In the previous chapter, we read that Kamran asked a weird question and made Rashid and Salman speechless but then Salman gave Rashid the hint, and then Rashid got it and solved the question everything was going smoothly but then Salman came and said:
Salman: Rashid come quick!
Storyteller: Before I I tell you more about the story I am going to tell you about Salman who is he and where he came from why he wasn't there when Kamran came so let's get started:
Storyteller: Well, I am not going to tell you the past exactly right now you will get to know this as The Story Goes On well still I am going to tell you about Salman that how is he related or what he is of Rashid and what are the features of Salman and Rashid everything so let's get started:
Rashid and Salman for best friends since childhood they grew up together. Now their features:
Salman: He was a tall and broad handsome guy with brown short hair and green eyes and his skin was quite fair and he always talked in a humble voice and he always dressed decently
Rashid: He was not a dwarf size but still he was smaller than Salman he was also handsome but not as Salman was, he had Golden hair and brown eyes and his skin was not quite fair, he always dressed like thugs and he always talked in very bad and loud voice