A Secret room?

In the previous chapter we read that Rashid had a very wicked plan to take revenge from Kashif, Well we are going to start the story from the conversation of Kamran with Sana:

Kamran: Is there any other secret door or room in this house?

Kashif: Well! there's no other in here, Is there any in your house, Sana?

Sana: Some secrets have to be disclosed on their time. May be my house has any!

Kamran: Tell us! Sana!

Kashif: Don't force her! If she doesn't want to tell us then let it be!

Sana: No I want to tell you guys but I don't know exactly

Kamran: What do you mean?

Sana: I mean, I said maybe which means maybe grandma knows something about the secret door. I am just joking😜, there are no secret doors in my house🏠hahaha🤣

Kamran: Hahaha🤣

Kashif: Hahaha😂