes of each of my evos, even Mzazzi who had only been with me for a little under a hour had the same fire.

Bone-lasher exclaimed. Roars and screeches from each of my evos followed Bone-lasher's declaration.

I said.

The tree that I was standing suddenly started to quake and rumble. Looking down towards the source of the shaking I saw the portal of the subject's biome. It was sealed temporarily with the roots of the tree but those roots were shaking and cracking.

I said then closed my eyes.


I opened my eyes, no longer in the mental manifesting of my farm crystal's crossroads. I was back inside the King's Glaive's control car. I wasn't alone either, Astrid, Iris, Madilyn, Alberto, Damon, and Bo were standing around the room waiting for me.

"You're back…" Alberto said, drawing everyone's attention back to me. I nodded then looked at everyone in the room.

Alberto was standing with Bo and Madilyn looking over the stolen lysdale script for the subject. Astrid, Iris and Damon were looking at the navigation column and all the new information the King's Glaive's sensors was supplying it.

"All your evos on board with the plan?" Iris asked.

"Yes, though we might need to hurry. The subject is getting a little rowdy and trying to break out of his biome more aggressively." I replied.

"Figures…the subject has never had a master before so it probably hates being confined in such a way." Madilyn said. She walked over and stood over me, placing a hand on her hip. "That being said have you any idea on how you're going to alter the Subject's genetic structure?"

"I do. It's why I really need Bo and Alberto." I said while looking over at my two protégés. "You two will act as genetic buffers, cycling mana through my body to destabilize it's genetic structure and make it more susceptible to my changes. This will also destabilize it's mental state further making it's mental defenses weaker. With help from my evos I should be able to repair it's genetic structure and then it's mind."

"That's the plan…then why did we need to memorize the lysdale script for the subject?" Bo asked.

"In order to properly act as mana buffers you'll need to visualize the lysdale scripts in sequence to keep any deviations from appearing and throwing the whole structure in disarray. You'll both have to do that in unison as well." I explained.

"Oh really?! Why don't you ask for the moon as well?!" Alberto asked.

"Why the hell would I need the moon?" I asked. Alberto groaned and looked down at Bo.

"Can you do all that?" Alberto asked Bo. Bo huffed and looked up at Alberto with a glare.

"Of course! I haven't been studying and learning from Chase and auntie Basset for all this time for nothing!" Bo exclaimed.

A slight smirk tugged at my lips at Bo's declaration. I looked to Astrid, Iris and Damon, the three of them muttering amongst themselves. I frowned at this and had a bad feeling.

"What are you three talking about?" I asked. Iris looked at me and crossed her arms.

"I was preparing them on what to expect when you start draining their mana. We'll all get pulled into your mental landscape and have to quickly learn how to parallel process what our minds inside your landscape is doing and the mana inside our bodies are doing. It's a little confusing." Iris explained.

"It's not that hard." I said casually.

"That's cause you're a freak of nature!" Alberto, Bo, Damon, Iris, and Astrid snapped.

I rolled my eyes at them then motioned to Madilyn. She quickly handed me a piece of paper and a pen which I took and wrote the lysdale script for the repairs and modifications to the subject that I had planned then handed the script back to Madilyn. She looked it over for a few seconds then her eyes widened.

"Are you serious? Is something like this even possible?" Madilyn asked.

"We're going to find out pretty soon aren't we?" I replied.