Chapter 4: Bacon or Ham?


A shadowy figure was sent flying through the air and crashed onto the dry earth, spreading cracks along the floor.

The figure was blocky in stature and barely breathing.

Its shape resembled a wolf with brown fur that was spiked and jagged like stone with streaks of green painted across its hardened fur.

"Hehe, this isn't too difficult at all."

The cause of this creature's pain stepped out from the shadows cast by the daunting forest trees, revealing a charming yet devilish smile that shook this creature to its core.

After Oz had left his makeshift campsite and ventured out through the forest, traversing through the tall trees, jumping from branch to branch like a nimble monkey.

He had encountered different types of beasts, slightly resembling the "Earthcats" he had encountered before, creatures that tended to be green and brown in color.

However, while similar in color, they differed in stature, some resembling wolves and other four-legged creatures.

However, similar to the Earthcats, Oz noticed the similarities the creatures shared. "Earth and Wind…"

Oz peeled his eyes at his latest victim as he shook his sore and calloused hands and approached the shivering beast with his large smile still beaming brightly, "Hey there, lil guy."

Without missing a beat, he began stomping his leg down onto its face.

Its yelp of pain sent waves throughout the tranquil forest, but Oz didn't care.




[Experience Gained, Killed Realm 0, Low Proficiency Creature.]

[Bloodline Detected!]

[Fuse Stonewolf Bloodline?]

[Element: Earth and Wind]

[Rank: 1]

[Grade: Low]

The sound of silent panting reverberated through the hushed forest winds.

As Oz gazed at the stats of his hunt, his eyes fell onto the element panel, "Is there really a correlation?"

The light red mist of blood filled Oz's nostrils as he reached down to rip away his lunch for the day, leaving the Stonewolf with one less leg.

Oz turned to two nearby trees, tossing the meat into his mouth before turning and huddling up the left tree that towered hundreds of feet above him.

Once atop the tree, Oz pondered on his situation and called out to the black cube, pulling up his stats.

[Level: 2]

[Realm: 1]

[Proficiency: Low]

[Bloodline: Available]

Oz sighed as he swung around his lunch, "Fuck! Even after 20 or 30 of 'em?"

Oz rested his face against the Stonewolf's bone, slathering the blood along his cheeks; however, as if oblivious or just not caring, he simply ripped off the skin and fully opened his mouth before chomping on the juicy meal.

"Mmm!" Oz's gaze whipped to his lunch in hand, "Damn, this is good too, but…" Oz gave an annoyed look, "I'm kinda getting bored of this flavor… and I should be leveling faster."

Suddenly, Oz's eyes snapped wide open, and he crouched low against the creaky branch and put his back against the tree, cutting off the thin aura enshrouding his body.

He had a gut feeling.


The earth began shaking, and the tree he was crouched upon began to sway from side to side.

Oz put his free hand out to hold himself secure on the tree as he looked down below, waiting and alert for whatever chaos was about to ensue.

The earthshake rang even harder, and what sounded like an army of creatures storming the forest was getting even closer.

Then, from out of the thick foliage, a giant creature emerged.

It was…

A pig?


The furry brown pig stood at around 25ft (7.6m) tall and 15ft (4.6m) wide.

It had two sharp, jagged tusks that looked like they could slice rocks easily.

Oz looked closely.

They almost looked like they had a certain… aura to them.

An oink containing pure, unbridled rage rang out and shook Oz to his very core, so much so he almost fell over from sheer nausea.

Oz unwittingly let go of his lunch as he latched onto the tree with both hands.

Nervous sweat fell as his hard-earned meal cascaded toward the dangerous grounds below.


Oz stood still, his fear freezing him in place as the predator pig stopped its loud squealing and slowly glanced over to where the StoneWolf leg had fallen.

"Fuk, fuk, fuk," Oz quietly cursed to himself.

The pig zealously zoomed over, sniffing and oinking at Oz's lunch on the ground before squealing in delight as if laughing.

