Chapter 3: New Traumas.

I just want to remember the times we spent together, I talk about times with my parents. I don't need to correct myself, my sanity is a bit shaky. Thinking differently from the rest of the others, and having a quiet life, is reason enough to pretend to be a civilized person, but that is one of the particular issues that I will explain later.

- Perfect now you follow, let's see if your blood tastes as delicious as your parents'. "Says that black-winged bastard."

What hypocrisy of those who pray for their lives. Exactly, the true secrets of the soul of the human being can only be seen in moments of temptation.

That man holds me by the neck increasing the force, I felt as if my eyes protruded, and my reddish face increased until it took on a purple color with the burning of my lungs. It's a strange sensation, your body feels cold as if small needles were piercing the soles of your feet.

I do not regret it, my indolent life without a course to follow, without a future to undertake, will come to an end. All human beings on the verge of death, remember small fragments of their past, it's as if our hearts were saved from pain, although death is inevitable.

At that moment, someone enters through my bedroom window, stabbing a silver knife into the black-winged man falling to the ground as he lets go of my throat. He gets up attacking with his wings releasing feathers that shoot out like bullets from a gun, but the man dodges them. The black-winged man being stabbed knew that he was at a disadvantage, and without a word, he disappeared into the darkness as if nothing had happened.

That mysterious savior approached extending his hand to help me while he let out a small smile, as if he wanted to say "calm down, everything will be fine". The saddest thing about all of this is the fact that my parents died is that I don't have a home to live in, I don't have a job to eat and pride to brag about. In the end, I didn't give him my hand, I just pushed him out of my sight.

- Please, kill me, Violet, I don't want to continue suffering anymore. "I said while looking into her eyes." Those nostalgic eyes seemed to want to dominate the hearts of those adventurers.

- I'm sorry but I won't kill you, Mikael, I want you to come with us. "She says with a sweet voice."

-With you?

- Yes, you will live as one of us vampires, I haven't introduced myself properly yet, I am Violet Vom Di Blood The Chevarlier, heiress to the throne and the only daughter of Count Lucifer III Vom Di Blood Black the Chevarlier. By the way, you are also a vampire.

- wait to?.

- Yes, in the morning you were about to die and I gave you my blood to save you, as thanks for trying to help me. Come to think of it, it's weird that you're not fully developing, I'm sure I gave you the right amount.

- wait a moment, could you explain me better? I'm still new to this. "I said laughing a little."

- As I am a pure-blood vampire, giving you my blood from the outside is very dangerous, since you could die, my blood is very strong and it consumes you from the inside little by little, I mean, destroy yours for mine, in some cases, your heart could explode.

- great, that news reassures me more than I am. "I said while trembling with happiness."

- hahaha quiet, but, your fangs have not come out and your eyes are not red, it means that you are not yet developed, it is the first time that I see something like that.

- So what should I do?

- Maybe I should give you more of my blood. "She says as she slowly approaches my neck."

- Wait, are you going to do it? "I said while stuttering shyly."

- Don't worry, if you're still alive it means that your body can handle it.

She bites my neck sucking my blood, but more than that, she bit her tongue a bit to moderate the transfer of more blood. Having her so close to her, feeling her breathing and sounds from her made me feel a little strange, and the sweet smell of her hair was very interesting. We lasted like this for a few seconds, which seemed like hours, but I don't regret a thing.

- I think it's enough, by giving you enough of my blood I should complete the development. Now in your veins runs my lineage. "She said with beautiful sparkling eyes and a slight smile."

It was a night not only full of trauma and death, that beautiful girl with nostalgic and bright red eyes competed with that full moon, the cold felt like a coat, and the pain and suffering that are not temporary at this time will help me leave a mark on my heart, encouraging to move forward.

At that moment two girls and a boy entered through the window, with a sigh of relaxation I deduced that they were vampires, and I hope they are not enemies.

- finally arrived, I thought they were lost. "Violet said with a bored tone."

- Haha calm down, we only hunted the other fallen angel that was outside the house. "That boy says as he wipes his blood-covered mouth."

- By the way, Violet, who is that boy behind you? "Asks one of the girls." Something not very relevant caught my attention, she had one red eye and one blue, in my opinion, she looked cute on her, after all, being a retailer has her privileges.

- Let me introduce you, his name is Mikael, he is the boy I told you about. Mikael, these are my childhood friends Vivy with pink hair, Sabuc with different colored eyes, and Esrael. the impulsive idiot Violet added.

- I think the last one is enough. "Esrael said while Sabuc and Vivy laughed."

I guess I'll be able to relax, her laughter was refreshing and relaxing, it reminded me of something not so irrelevant to me, could it be the vestiges of my childhood? I have a friend who studies with me, we are very close and the moments of happiness never end. It didn't take long to be interrupted, someone was talking to me out of my thoughts.

- Hey Mikael, how old are you? You are very attractive to be so quiet. Said Sabuc as he tilts my chin slightly.

- What are you doing?! Leave him alone, he's mine. "Violet said removing Sabuc's hand with a tone of seriousness and a clear gesture of jealousy".

At that moment I knew what was happening, oh rather, what was going to happen because I consider myself quick on these things.

- Calm down, I was just playing. Sabuc answers.

- excuse me, I'm just a little out of place I hope we get along, by the way, I'm 19 years old. "I said in the most friendly tone possible."

After we all left my old house and took the first step into an unknown world, it was like a second breath. A cold night that brings new friends as a surprise, should be reason enough to put aside some memories of the past.

- Where are we going, Violet? "I said with little relevance."

- We're going to the capital of the vampires which is located on the outskirts of the city.

- Incredible, how did they arrive so fast?

- We're vampires, we can fly. By the way, haven't you got your wings yet, Mikael?

- I'm sorry, I haven't felt any change.

- Impossible, my blood should have already developed you. Why does your body reject it?

- Maybe Mikael needs to taste the blood of a human. "Esrael said".

- You're right, why don't we go for some humans, Mika?... "Violet said without finishing the question".

It's difficult to explain this situation, when trauma is formed there is no going back, everything depends on your mental strength. Come to think of it, when I heard the word blood, I was reminded of the unpleasant scene of my parents, and the bizarreness of eating humans. But, I think I'd better say it was the trauma of the blood, and vomit upon hearing something that would mark my life. I'm not worthy to play the role of a vampire.