Kamran confused part 1

In the previous chapter we read that Kamran was stunned and shocked to see Kashif in a bad shape. Kashif was burning with fever🤒 and that made Kamran anxious. He said:

Kamran:What happened to him! 😰

Sana: Don't you worry! he is just suffering from a viral fever, nothing serious

Kamran: Has he taken to the doctor?

Sana: Yeah! you don't worry, he has prescribed these medicines and also said that he will be better soon.

Kamran: But....

Kashif woke up from his sleep and he was happy to see Kamran there, he said:

Kashif: Are you there Kamran?

Kamran: Yes buddy! I am right here

Kashif: Don't be worry! I'll be better soon

Kamran: Ok buddy! you take rest.

Then Sana and Kamran left the room so that Kashif could sleep, that night Kashif and Kamran stayed at Sana's house. When everyone was asleep Kamran sneaked out of the house and went to Rashid's warehouse. Rashid welcomed him and said:

Rashid: What happened to you in the evening?

Kamran: Nothing!

Rashid: I know something is wrong, It's different that you don't want to tell me

Kamran: It's not that

Rashid: Then tell me!

Kamran: Ok! Kashif has gone sick🤢

Rashid: Kashif was sick and you got worried?

Kamran: Yeah

Rashid: Don't you tell me, did you forgot that he betrayed me and lied to you and you hated him for that. Why do you still care for him?

Kamran: I don't know




After one of you Gave me a power stone it's been two chapters now! Right? Now I want my readers to support me or I'll not be publishing more chapters. I am starting to get hopeless. As it's been two chapters I have completed my word. Now you better start supporting me or say Bye bye to this book, After waiting for one more week I will pause this book