Chapter 5: New Feelings.

I did all this because of my strong convictions.  I remember seeing a moving phrase in a cartoon, (if you want to be strong, you must have convictions).  For that reason, my strong convictions make me who I am, someone with a strong mind.

Violet held my hand tight and forced me to kneel just like them, I guess I owe an apology.

- Violet my daughter, I told you not to leave Bloodland.  "The voice of that King resounds."  I want to add something else, I thought his father would be older, he has an appearance like that of a 25-year-old boy and a not very serious voice, somewhat serene, but his look says something else.

- I'm sorry dad, it won't happen again, without anything else to say we'll leave immediately.

- Very good, but before that, I would like a good explanation from that stranger next to you.

There is no need to explain the clear intention of that moment, Violet's voice and tone of speech changed, something that was very noticeable.

- is a friend of the nobility from the outskirts of Bloodland.

-I already knew that he is from the nobility because I feel my blood running inside him.  You better tell me the whole truth, right now.

We all think the same, (we are dead).

Violet gives her a brief, somewhat detailed explanation of what just happened, I'm not surprised by the little reaction on her father's face, after all, it's hard to convince the nobility.

- First, you turn a human into a vampire by inheriting our blood and then you bring him here.  What an impertinent daughter.  I hope you know very well what you just did.

- I understand father.

- You can get out of here, fools.  But first I would like to say one last thing my daughter, don't keep skipping the academy, it's better that you stay there and prepare for the next attack by the demons, you know what I'm talking about.

Do you know what the strangest thing about that conversation was?  With the change of expression on Violet's face, for a moment, I felt the seriousness of her words.

- I get it.  "Violet replied without the slightest hint of sparkle in her eyes."

-You can take our new godson to the academy, by the way, teach him to be noble, I don't want him to stain our blood with his commoner personality.  Though I should give him a lesson on what it means to carry our noble blood, I'll leave him alone as I respect every one of my blood.  They can now withdraw.

The tension was cleared when leaving that castle and giving that touch of relaxation to our hectic hearts, we can also not miss the trembling breath, something that did affect me.

After a few temporary goodbyes for our reunion at the academy, Violet has been teaching me how to be a noble, something that is not for me.

There are many ways to refine my appearance, for a noble it seems very little to have a good appearance, to speak elegantly and courteously, to have a firm posture accompanied by a strong and proud personality, for me that is a lot.  Although the latter is easy if you have the necessary charisma.

- your personality and expression are fine, you just have to sound a little more confident and firm, always with pride when talking about yourself.  But, your posture is fatal, you walk with your head looking down and your back slightly bent.  It gives you a look of relaxation, something that for us nobles is a lack of manners.  "Added Violet at the end."

- Sorry, it's hard to change your posture once you get used to it.  By the way, I'll take these fangs off, they're hurting me.

- Okay, anyway my dad already discovered us.  How could you correct your posture?

It didn't take more than 5 minutes for him to quickly get an idea, I could see it in his expression.

- I think I have a better idea, I'll put books on your head, it will help guide you while you walk.

- You're right, let's do it.

Despite not being very heavy and wide books due to the number of their pages, for me a slightly hunched back was torture.  With a straight gaze, I tried to walk, and with firm, steps giving the feeling of pride when trampling, but it was difficult, and Violet's laugh made it even more difficult to concentrate.  While I was trying to walk in a small moment of my carelessness my feet got tangled up, and losing my balance I tripped over Violet and we both fell to the ground together, I just fell on top of her managing to hold on to that brown upholstery.

Our lips are a few centimeters apart, where only our awkward moment and breathing witnessed our painful closeness, a romantic scene in that room where only the two of us were without saying anything revealing.

- n-n-now this is another lesson from the nobles. Wh-what would you do in this peculiar situation?  "She says as she tries to die of shyness."  Something I know very well.

- I guess kissing you.  "I answered with a tone trying to sound serious, but with a relaxed look."

The most surprising thing was that she didn't refuse, she seemed to be waiting, and it would be an offense for me to let a moment go by where we could have a closing scene.  Thanks to her I was able to feel the warmth that I lost from my parents, I was able to see again the meaning of which to continue living, I feel that I want to be with her until the last day of my life.  Although it was my first time, we kissed slowly, and with that touch of passion, what a beautiful feeling, oh rather, what a beautiful feeling.