Grace woke up early in the morning, feeling groggy from her over-dramatic dreams. She rubbed her eyes and dragged herself out of bed, beginning her usual weekend routine. She scrolled through her phone, checking for any messages or notifications that may have come in overnight. While she ate her breakfast, her phone rang, and she saw that Ji-ah was calling.

"Hi Grace, it's been a long time since I've seen you. I'm missing you," Ji-ah said as soon as Grace picked up.

"It's only been three days, Ji-ah," Grace replied, chuckling.

"Whatever, we're planning to go to an amusement park today. Will you come?" Ji-ah asked.

"Who will we be going with?" Grace inquired. She was always curious and wanted to know all the details.

"It'll be me, Park-Young, Yu-ri, and Seok-Joon," Ji-ah said.

Grace hesitated for a moment. "Will Yu-ri be joining us?" she asked, her suspicions raised.

"Yeah, she was the one who came up with the idea," Ji-ah confirmed.

"All right, count me in," Grace said quickly. She didn't want to create any trouble.

After changing into her clothes, Grace rushed over to Ji-ah's house, still feeling a bit unsure about the day ahead. When she arrived, Ji-ah greeted her at the door and they quickly set off in the car.

When they arrived at the amusement park, they saw Seok-Joon waving at them, and Grace noticed Park-Young wearing a cool deep blue top. Yu-ri greeted them with a condescending tone, saying, "Oh, you're finally here. We've been waiting for you for so long. Park-Young and I got tired of waiting, so we started eating ice cream together."

Grace forced a smile, feeling slightly uncomfortable. She hoped that the day would get better from here on out.

The group had finally arrived at the amusement park and Seok-Joong was eager to start the day off with a thrilling ride on the roller coaster. As they made their way to the coaster, Yu-ri's fear began to surface and she asked Park-Young to hold her hand. Grace, finding this melodramatic, expressed her annoyance and suggested that Yu-ri should have stayed behind if she was too scared. However, Yu-ri quickly dropped the act and claimed to feel better. 

After the ride, they headed towards the high thrill rides where Seok-Joon's fear of heights became apparent as he vomited. Ji-ah took the opportunity to tease him about it, but Seok-Joon quickly explained that it was simply due to drinking too much water. 

As they continued to argue, the group finally decided to take a break and head to a Chinese restaurant. Ji-ah indulged like a hungry bear, while Yu-ri took small bites. They then decided to venture into a haunted house and divided into two teams by playing rock-paper-and-scissors. Ji-ah and Seok-Joon were a team, while Grace, Park-Young, and Yu-ri were the other team. 

As they entered the haunted house, Yu-ri held onto Park-Young's hand, making Grace feel like a third wheel. As they walked slowly, the sound of footsteps and creepy voices filled the air, causing Grace to feel nervous as it was her first time in a haunted house.

As they were exploring the haunted house, Grace felt a cold touch on her hand. Suddenly, an alien-looking man appeared in front of them, causing Yu-ri to scream in terror. Without hesitation, Grace fiercely fought back, unleashing a flurry of punches on the man. The man quickly retreated and disappeared into the darkness.

After escaping the haunted house, Grace appeared unfazed while Park-Young and Yu-ri were still trembling with fear. They searched for Ji-ah and Seok-Joon and found them holding hands. Park-Young attempted to comfort Ji-ah but was met with a sarcastic remark.

The group continued to argue until they were exhausted and parched. Yu-ri begged Grace to buy her a water bottle, exaggerating about how dehydrated she was and how her skin would turn tan. Grace initially hesitated but eventually gave in after shooting a glare toward Park-Young, who was also thirsty.

Grace was on her way back with two water bottles when she noticed a group of boys approaching her. Her heart started racing as she felt a sense of unease. As they got closer, one of them asked, "Why is a foreign girl like you outside alone?" Grace gave them a bold stare and replied, "It's none of your business."

The boys started laughing and insisted, "Let us accompany you. It's dangerous out in the world." Grace tightened her grip on the bag and the water bottles as they moved closer. But, before they could reach her, she threw the bottles at them and started running towards the haunted house for Ji-ah.

However, the boys managed to catch her before she could reach the house. They started to hold her hands and said with perverted eyes, "Why are you running away? We are here to help you." Grace felt trapped and helpless.

Just then, Park-Young appeared out of nowhere and pulled her hands out of their grip. Grace felt relieved and safe in his presence. As they walked down the street, a group of guys approached them and started questioning the guy who was with Grace. "Who are you?" they asked, "Are you her boyfriend?" Grace was about to speak up and say that he was just a friend, but before she could say anything, the guy, Park-Young, stepped forward and said, "Yeah, I'm her boyfriend. And if you ever try to get close to her, I will kick the hell out of you."

Grace quickly caught on and started to play along with Park-Young's charade. "He has a black belt in karate," she added, "so he will beat all of you in a second."

The group of guys seemed intimidated and quickly backed off, allowing Grace and Park-Young to make their escape. "We're leaving," Park-Young said, "consider yourself lucky."

As they ran away, Park-Young warned Grace to be careful, as there were more people like them outside. Grace's heart was racing with excitement and fear at the same time, and she couldn't even utter a word.

Finally, they arrived at their destination, where Seok-Joon and Ji-ah were waiting for them. "Gosh, you're finally here!" Seok-Joon exclaimed. But before they could relax, Seok-Joon and Ji-ah noticed that the bottles they had brought were missing. "By the way, where are the bottles?" they asked suspiciously.

Grace's heart was racing as she quickly pulled out the bottles and handed them over to her friends. She felt relieved that they had made it safely to their destination. However, she knew that her friends must be questioning where she had gotten that particular bottle from. Grace had kept four bottles inside her bag before throwing the rest of them to those bunch of guys they had encountered earlier.

"It's getting late now. So I have to leave," Park-Young said, breaking the silence. Yu-ri and the others nodded in agreement.

"Me too. I enjoyed today's outing. Bye-bye!" said Ji-ah and Seok-Joon.

After bidding their goodbyes, they all went their separate ways. Grace returned home and started taking off her clothes. She cuddled her dog and began to reflect on the new memories she had created with her friends, especially with Park-Young. She smiled at the thought of his company and the fun they had together.

As her thoughts drifted away, she slowly started to drift off to sleep, feeling content and happy. Soon, she was sleeping like a log, with her dog curled up beside her.