Oz thought to himself, 'Luckily, I made sure to cover myself up, so I should be good.'


"What are those ugly sounds it's making?" Oz questioned as he anxiously watched from above.

It sounded like it was laughing and choking simultaneously, a fitting sound for such an abysmally ugly creature.

With a closer glance, Oz could see warts that were sprouted all over, truly a face only a mother could love... "Heh, stupid pig."


The creature's head flicked up, hungrily staring straight into Oz's eyes.


Its giddy laughter rang through the forest, slowly stepping back as its eyes stuck onto Oz as if a target was painted onto him.

"Fuk, how did it know?" Oz questioned as he watched the pig step back…

"Oh no…" Oz's eyes widened as he braced himself against the tree for what the pig was about to do.


The pig let out a battle cry as it rushed forward.


The pig struck Oz's tree, bruising his head as he kept himself pressed against the thick tree, holding on for dear life.



The pig continued its onslaught against Oz's tree.

His arms were tiring out and riddled with splinters, yet he held on with resolve.

The pig mockingly taunted Oz as it backed up.


Its curly tale pressed against the other tree across from Oz's before launching itself again.



Oz's eyes widened; he didn't like the sound he just heard.

But the predator pig squealed in absolute delight.

Backing up further back once more, pressing its curly tale onto the other tree across from Oz's.



Oz felt his lifeline that was the tree, becoming even more and more splintered as time went on.



"This fukin pig, why me??"

The pig had not taken its predatory eyes off once since spotting him.

It greedily licked its lips as it backed up and prepared for its final attack that would inevitably knock Oz down to his doom.

However, quietly Oz prepared himself mentally, "I've come too far to die a fukin piece of bacon!"

His veins throbbed through his head in sheer rage as Oz readied his hands that were wrapped around the tree.

Even if this dumb slice of ham was gonna knock his tree down, he'll just beat it up and maybe take its Bloodline.


The pig let out a powerful squeal far surpassing the ones before.

Oz's eyes blurred, and his head throbbed as he used all his willpower to keep a hold of the tree and pressed his face against it to keep balance.

Finally, its squeal died down.


Oz's nose was leaking blood; however, with no time to pay attention to that, Oz gazed down at the pig, whose tusks were now much different than before.

The tusks that had contained a certain aura about them had now expanded to twice the size of the pig.

The tusks looked like two sharp mountains attached to a furry pig that was dwarfed in comparison; however, that's not all that changed.

The pig's slightly chubby body had transformed into a block of pure muscle with every breath it took, causing its veins to pulsate with pure power.

Oz gawked and attempted to gulp.

Sweat dribbled down his face.

Even now, he had no rebuttal as he was truly without words, a lump stuck in his throat.


The creature let out a triumphant sound, knowing this was the last hit.

It backed up fully, causing its muscular, square booty to be squished against the tree across from Oz.

It lowered its head and perched its butt in the air, bringing back its front hoove at the ground and preparing to charge as it shook its butt back and forth against the tree.


It called out as it was now prepared to charge.

Oz was shaken, knowing that while the creatures of this world were strange, a sudden transformation like this out of the blue was simply horrifying to him.

He knew he couldn't give up, though, and while he knew he had no chance, he still tightened his fist in preparation to fight when his last line of defense came toppling over.

However, a sound he never expected reverberated through the icy forest.


Oz's face went pale as a sheet of paper, as the terror that sporadically fizzed through his body caused him to freeze.

Goosebumps plagued his entire body, and he started shivering.

Yet he couldn't keep his eyes off what he saw.

A snake…

Yet, not a snake?..

Oz could only gulp as he stared agape.

The tree across from him that he had almost chosen to climb up had part of it morph into a large snake almost as tall as the towering 300ft (91.44) tree itself.

Its brown, camouflaged body that blended nearly flawlessly with the tree, began morphing back into its original floral green as it attempted to strangle Oz's problematic piggy to death.

