Hey, buddy where have you been?

In the previous chapter, we read that Kamran went somewhere and said hi to his buddy, do you know where he has gone? Now let me tell you about that, he went to Rashid's warehouse and said:

Kamran: Hi Buddy! how are you?

At that time Rashid was talking to someone on the phone he said:

Rashid: Yeah, you have completed the task well, let's continue the previous plan we made to frame him!

When he suddenly noticed Kamran and disconnected the call at once, he was supposed that Kamran hasn't heard anything so he greeted Kamran by saying:

Rashid: Hey, buddy where have you been? I was kinda started to miss you a little bit

Kamran: Missed me? Am I that important to you?

Rashid: Well, in this short period you have become quite important to me!