Chapter 22: Wishful Spite

A vengeful desire, an urge to kill, that feeling, that calling, quaking, blistering rage pent so far up inside it feels as if it could just burst forth.

And oh, so much more.

Many may refer to such a feeling as a wild flame or a welting heat, but no, he was the wind.

Such a feeling could be nothing more than a typhoon that spun upon itself near the point of self-consuming, and this young boy had to die.

There was no other option.

Bones, as they called him, that is what was left of his targets, and his lanky figure added onto the namesake, not ever knowing his own name to call upon, but, and a very big BUT to that was that this young lad in front of him would not even have bones left of him.

All this way, through all the trials and tribulations, one by one over the years, he had gathered his group of men, led his team through ups and downs, through the thickets and under barrows, and now this... runt had caused their demise.

Had he himself failed as a leader? Possibly.

However, that was of little thought right now.

The issue at hand was his men, his family; the few he could call upon in that hell of a living environment as brethren, and yet...

Here was this little runt in front of him, a look of joy on his voice after not only taking the life of brother in arms but jumping and down in front of him in cheer, a declaration of celebration and for that's boy skewed optimism, he would die the most horrid of deaths.




[Experience Gained...]

[Leveled Up]

[Evolution Available]

"Yes!" Oz jumped upwards and shouted in joy as he watched his target's head splish into a mushy mess, scatterings in the wind as the bowling ball-sized "weapon" the boy threw successfully struck its target.

A wide-spread smirk spread across the boy's face as he lowered fist-pumping fist back down in front of him, 'Hehe, now all I gotta do is le-'


The sky folded, and auroras of black swam through the air.

The lanky man, still kneeling down with his companion's body in tow, whipped his head up, his gaze beaming into the young boy's eyes.

'Uh,' Oz froze.

A thin slit opened at the front of his neck, and a small droplet of blood leaked down his throat.

The surrounding winds were still, and the darkening sky sang no songs as the air....... was silent.

The man barely parted his lips as he glanced back down at his dead comrade's body, speaking in a way that barely resembled a whisper, yet the quiet winds carried his tune into the boy's ears, "He told me..."

Oz shuddered as he felt tingles crawl along his back.

The red sky that had blackened to the point of resembling a blood clot now had shades of green faintly wafting through the low grass fields, the smell of blood and mint filling the air.

The man scoffed out a weak chuckle, "They told me..."

The lanky man gazed back into Oz's eyes, the swirling green optics captivating the boy with their beauty but also giving him a deathly fright, "That you were dangerous..."

A wind with no sound swept past them both, causing an updraft to their clothes and sweeping droplets of blood into the air, further staining the grassy floor.

Oz shivered in place, not even daring to turn his back and run; after seeing the fight firsthand, he knew such a stupid attempt would be futile.

The lanky man across from him slowly exhaled as he got to his feet, "Huuh, I shoulda just putcha down like a rat when ya first came crawlin' through the dung fences."

A 'Danger' warning blared in Oz's mind as the lanky man's eyes widened with light piercing through them.

A bright aura of green burst from his body as he bent his knees and screamed, "And now I'm gonna kill ya!!"

'Fuk, fuk, fuk...' Oz screamed internally as he slowly backed away, falling into the tall grass as the green light leaked through, spilling onto the boy's horror-stricken face.





'I...' Oz was in a daze as the sky further darkened to that of an eternal void, swallowing all existing light and casting a curtain of blackness overhead, 'Remember this...' Oz murmured as the world sunk into a pitch-black nothingness.




{In An Area Unknown...}

"Does that bitch think I'm stupid?"

In a dark warm room that spanned seemingly infinitely, a bout of darkness spread across the entire area, yet on the very corners and sides of the space, small flames danced about.

The light of these bright blazes faintly spread across the room, filling the room with a subtle glow that contained a blazing heat.

In the very center of this room was a figure with blazing ember eyes, its gaze alone melted away even an ounce of coolness as he glanced around.

A slight smirk spread onto its lips, "To think that it so happened to come crawling right into my jurisdiction."

The figure laughed before barking out, "What's the report on that youngin'?"

A voice from outside the surrounding flames called out, "Still there."

The figure within the center of the creased their terrifying eyes, "Hmmm..."

