Chapter 14: Sad News.

When I looked at the fireplace to warm up my ego and maintain my convictions, I held a mental position to demonstrate my self-control.  The bottom line, I'm waiting my turn to speak.  Exactly, I was sitting across from the director.

-Prince Mikael, despite his first defeat in the duel against the Lawk Devom family, it is understandable that he decided to challenge him to another duel to recover and maintain his honor, as the son of one of the main families.  But, his lineage is inexplicable.  "Said the director of the academy."

- Do you know how to do something for me?  "I said without choosing the words better."

- No but...

- If you don't know what to do for me, I don't need anything else.  If you'll excuse me, I'm going to fulfill my deal with a certain person and I'm not going to waste my time because classes have already started.  "I said as I got up from the door, and without further suspense, I left that room of hypocrites."


- This royal bastard, they're all the same.  "Said the academy coordinator as he spat on the ground."

- Don't worry, the only thing we can do is keep an eye on him.  "The Director replied as he threw some documents on his desk."

Even if it wasn't enough, he took out a bag of blood and poured it into a white cup with fencing symbols.  While the director took his cup slowly and pleasantly, the coordinator looked at the fireplace smoking with incandescent light.  Everything seemed to cry out for peace until the director placed the cup aggressively and suspensively on his desk.

- You didn't call me just to see you drink blood, right, Mr. Director?

- Did you notice it too?

- Yes.

- It is the first time, that I see a fight of origins within him.


It seems that I managed to resolve my status, but I missed class yesterday and today I am an hour late.  I think I'm drifting from my goal and I'm getting bored.  'I need opinions.

After having walked into the classroom, everyone looked at me but differently from the previous ones, here I could notice the fear and respect.

As I walked into the room trying to keep my profile low, I walked past the teacher who was looking at me neutrally but wanted to fuck me.

- Yesterday he missed classes and today he is 2 hours late, something that ignores the rules of the institution, I cannot ignore this rule.  "That hypocritical professor said."  At that moment, I dropped my bag on the ground and got too close to his face forcing him back.

- What did you say?  Come on, tell me to my face.  I'm tired of the rest of the hypocrites.

Without saying anything else and completely surprised, and ignored what I said.  They all watched me return to my chair in awe and admiration.  Especially most of the girls in the room, who seemed hypocritically attracted to me.  Gross.

I dropped my bag and sat down abruptly next to Michel, she was a bit embarrassed and confused, not only because of what happened. I simply lay down on her lap and the gazes of the others tormented us.

- M-Mikael....W-what's going on? You are very weird. "She says whispering slowly, with a perfect tone of embarrassment to satiate."

- I don't know, but let me comfort you.

- Wh-what do you say?

-Your brother....he is dead.




After finishing theory classes, everyone was forming groups for tomorrow's test. It was obvious to me, being the center of attention, everyone came up to me to integrate me into their group. But, my attention was completely lost at that moment, remembering Michel leaving the room when he heard that news.

Lawk Devom had the complete decision on his life, and as the loser does what the winner wants, Lawk ordered that he take his own life for his sister's. Something he didn't think much of when doing it.

Something interesting was his face. Her completely expressionless and broken face, her eyes that seemed dead, did not reflect her natural light. That got me. I left the living room looking for Michel, but I didn't find her in her room.

As much as I searched the rooms, oh bedrooms, I couldn't locate her, until I decided to leave the academy to look for her. I went to the surroundings to finish removing the theories from her, but I didn't find her either until I decided to go back. Exactly, the first thing I saw was the knife in her right hand.

I just breathed calmly as she approached me, it's not to go unnoticed, but rather to speak better. As calm as I may seem, my fear of losing someone I consider "an acquaintance" is something that had me distracted, in many ways. Not only that, you could see that decision in her eyes.

- Are you thinking about doing it? "I told her as she slowly approached me."

- If the person you love the most in this world is dead, would you do the same?

It was there that I shuddered to hear something that describes many things, especially me.


- Thanks for helping me... Mikael.

At that moment, she directs the knife at her heart but I ran to her to stop it. While I quickly took that dagger from him and slapped him to make him reflect on what he was about to do. As aggressive as it sounds, she was the most conscientious.

- Stupid, I'll ask you again, do you think it's okay? "I told her with a loud and slightly annoyed tone"... She couldn't contain her tears and she cried on my chest letting out all her tears. The screams of pain tore at the heart of anyone who felt even a hint of empathy.

- N... You didn't answer me. Reply!! What would you do?!!.. "she said between cries of pain".

- Yes, I would do the same. But then love me. I will be for you...

-....T.. Thank you, Mikael.

Just for this moment, it wasn't generic and simple, just because she and I were holding each other to clear the adrenaline a little. Feeling her so close to me and drying her tears was the birth of the word "friendship", or at least that's what I think. Maybe she thought differently because if I hadn't stopped her, she would have kissed me right now.

Just this once I'll let it go because I'm a little embarrassed about these things. As I approached Michel, I whispered a few words to him and then accompanied him with a kiss. She was surprised at the moment but, she quickly got carried away by me.

After all, she seemed to have been waiting for him for a long time. It's good that I'm a bit of an analyst and fast at these things.