338: A Plague of Phantoms: A Reason to Reflect III

"Back to you..." I said, turning to look at our captive.

"I have nothing to say to you!" The woman spat.

I rolled my eyes then looked back at the crowd of people that had gathered from inside the Sadamas center. I saw plenty of people in Egyptian military uniforms that looked like they were pissed off about the situation but too scared to try and do something about it. LookIng back to the woman I knelt down in front of her then flashed her my most charming smile, which startled her and made that defiant look disappear instantly.

"Who said I need you to talk?" I asked.

Before she could react I grabbed the top of her head and channeled mana into her through her head. Thanks to all the times that I drained mana from Astrid and the others tow help with making evos I learned a few tricks. One of them was that I could siphon fresh or forgotten memories along with mana. Skimming them from the top layers of the mind, like cream from milk.

Normally I was very careful when draining mana to avoid any pain but I didn't have to worry about that with that woman. She screamed bloody murder as I forcibly yanked her mana out of her body and the memories that came with them.

Her memories flashed across my eyes, simple images and stills of past moments and long forgotten times. A dark alley, the silver city of Andromeda, and Chad. I recognized the alley, it was very close to where the shop was located. More flashes danced across my eyes; a crowded room, hooded traitors, Aziza in full regalia, and honeyed words promising change.

Through the woman's mana I started to feel her emotions: fear, anguish, panic, and powerlessness. This influx of emotion unlocked the mental block on her memories, a little at least. I started getting images playing in my head instead of stilled images.

A dirty and deserted alley in the center of Andromeda. At one time the place of conflict between Kingston and the leader of a gang that ruled over most of the city. Chad stood in the center frame, looking paranoid and constantly looking over his shoulder.

"The original attack failed…I only survived because of pity." Chad said.

"You survived because you betrayed the cause…but it's okay. You can make up for that betrayal by helping us start the second act of our glorious cause…ensure that General Panzer gets…"

The connection was suddenly cut and the images vanished. It took me a moment to realize that someone had grabbed my hand. That someone was Turak'Kahn, he stood beside me with a sterner expression.

"Careful Chase. Take too much mana and you'll kill her." Turak'Kahn said calmly. His wife, Viola, was standing next to hik with a concerned look on her face.

I looked back at the woman and saw that she was already unconscious. Her face looked pale, whether from blood loss or mana draining I wasn't sure. I stood up and the Pharaoh let go of my hand.

"I was being careful." I said unconvincingly. The Pharaoh looked down at the unconscious woman then back up at me and quirked a eyebrow.

"Jane has explained the situation to me…though I should probably have Iris explain the basics of interrogation to you. You can't interrogate someone when they're unconscious." Turak'Kahn said.

"Maybe you can't…" I said then glanced around until I saw Jane and Iris both standing near Nate and Jade. Switching to Torapos I spoke up to grab their attention. "Jane, Iris, I got a lead."

Both girls turned to me and immediately rushed over. Turak'Kahn looked a little surprised by my sudden change to Torapos while Viola's eyes sparkled upon recognizing the language.

"Nate told us what the Major and Chad said inside the containment cage. This is mostly my family's fault." Jane said, also in Torapos.

"I thought we dealt with Jane's sister's subordinates already but it seems like I was wrong." Iris said, using Torapos as well.

"General Panzer? What do you know about him?" I asked. Iris and Jane both shared a look then looked back to Turak'Kahn and Viola.

"He's the one in charge of my father's security detail." Jane said.

'Shit…' I thought.

"What did you say? Why were you two looking at us?" Turak'Kahn asked.

"Where would he be now?" I asked Jane, ignoring the Pharaoh for the moment.

"Nearby. He's supposed to be in charge of all security details." Jane replied. I glanced over to Iris and noticed that she had already departed, vanishing silently to look for the aforementioned general.

I glanced over at the two men that stood silently behind the Pharaoh a few feet back. They hadn't taken their eyes off the Pharaoh which struck me as odd. Being security for the Pharaoh one would think their eyes would be constantly observing their surroundings to spot possible threats. It looked like a very lazy way to protect someone, but a very effective way to watch someone.

"Turak'Kahn, how goes your house cleaning lately?" I asked, switching back to Universal standard. Turak'Kahn arched a brow at me and looked like he was about to say something smart when his eyes suddenly widened as realization hit.

"We've made some progress." He said instead.

"Not enough." Jane said bluntly. Much to her father's surprise.

Iris said through the manacite communication ring.

I replied.

