She's A Damn Pest Sent From Hell.

Drusilla was out of the empty room and again being part of the party,looking for Kenia who sighted her from a distance and went to congratulate her mistress.

"Congratulations Princess, on your wedding."

Drusilla gave Kenia a quick hug because they would be departing from each other ones it's already dawn since the vampires are impatient beings.

"Thanks Kenia and I'll miss you." Drusilla grinned inwardly.

Kenia could sense that her mistress was nervous and was still unsure about her marriage to this certain vampire even though he was her dream husband.

"So, when will you be going to your husband's place?" Kenia curiously asked as she raised a brow at her mistress causing her to frown.

"By dawn!" Drusilla answered releasing a deep sigh.

Kenia knew her mistress so well and she knew that there was more to it than that sigh but instead of asking irrelevant questions that'll provoke her mistress she simply digressed from their topic

"Princess, when will you like to consummate your wedding?" Kenia asked with a sheepishly. After getting a seat for her mistress.

" Well." She paused thinking of what to tell Kenia and an idea stroke her mind. "I'll have to settle fully with him." She can't let Kenia know of how she embarrassed herself by taking a quick move.

"That's good" Kenia spoke with a broad smile on her face displaying her set of white teeth.

"He told me that he's a SANGUINARIAN. You see Kenia I'm now married to a blood thirsty vampire. What if he gets hungry and demands for my blood?" Drusilla poured out every emotions she was feeling and Kenia could see the pain in her mistresses eyes.

"You see! I told you so." Kenia smiled at her stiff looking princess.

"Your knowledge is very... is very..." Drusilla shutters hugging her hands maid who she considered a friend; Kenia a tight hugged. "You impacted so much in me." Drusilla smiled at her. Unfortunately for her, Queen Lenora and Liam came to their direction and she then lit up a serious face.

"Congratulations on your wedding Drusilla." Liam smirked evilly extended his hand for a handshake which Drusilla refuse to comply because of what he did to her.

"I'm proud of you Drusilla." Queen Lenora added.

Kenia who became the lost sheep there excused herself and left to carry out other duties.

"Oh com'on, stop pretending as if you're not happy I'm leaving this palace for you all." Drusilla chuckled.

"Sincerely speaking. Drusilla, I'm more than happy you're leaving this palace because where you'd be going to is hell. You're new founded husband is going to play you like a football." Liam let out an irritating laugh.

"Shut your mouth Liam!" Queen Lenora was already getting pissed my Liam's irritating laugh.

"Actually Liam, you are the most useless and worthless person I've ever encountered." She smashed the wine cup she was holding on the floor angrily.

"How dare you?" Liam furiously blurted with a loud voice.

Drusilla bit her fingernails I'm an annoying manner making Liam to fume in anger. "Oops!! I'm scared." Drusilla words were like a blade to Liam's hearing as she left heading to the room if she could find D'arcy.

"Drusilla is getting on my nerves." He turned to face his mother who seem to be less worried.

"You're the one that's getting on her nerve." Queen Lenora frankly told him making him puzzled.

"Mom, are you taking her side?"

"No, I'm supporting neither of you."

"Jeez!!!" He stormed out of his mother's presence angrily and met prince D'arcy on his way. "Greetings Crown Vamp Prince." He slightly bowed as he perceived the aroma of danger coming from D'arcy.

D'arcy turned to Liam. "Greetings to you too."

"I'd like to have a word with you." Liam smiled at him hoping he'll do the same but he got the opposite.

"And why do you think I'll lend you my spare time?" D'arcy raised his brow beneath his mask. He then concluded his conversation with Andis and Zane and gave his full attention to Liam. "We'll meet at dawn". He told them.

"I won't waste your time." Liam assured.

"Prince Liam, is anything the matter?"

"Not really. It's just about Drusilla." Liam got the opportunity to finally stab Drusilla indirectly by saying ill words against her.

"Your sister; what about her?" He crossed his arms and sat on his armchair.

"Be careful with her because she's a damn pest, sent from hell." Liam blabbed.

" Why the ill words about your sister?"

" She's not my sister. She was adopted." He spoke calmly not to cause any trouble.

"So what are you trying to say, go straight to the point." D'arcy raised his voiced at Liam scaring the life out of the blabber mouth.

"Drusilla is evil and she has not manners even when she's below standard." Liam added.

D'arcy yawned lazily. "I'm exhausted now. That's enough!" He left Liam's presence.

Liam became frustrated as he mimicked both D'arcy's and Drusilla's word. "I'm exhausted, I'm pathetic" He hissed. Liam could not hide the hate he has for Drusilla. She was such a little brat. He knew Prince D'arcy will never fall in love with that mannerless princess called Drusilla.

King Horace on the other hand was busy settling the people of his Kingdom since the wedding was a grand event. Kenia was busy helping Queen Lenora out after she has finished with her other duty. It was such a stressful day for both the Vamps and Humans.

Before D'arcy got the room that was arranged for both himself and Drusilla he heard a noise coming out from the room and when he went inside to take he look, he met Drusilla sleeping as if the world as ended; she was in a deep slumber, snoring. Since the day had already gone D'arcy joined his wife in bed removing the mask from his face.


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