
After the kiss, Arnold retreated and went back to the sink. He took out a band-aid and wrapped his wrist with it. He must've sucked from his wrist to feed her. She thought.

"Are you alright?." Natalie asked. Noticing his unusual behavior.

"It's almost ten a.m. and you are not going to work." She reminded.

"I'm on a leave." 

"Really?." Natalie asked excitedly.

"How long is it?"

"Ten days., Arnold replied instantly.

"Just ten days," Natalie muttered. Her tone depicted sadness. She hoped it was more so she could spend more time with Arnold.

The rest of the day was silent for Natalie since Arnold went out that Morning and hasn't returned. He admitted that he wasn't going to work because he was on a leave but Natalie didn't believe him. He left immediately after a phone call which she suspected came from the hospital.

Natalie was bored and decided to do something to keep her occupied before he returns.