Chapter 9: Season 1 / Confrontation.

It didn't take me long to understand what was happening. Without wasting any more time, I wiped the blood off my face and went out to find that girl who was running from fear. Exactly, my strength was already slowly recovering and my fangs still hadn't come out, which means that Violet was right.

I'm trying not to panic or think about what I just did because I feel like my little trauma that is still fresh was about to haunt me.

Before going to look for her, I entered that cave in search of a weapon, there was a lot of variety. As if it were luck, I found a metal bow with slightly white arrows, most likely they are blessed.

Logically it should not depend on the distance, so taking a hunting knife would not be bad, it should also be blessed.

Without wasting any more time, before the rest of the group arrives, I followed the clear tracks of that girl. It only took about 4 minutes to find her without having to change the straight line in which she was heading, because of how slow she ran, it was easy to deduce that she is not a veteran.

With a somewhat heavy rope, I threw it aimed at her feet so that they would get entangled and fall to the ground. At that time, I took out my knife and put it on her neck to finish quickly, but why?

In her face I could see that sadness, that fear, the disappointment of the weak, it was there when I remembered, what am I doing?

- p-please, I don't want to die, I'll do anything but don't kill me, please. "She said with a tone about to cry." It was those words that moved me, in the sense of reality.

It's hard to know what this test is about, especially trying to discern between my unusual facts. But what I am sure of is that I will do whatever it takes to get Violet.

I think I better give up because my feelings struggle to stay calm. Feeling the pressure of surviving this test, forgiving a life I was about to take, and feeling alone and lost. That was enough to shed a tear of last despair.

If anyone has a better option, oh maybe a better decision, I'd like to hear it.

- I won't hurt you, forgive me. "I said as she withdrew my knife from her neck."

Exactly, I could only get up and extend my hand to help her, I'm not saying it because of her height of 1.60, I'm saying it because of her appearance. Even though she was a pretty girl with pink hair, small fangs, semi-reddish eyes with a not-so-endowed body, I decided to help her survive this hellish test of reasonableness together.

(I'll add something important that I didn't overlook, this familiar-looking girl sleeps in the room next to me, that's why she recognized her face).

After a brief explanation of what had happened, she also told a bit about what she was doing. She was part of that group, but she was looking for more branches for the campfire. It was there when I understood, oh rather, something that she deduced in seconds, they sent her alone so that she would be the victim of another vampire, they are despicable.

- Thanks Mikael... but, would you explain me better? You know what I'm saying, you ate them, you were eating them.

- ... Excuse me... But I don't know what happened to me, I lost consciousness.

- That makes me a little insecure.

- Don't worry, I'll try to help you until the test is over, although I have no experience.

- Me too, but my group and I went flying at the start of the test. I also remember that we saw some vampires running towards the mountains, we thought they were newbies too.

- Wait a minute, did you say the mountains?

- Yes...

HaHaHa But how unwise of me! little worthy of being an analyzer, rather, the lack of my attention and the desire to get out of this season quickly to be with Violet, does not allow me to reason clearly, how did I not think about it? The mountains!!

- We need to go to the Mountains. "I said while looking for a tree to see everything from above again."

- Why are we going to the mountains?

- Do you know why I'm climbing this tree, Michel?

- To better see the area?

- Exactly, what is the best place to watch your prey?

It was there when I noticed her expression, even though she noticed something so logical. And I discovered why the tracks disappeared in the river, they entered and went up to the mountains following the water, there is no better view than the top of the shelters.

Before going to the mountains, I returned with Michel to the cave from a few moments ago but, it was strange. For some unknown reason the rest of the group has not returned, I thought they would be there.

I won't think about it much, so it would be better to take advantage of her absence to take a little more of that cave, it would be a waste not to equip yourself well.

At that moment my chill fell on my shoulders, the disbelief of my thoughts left me speechless as I felt surrounded by a group of 15 vampires. Michel takes cover behind me scared, exactly, it was inevitable to feel cornered.

The whole group kept a distance by forming a circle around us and the cave, and only one of them headed toward us. The most logical is to think that this vampire is the head of the group.

- I didn't think they would fall into such a basic trap. "That boy said."

- I'm sorry but, I'm new here. "I answered without pride."

- I'm not surprised to learn something so obvious.

- I say the same to a veteran, I finally found one.

- You are very interested to know your position.

- and you are incredulous to underestimate your enemy.

Although he seemed rhythmic, he took a slightly relaxed combat position his experience and his power were abysmal against someone like me but, I can't afford to lose, it would be a disgrace to my convictions.

He summoned fire arrows shooting straight at me, but I managed to dodge them by a few millimeters.

Despite having a smile, he attacked with a pretty basic fireball which I managed to dodge but, he was a decoy as he followed up with some water swords, an attack that I clearly couldn't dodge. Exactly, he went through my left arm.

Thanks to his attack, I was able to finish coming up with the combinations. I shot him some fireballs and then some water swords and he easily dodges them by jumping into the air and falling straight into my trap. Exactly, a dark mist envelops my right arm, covering it completely, taking the form of claws that shattered his legs.

While I was injured and with little regeneration, everyone looked at me in surprise and it wasn't out of praise. That boy fell to the ground screaming a little from the pain.

It- Impossible, no vampire uses dark magic that way. "He," He said while his smile had disappeared.

- I was just curious. "I answered without praise, an indolent one."

- It seems that you are not as new as I thought, so I will have to fight seriously.

At that moment he regenerated his wounds without problems, it was there when I felt his seriousness, and with my calm, I gave him that suspense.

Applying physical strength from him, he approached me in a blink with his fists engulfed in fire, where he countered by hitting his jaw with black magic. The impact generated a shock wave that had broken the surface layer of the earth by around 100 meters.

When he fell to the ground, I held his neck tight to prevent him from escaping, even worse, to prevent him from getting out alive.

It was at that time. He was gasping for breath with a purple face, despite my vague explanation where I'm missing the obvious, my vision clouded again, but this time he was more aware, consistent in my thinking. The dark magic surrounding my arm turned a reddish color. Exactly, EXACTLY, he kept increasing his strength, his eyes were about to startle and his throat to distill.

Again I stopped to think, analyze the null voice of that girl who shouts my name, but she already recognized her a little better, it was Michel.

Excuse me for such a vague explanation.