Chapter 7: Season 1/ The Test and Corpse.

I can't stand it, IT'S IMPOSSIBLE TO STAND IT, but I have to stay calm. I feel the need to be close to Violet, I miss her smile, her scent, and her company is necessary to ease my pain. Thanks to her, it is my column that supports this lost human soul, which vaguely walks on the dark path of life. But I must calm down, even though my body feels very weak from not eating anything.

On the first day of classes, I had no problems at all, everything was minimized to magical theory and small tests to make sure we have learned, and this is the third day of classes. Exactly, the third day that I haven't seen Violet. From what the director told me she is in another area of ​​the academy where they are, they are not in magic theory, but in the test, from what the director also told me, in the advanced seasons they no longer teach you magic theory, they can last up to 5 weeks surviving the tests, since each test is in a different area, it can be in a forest, an abandoned city, in the sea, in an abandoned building, a destroyed laboratory, oh even outside the academy, somewhere supposedly "safe". I hope to see her again soon.

Currently, I am in a dorm with 5 other classmates, in total, we are 6 boys in this dorm, in a nutshell, we are roommates.

Right now I am staring at the ceiling while sleeping on the second floor of a double bed. Everyone is sleeping except me because it's 5 am, and classes start at 7 am.

Today is the third day of classes and today is the day of the test, something that has me very nervous and thoughtful. On the first day of class, I did not socialize with anyone and kept a low profile, I just listened attentively to the classes on the second day, from what I heard from the teacher at the beginning of the class is that there are boys who are repeating all the seasons, it means they are dangerous.

There are still 1 hour and 56 minutes left to start, which means that I will analyze a little about the classes. There are several magical elements, the main ones, and the leftover ones, from what the professor said.

According to what I remember.






The leftovers are:




(I am not sure why, but it is magic, it means that there is no certain logic).

The strangest thing about these 2 classes is that the teacher did not explain the origin and detailed operation of each type of magic. A clear disadvantage for me.


At the end of the first day of school at 6:30 PM, I went to the library to do some research on bloodline magic. Nobody can use it, it is a magic that is inherited in the blood, a clear example is the magic of teleportation, it is lineage magic. Only 00000000.1% of people can be born with the same bloodline magic, which means it's almost impossible.

It was 6:30 am and we were all up and ready to go. Exactly, I hadn't even bothered to record their names, but it was obvious that they kept their distance from me, why? Because they are commoners. By the way, in this class, it is noticeable how the nobles are the ones with the authority, more than the commoners.

Shortly after arriving at the room, I looked for the chair marked with my name and sat down to wait for the alarm to sound.

As the other 560 students arrived, I noticed that they were arriving in groups, clearly separating themselves by experience and knowledge, intelligence, and power. Am I missing an opportunity?

Several groups were looking at me, but they don't come to ask me anything, they just whisper, and some of those murmurs I could hear.


~watch out, that guy looks weird~

~he has no fangs~

~he's the only one who hasn't looked for a partner, who does this fucking nobleman think he is~

~don't say anything to him, that guy is the son and bearer of the royal blood of Lucifer, not even the nobles approach him~


I think now I understand better what is happening.

Although no one expects it, much less me, someone approaches me with great confidence, I could already imagine what it was for.

- Hello, it's a pleasure to talk to the son of King Lucifer, can I ask your name?

- My name is Mikael Vom Di Blood The Chevarlier, and yours? ["I don't know if it's okay for me to say the same thing as Violet, but she told me that I don't have to reveal the truth, otherwise her father will kill me. By the way, it's hard to hold back laughter after saying such a ridiculously long name ".]

- I-Okay, my name is Nicky, I am also a noble, and I would like to invite you to our group where there are 24 people if you join you will be of help.

- Thanks for the kindness of inviting me Nicky, but excuse me, I think it's better not.

- I understand, don't worry, I'm not going to force you, by the way, I would recommend joining a group, I'll tell you as a friend, indeed, you shouldn't trust anyone, but they say it's not easy.

- Thanks for your advice, I'll take it into account.

Although it sounds cold and curt, I don't know how to establish friendly communication with someone, maybe I'll try to make some energetic and cheerful gestures to give that friendly feeling, but in my thoughts, I just feel really bad for expressing myself. It happens to me very often, but what is that worth? I am no longer human.

The alarm rang and the teacher never came, no matter how many minutes passed, we worried because he normally does not take 30 minutes after the alarm, only a lot of noise was heard outside the room, until the surprise came.

We were all surprised to see how the walls opened outward, leaving us exposed to the outside. Was it the outside? It was a jungle with a view of the mountains and much more.

Everyone already seemed mentally prepared and flew off in scattered directions.

He couldn't stand the nerves, the fear, exactly, the fear of dying and not being able to see Violet. I'M TRAPPED IN THIS DAMN SURVIVAL.

Instead of using wind magic and flying like the rest, I ran out into the middle of the jungle with all my might, why? Does the fear of dying to drive me crazy? Nerd. NO. I had to calm down and analyze better.

While the 560 students flew through the skies, I quickly looked at everyone one by one, to see who was acting differently from the rest, strange as it may seem, I was looking for those students who were repeating the seasons they are dangerous, but they will help me to gain experience and knowledge to survive, and if possible, stay in the top 10 Revealed.

They all flew away, but I stood there looking, and I could see that a small part of the students did not fly away, they simply ran directly to the jungle, there I knew that this small portion of 45 students were the ones who are repeating.

Without wasting any more time, I was running following their tracks in the swamp, and I keep looking at the leaves of the broken flowers, but why am I following them if they can kill me? Because they must know where the food and resources are. to survive, though I don't know how long this test will take.

It was at that moment that I saw the first corpse of a vampire, it had no heart.

No one is a friend in this place.

I want to cry, I want to see Violet, I want to get out of here.