The flames flickered on, and the voice within them waited patiently; the smell of spicey cinnamon permeated through the boiling environment.

"Keep him there," a malignant smile spread across its face, "We need not worry. It's in my territory, after all."

The dancing flames bounced around in his eyes, creating crescent shapes as the orange shapes bent and curved to an erratic rhythm, "I bet you someone's already plucking through the area there now, just searching... huhu."

A deep laughter shook the place, "It's still young. I trust you to take care of it."

The voice from the flames called out, the darkness past the flames concealing every ounce of their figure, "Me?? Is that really nec-"

The figure in the center cut the voice off, "Do it!"

A regal aura permeated through the room as the orange flames roared high into the sky, transforming into a deadly blood red and painting the figure in the center of the space in the light of a slaughterer's aura.

Screams of beasts and monstrosities rang through the air.

The shrieks and calls for help from men, women, children, and animals all howled out; their prayers were left unanswered as the flames returned to their original state.

The quiet murmurs could be heard among the flickering flames if one were to listen closely.

"I-" the figure calmed its breath, the flames warping up and down with each inhale and exhale, "too much relies on finding and apprehending it. I..."

The figure's eyes pierced through the flames, staring straight into the soul of the one it trusted, "Need you."

Beyond the flames, an audible gulp and the falling of sweat could be heard sizzling the air, "do you understand?" the figure softly asked.

Snapping out of its stupor, the voice beyond the flames finally responded, "Y-yes, I'll see to that it's done."

"Mmm," the figure lazily responded, as the figure from beyond the flames disappeared, ash left in its wake, leaving the lone figure to wait and ponder as it creased its eyes, gazing into the fire surrounding it "Soon..."




{In the Grasslands}

Darkness was all he saw.

As Oz glanced around the dreary cover that loomed over him, he shuddered in fear, 'Where the fuk am I?..'

A feeling like something was watching him gripped his heart, "...And why does this all feel so familiar?"

As the murky blackness swirled around Oz, he felt his sense of time and his sense of self begin to slip away as he stayed sitting on the ground.

Unsure of what surrounded him, but choosing to stay low, hidden in the tall grass where he knew himself to be still, or so he hoped.

'This place...' he thought back to once before when he felt such a primal fear, even more so than that beast at the gate, no this... even now he could feel the drums of his heart beating.

His adrenaline rushed through his body as if his organs were trying to jump out of his body to escape these tragic circumstances.

"Fuk." Oz cursed out once more.

Time wasn't even there, or was it there?

A minute, a second, a day, an hour.

All bent and plied, his brain screeched in agony as Oz felt his sense of self start to crack within this place.


'Am I real?'

'Is this real?'

'Are you real?'

'Wait, who is yo-'


The flowing surroundings began to drop, melting away like hot wax as it peeled away to reveal the clear night sky, which glimmered like fireflies compared to the sanitary darkness he just went through.

Oz gasped for breath, collapsing onto all four, sputtering and deeply gulping in air.

He was able to breathe fine, yet it felt like in there... something was missing.

'Stay... awake...' he internally shouted to himself.

His veins bulged from his head as everything in his body was telling him that he had to get out of there, and so far, that feeling had kept Oz's ass alive.

'Stay... awake...' Oz put a hand onto his knee, urgently trying to force himself up.

He had no idea where that lanky man went, but he had no time to worry about him.

'UP!' he internally chanted as he smacked himself in the face, the taste of blood permeating through his teeth as he finally forced himself up.

As he did so, he glanced up, black.

The surroundings were still there, yet it was as if a magnifying glass was placed on one particular spot near the pond.

Something was there, yet next to it was a frightening familiar corpse, one of a particularly lanky figure.

'Bones,' Oz barely let out before his attention was pulled to the creature next to his deceased body.

This small spot of black was about the size of a watermelon, yet just its presence caused Oz to shake uncontrollably.

His body vibrated along the ground as if trying to rumble away with barely any energy, feeling his breathing become shaky.

Finally, as he barely let out, "Wuh?"

The black spot in front of him slightly shifted, with 2 golden beads appearing atop it.

Within those beads were crescent pupils so sharp they could split the very ground the boy stood upon.

As Oz gazed onwards, flabbergasted, awe-struck, paralyzed, it stared back, its golden eyes reflecting the night sky and observing its next prey.

















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