346: A Plague of Phantoms: The King of Lies and The King of Revolution I


"…So we are in agreement on the plan?" General Custard asked everyone in attendance.

I stood near the doorway into the small cellar that everyone was gathered in. I stood on one side of the doorway while Alex stood on the other. Tyme and Oliver stood on both sides of General Custard as bodyguards as he stood at the head of a small table that had plans and schematics laid out all over it.

"I agree." The first splicer confirmed.

I figured out that splicer was Pollock Folders from the conversation. Beaufort met with the man before while trying to convince them English to buy those defective thrads a year ago. He constantly talked about the glory of his family and the reach they had, which also resonated with that weird splicer spell he cast on me earlier which restrained me.

"I agree as well." The third splicer said with a slight nod. The splicer was an odd one. Obviously a woman, which anyone could tell even through her mask. The way she spoke was similar to the way many of the native people on the island spoke, meaning she was possibly from Japan.

"Its fine…." The fifth splicer said. I knew that splicer was someone from Scotland, despite him wearing a cloak I saw a kilt for a brief moment. Plus his accent and considering how Chase embarrassed the king of Scotland during that party two nights ago it makes sense that he would send someone to plot against him.

"I have concerns…." The second splicer spoke up. All eyes around the table turned to look at the splicer.

"What concerns?" General Custard asked. I couldn't help but notice the slight tic in the general's jaw, on hearing the splicer doubt the plan.

"The plan to deal with Chase's evos…simply throwing sheer numbers against any one of them might not work if you are dealing with just one of them. If we're to attempt to kill him then that means possibly fighting all of them. That massive centipede evo of his could destroy an entire platoon simply by ramming into them and crushing it." The second splicer replied.

"The goal isn't to kill them but to distract them long enough for a combined front to attack Chase Kingston." General Custard said.

"That mutant Liger shark of his is able to move fast as lightning. He has a divine gold qolitz that can shoot fireballs and all his evos can regenerate." The second splicer reiterated.

"Then there is that ancient fusing spell he cast during his duel with Queen Viola." The fourth splicer added.

All of the other splicers nodded and murmured softly under their breath. I hated to admit it but that was something else I was worried about. Chase and that shark evo of his were too much to handle by themselves, when they combined into that massive Fishman monstrosity I nearly shit myself.

"That is where you splicers come in. This magic bullshit is your whole thing, isn't it?" General Custard asked smarmily. The fourth splicer noticed his tone and narrowed his eyes.

"This 'magic bullshit' is beyond anyone alive today! The spell that Chase Kingston used hasn't been used in several millennia! The only woman that could possibly find a way to counter that spell is dead!" The fourth splicer spat.

"Sounds like an excuse to me…" Alex muttered under his breath.

My arm moved before I could stop myself and I slapped the back of Alex's head. He sucked air through his teeth and shook the hit off. The look of approval that I got from General Custard helped ease some of the guilt I felt for slapping him In front of the splicers. However my quick discipline did not seem to appease the splicers.

"At least we would have a chance against Kingston and that magic, normie! You Americans would get slaughtered effortlessly!" The second splicer spat.

Alex gritted his teeth and narrowed his eyes at the splicer. I shot him a glare as a warning to not fall for the splicer's taunts. Thankfully General Custard spoke up.

"If you stood a chance against him by yourself then you wouldn't have come to this meeting." General Custard said sternly. He looked at all the splicers around the table then crossed his arms. "As much as it pains me to admit, the cursed bastard is too much for any of the nations represented here to take on by themselves. He is connected, powerful, and a cocky shit! Lucky for us that last quality could very well be his downfall."

"His cockiness?" Pollock muttered inquisitively. General Custard nodded in confirmation.

"After his displays over the last few days he probably thinks that no one would dare touch him. Plus I noticed that he puts a lot of trust into his evos and their powers." General Custard observed. The third splicer gasped and he turned his head to the map.

"I understand now. If he's so reliant on his evos then forcing him to send them all over the island will weaken him." The third splicer exclaimed.

"Exactly…" General Custard said dryly, like he hadn't explained it before.

"If that is the case then we should be attacking his people first. Specifically the children that participated in that combat demonstration last night. Chase seemed really attached to them." I said, speaking to and drawing everyone's attention.

"Go after the children first?!" Pollock exclaimed.

"Makes sense…the children might be under Chase Kingston's protection but they are still children. Inexperienced in the ways of life and combat." The second splicer said, nodding approvingly.

"Do you have any other insights into your brother's…I'm sorry…Half-brother…weaknesses?" The fourth splicer asked. I narrowed my eyes at the splicer for the slip of his tongue and almost calling Chase and I half brother's but bit down the bile I felt from it.

"I'm not the best person to comment on him….we've never been close." I said curtly.

"You know him better than anyone else here Lieutenant Kingston, anything is better than nothing." General Custard said. I clenched my jaw at the general's words, with his encouragement there was no way I could refuse. I thought back to our childhood and tried to remember anything that could help.

"He's scared of spiders. They make him act without thinking. Normally trying to stomp them out first before doing anything else." I said.

"Spiders? That's it?" The fifth splicer exclaimed.

"Wait a moment…that could work as well." The third splicer exclaimed, cutting off the fifth. "One of the companies presenting evos tomorrow is unveiling a new type of Rachnid aren't they?"

"I believe so…though the line up of evos being presented is normally closely guarded secret. How do you know about it?" General Custard asked, he narrowed his eyes at the splicer accusingly. She simply shrugged her arms and coyly tapped a finger against her chin.

