Is he out in this heavy rain?

In the previous chapter, we read that Kashif was talking to Salman, a stranger to him then he received a call from Sana, she was worried a lot when Kashif told him that he was in the hospital she said :

Sana: What? In the hospital? Are you fine? What happened?

Kashif: Wait! Wait, don't you worry, nothing happened to me. I came due to a kid. I will tell you the rest when I will return.

Sana: Thank goodness Alhumdulillah. And I also want to inform you that It's been an hour since Kamran has gone...

Kashif: (cutting the statement) What!? What do you mean? When did he come back? Where is he gone now?

Sana: You always talk in between! So the thing is he came back home in the evening. Then when I told him that you are out since he left he got worried and left to find you, now it has been an hour since he left.

Kashif: What do you mean? Is he out in this heavy rain?

Sana: Yes! But you can do one thing

Kashif: What?

Sana: He has taken his mobile with him so you can do one thing that...

Kashif: (cutting her statement) Yeah! I know I will send him my location, don't you worry

Sana: You will never stop talking in between! 😡

Then both of them chuckled and Kashif and Sana hung up. After that Kashif sent Kamran his location and went back to Salman, he was sitting in the corner worried, Kashif said:

Kashif: Hey man! Why are you so upset?

Salman: Nothing! Where were you I thought you left!

Kashif: I just went into the corner to talk to my finance

Salman: Wow! You are engaged! I thought you were too young to. Anyways, what is your age?

Kashif: Me? I am 21 years old, Isn't that enough?

Salman: I thought you were eighteen.

Kashif: I am shocked!

Salman: Anyways, what is your fiance's name? Is she your perfect finance type of girl?

Kashif: Indeed, She is. She is loving, caring, loyal, and beautiful, and she is also the love of my life. Her name is Sana!

Salman got shocked. He immediately asked:

Salman: Do you have a friend? I mean everyone has a friend.

Kashif: Yes! of course, he is also the best person anyone can dream of as his friend.

Salman: What's his name?

Kashif: His name is Kamran!

Salman: (thinking) Everything that Rashid had told him. Reviewed in his mind but he was shocked because Rashid had pictured him as a bad person. He had so many questions in his mind, had Rashid fed him lies, or was he being over dramatic because he had feelings for Sana or he had become a bad person?

Reader: Become a bad person. What do you mean by that?

Writer: You will find out later!

As he was deeply thinking in his thoughts and was confused, Kashif waved his hand in front of him and said:

Kashif: Hey buddy! Are you okay? What are you thinking?

Salman: Yeah! Yeah! What are you saying?

Kashif: Wow! Why did you get lost for a sec...




If you are curious see the author's thoughts