"While I agree Bug, I would have been a little more tactful about it." Turak'Kahn said.

"What did you all learn?" Viola spoke up. Jane and I shared a look this time then stood next to each other and frowned at Turak'Kahn and Viola.

"This was an attempt to steal my Briar Lieon's to start another war and drag me into the middle of it." I said. Turak'Kahn and Viola's eyes widened ans I heard several people in the crowd nearby gasp. "It's very much related to the events that took place at the royal palace last month."

"Major Rakish here was one of the ring leaders involved in that…incident. It's safe to assume her father is as well." Jane added. Turak'Kahn scowled then turned to the two guards.

"Find General Rakish! I want him found now!" Turak'Kahn ordered. The two guards looked reluctant and even hesitated.

"Yeah, they aren't going to do that." I said then snapped my fingers. Bone-lasher suddenly appeared behind the two guards in a flash of lightning and grabbed them by their heads and lifted them off the ground. "I have good reason to believe that they are apart of this as well."

"LET US GO!" One of the guards yelled and struggled against Bone-lasher but the difference in size and strength was too big for the guard to be able to do anything.

"Chase!" Turak'Kahn exclaimed sternly. Jane stepped in front of me and held a hand up to her father.

"Chase wouldn't do something like this for no reason." Jane said.

"I'm pretty sure the King of Scotland's royal guard would disagree Bug." Turak'Kahn quipped.

"I can siphon memories of a splicer when I drain their mana…" I started then pointed down to the unconscious Major Rakish. "…that woman was a wealth of useful information. You're not going to like the second act of her groups 'glorious cause' and all that. I don't like that the shit heads are pulling me into it."

Iris announced through the communication rings.

I said then stepped around the Pharaoh and queen and approached the two captured guards. Jane stepped to my side and glared at the soldiers.

"You two have once chance to not die a very painful death and that is to tell us the truth right now!" Jane said sternly. One of the guards glared at her through the gaps in Bone-lasher's armored claws.

"You're the princess! Instead of being that upstart's lackey, save us!" The guard exclaimed. I made a buzzer noise and crossed my arms over my chest to make a x.

"Spoke too soon! No questions were asked. I ask that you please hold off on making life ending statements until after my chief of operations asks you a question." I said in a overly cheery and showy voice. Jane rolled her eyes and sighed.

"Are you two a part of the conspiracy to overthrow my family?" Jane asked.

"No!" The other guard exclaimed immediately.

"Of course not! We're protecting the his majesty!" The first guard snapped.

"We'll see if that's true. A quick look into your memories should determine if you're lying or not." I said then reached out to grab the face of one of the guards.

"Shit!" That guard exclaimed. A dagger suddenly appeared in his hands and he quickly slashed his own throat before I could touch him. Blood sprayed from the wounds and coated me while the guard let out gurgles and quickly died.

Bone-lasher immediately tossed the body of the dead guard away and then shocked the remaining one who was also drawing a dagger. He quickly dropped it once electricity started coursing through his body and he started convulsing. I looked to Jane who looked stunned and then furious.

"Guess that answers that question." I said then wiped the blood off my face. Jane turned towards her and eyed him with a determined look.

"Father, I ask that you allow us to take these two into our custody for interrogation. The major for attacking a member of Sho'lajah Artifact Company and attempting to steal our company's evos, and your former guard to understand how deep this plot against you and our company goes." Jane said. While it was a formal request, the tone in which she spoke made it an unquestionable demand.

"Are you asking as the first princess or as the Chief of operations for Sho'lajah Artifact Company?" Turak'Kahn asked.

"I'm asking as woman who is sick and tired of getting shot at because she uncovers a plot too late!" Jane replied.

Turak'Kahn looked to his wife, their eyes locking and having a solent conversation with just their eyes. Viola smiled reassuringly to her husband and nodded finally. Turak'Kahn sighed then looked back to Jane and nodded.

"Take them. Find out what you can. I will deal with any…opposition." Turak'Kahn said. Jane nodded then looked to me.

"You heard the man Bone. Take that guy and the pin cushion to the King's Glaive. Make sure they don't off themselves." I said.

Bone-lasher growled in affirmation then walked over and picked up Major Rakish; like a sack of potatoes; then vanished in a bolt of lightning towards the King's Glaive. Which was still hovering several feet in the air above everyone.

"Everyone, start packing up. We're done for the day." I ordered everyone in the company then paused and looked to Nate and Jade. "Except you two. I think you earned a rest Nate."

"You think!" Nate exclaimed.