"A little birdy must have told me." She said.

"Cute…" General Custard said dryly. "…if Rachnids can cause Chase Kingston to act irrationally and cause mistakes then I will ensure that they are supplied to the splicers that will be involved. For the best chance of success the three children traveling with Chase Kingston will be targeted as well as the key members of the Sho'lajah Artifact Company."

"I agree with this plan…" The third splicer said. The other four splicers followed her with a round of "I agrees.". General Custard nodded then looked around the room.

"We will conduct the operation tomorrow. It is the last day of Evo-cution and usually by the end of that day most countries leave after the final presentation. So there will be a much smaller chance of dragging other countries into this operation. It would be a pain if he received help." General Custard announced.

"Quite…" Pollock said then turned to look towards the doorway. "…If we are all in agreement with the plan I would like to report back to my superiors."

His statement was met with silence. Confirming that nobody objected to what they had planned for the next day. Seeing this Pollock nodded then walked towards the doorway. He stopped just before exiting and turned to face everyone in the room.

"I take my leave…" He said giving a pretentious bow then left.

"I guess we should all be leaving then." The second splicer said.


"Good job General." Beaufort said approvingly.

We were back inside the improvised war room of the hotel, standing in front of the massive table while Beaufort, my father, General Custard and several other Majors and Lieutenants looked over the plan that was drafted. General Custard nodded slightly at the president's statement then inclined his head towards myself and my team.

"Lieutenant Kingston and his team did most of the legwork. While there were a couple hiccups…the job is done." The General said. Beaufort arched a brow at the statement but didn't inquire further. Which was a huge relief.

"Good! Good! Now all that's left is to move the pieces into place and load the trap." Beaufort chuckled while slowly rubbing his hands together Like a cheesy villain from a comic. "You are all dismissed until this afternoon. I need to make a damn appearance at this duel between that crystal shit and this Loki Paragon."

"Yes sir!" Everyone in my squad exclaimed then turned and quickly left the room. Once the doors to the war room closed everyone took a massive sight of relief.

"I'm so glad that's over…." Alex groaned.

"I'm just glad you three are sober." I said dismissively then started down the hallway. "Check on Cross and make sure that idiot is fit to work!"

"Yes sir…" Oliver grumbled softly.

I didn't waste any time getting away from my squad. I was still pissed at them for getting drunk earlier and Cross for his comments. Literally every second I spent with them felt like an eternity. As I approached my room I could feel the stress that I had been bottling up starting to fade away just from being away from those idiots.

When I opened the door to my room I was greeted by a sweet and comforting aroma. Ziana was sitting at the foot of the bed reading a book. She stopped reading to look up at me, placing a bookmark between the pages and closing it.

"Logan…" Ziana said softly.

"Ziana…I thought you were going to head back to the hotel your father is staying at." I said. Ziana placed the book on the bed beside her and stood.

"W-while our marriage might be political we are s-still husband and wife. People would talk if I was seen heading back there instead of here…" Ziana stuttered. I sighed and shook my head.

"You're right…" I said then walked further into the room, passing her and walking over to the bathroom door. "…but you know you don't need to force yourself to stay here. You can head back to your father once it gets dark."

"I-I can't…!" Ziana exclaimed. I froze mid-step, turning to look back at my wife. She was clutching the sides of her dress, tears beginning to well up in her eyes. "…it will cause too many questions if I…if I come back. F-father banned me from the hotel."

"For the love Tyr!" I groaned and rubbed the back of my neck. "Fine! Just don't leave the room, you come from a splicer family and you know how my people feel about them."

"I-I know…" Ziana said. She bit her lip like she wanted to say something else then looked away.

"What is it?" I asked, sounding more impatient than I meant too. Ziana flinched slightly then looked back up at me.

"The ring you gave me…was it really…?" Ziana started. I frowned, my eyes darting immediately darting to her now bare ring finger.

"I have no idea…!" I snapped. Ziana recoiled then looked away.

"I-I'm sorry…" Ziana stuttered apologetically. I groaned and looked away.

"No…I'm sorry. I didn't mean to snap. I honestly have no idea if that ring was actually Chase's Grandmother's. My father gave it to me all of a sudden saying it belonged to his mother. I never saw it before andhe's my dad so I believed it." I explained.

"The way he reacted though, he looked genuinely angry and then there was the way he drained mana from all the splicers around him. I heard star farm crystal bearer could only do that during extreme emotional fits." Ziana said.

"Star…what?" I muttered, scratching my head.

"Star farm crystal bearer…it's your Half-brother's official title. He's the only splicer in the world with a star shaped farm crystal." Ziana explained. I frowned then crossed my arms.

"The only one? There is nobody else with a crystal like that?" I asked. Ziana shook her head.

"They are extremely rare. Only one is born every few hundred years, sometimes even longer." Ziana added.

I narrowed my eyes at Ziana. She was normally timid and quiet, rarely speaking up or talking back. In the time that I've known her she rarely speaks out or show any sort of backbone. Right now however she, she was actually showing interest in something. Being animated and bright.

"You seem to know a lot about Chase." I said, suspicion creeping in my voice. Ziana flinched and looked down at the ground.

"Not really…I-I used to study tomes about the s-s-star farm crystal bearers of the p-p-past…they founded many of the k-k-kingdoms and nations that hold power in the world today." Ziana said. I arched a brow at that then leaned against a nearby wall.

"What else do these….tomes tell you about these…star bears?"