A Night With Her (1)

Zane couldn't stop thinking about Amdis suggestions on courting Princess Kieran. It was like an impossible task for him but he need to make it possible. He has been staring severally at Princess Kieran who was sharpening her long sword. He was stealing gazes at her.

Luckily for him, His tent was close to her's and all he needed to do was to become friends with her. Princess Kieran was unladylike, all she cares about is war, fighting and all that stuff but Zane was afraid of rejection.

After taking a deep breath, he let out a relief sigh. Meanwhile, Amdis went out with the Prince and his wife to fetch some woods. Now Zane has the opportunity to express his puppy love to Princess Kieran. Even if he was rejected by her, he won't make it known to the public.

Princess Kieran seemed to be in need of water, her hair was messy but she tried to look good. Even in her messy shape, Zane still finds her pretty. To be honest, Princess Kieran was like a goddess; a silver haired goddess to be precise.

Zane had no feelings for her but now he was head over heels in love with Kieran but she doesn't look at his way.

Princess Kieran couldn't find any water close to her tent so Zane was aware of it and acted like as a passer-by.

"Oh dear princess, you look worried. What might be the problem?" Zane asked with full concern wanting to get Kieran's attention.

"Zane,it's you! Glad you're here." Her lips curved into a warm smile that melted Zane's heart.

"Are you having trouble with anything?" Zane asked looking around curiously.

"Actually Zane, I'm in a mess as you can see,I need water to wash up." Princess Kieran complained to Zane. Zane was her elder brother's best friend so she was supposed to be free with him but it was so new to Zane because he haven't had a serious conversation with this goddess before.

"Well I still have two tanks full." Zane smiled at her.

"I need to fill up just five bucket until my brother returns."

"Alright then, I'll let you have one of my tanks...if..." Zane knew she was badly in need of water and the Prince was not going to arrive now until the moon set.

"Are you trying to give me a condition?" Kieran knitted her brow.

"A tank is so hard to give but the condition is an easy one." Zane rubbed his jaw.

"Nothing's too hard for me,do you want to challenge me to a duel or something." Kieran blurted out.

" Something..." Zane snapped out with a flirty tone.

"Like what..." It seemed like their conversation was flowing really well just like Zane predicted.

"If I lend you my tank; we'll spend the night together!"Zane said with a loosed mouth.

"You said what?!"Princess Kieran furiously asked. Was this pervert going to take advantage of her condition now. Oh how she hated camping,when going on a long trip. She thought of an idea and might use Zane's condition to her own advantage by knowing the kind of person he was and find out about Amdis mysterious relationship.

After realizing what he had just said he quickly decided to change the condition but that was all he had in mind. A night with the admirable princess. He would have the opportunity to spend a night with her.

"Hummm... Princess Kieran!" He stressed while she cut his word off.

"It's a deal them,you get to spend a night with me and I'll have your tank." Kieran clenched her fist dashing back inside her tent. Zane was puzzled with her figure of expression was he supposed to be happy about it? Was she going to bring her sword to cut of his mouth? A lot of thoughts ran through Zane's mind. He was somewhat loosing interest in her. He shamelessly went back to his tent to think about the next step he would take.

Princess Kieran inside her tent was still thinking about the pervert's condition. Although he was as naughty as he was but he's just a mere vampire. 'A night with me?!' She cursed inwardly. What will brother D'arcy say about it if he finds out. How come he had two tanks still full. She really needed water because as a Psychic Vampire she needed to stay hydrated same implies to Zane.


"I'm I supposed to be fetching these woods when I have you both here?" Drusilla complained as she was bitten severally from the insects in the forest. "Ouch!" She exclaimed.

"Not to worry Princess Drusilla, I and the Prince are gonna fetch the woods while you just stay here." Amdis assured her with a lovely smile on his face. She looked up to her husband's masked face but he wasn't paying any attention to her. It was like he didn't care about her at all.

"Thanks Amdis!" Drusilla saw Amdis smile as a drug that one could get easily addicted to. Although she has never seen D'arcy smiling before but she could tell that his own would be an heavenly bliss.

Amdis was walking right behind D'arcy asking questions about why he was ignoring his wife. Drusilla was still lost in the thought of D'arcy's smile in her imagination. She wasn't too sure about the kind of husband she married and couldn't wait for them to leave the camp and arrive at the vampire realm. These insects where driving her insane. She was so pathetic now.

While D'arcy was cutting down the trees she only could find him attractive. He was like an angel in form of a demon king. His hair attracted her the most and his eyes were gorgeous. Looking at his hair that was complying to the rhythm of the breeze, she couldn't help it, she swallowed her saliva severally while looking at him. When will she start to fall in love with this man? Could she ever fall in love with him? Same question goes to to him, but it's like an impossible thing. That'll be an unending journey!


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