He could barely distinguish where the rest of its body was as only the front had come out of camouflage, yet he could tell that it was at least 50ft (15.24m) long and 40 ft wide (12.2m).

The two creatures that were far out of Oz's league thrashed around, causing havoc as they bit, cried, and strangled one another.

The snake, obviously not pleased from being awoken from its nap, slowly unraveled itself more and more to kill off this piggy that had foolishly awoken it from its slumber.

However, as Oz gawked at what he saw, he snapped himself out and hastily slid down the tree that was close to tipping over from even too strong of a breeze.

Oz quickly skipped over the meal he dropped and gave one last glance at the Titans battling it out; a sense of longing and greed shone in his lightless eyes.

"I wonder what bloodlines…" Oz shook his head and turned back as he ran out into the foliage, taking note to find a new home and that from now on...

Trees were off-limits.




{Meanwhile, in a Shack in the Middle of the Dung Den}


"Huff-huff," rough groans and grunts were released in the well-conditioned shack.

The strange lantern softly lit the room with a warm orange glow.

The glow barely crept to the corner of the room where a pile of unresponsive bodies lay among the shadows.

"Huff, I need more, ahh!!" the pervert moaned, "I need mooooreee!!

The pervert's hand swooped down, chopping off the head of his current "pleasure-toy", its body flinched before drooping down, its ass still in the air with the pervert 'beast' still snuggled inside.

The pervert's large hand gripped the unfortunate victim up by his abdomen, sending fluids in the air as he flung him through the air and into the corner with the other bodies.

"Fuk… it's getting worse." The pervert rubbed his face, soaking his cheeks in blood.

"Come here now!" The pervert shouted as a lanky man swiftly entered the room; his pointed nose and green eyes gave him a sharp look.

His long black hair covered his fearful eyes as he bowed down, "Y-yes, boss?" Out of the corner of his eyes, he glanced at the piled-up corpses.

"I need…" The boss stopped himself, thinking, 'I can't just keep wasting prisoners, and that newbay… somethin' was special about him'.

The boss snapped out of his inner dialogue and again spoke to the lanky man, "Gather the troops, get me that newbay."

The lanky man's eyes widened, "B-but," he flicked his head up, "B-but bos-augh!"

He was met with the pervert's fully awoken "beast" staring right back at him, its tip slowly dripping down rhythmically.

The pervert growled at him, "No buts!" the lanky man bowed his head down, cursing himself with that image now stained in his mind once more.

"I know that newbay is still alive. Yall find him. Leave tomorrow mornin'!"



{Outside of the Pervert's Shack}


The door closed behind the lanky man as he stepped out into the nighttime shade, a face full of disgust plastered on his face.

'The fuck we searchin' for a dead boy for?' He thought to himself, not daring to even whisper his thoughts out.

Of course, he didn't want to go and look for a boy who was definitely already dead.

The Dung Den had its nickname for a reason, and he didn't want to risk his or his team's life for it.

Yet he was without options.

The lanky man sighed as his green eyes momentarily glowed with a mysterious light as shadows quickly moved through the night.

"Heya, mini-boss!"

"Oya, mini-boss!"

"Long time no see, mini-boss!"

"Been gettin' bored waitin' for somethin'. What's new, mini-boss?"

As the shadowy figures all encircled and called out to greet their "mini-boss," they then waited patiently for their next mission.

The lanky man spoke, "That young boy who came around couple days ago, we gotta find him and bring him back to the boss."

The shadowy figures rolled their eyes in annoyance, but being right in front of the Big Boss himself's shack, they didn't even dare to inhale too sharply.

The lanky man continued, "We leave tomorrow mornin' at first spark of light; rest some till then."

The lanky man looked around with a gentle gaze, observing the annoyed responses of those he would consider family in this dump of a home.

"Got it?!"

"Yes, mini-boss! The figures all dispersed, leaving the lanky man there alone, his black hair barely covering his thin piercing green eyes, slightly illuminating the darkness around him, 'Sigh, newb, for your sake… you better already be dead.'
















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